Politics make me grumpy.



  • If we all agreed about everything it would get pretty boring. If people on both sides were looking for common ground instead trying to force others to do it their way, politics wouldn't get so ugly.

    Take gay marriage, one side opposes it on religious grounds, one side supports it because of the rights & privileges it confers. I agree with both sides. To grant gay marriage has the government telling people how they can practice their beliefs (so much for separation of church and state). To prohibit homosexual marriage is equal abhorrent, by not granting a group of people the same rights and privileges as another group.

    Nobody likes the only possible compromise. The government gets out of everyone's bedroom & church, and no longer grants marriage licenses, and stops recognizing any marriages. Everybody loses.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    You say you're tired of politics.......and then you post about politics.....


    I like shoes. And cheeseburgers. Can we talk about these things?

    Although, on this site, those topics are equally divisive.

    If you want to talk about shoes and cheeseburgers make a shoes and cheeseburgers thread. No one is stopping you.

    You said politics make you grumpy. I merely offered two additional topics that might not make you as grumpy. Apparently, shoes and cheeseburgers make you just as grumpy as politics. Which is kind of sad when you think about it. Politics is nothing more than liberals calling conservatives stupid and conservatives calling liberals elitist. Meh.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    If we all agreed about everything it would get pretty boring. If people on both sides were looking for common ground instead trying to force others to do it their way, politics wouldn't get so ugly.

    Take gay marriage, one side opposes it on religious grounds, one side supports it because of the rights & privileges it confers. I agree with both sides. To grant gay marriage has the government telling people how they can practice their beliefs (so much for separation of church and state). To prohibit homosexual marriage is equal abhorrent, by not granting a group of people the same rights and privileges as another group.

    Nobody likes the only possible compromise. The government gets out of everyone's bedroom & church, and no longer grants marriage licenses, and stops recognizing any marriages. Everybody loses.

    Huh. Well, that's a new perspective on that subject that I haven't seen before. I disagree, though, that marriage is a strictly religious institution. There are plenty of "traditional marriages" happening nowadays without supervision from God or a Church of any kind... does that make them not "real" marriages? I do not believe so. Religious affiliation should not affect the validity of a marriage insofar as the government is concerned -- that is, when it comes to filing taxes, sharing property / assets, recognizing pre-nuptial agreements, and so forth.

    I don't think marriage has to be stripped away completely from the government for that to be the "solution" to the gay marriage issue. But that is just my personal opinion.
  • Huh. Well, that's a new perspective on that subject that I haven't seen before. I disagree, though, that marriage is a strictly religious institution. There are plenty of "traditional marriages" happening nowadays without supervision from God or a Church of any kind... does that make them not "real" marriages? I do not believe so. Religious affiliation should not affect the validity of a marriage insofar as the government is concerned -- that is, when it comes to filing taxes, sharing property / assets, recognizing pre-nuptial agreements, and so forth.

    I don't think marriage has to be stripped away completely from the government for that to be the "solution" to the gay marriage issue. But that is just my personal opinion.

    If marriage isn't a religious institution then why are so many marriages performed by clergy? Marriage is a sacrament of the Roman Catholic church, which was established approximately 1300 years before our country. You certainly understand the real tangible benefits our government bestows on marriage. And it is un-American that they are denied to some, while granted to others. But can you honestly say it would be any less wrong for the government to dictate to the Roman Catholic church how to exercise their sacraments?

    Politics that don't really effect anyone like making President's & Independence day national holidays aren't nearly so difficult or ugly. They are only become ugly when they really matter and can have real consequences to real people. It's why are founding fathers were very much against large and powerful government.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I agree 100%, but the question I'm trying to get at is WHY it has evolved into such a cruel and vitriolic language.

    When and where was politics ever not divisive? Are we going back to paleolithic man here?

    Modern politics is a spewing of nasty words. It used to be the chopping off of heads. Literally.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    the funny thing about politics is people (voters) think we really have a choice. This two party system really is not a choice at all. Republican or Democrat they are one in the same. Wedge issues is why we are so polarized and so proudly put bumper stickers for our candidate. With all that stated

    Anyone that has a Obama/Biden sticker I just laugh at, the people that have the totally anti-Obama stickers is just as ridiculous. Same thing for the Bush stickers/ Anti Bush stickers.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Marriage is a sacrament of the Roman Catholic church, which was established approximately 1300 years before our country.

    Dude, marriage is much older than the Catholic Church.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Just a bunch of hypocritical humans who get to make laws and control resources. It makes me apathetic, but I find that about most things.
  • Dude, marriage is much older than the Catholic Church.

    Of course & always a religious institution.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Dude, marriage is much older than the Catholic Church.

    Of course & always a religious institution.

    Not always. How can two atheists get married if it's only a religious institution?

    Your initial argument really makes no sense at all. Historically, maybe, but it's many years now since people have been getting married in non-religious ceremonies by non-religious officiants (is that the right word?). There can be religiously-sanctioned marriages and gay marriage all at the same time without the government telling churches what to do. The government can legalize gay marriage without telling religious institutions that they HAVE TO perform and sanction the marriages. This isn't an either-or situation.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Dude, marriage is much older than the Catholic Church.

    Of course & always a religious institution.

    Not always. How can two atheists get married if it's only a religious institution?

    Your initial argument really makes no sense at all. Historically, maybe, but it's many years now since people have been getting married in non-religious ceremonies by non-religious officiants (is that the right word?). There can be religiously-sanctioned marriages and gay marriage all at the same time without the government telling churches what to do. The government can legalize gay marriage without telling religious institutions that they HAVE TO perform and sanction the marriages. This isn't an either-or situation.

    At one time marriage was not considered binding until the couples had the big S. As it was recognized as also in part as the biological union of 2 people. Now then that should bring the wrath of many upon me !!!!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member

  • The word your looking for is secular. Don't blame me whenever two atheists are hypocrites. Personally, I think every devote atheist should be mad as hell that the state recognizes marriages officiate by a priest Catholic or druid.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I enjoy politics when I'm discussing it with someone intelligent, with a moderated and informed view, and who is capable of understanding opposing viewpoints. By any measure running a country is a complex business, and understanding it isn't as easy as most would like to believe.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    You say you're tired of politics.......and then you post about politics.....


    I like shoes. And cheeseburgers. Can we talk about these things?

    Although, on this site, those topics are equally divisive.

    Politics are fun, in moderation. :bigsmile:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Dude, marriage is much older than the Catholic Church.

    Of course & always a religious institution.

    Not always. How can two atheists get married if it's only a religious institution?

    Your initial argument really makes no sense at all. Historically, maybe, but it's many years now since people have been getting married in non-religious ceremonies by non-religious officiants (is that the right word?). There can be religiously-sanctioned marriages and gay marriage all at the same time without the government telling churches what to do. The government can legalize gay marriage without telling religious institutions that they HAVE TO perform and sanction the marriages. This isn't an either-or situation.

    At one time marriage was not considered binding until the couples had the big S. As it was recognized as also in part as the biological union of 2 people. Now then that should bring the wrath of many upon me !!!!
    You are correct. It still is that way, somewhat, which is why you can get an annulment for lack of sex in a marriage.

    Interestingly, it didn't matter which order the sex happened, either. If a couple had sex THEN had a marriage ceremony, that pre-marital sex counted as consummation of the marriage.

    As to the guy who thinks atheists who get married are hypocrites, you're just reaching to make your "argument" valid. It isn't. Things change and evolve in the world.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Gah, I LOVE Jon Stewart. I'm going to marry him one day.

    And, I'm a political science major, so I've heard it all. It makes me frustrated at times (especially sweeping generalizations about ANYBODY) but I ♥ politics so much!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Back to the OP's observation, the bumper sticker crudely expresses what I have seen, is that a portion of those that call themselves liberal, have no allegiance to the US. Criticizing is great, but these people simply don't like the US.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Can't help it. Been holding onto this image for WAY TOO LONG now.


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