I tell people I don't work out, to embarrassed on progress



  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member

    Degree in sports med and you still think that dietary hormones can influence endogenous hormones? Guess you didn't cover digestion. Adrenal glands don't regulate metabolism.

    Lots of odd information in this thread.

    OP, exercise is stress. Chronic stress induces changes in hormones that can reduce your metabolic rate and prevent protein synthesis. You need a rest day or two at your level of intensity. You don't need to spend exorbitant amounts of money on antibiotic-free chicken.
    Everything that goes into the gut is, to some degree absorbed from the gut, or eliminated as waste. Endogenous refers to hormones that are "self" produced--so doesn't apply to this scenario--because the OP is consuming hormone, not producing it. Eating animals, or products of animals that are treated with growth hormones--meaning the hormone is in the muscle tissue/milk, etc. is going to be ingested. This affects humans after consumption. There are many clinical studies on this. What does happen on an endogenous level is consumption of antibiotics, and toxins such as arsenic. Both of these particular items ingested are again absorbed. Antibiotics--even at a low dose--affect the flora and fauna of the gut. Breaking that down further, this disrupts the ability to absorb the good and essential nutrients, and can actually cause toxins to more readily pass into the bloodstream.

    Adrenal absolutely affects metabolism--and is one of the "regulators" of metabolism. Working out is a stress on the body, which triggers inflammation. Your body considers it stress, which causes a rise in the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone will cause the body to maintain fat levels, even increase fat levels. This is why diet, rest days, and proper sleep are all a delicate balance.

    For anyone who invests time and money into working out, why would you fail to see the wisdom of investing in the food quality that fuels the machine and long term health? Do some research, and you will find that there isn't a more crucial thing that you can do to improve your health and fitness level!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I don't take a day off either, I do a lighter one on a "slow day" but it's still pretty intense.

    that may be where you are going wrong. your body grows and repairs itself when you rest, not when you work out. If you are constantly working out, your body's never being given the chance to finish the growth and repair process. This leads to physical and mental exhaustion and also a lack of progress. If you're eating too little for the amount of exercise you do, that's going to make it even worse.

    Try taking a week off and eating at TDEE. Give your body a chance to recover.

    Then start again, take 2 rest days a week. (Walking intensity only days if you really can't have a proper rest day)

    If you want to gain muscle, try eating 10% over your TDEE for a while. If you want to lose fat, then check out the latest in the "in place of a road map" threads, and calculate your TDEE and what deficit to subtract from it... if you're already quite lean (you look pretty slim in your picture) then maybe just eat 10% less than your TDEE while hitting the weights to preserve lean body mass.

    Above all, feed yourself properly and ensure your body has adequate rest/recovery time. That is when your body grows. Exercise is not a pennance or a punishment. Nurture your body, don't beat it half to death.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    go to setting and you should see an option for diary settings and open it.

    now, i recently had a conversation with a two people. basically, they were all like "i go to the gym and do my own thing." in other words, they don't really have a plan. they say they follow their own plan.

    now, there are people out there that have spent years researching and studying, and failing and succeeding at training, be it in triathlon, running, or strength training. whatever. they've written books and developed programs and made it simple for us to follow. so why do we think that us, with out a background in exercise, with only a very basic interest in the subject, think we can develop a plan that would give us the results we want?

    so you developed your own hybrid insanity/asylum program, and aren't sure why it is working. you've picked and chosen options, and probably the easiest out of them all. and you wonder why it isn't working?

    so if i were you, i'd take what free time you have now and educate yourself on a few of the areas that you'd like to get better at. it might make you more eager to get back into it.

    books out there like starting strength, 5/3/1, learn to run, the four hour body, the four hour chef, etc. read up.
  • There is some weird information on this thread

    It sounds like a combo of over training/under eating. You don't need crossfit or some crazy non-soy non-gmo diet. Up your calories, get more protein, and look into some heavy lifting programs (I think someone mentioned Stronglifts).

    If you take one piece of advice from this thread OP, take the advice i've quoted please. It sounds like you want to build some muscle , and looked 'ripped'. Get in the gym, doing some compound lifts (as stated Stronglifts is beginner friendly) learn about eating to fuel your body and help build muscle. Thats all there is to it. Please don't listen to all the over complicated advice on this thread. Keep it simple.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    You look fine. Stop being so hard on yourself. Just find and activity that you enjoy and stick with it....
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    Degree in sports med and you still think that dietary hormones can influence endogenous hormones? Guess you didn't cover digestion. Adrenal glands don't regulate metabolism.

    Lots of odd information in this thread.

    OP, exercise is stress. Chronic stress induces changes in hormones that can reduce your metabolic rate and prevent protein synthesis. You need a rest day or two at your level of intensity. You don't need to spend exorbitant amounts of money on antibiotic-free chicken.
    Everything that goes into the gut is, to some degree absorbed from the gut, or eliminated as waste. Endogenous refers to hormones that are "self" produced--so doesn't apply to this scenario--because the OP is consuming hormone, not producing it. Eating animals, or products of animals that are treated with growth hormones--meaning the hormone is in the muscle tissue/milk, etc. is going to be ingested. This affects humans after consumption. There are many clinical studies on this. What does happen on an endogenous level is consumption of antibiotics, and toxins such as arsenic. Both of these particular items ingested are again absorbed. Antibiotics--even at a low dose--affect the flora and fauna of the gut. Breaking that down further, this disrupts the ability to absorb the good and essential nutrients, and can actually cause toxins to more readily pass into the bloodstream.

    Adrenal absolutely affects metabolism--and is one of the "regulators" of metabolism. Working out is a stress on the body, which triggers inflammation. Your body considers it stress, which causes a rise in the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone will cause the body to maintain fat levels, even increase fat levels. This is why diet, rest days, and proper sleep are all a delicate balance.

    For anyone who invests time and money into working out, why would you fail to see the wisdom of investing in the food quality that fuels the machine and long term health? Do some research, and you will find that there isn't a more crucial thing that you can do to improve your health and fitness level!

    Okay, so why can't diabetics take their insulin orally?
    What level of antibiotics are traceable in consumable meat, how much of it enters the consumer, and how much is required to knock out the gut microbiome? What strains are reduced by what antibiotics fed to consumable livestock?
    Yes the adrenal glands affect metabolism, but they do not regulate it.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member

    Okay, so why can't diabetics take their insulin orally?
    What level of antibiotics are traceable in consumable meat, how much of it enters the consumer, and how much is required to knock out the gut microbiome? What strains are reduced by what antibiotics fed to consumable livestock?
    Yes the adrenal glands affect metabolism, but they do not regulate it.

    *edit to add, silly quote isn't posting for me! : )

    Insulin is a protein, rbst is a peptide hormone--proteins are digested, peptide hormones are absorbed. Assuming that you are referring to rbst? I am sure you have read about the clinical trials for oral insulin?

    As for your other questions, you can research the answers for yourself. It seems that after reading your profile that you might be aware of the answers. Since antibiotic use in livestock was completely unregulated for over 30 years--and over 30 million pounds of these drugs are used in livestock in just one year, it isn't hard to believe that it is absolutely traceable.

    Pituitary regulates metabolism.....adrenal assists directly....which is also a regulatory response.
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    There is some weird information on this thread

    It sounds like a combo of over training/under eating. You don't need crossfit or some crazy non-soy non-gmo diet. Up your calories, get more protein, and look into some heavy lifting programs (I think someone mentioned Stronglifts).

    If you take one piece of advice from this thread OP, take the advice i've quoted please. It sounds like you want to build some muscle , and looked 'ripped'. Get in the gym, doing some compound lifts (as stated Stronglifts is beginner friendly) learn about eating to fuel your body and help build muscle. Thats all there is to it. Please don't listen to all the over complicated advice on this thread. Keep it simple.

  • sarab99
    sarab99 Posts: 134 Member
    Your initial post said you workout every day - that could totally be your problem. Without giving your muscles time to repair you actually end up working against yourself. Strength training requires rest days - 48 hours between workouts (so, three a week is perfect and you can do cardio on the 7th day). Muscle repair is when your muscles build new fibers to repair the tears from the workout - the new fibers increase muscle. If you do not give your body a chance to repair...well, you end up counterproductive.

    This and if you don't give your body enough fuel, you will actaully slow your metabolism, making it try to hang on to every ounce.
  • go to setting and you should see an option for diary settings and open it.

    now, i recently had a conversation with a two people. basically, they were all like "i go to the gym and do my own thing." in other words, they don't really have a plan. they say they follow their own plan.

    now, there are people out there that have spent years researching and studying, and failing and succeeding at training, be it in triathlon, running, or strength training. whatever. they've written books and developed programs and made it simple for us to follow. so why do we think that us, with out a background in exercise, with only a very basic interest in the subject, think we can develop a plan that would give us the results we want?

    so you developed your own hybrid insanity/asylum program, and aren't sure why it is working. you've picked and chosen options, and probably the easiest out of them all. and you wonder why it isn't working?

    so if i were you, i'd take what free time you have now and educate yourself on a few of the areas that you'd like to get better at. it might make you more eager to get back into it.

    books out there like starting strength, 5/3/1, learn to run, the four hour body, the four hour chef, etc. read up.

    First of all I want to thank you all for your response, I had no idea I was going to get all this information from the members here, and I really want to stop and thank you all for your information. But seeing as it is a lot different , this is why I am at the state of confusion and frustration that I am in. I just don't know who to believe and I don't know anyone personally with a fit body to ask or tell them to guide me, everyone around me is either fat or unhealthy or just born with the body that allows them to eat what ever they want when they want

    And when you claim I do my own thing...hardly, I choose the hardest of the workouts and kick my butt to get them done, Max Interval Circuit, Max Interval Plyo, Max Cardio Condition are no joke workouts, Aslyum Vertical Plyo and Game Day are pretty intense so please don't assume I wuss out and take the easy road.

    My diet is an issue, I know, but I am worried about eating more, if you look at my picture which I really really really did not want to post, you can see that I have a gut there and no formation, arms are flabby to besides all the other things you can point out.

    If I open a Men's health, I love it, they have posters each time saying do this and you will get really shaped up, but each magazine is a different workout, JESUS, which one do I choose when I have like 300 posters to look at??!!

    I am not going to disagree with your opinions about the videos, they may be bad, but I have no other choice at the moment to look at, so much information out there and just figured that with all the sweat that I'm pushing out, you would think it has to be doing something right? But I guess not.

    Offdays, they scare me. I look at myself and figure " do you deserve an off day?" probably not, so I go ahead and do a workout.

    Protien, I will change that, I will get Whey, I was using it but just switched to try this brand. I will fill my diet out for a day to see , hopefully it stay's up so you guys can check it out.

    Thanks again everyone, means a lot to me
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    I don't think anyone assumes you are taking the easy road, but what you are doing may be TOO hard on your body. If you want to bulk up the way to go is heavy lifting, more rest, less cardio, and more food (the right food).

    You seem to be killing yourself for no reason.

    You said that as far as rest days go you, "look at yourself and ask do you deserve a rest day? And you figure not." Well, sounds to me like the exercise portion of your anorexia is rearing its ugly head. Working out without rest days is destroying your body, but you seem to feel the need to talk down to yourself and you feel like you are total crap/a loser/lazy if you do NOT workout. Well that';s a mental disease talking. You need to recognize it.

    You NEED rest days. You will NEVER get your body where you want it if you refuse to take rest days, and all the rest of this advice will go down the drain.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    My diet is an issue, I know, but I am worried about eating more, if you look at my picture which I really really really did not want to post, you can see that I have a gut there and no formation, arms are flabby to besides all the other things you can point out.


    Offdays, they scare me. I look at myself and figure " do you deserve an off day?" probably not, so I go ahead and do a workout.

    these quotes are worrying to be honest.... "do you deserve an off day"... do you exercise to punish yourself, or to be healthy? If you exercise to be healthy, then having an off day is essential to good health, as is eating the right amount of calories. You don't earn off days, you need them because you are human.

    Men can get eating disorders too... now I'm not saying you have that, but the above statements I would class as the kind of thinking that can lead to eating disorders, and the kinds of things people with eating disorders say. So if you believe those things strongly enough that you're going to carry on undereating and never taking rest days, then counselling/therapy should be the next step.

    Seriously, if *health* is your number 1 priority, you will eat enough to fuel your body and your workouts, and take rest days so your body can recover properly.

    If you want abs more than you want health, then understand that you need to have strong, healthy muscles in order to get abs in the first place. If you're undereating, constantly punishing your body with the most difficult workouts you can find and not taking rest days, then how are you going to be developing your abs muscles? Or any muscles? How are your bones going to remain strong? What did your body do to deserve such treatment?

    To get visible abs, 1. train strategically. Not necessarily harder, in your case you need to take rest days. You can get visible abs working out with weights just 3x a week, less is more, sometimes. 2. eat right. That means enough to fuel your body, but with a small calorie deficit, so your body burns up the fat.

    see all the "in place of a road map" threads for more information. If you only take one thing from this website, then that thread is it. This method works, there are many, many people on this forum who have visible abs and fit strong healthy bodies who followed the plan on that thread, or other plans that are basically the same method, but not from that thread. You calculate how much energy your body needs, eat slightly less than that, and lift heavy weights, and give your body adequate time to recover between workouts.
  • There is some weird information on this thread

    It sounds like a combo of over training/under eating. You don't need crossfit or some crazy non-soy non-gmo diet. Up your calories, get more protein, and look into some heavy lifting programs (I think someone mentioned Stronglifts).

    yep!! more calories, im a girl who is smaller than you and only doing turbofire and ive eaten more calories than you today...
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    Okay, so why can't diabetics take their insulin orally?
    What level of antibiotics are traceable in consumable meat, how much of it enters the consumer, and how much is required to knock out the gut microbiome? What strains are reduced by what antibiotics fed to consumable livestock?
    Yes the adrenal glands affect metabolism, but they do not regulate it.

    *edit to add, silly quote isn't posting for me! : )

    Insulin is a protein, rbst is a peptide hormone--proteins are digested, peptide hormones are absorbed. Assuming that you are referring to rbst? I am sure you have read about the clinical trials for oral insulin?

    As for your other questions, you can research the answers for yourself. It seems that after reading your profile that you might be aware of the answers. Since antibiotic use in livestock was completely unregulated for over 30 years--and over 30 million pounds of these drugs are used in livestock in just one year, it isn't hard to believe that it is absolutely traceable.

    Pituitary regulates metabolism.....adrenal assists directly....which is also a regulatory response.

    Actually it is highly regulated. 5 livestock : 1 human = more antibiotic use in humans than consumable animals.

    Without modification proteins don't pass the pH of the stomach with any functionality left.

    I would type more if my hand wasn't in a full cast.
  • If you are doing insanity then you need to follow the food guide that comes with the program, I have insanity program and from your list of foods you eat, you are definitely eating too few calories, so no doubt your poor body has gone into starvation mode from you over working it and underfeeding it. The insanity program comes with a schedule that gives you days off, it's an intense workout so you need rest!!!! follow the program, it was created by experts, you say you have no guide to tell you what to do, the guidelines are in the book that tells you what to do!!! but you are not following it!!! Don't listen to people telling you stop doing workout videos, workout videos are exercise programs, when is exercising ever bad for you? granted in your case insanity may not be right for you as insanity is a cardio based program for people looking to lose fat, if you are looking to build muscle then, you need to do strength training, you won't get muscle definition from doing just insanity, if you can't afford to go to the gym, then there are also workout videos that have strength training some comes with weights included or some you have to buy your own. Workout videos are the best way for people who can't afford a gym membership or are not comfortable in a gym setting and many people have lost lots of weight and toned up from workout videos, so don't listen to people telling you not to do workout videos, who probably have never tried one and so have no idea of their effectiveness.
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    You probably need to eat MORE (since you are a guy and since it seems like you are trying to bulk up), but continue to eat healthy...

    and lift weights.
  • nznatural
    nznatural Posts: 45 Member

    Okay, so why can't diabetics take their insulin orally?
    What level of antibiotics are traceable in consumable meat, how much of it enters the consumer, and how much is required to knock out the gut microbiome? What strains are reduced by what antibiotics fed to consumable livestock?
    Yes the adrenal glands affect metabolism, but they do not regulate it.

    *edit to add, silly quote isn't posting for me! : )

    Insulin is a protein, rbst is a peptide hormone--proteins are digested, peptide hormones are absorbed. Assuming that you are referring to rbst? I am sure you have read about the clinical trials for oral insulin?

    As for your other questions, you can research the answers for yourself. It seems that after reading your profile that you might be aware of the answers. Since antibiotic use in livestock was completely unregulated for over 30 years--and over 30 million pounds of these drugs are used in livestock in just one year, it isn't hard to believe that it is absolutely traceable.

    Pituitary regulates metabolism.....adrenal assists directly....which is also a regulatory response.

    Sorry, I know its off topic a bit, but insulin is a peptide hormone made up of amino acids. So you've just said that one peptide hormone (insulin), is not absorbed in the GI tract, but that another peptide hormone (RBST), can be?

    Did I miss something?
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Insanity is cardio. DYEL?
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    You are severely overtraining/undereating. You could be getting results by doing a lot less work and eating a lot more food.
  • Ok, is my hunger near the end of the night from my lack of eating during the day?

    I am worried about the place I am at mentally, the frustration of not knowing the right path, has caused me to try and create one and at the same time try to justify it to myself that it is correct when as everyone here has described it is not. I really just thought that the workout that Insanity / Asylum would provide would be good for me, but I am assuming now that I need to take the rest day like they mention I should be, and really try to get a hold of my diet.

    I do not want to bulk up, if you look at the picture I posted, I have a gut which I want to go away, so I guess I am looking to cut down. If lifting weights is my option, whom to believe is my best plan? Like I had mentioned, the Mens Health guides change every magazine so I could literally cover my wall with all of them and would not know which one to stick with. Problem is now that I have caused tendanitis in my shoulder (thats what my doc said it is) I have to try and go light with that arm and work slowly with it.

    I apologize for my ignorance, but really am grateful for everyone's information