Challenge: Lose 20lbs by 5/29!!



  • Am in! SW - 233. CW - 215. GW - 130
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member

    Week 1: from 193 to 189.4
    3.6 4/21
  • jessannprice
    jessannprice Posts: 183 Member
    Well.. I was really good last week on calories and totally screwed this weekend.. I still lost a pound, but REALLY wanted to lose more.. I exercised Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Sun.

    SW: 193 -- started this challenge at 176.4
    CW: 175.2
    GW: 156.4 by the end of May
    UGW: 130-135 by October (beach trip!!)
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member

    Week 1: from 193 to 189.4
    3.6 4/21

    Checking in...walked 45 mins. & 50 squats 4/22
  • AJL437
    AJL437 Posts: 71 Member
    I am in! Starting weight 286.6
  • Shoot Forgot to check in yesterday. Yoga was on the agenda since I am starting recovery week on the P 90 X routine. Unfortunately the phone for business would not let me complete all 90 minutes yesterday. I did complete 70 minutes and burned over 450 calories.

    Today was first time doing core synergistic. Wow gotta love that plank to chatarunga run. Burned over 500 calories according to the heart rate monitor.

    Did get on the scale Sunday and was quite disappointed to not see it move it all. Probably lost inches more than weight. I'm feeling a little stronger. I guess you just keep pushing play do your best and forget the rest
  • slendercurves
    slendercurves Posts: 49 Member
    Checking in : gained about 2 lbs. Bummer. Hanging in there, though!
  • Core synergistic done for second time this week. Really didn't realize my back was that weak as it has been sore since I did that workout Tuesday. Yoga tomorrow and then phase I of the program complete:)
  • checking in. Started at 267, currently at 254.
    Down 13lbs so far!!! :) Lets do this. :)
  • checking in. Started at 267, currently at 254.
    Down 13lbs so far!!! :) Lets do this. :)

    Congratulations. Keep up good work
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    Is it to late to join this?
    If not;
    SW: 227.7
    GW: 155

    My birthday is in May also but at the beginning lol. I think being able to join would give me motivation since there are a lot of others who are wanting the same thing, ext. I work third shift so ill try my best to report in.. I have to figure out the best time to work-out with that. But let me know if I can still join... Thanks!
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    I'm checking in this week April 28: : SW: 148 CW: 141 I am happy I lost 7 pounds so I am very happy! :) I hope I can lose more by next week. :):)

    This week I did three sets of sit ups & walking more & watch my calories. :)

    I will do more exercises & watch my calories more & I will get closer to 130's. :)
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member

    Started 193.0
    Week 1 189.4
    Week 2 186.8
    6.2 so far 4/28
  • Love the challenge!
    CW: 170
    GW: 140

    Need all the motivation I can get ^.^ will post results every week hopefully.
  • mellymelly1
    mellymelly1 Posts: 14 Member
    Great work everyone! :laugh: :wink: :smile:

    I'm down 8 lbs since I started this challenge. 12-14 lbs to go - to my goal weight.

    Daily cardio & on the elliptical for 35 minutes. I go to the gym on my lunch break.
  • mellymelly1
    mellymelly1 Posts: 14 Member
    How is everyone doing?

    Plateau for 10 days with the same 1 pound :{

    Lost 11 lbs as of today.
  • slendercurves
    slendercurves Posts: 49 Member
    Checking in.
    Weight when i started the challenge on April 10 = 156

    Current weight = 147

    Goal weight (if I lost 20 lbs by May 29) = 136
  • AnnetteNJ
    AnnetteNJ Posts: 29
    Hi all - I know Jo is no longer running the challenge but I hope everyone decides to make it to the end. I have enjoyed meeting a lot of people through this challenge and I hope everyone had a great experience as well. If anyone wants to start another type of challenge please let me know.

    SW 258.0
    CSW 240.0

    CW 222.6
    Current challenge loss -17.4
    Total loss -35.4
  • mrmora2012
    mrmora2012 Posts: 3 Member
    i am willing to join if someone starts another challenge !!