Turbo Fire Challenge!!! Join Me



  • Nicolletta
    Nicolletta Posts: 70
    I just finished my first Week of Turbo Fire. Got room for one more? :wink:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Me too, I'm on my second week (a little off schedule cause I started on a Thursday). I am doing a hybrid between that, Jillian Micheals, and throwing in Brazilian butt lift routines :love: . I was initially a bit lost, but now I love it. So far my favorite is the Fire 45, the first time I've giggled while working out drenched in sweat! So fun! I have done insanity and think it's easier to keep the intensity up with that program and phone it in with turbo fire, but if you apply yourself I think you burn just as many if not more cals thanks to the HIIT routines and fire drills, and it's definitely more fun.

    I think HIIT is giving me hot flashes like insanity sometimes did. Mfp only gives me 100 cals for it, but I feel my metabolism is on fire! I think this programs will help with my last 4 or so pounds :happy:
  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Hey Ya'll

    So I have been MIA for the last week but I have been working out hard core. I have lost 5 pounds so far and some inches..Yeah!!!::happy: :happy: I will be starting week 5 of Turbo Fire tomorrow. This week was kinda hard for me as far as motivation but as we all know it is a Mental Thing! You gotta push through it even though you don't want to work out. I am also doing P90x 3 days out the week with Turbofire 6 days a week.

    Keep pushing and keep your mind focused on the goal. My goal this week is to loose 1- 1/2 pounds this week..So I guess I gotta push it and watch what I eat.

    Please keep us updated on your progress and I want everyone to have a goal this week that they want to reach.:flowerforyou:

    I am so happy for everyone and keep Pushing Play!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Just did Fire 30 and it rocked.my.world. I'm so uncoordinated!!! lol. Tomorrow is Hiit 15. Bring it!
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Started the Inferno challenge today. EZ 55 & Stretch 10. LOVED IT! & i'll love it even more when i get all the moves down haha, Took my measurements, i'll post on Friday my results!!! Keep getting fired up people!

  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Started today with Fire 30 class. It was ok, couldn't keep up with some of the arrangements. Didn't really feel like a super great cardio workout because of that so I did a 15 min jog on the treadmill. Tomorrow is Hiit 15.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Just completed the HIIT 15. What a great workout. I am taking 40 kids to an FCA football camp in the hot SC sun for the next 3 days and just got my week off to a great start. My TF 45 left a little bit to be desired yesterday. I am still out of sync with the punches and kicks but I love the HIIT workouts.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    HIIT 15 today. It was much better than yesterday but still not a pretty sight as far as my coordination. Added 30 minutes of walking on an incline on the treadmill.
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    I'm doing the prep schedule a I've Tone 30 tonight... I haven't pre watched it yet but just wondering what am I I for?!
  • SamanthaT01
    SamanthaT01 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm sorry to join late but I am doing TurboFire and would love to have people to chat it about about it. I am wrapping up week 1 tonight due to a bad breakup with the boyfriend which threw off my schedule. Anyway would love to join your group if you could spare one more.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm sorry to join late but I am doing TurboFire and would love to have people to chat it about about it. I am wrapping up week 1 tonight due to a bad breakup with the boyfriend which threw off my schedule. Anyway would love to join your group if you could spare one more.

    Welcome Sami,
    i just started on Monday. Having mixed feelings so far about it but maybe it will get better.
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Hi everyone! Today is day 3 today...my rest day - hooray! HIIT training last night was super amazing but very hard! I hope everyone is doing well :)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member

    Welcome Sami,
    i just started on Monday. Having mixed feelings so far about it but maybe it will get better.

    I had mixed feelings at first, but then I started focusing on intensity and having a good time rather than perfect choreography. All of a sudden it got much more fun and the sweat went through the roof. That being said, there is something about fire 30 I don't like. Not sure what it is, but will probably sub it for my beloved fire 45 from now on :happy:
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member

    Welcome Sami,
    i just started on Monday. Having mixed feelings so far about it but maybe it will get better.

    I had mixed feelings at first, but then I started focusing on intensity and having a good time rather than perfect choreography. All of a sudden it got much more fun and the sweat went through the roof. That being said, there is something about fire 30 I don't like. Not sure what it is, but will probably sub it for my beloved fire 45 from now on :happy:

    That's good to know. I just didn't care for Fire 30 at all. I do it again tomorrow, hoping I'll like it better. Coordination has never been my thing.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Hi everyone! Today is day 3 today...my rest day - hooray! HIIT training last night was super amazing but very hard! I hope everyone is doing well :)

    Today's my rest day too, thankfully. My ankles and feet are sore from the impact on HIIT 15. I hope that gets better each time I do it.
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Hi everyone! Today is day 3 today...my rest day - hooray! HIIT training last night was super amazing but very hard! I hope everyone is doing well :)

    Today's my rest day too, thankfully. My ankles and feet are sore from the impact on HIIT 15. I hope that gets better each time I do it.

    Hey Amanda! Yeah I have ankle problems (I was born with club feet and they are weak) and since I got new shoes they really haven't hurt much other than from me rolling one of them on Monday, ouch! I'm so glad we are on the same day, it's fun to have someone to compare notes with!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Hi everyone! Today is day 3 today...my rest day - hooray! HIIT training last night was super amazing but very hard! I hope everyone is doing well :)

    Today's my rest day too, thankfully. My ankles and feet are sore from the impact on HIIT 15. I hope that gets better each time I do it.

    Hey Amanda! Yeah I have ankle problems (I was born with club feet and they are weak) and since I got new shoes they really haven't hurt much other than from me rolling one of them on Monday, ouch! I'm so glad we are on the same day, it's fun to have someone to compare notes with!

    I am excited about working through the program. It's a new challenge and we can do it!!!
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    It's the end of Week 1 and the start of Week 2 today. I feel like I've been doing TurboFire for a month already. I've seen great progress - 3 pounds my first week, but I just want to make sure I keep moving forward. I am exhausted and I've learned a few things from this program the first week.

    1. Recovery and Results Formula: This stuff couldn't be more important for this program. I have NEVER needed R&RF before doing TurboFire. I have to have it in my water now in order to get through HIIT or the super long Fire workouts. It just takes away that edge of exhaustion and really helps push you back into the game. I'd highly recommend it. (If you want to get the specific one I'm referring to, I'm a coach and I can help you out.)

    2. TurboFire in the morning doesn't work for me. I just don't have the proper amount of energy to give it my all. I've had to move my workouts into the afternoons or evenings now, which has thrown off my sleeping schedule. I just need to adjust accordingly.

    3. The meal plan - I am not a fan of 80% of the food in the meal plan. I need to figure out a way to work around it. Right now I'm eating healthy following MFP goals so hopefully that's OK for now.

    This program is crazy and I love it. It's hard but I want to keep pushing myself.

    Oh! And do your Stretch 10 EVERY WORKOUT. It is sooo worth it.

    Here's to Week 2. Only 18 more weeks to go... ;)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member

    Welcome Sami,
    i just started on Monday. Having mixed feelings so far about it but maybe it will get better.

    I had mixed feelings at first, but then I started focusing on intensity and having a good time rather than perfect choreography. All of a sudden it got much more fun and the sweat went through the roof. That being said, there is something about fire 30 I don't like. Not sure what it is, but will probably sub it for my beloved fire 45 from now on :happy:

    That's good to know. I just didn't care for Fire 30 at all. I do it again tomorrow, hoping I'll like it better. Coordination has never been my thing.

    Boy me neither. I am always with the 2 left feet :tongue:
  • Irenexoxo
    Irenexoxo Posts: 4
    Hello, I'm totally new here! I did my first day of TF yesterday. I'm following the prep schedule. Today I am so sore but will work through the stretch 40 today. I guess it's supposed to help. ;) I haven't weighed my self because it's TOM but I will have to soon. I will take measurements today. My only compliant so far is that my arches of my feel burn when I do the drills. My shoes are made for flat feet but probably need arch supports. Any recs for some low cost arch supports?? I'm excited to see everyone's progress and of course my own!!
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