How many dates should a woman pay for??



  • @TylerJ76 Thanks, you look nice.
  • juliana813
    juliana813 Posts: 67 Member
    I pay for them in sexual favors....such a universal currency.
    basically my boyfriend and i take turns with that ^^^^
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    Where are you with this woman, acquaintances, friends, intimate or more? She asks you out, so you are going to let her foot the bill, maybe you could say, let's do dutch treat. If it works out, maybe you can always do that, or talk to her, find out what she can do, maybe you should be paying. if you're on a tight budget, talk to her and maybe come up with a plan. If you or her are going to be rigid about it, then it will never work out.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    me and the boyfriend take turns so it equals out :) We make the same amount so it only makes sense!
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    On our first date I asked him out (to see the Star Trek movie playing at the Skydome). I had got free tickets for that. He accepted and then said "But let's do dinner first." He paid for that. After we started going out we took turns, more because I insisted--he would have quite happily paid for them all. But I was a bit of an independent cuss. I had a crappy low-paying job and he had a good one, but I didn't care.

    20 years later, we've been married for 18 of them, and we have a joint account, so when we go out, we pay.

    I do think that the person who asks should be prepared to pay.
  • GrnEyz80
    GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
    none of them. I'm old fashioned I guess.
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    I was going to make an utter pig of myself and say..."as many as it takes for him to relinquish the goods," but I am a sweet middle-aged lady who would never say such a thing.
    Nonetheless, if a woman does the asking she should pay.

    Eta to add the rest of my post..

    But i thinkbin my past if one party paid one time the other would pay the next.
  • Jistrix
    Jistrix Posts: 6
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