

  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.


    Same here, but sometimes I leave out the last snack.
  • MsBobLoblaw
    MsBobLoblaw Posts: 171 Member

  • msfaithful
    msfaithful Posts: 88 Member
    Five to Six times...

    Snack (optional - fruit if hungry)
  • IFlover90
    IFlover90 Posts: 62


  • ImpossibleGrl
    I eat as many times as I want and have calories Generally try to do 3 bigger 'meals' and at least 3 snacks, sometimes more. I eat ALL THE THINGS.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I pretty much eat when I am hungry..about 4-6 meals a day..
  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Usually six times.
  • ninjakowski
    ninjakowski Posts: 158
    During the week I eat at 4am, 8am, 12pm, 5pm and 7pm, and sometimes extra snacks or a protein smoothie - thats what fits in around my work/exercise schedule and stops me ever getting hungry.

    On the weekend I eat when I feel like it, usually bigger meals less often.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    once a day and that 24/7 ;)

    but no on the serious side usually 3 meals i never been a big snacker
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    I eat 4-6 times a day, except on days when i fast, usually 1-2 times a week
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    5-6 meals/snacks
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    I eat 5 meals each day. 2 before work, 2nd shifter here, 2 at work and 1 after work. weekdays my 1st meal is always a green smoothie. weekends I usually do a variation on intermittent fasting and don't generally start eating till 2-3pm. the I.F. thing is just how things end up not by design kind of always been this way but now I eat healthy meals instead of empty calories.
  • MsBobLoblaw
    MsBobLoblaw Posts: 171 Member



    Why? I'm not judging you; I'm genuinely curious. If I only ate once per day, I wouldn't be able to maintain my exercise regimen.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Monday - Friday: Meals and snacks - 7 times a day. Usually:
    AM snack (probably about 50% of the time)
    Mid-afternoon snack
    Pre-work out snack
    late PM snack

    Weekend - 4-5 because I usually sleep in pretty late and tend to eat bigger lunch and dinner meals and more grazing for snacks.
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    When my tummy tells me to. Generally anywhere from 4-7 times per day.

    ^^This, sometimes get to eat a big dinner, and sometimes not...depends on how hungry I've been throughout the day....I do find that I don't eat as much during the day when I eat eggs for and save the greek yogurt and cottage cheese for snacks. I tried protein shakes for breakfast (when I "thought" I didn't have enough time to cook eggs, and figured out that even though the shake didn't have many calories, I was getting hungry more often throughout the day. Something about those eggs stick with me, I guess. Maybe it's because my parents always had us eat a big breakfast (eggs, bacon or sausage, grits or oatmeal, half glass of oj, glass of milk, toast with real butter, and dad always put jelly on his). BTW, my dad, who always ate a lot (has slowed down since turning 74) had NEVER had a weight problem and STILL eats all that stuff for breakfast!!

    I know I'm rambling, but I would like to add, my middle son used to eat a BIG breakfast (I fixed them a big breakfast, following with the "tradition") and on school days, he would eat breakfast AGAIN, at school....he wrestled in the 103 weight class (5' 7" tall, so he wasn't a real shorty) his junior year in high school and made it to the states, so he was not weak. The other wrestlers used to get ill at him when they were running around the gym trying to cut weight while he sat on the bleachers eating peanuts. A good breakfast must have something to do with keeping his metabolism going!!
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    My weekends are really up in the air depending on if I'm at home or out of town (visit bf's family out of town 1-2x/month)

    But for weekdays, I make a protein shake that I sip on in the morning and randomly throughout the day.

    Breakfast: around 9ish
    Lunch: around 11:30-12ish
    Snacks: 1:30-5:00pm Usually pack two snacks and eat them whenever I get hungry. Usually around 2pm and closer to 5pm
    Snacks at home after 5:30 if I'm hungry
    Dinner between 6:30-7:30
    Dessert usually between 8:30-10

    I try not to limit myself to times though, if I'm hungry I'm going to eat. If I'm bored and want to eat I try to keep restraint.
  • phanmale
    phanmale Posts: 25
    Similar story to OP - not eating hardly anything and getting stuck in a rut - not hungry, binge, pile on weight.

    Am really trying to have 3 meals and 2 snacks a day with 2 litres of water along the way...

    When I was downing 4-5+ litres of water a day (and taking lithium at the time), I was actually warned by medical staff that you can drink too much water and to cut down a bit?

    1.5 gallons equates to almost 6 litres I think?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am not consistent. On the weekends I may only eat one big meal that lasts for hours if we cookout. Or I may graze all day. During the work week I am more consistent but it still varies.

    Typical week:

    7:00 a.m. Cup of chocolate soy milk
    10:00 (ish) - nothing or if I am hungry a can of low sodium V8, sometimes also a handfull of dry roasted edamame
    1:30 - 2:00 - lunch (usually about 300 calories of leftovers)
    3:00 - sometimes nothing but usually an apple and a handfull of dry roasted edamame
    8:30 - 9:00 p.m. - dinner (usually around 800 calories)
    9:30 - 10:00 - dessert - usually cocoa almonds and strawberries
  • IMD918
    IMD918 Posts: 49
    Twice for me.

    I fast until about 2pm and have a light lunch. Workout after work, and then have a big, high-protein dinner by 6pm. 4-hour eating window.

    When I switch to bulking, I'll change it to an 8-hour window so that I can take in another meal or protein shake.