Satan! Get your big, fat foot off of MY SCALE!!!



  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    You are so right about this! You preach it girl! I needed to read this today. Funny how someone can try to knock you down and be all preachy and condescending but when you defend yourself (not in a condescending way) they are offended. Must be a "tolerance" screamer ;)

    I didn't try to knock anyone down. Don't try to make this about the bad old Atheist attacking the Christian. I just said that *I* blame my scale's batteries and *I* blame myself for the scale not moving.
  • slipandsink
    slipandsink Posts: 43 Member
    Having a belief in a superior system doesn't make you lose weight or eat healthier at all though - going to the gym and not going to McDonalds is what does that. So it's an irrelevant topic on a weightloss forum.
  • suecan2
    suecan2 Posts: 45
    I know he has tried to step foot on mine! but I kicked his *kitten* off into never never land to never never return. I use my faith EVERYDAY with my little short prayers to assist me and IT works!!! my life is full of stress and a lot of negativity around me..but because I pray for little red man to stay the hell away, my life is full of smiles, kindness and gratitude!! thanks for the reminder.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I always wonder why people who don't share beliefs with others, so freely comment...and usually disrespectfully.

    God is my strength and driving force, even in weight loss. Good for you for knowing that! The number on the scale isn't the most important part, though. Remember that! Be healthy!

    I wasn't being disrespectful whatsoever. Once again, don't make this into someone attacking someone else. My comment was simply saying that I don't blame some devil for my failures. I blame myself.
  • jml_25
    jml_25 Posts: 18 Member
    I always wonder why people who don't share beliefs with others, so freely comment...and usually disrespectfully.

    God is my strength and driving force, even in weight loss. Good for you for knowing that! The number on the scale isn't the most important part, though. Remember that! Be healthy!

    "Disrespectfully" is the key to that wonder
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    It's not nice to make fun of Satan's fat foot. He's very self-conscious about his cankles.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    My post wasn't meant to offend anyone, but I will not be ashamed of my beliefs. I am just an old lady with so much gratitude for all that God has given me...including 43 pounds of weight loss since Thanksgiving and some wonderful, supportive sisters on MFP. :heart:

    I thought that my illustration would give someone encouragement...and maybe even a laugh. :wink:
  • It isn't really about what you believe or don't believe. You stated that to get attention; just like all internet trolls do.
    You read a post that you by no means had to comment on and read and posted something completely irrelevant to what the poster was trying to say.

    Religion is only a topic that causes discourse when people, like you cannot respect other people’s beliefs. Her belief in the devil has absolutely no affect on you. Just like you not believing has no affect on her.

    Also, if you hadn’t commented she probably wouldn’t have “preached “ at you. What exactly did you expect her to say back? Oh my gosh. You are right. There is no devil. You have shown me the light.

    I think you are just being a bully. If you don’t like what she is saying, don’t read it.

    Hanfordrose, you are awesome. I love reading your posts. You come off as such a sweetheart and my thoughts are with you on your journey to getting healthy (and to your new knees).

    You have a fan in me. 
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I always wonder why people who don't share beliefs with others, so freely comment...and usually disrespectfully.

    God is my strength and driving force, even in weight loss. Good for you for knowing that! The number on the scale isn't the most important part, though. Remember that! Be healthy!

    "Disrespectfully" is the key to that wonder

    Point out where I or anyone else was being disrespectful.....
  • slipandsink
    slipandsink Posts: 43 Member
    My post wasn't meant to offend anyone, but I am not ashamed of my beliefs. I am just an old lady with so gratitude for all that God has given me...including 43 pounds of weight loss since Thanksgiving and some wonderful, supportive sisters on MFP. :heart:

    I thought that my illustration would give someone encouragement...and maybe even a laugh. :wink:

    Fair enough - and well done on the weightloss. But do you not feel like you're short changing yourself on the achievement somewhat?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    It isn't really about what you believe or don't believe. You stated that to get attention; just like all internet trolls do.
    You read a post that you by no means had to comment on and read and posted something completely irrelevant to what the poster was trying to say.

    Religion is only a topic that causes discourse when people, like you cannot respect other people’s beliefs. Her belief in the devil has absolutely no affect on you. Just like you not believing has no affect on her.

    Also, if you hadn’t commented she probably wouldn’t have “preached “ at you. What exactly did you expect her to say back? Oh my gosh. You are right. There is no devil. You have shown me the light.

    I think you are just being a bully. If you don’t like what she is saying, don’t read it.

    Hanfordrose, you are awesome. I love reading your posts. You come off as such a sweetheart and my thoughts are with you on your journey to getting healthy (and to your new knees).

    You have a fan in me. 

    I'm not a troll. I just stated what was the cause of my scale going up. That's not trolling. Trolling would have been me saying "you're stupid, satan isn't real". Don't even TRY accusing ME of trolling or bullying. I didn't demand that she not believe what she does.

    People are bloody ridiculous.
  • tobiAnn_
    tobiAnn_ Posts: 9
    Loving this! This is so true. We get discouraged to easily and give up. Or let me speak for myself.. ** I ** get discouraged to easily and sometimes feel like "Man, im NEVER going to get this weight off!". Thanks for this posting! Gonna keep going and continue to ask God to help me! :)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    It's not nice to make fun of Satan's fat foot. He's very self-conscious about his cankles.

    Does Satan make himself obese or is that Gabriel's revenge for making the Bible Belt obese?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It's not nice to make fun of Satan's fat foot. He's very self-conscious about his cankles.

    Does Satan make himself obese or is that Gabriel's revenge for making the Bible Belt obese?

  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    To put it out there, there are Christian groups on MFP that this might be better received.

    Thanks for your suggestion, Sis. I haven't joined any other groups...except MFP. I didn't see why my little cartoon and my beliefs should be that offensive. However, some folks feel the need to censor other folks thoughts. All I can do is pray for them. 2 Timothy 1:12
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    To put it out there, there are Christian groups on MFP that this might be better received.

    I didn't see why my little cartoon and my beliefs should be that offensive.

    You did speak in the first person plural a lot in your OP. Without qualification, of which there was none as far as I can tell, that could be taken by some as you projecting your beliefs on anyone who reads it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Satan didn't make you overeat and gain weight. That was all your own choice. Placing blame on someone else is unhealthy.

    God didn't make you lose weight. That was your own effort. Do not short change yourself and give away your victory.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    To put it out there, there are Christian groups on MFP that this might be better received.

    Thanks for your suggestion, Sis. I haven't joined any other groups...except MFP. I didn't see why my little cartoon and my beliefs should be that offensive. However, some folks feel the need to censor other folks thoughts. All I can do is pray for them. 2 Timothy 1:12

    Because not everyone shares the same belief. It's best to just keep religion off the main forums and just in groups users have created.
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    Amen, sista! Preach! Thank you so much for your original post and this comment! I needed to hear this today! I stand in agreement with you in regards to our battles! With God, we can do anything!

    This!!!! I've recently realized that I haven't included God in my other weight loss attempts and that needed to change. Between Satan and my own temptations it's a pretty sorry state otherwise!
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    My post wasn't meant to offend anyone, but I will not be ashamed of my beliefs. I am just an old lady with so much gratitude for all that God has given me...including 43 pounds of weight loss since Thanksgiving and some wonderful, supportive sisters on MFP. :heart:

    I thought that my illustration would give someone encouragement...and maybe even a laugh. :wink:

    It was a good reminder! Thank you!!
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