How much do you pay a month for fitness?



  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I wouldn't be able to pay that much. Get New Rules of Lifting for Women and use that as your trainer - every move is explained in words and pictures and the book is less than $20. It has 6 full months of workout routines and I just started Stage 3 and love it (have lost lots of inches in the first two stages and no need for a personal trainer).

    I pay $25 a month for my gym, which has two squat racks, lots of free weights and dumbbells, and everything I need for NROFLW workouts.

    I have read the book, but I have no way of checking form or even knowing if it's right or not.

    Doesn't Gold's have mirrors?

    Sure, in front of me. I have no way of looking at my profile to check my back position or knees. I won't go to the gym and just start lifting heavy. I want to be trained on proper form and not wonder if I am doing it right.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Nothing. I have a treadmill at home if I can't go outside to walk. Other than that, I do abs and other light weight work-outs at home. I spent so much money over the years on unused gym memberships. I finally realized that I hate working out around others and prefer to be in my own home!
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    $20, not including a new pair of running shoes every 6 months.
  • Brummig
    Brummig Posts: 94
    I pay £14.99 for off peak membership (though expect they are going to put this up soon) at Fitness First. Then I pay £28 for 2 30min PT sessions a month. It's working well for me. The PT gives me a regular kick, and reminds me how hard I should be working all the time! It also motivates me to keep working hard in between sessions so I can keep up in the session, and I get lots of advice about injuries/ niggles etc. I can join in classes at the gym. My work days vary so I can't commit to a regular class, but they do freestyle fitness every morning which I enjoy when I can get there. I learn lots of different things that I can do in my own workouts at the gym or at home, and its never boring. For me, for, it's the best way to spend the money. When I started with the PT I did 3 weeks when I saw him twice a week for 45 mins - that really kicked my weight loss up a gear, and had a lot of benefits, but wasn't something I could sustain financially for a long time, but was a good kick start.

    At times when its hard to get to the gym, eg school holidays, I run and I have a couple of workouts on tape to do at home.

    Oh and I've just started cycling to work - thats 6 miles 2-3 times per week.
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    I don't have a gym membership, I don't think I really need one. I have weights, exercise bike, rowing machine & kettlebells etc at home. I'm not after big muscles, but would like to be lean. I think I can achieve that with what I have. Only thing I pay for fitness wise is my food and £8 twice a week for a squash court.
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    I pay local taxes...
    I run, cycle and use the outdoor facilities 9-10 months a year. I have a card from the local gym for per use group training classes during winter months.
  • miriamu26
    miriamu26 Posts: 19 Member
    $24 for 24Hr Fitness.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    $10 for planet fitness
    Running outside is my other "free" exercise

    This month I did a $50 bike ride, a $25 10k, bought some workout/running clothes (maybe $50), $5 headphones (score!), should I count the $8 knee brace?.. I guess it varies.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    probably about 300 a month on supplements and healthy foods I work out at home or at school don't have a current total on fitness equipment most of mine was hand me down, only real money I spend was on a set of adjustable dumbells about 200 dollars. I am surprised no one has mentioned supplement or food costs in this yet

    I didn't mention it because right now I am spending less a month eating healthy with smaller portions. It even offsets the costs of the supplements for us .... So, I guess I am making money with the lifestyle change that myself and my family has done ....

    I already own a bunch of home gym items also ......And have 12 acres to run/walk/hike on ....
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Much less than it has cost me to be unhealthy...

    HEAR, HEAR!!
  • bc119
    bc119 Posts: 34 Member
    I pay $75-80/month for a joint gym membership with my husband. It's 24/7 and has all the equipment we need but the location is quite small. I'd gladly pay more for a bigger facility or one that was less busy during peak times.

    I've also "pre-paid" for a bunch of things like hot yoga, aquafit and zumba classes.

    If I include our protein, vitamins and supplementation sometimes we paid $130-150/month for that stuff alone.

    $100-200/month may be high to some but it's what you choose to spend your money on and your priorities. Some people choose to smoke, some choose beauty (hair/nail appts) or some eat out at restaurants and go to bars and drink. All the more power to you!! :)
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    I'm a member of the local YMCA and I spend about 65 bucks a month. Sounds spendy but it includes so many exercise classes, yoga, and a cardio and weight selection to rival most other gyms and clubs. I see it as an investment in myself.
  • 32013
    32013 Posts: 4
    $16.99 for my gym membership, which I mostly use for an hour on the elliptical 3 times a week .
    $144 a month for Pilates reformer classes at a studio near my job (8 classes a month).
    I've spent about $75 all together for workout dvd's ... kettlebells workouts and a few Jillian Michaels tapes that I use 3 days a week.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I see a personal trainer 4 days a week. Two in a class setting and 2 privately. It works out to $54 a week so around $200-225 a month. For personal training sessions, this is actually very low for the amount of time I spend with him.

    To me, its worth every dime and then some. He motivates me and pushes me in in ways that I wont push myself.

    I also workout 1-2 days a week on my own at home using resistance bands and my treadmill.

    To some, that is a lot of money but I figure its less than what I spent on fast food and dining out so for now, its worth it. When I get closer to my final goal, I will slow it down a little and do more on my own.
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    $20/month for a weekly boot camp class, soon to be 2 per week...1/2 of the cost is sponsored by my work...
    For the rest of the fitness activities, I walk, I do DVD's at home and I piggy back at the gym on my daughter's membership...her and children can have a guest to try it out so until they tell me that's it...I will use it!...

    So much you can do for not lots of money...

    I am also looking into 'Your body is your own gym'..there are some sessions on line...

    The important thing is to keep moving...
  • YolieCreator
    YolieCreator Posts: 173 Member
    I pay a little more than 20 bucks a month for planet fitness in Oklahoma. Its a good gym, but more for people who can just go it alone. I go at least 4 times a week and am there between an hour to 2 1/2 so with time spent I'm really getting my money worth
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    I pay $43 a month for my membership at Anytime Fitness. I wanted to join Golds, but the one by my house is $75 a month... It has a pool with aquafit classes that were included, and infrared saunas...

    My BF pays $400 a month for his Crossfit Gym, and $200 every 3 months for his bouldering gym. Personally I would rather give him a workout myself and have him buy me something pretty every month haha!
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    My wife and I have a joint membership to Sport and Health at $72 a month. I only use it for the pool since we got a hand me down treadmill, and a hand me down indoor bike trainer/stand. Other than that I go outside.

    If you want to add in wear and tear items on my bikes, new running shoes every 6 months, it would probably average out to ~$150 a month. The food I'm now buying for us is less than the unhealthy stuff we had before, so we're coming out ahead there.

    I don't even want to think about the cost of my race registrations added into that total since I'm doing at least 2 every month.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I pay $79 per month for a family membership at the Y. My mother, my daughter and my niece and nephew (their parents both passed away, so I try to include them in as much as I can) are on my membership. I can take as many classes that I want for their classes that are free with membership (most classes are except Zumba, Karate, dance and swim lessons). I also purchased a personal trainer package 24 sessions for $1,000, with my tax refund. I don't regret it. The personal trainer has been able to get me from barely able to walk to walking up to 3.5 miles per hour and various cardio and strength training exercises for up to an hour and a half in a month and a half. This is probably the best investment I have ever made. #noregrets
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 278 Member
    Nothing! I bought the P90X workout DVDs and got the equipment and now workout for free! the only thing I buy are my protein shakes!