when did people notice your weight loss?



  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    they say it takes a 20 lb loss for you to see it

    a 40 pound loss for close family and friends to see it....and a

    60-80 pound loss for acquaintances to see it....

    that's why often when someone needs to lose only 20 pounds it can feel frustrating when you've recomped your body and no one but you really see it.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    Yep...it took about 30 pounds before I got any comments at all.
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    I posted once already and then read the thread, hence the second post.

    I am happy I saved some old clothes. The jeans, at my heaviest, now are very ill fitting and bunched up. I am also able to wear work out clothes from when I was in decent shape about 10-12 years ago. Those are the NSV's that put a smile on my face more so than what others say.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I think it takes 30 or more - at 30 I started hearing comments but not as many between 30-40. Now that I am not losing as quickly (even though I have plenty to lose) I hear from people that I have lost but it is the inches - not pounds- since I am lifting.
  • MrsG2
    MrsG2 Posts: 56 Member
    Just because no one has said anything doesn't mean that no one has noticed. Many people refrain from commenting about others' weight--even if it's to mention weight loss. It can be a touchy subject.

    I agree with the above. I never comment on someone's weight loss unless they're a close friend or family member.

    I definitely agree with this. Most people don't want to say anything. I was waiting and waiting...even my husband didn't say anything! The first person who was like "WOW!!! You look great!" was a business partner that I only see a few times a year. He definitely put a smile on my face. That was at 25 lbs. I'm closer to 35 now. Now, my close female friends are saying something and I think I've made my husband comfortable enough (he was worried that I'd be insulted by his "wows"...like something was bad before) that he compliments and encourages me.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I'm starting to think that 35 is about the number where others notice...kinda a little disheartening but I guess you can't help it...wearing a sign or posting all over facebook that you lost weight isn't the way to go either so I guess you find something to motivate you/reward yourself until you finally can make the difference seen huh? little sad I must admit....

    It was 35 pounds for me. That's when even I could tell in the mirror.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    This prompted me to buy new clothing and THAT is when people noticed the most. Update the wardrobe, do something different with your hair and be more confident! :)

    This - getting properly fitting clothes garners the most comments.

    Lots of people are insulted by compliments, though, so maybe people notice but aren't saying anything.
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    Finally! Sunday, at my uncles funeral when I saw several family members that I hadn't seen since August, November at the very latest. Everyone noticed! They all said "you look great" "you're doing so well!" "you look so happy" and of course the "what are you doing?" and the blank stare when I simply say "counting calories and working out"

    sooo... about 70 lbs down from my highest and about 50 lbs less than the last time I saw most of them.

    ETA: the rest of my family sees me on a regular basis so they don't notice as much. My mom did say twice in the last week that she "didn't recognize me" when I first walked in... but once it was because of my new glasses.
  • cmart69
    cmart69 Posts: 15
    A few people (close friends, husband, mom) noticed at 20 lbs but it took until this week and new clothes before anyone else said anything....I'm a 29.2 right now.

    I agree and I'll emphasize that it was probably the day I wore "new" pants to work that someone said something. Those weren't really new pants, just something I haven't worn to this job b/c they didn't fit.
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    Just because no one has said anything doesn't mean that no one has noticed. Many people refrain from commenting about others' weight--even if it's to mention weight loss. It can be a touchy subject.

    I agree with the above. I never comment on someone's weight loss unless they're a close friend or family member.

    I definitely agree with this. Most people don't want to say anything. I was waiting and waiting...even my husband didn't say anything! The first person who was like "WOW!!! You look great!" was a business partner that I only see a few times a year. He definitely put a smile on my face. That was at 25 lbs. I'm closer to 35 now. Now, my close female friends are saying something and I think I've made my husband comfortable enough (he was worried that I'd be insulted by his "wows"...like something was bad before) that he compliments and encourages me.

    Haha that's funny your husband didn't even say anything. My boyfriend was a little hesitant too. He finally said, "you're looking really good these days...uh...not that you looked bad before. I just mean..." it was kind of hysterical.

    Weight is a really sensitive issue, so I'm sure people have noticed but not wanted to say anything. I have to admit, I've always been uncomfortable when people ask me if I've lost weight, even if I've been trying to!
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    Some people noticed around 30, but I don't if it was true notice, they knew I was on diet. But people really started noticing at 50lbs
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I found it was mostly after the first 40lbs that people really started noticing.
  • lc612411
    lc612411 Posts: 11
    People that see you everyday or every week may not notice the difference because they see you so often. However, I am sure that someone who hasn't seen you in months is more likely to notice the weight loss.
  • Jimsmith109
    Jimsmith109 Posts: 38 Member
    28 pounds and not 1 person has said anything yet