

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    HI Ladies Well the end of another month we had some highs we had some lows but we are still here that's the main thing.
    Glad to hear all the fur babies are doing well and getting such pampering!!! mine is also back to normal after his
    rough week. Barbie your two poodles look like mine just different sizes but similar colours

    I can relate to all who are on plateaus I started MFP in Dec. and never lost anything pound wise till april so
    I just go by how I feel now much better with all the junk out of my daily diet!! and a few inches in my clothes
    I'm working on health now not beauty lol

    Have a good day it's raining here so i'ts inside work for me

    juanita in sudbury
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good morning! I woke up in a good mood today. Yoga this morning! Yay! :bigsmile: The more I go to class, the better it is working for me. I am only going to two classes a week, but it is such a valuable activity. The lessons are gradually soaking in and improving things. :flowerforyou:

    I mentioned that DH was going to a new MS specialist last week. He has ordered a round of testing to confirm the diagnosis or not. He has doubts that it is a correct diagnosis since DH has improved a little over the last year without conventional treatment rather than getting worse. Doctor ordered an evaluation for a spinal chord disorder. I like this guy, and hope he’ll keep DH even if he doesn’t have MS. :heart: I guess I’ll worry about it when we know more.:flowerforyou:

    Jane: What is a violet day?

    Have a good day, everyone.
    Katla in NW Oregon
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone

    I have been doing good until last night. Made many wrong choices. Today I will do better.

    Got to make a walmart

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Love our new home.Still unpacking.
    Got word my friend`s cancer is back.
    Hanging out with Violet.Suppose to get to 80 today!!
    Enjoy your day!!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Gym earlier--today I did treadmill, rowed, and weights:upper body. Yesterday was eliptical and bike. Seems I do a lot more to help the lower body than the top.

    I am a daily scale person; I only count it if it's a down tick and I get on and off twice to confirm. Well, this am I was down a pound and a half (YAY!!!!) (for a second) then I got on for my second peek and was up from where I'd been by a pound and a half.......THIS was, of course the one that repeated..........grrrrrrrrr. But I'm still at mini goal for this point so can't complain too much.

    I saw a movie yesterday based on a true story........Pain and Gain........something I wouldn't pick for myself, but my friend and I have her daughter pick our movies on the day the three of us get together. She's a high-functioning Down's woman in her late 20's so I see a LOT of movies that I wouldn't usually. Anyway, it did have some very funny moments and had some people I do like: Tony Shaloub (sp?), (think Monk) and Mark Wahlberg, showing off muscles.......and he DOES have some muscles!!!!

    Later I'm planning on making a turkey chili that uses mango salsa; I'll post it here if I have time, it's very good (and different).

    Best to everyone,
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,359 Member
    Hallo Vit F friends :flowerforyou:
    It was so lovely to get back to yoga this morning. - I missed it last week because I was in Paris. The women who come are such fun and so supportive of each other. 80 percent are over 60 and some well over 70. The teacher is great and creates such a welcoming environment. I have been there with a busted knee when I could only sit on a chair and bend over. Lots of women have bits of them that don't work too well. :laugh: Today we were doing shoulder stands, something which was impossible for me 6 months ago and I also found I could hold my arms out to the side for much longer than I used to be able. They used to ache after a couple of seconds!
    We've been tidying up the garden and watering this pm. It's still frosty at night so can't put out anything delicate yet, but DH has dug all the dandelions out of the lawn and I have pulled down the passionflower that was choking everything. I have left the roots in so I expect it will be back with a vengeance! :grumble:
    If the weather forecast is OK we will have our trip to a stately home tomorrow. It's amazing how just a day out can feel almost as refreshing as a whole holiday. Good for us as a couple too.
    Italian fennel sausages with spring cabbage for supper. The sausages take all my calories so it's lots of green veg with it for me. I do love them though; we buy them from an Italian shop when I go up to London to see my grandson and freeze them. They are very garlicky!
    LOVE to all and BON COURAGE for those of you who are plateauing. Mine usually lasts about 2 weeks, but it is sooooo frustrating.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Marking exams like crazy, have not caught up in reading, so will post a big hello and warm welcome to the newcomers...
    and hope that tomorrow, the "Beltaine" feast day, kickstarts our spring and summer everywhere! We all need more warm and sunny weather across NA. Not sure what Europe is like this spring though! Besides, it is my birthday, and the Russians parade, and the English take a wonderful holiday! I plan to remain at this "x9" age for a while ......

    Happy Beltaine Day tomorrow! Be kind to yourself!

    BJ, SWOnt
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi everyone! What a beautiful day it is here. Sunny, warm but not too hot, nice breeze. It’s all changing tomorrow…back to the 30s and more snow. I think mother nature needs some Prozac!

    Benny Beagle already gets to come home today. He’s “stressed” being in a cage, so they are letting him wander the treatment room. Remember the metal gate latches he broke on his kennel? Apparently the kennel is a problem, or him in it is a problem so they are sending him home! I can’t wait to see the poor little guy!

    OK for all you kale-chip-makers I need the baking directions. After 15 minutes at 350, they were like tissue paper. They did taste good, but no way could you eat them like chips. I’m going to smash them up and add them to shake and bake next time we do chicken.

    Well not sure what happened yesterday but I had tons of energy and felt well for the first time in ages. I got a TON of stuff accomplished and when it was bedtime, just fell into bed. What a satisfying day!

    Grandmallie: so sorry your boss is so mean. For the mile, according to the livewell site, depending on your stride, you’ll take 2000-2500 steps in a mile. I broke down and ordered the fancy fit bit last night.
    Miss crankypants! I love that!

    Cheryl: you’ll get back into the swing of things. Glad there’s at least an answer for making your foot feel better!

    Sharon: hope you got rested up; I bet you slept well!

    Yanniejannie: Mango sticky rice? OMG I think I’m in love. I wonder if any of the Thai restaurants here have it; I haven’t seen it but I have a favorite and don’t go to the others. MMMMMMM Mark Walburg.

    Renny: I had some down time at work so I went to the closest wally world and what a horrible experience. I’ll never go back to that one again. Only 2 lanes were open and the lines were back to the merchandise. They didn’t have several things my “normal” walmart has (is any walmart normal?). And to top it off, I had about $15 in coupons and the cashier rang them all in, shoved them in the drawer, tried to finish the sale, and it wouldn’t go because supposedly one was expired. So we waited and waited for the manager. When she opened the drawer, neither one of them could find an expired coupon. GRRRRRRR Then I had to stand in line at customer service for my $2. But I wasn’t leaving without it!!! Several co-workers said “OMG I NEVER go to THAT walmart.” Great!

    Joyce: many of us feel that way from time to time. The best advice I can give is to choose a small change in your eating habits and work on that for a week so you can have something to feel good about accomplishing!

    Lucy: your garden sounds like it will be great. All that fresh air is wonderful

    Michele: our homeowners association doesn’t allow clothes lines either, but I think I am the only person in the world who doesn’t like line dried clothes. I feel like they are dirty. DH convinced me to hang some towels out at our old place and he kept saying “OOOOOH they smell so good.” And I thought “OOOOOH they smell like DUST” Achoo achoo!

    Barbie: thanks for keeping us in line and for starting the new thread!

    Wessecg: And I thought nurses were the only one who got excited over poop!

    Katla: I love to be lazy on cloudy days. Hope you enjoyed it! Let us know what the testing on DH shows!

    Liz: keeping my fingers crossed that the numbers work out for you. I would love to go part time too; 4 days a week would be perfect.

    Viv: hope Maggie’s report is good too!

    Moxie: great advice!

    DeeDee: I’m so glad you are back to your normal self!

    Mamacindy: that’s right, just keep moving forward! AAAAAHHHHH more walmart!

    Jane: so sorry to hear about your friend. She is lucky to have support from you.

    Cityjane: sounds like you are moving right along with fitness. And I love Italian sausage!

    BJ: what’s Beltain day?

    OK need to get back to work after lunch and my field trip! Take care everyone! Meg from beautiful Omaha
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    So today is my 265th day of logging? I think that's what it said. Haven't really been good since December so I'm doing a week of Nutrisystem to ge t me back to smaller portions and sticking to my planned foods (not those in the break room right now! :noway: )

    Day one I ate exactly what they said except I substituted a yogurt for a class of milk +80 and I added an 80 calorie Kellog bar, but I didn't have the slice of garlic toast (darn I just saw this!!! I was starving, I would have eaten the toast :bigsmile: ) and substituted corn for squash.

    Today's extras said I had to have roasted chicken and steamed brocoli with the potatoes they supplied. And carrots for a snack. Amazingly I actually had all of these in my refrigerator - what are the odds?:noway: I don't have a banana - disturbing because I served my last one yesterday so I actually could have had everything on their list.

    I'm going to do this 5 days although I think they are a little under creative - Since when is 2 whole grain crackers and 1/2 cup of vegetable juice a snack???? After I finish this week I am going to do a similar week but use my own foods.

    Megblair - I'm loving the poop jokes. An ex manager wrote on my facebook that I was surrounded by people who spread manure here at my current company :laugh:

    Yanni, I saw a movie worth mentioning two nights ago. Not usually my kind of movie but had a ton of great actors in it - Sissy Spacek, Kris Kristofferson in Deadfall. The rest of the cast were notable too, I just can't remember them. It was wonderful to watch the acting.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm wearing the shirt I wore in the hot tub at our cabin on vacation. How can I get this out??? I use Borax along with my laundry detergent. It's a blue shirt so I can't use bleach
  • BeckyRayJohnson
    Hi ladies. I just stumbled upon this message thread. I am fifty-five and get tired of reading of people who have the energy and time to work out hours a day. I have three grandchildren I am raising so my time is not my own. I have just recently restarted my weight loss efforts. I spent a year and a half going in and out of Hep C treatments and now am back. No more Hep C which makes the long miserable treatment program worth it. Only good thing other than that is I lost lbs. No appetite. But now it is back with a vengeance. I go on binges and eat like a crazy person on nights I can't sleep and I eat the things the kids want to have. They are tweens..or preteens and love their junk. I limit it by amount and frequency so they dont have weight problems but it's here all the same. And none of us ..I mean NONE of us like vegetables much. I have worked harder at eating them and not frying everything but this is a southern family with the eating habits of casseroles, gravies, fried everything and lots of breads. I need encouragement and a circle of friends the right age group. I am stuck at the 160 lb area. Up a pound or two and down a pound or two. I will begin to follow this thread if you all are agreeable to it. It appears you are all well acquainted with each other so it will take a while to learn the ropes. I only have a couple of friends who are active on my profile so this might be a great way to stay connected to those sharing the journey.:wink: Becky
  • BeckyRayJohnson
    I did the same thing about choices last night. Could not sleep. Was that your problem as well? I hope today had gone well for you.
  • BeckyRayJohnson
    Hm I never thought of using a programed food list to get back on track. Such a simple idea. I will have to go look at my past diary to see what I was doing when things were working so well. Thanks for the idea.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Becky I commend you for being a great 'Mom' to your grand kids. What a inspiration you must be to them. HMMM, gravies and casseroles, sounds good. I'm not a cook AT ALL but the low calorie meals I am looking at trying are casseroles since that is what my husband loves and I have got to get him on board on this healthy eating.
  • bsgordon
    bsgordon Posts: 20 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Excited to see an area for encouragement for the 50+ weight loss group. Up until my late 30's - 40's I have been able to maintain or lose easily. Now not so much. In the past 1.5 years I have moved from an active job to a mainly sit down. I HATE IT!!!! I'm not a person to sit for extended periods of time. I have regained weight that I lost prior and am struggling to get it back off.

    Hope to be able to stay connected via this thread and share with others who are facing the same struggles.

    It's a beautiful day in West Central Indiana. Going for a walk!

    Take Care! :glasses:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becky and bsgordon: Welcome to the group. :bigsmile: We’re from all over and you join just by posting. Your post will enable you to find us again under “my topics.” Be aware that there will be a new thread for May starting tomorrow. Barbie is the wonderful woman who sees that we continue.:heart: It is more fun for me when people include their location when they sign their post. I think quite a few others appreciate this, too.

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    bsgordon, I love your horse! I live down in Evansville. I don't know where Logoda Indiana is.

    I'm going to go grocery shopping tonight!!!! I think I have cried and pleaded enough that my husband is willing to work with me.
    I showed him the fat and protein suggestions the dietician gave me and what I actually eat due to his eating out requirements. I just hope the casserole I make tomorrow is good and he likes it. But that is his problem, He eats and eats and eats until the food is gone if we have a meal at home.

    Joyce, feeling more encouraged in southern Indiana
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, just checking in to say hi and to discuss my goals for April.
    :flowerforyou: My goals for April: success or failure
    :grumble: 1. Walk every day at lunch - failure - almost every day some days were just toooo busy
    :blushing: 2. Stay away from the buffets - FAILURE - ate at either the Chinese buffet or Golden Coral on Fridays
    :cry: 3. Eat more fruits and vegetables- failure - I will try harder
    :love: 5. Exercise at least 30 min a day - success- exercised 30 min to 1 hour each day
    :love: 6. lose 8 lbs- success - YEAH I did lose 8lbs
    :drinker: 7. drink at least 8 glasses of water a day success - it was hard sometimes, but I did it

    My goals for May:
    1. Walk every day at lunch
    2. Try harder to stay away from the buffets
    3. Eat more fruits and vegetables
    5. Exercise at least 1 hour each day
    6. lose 4 lbs
    7. drink at least 8 glasses of water a day

    Everyone have a great evening, Rose
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: Many thanks for crossed fingers & toes, prayers and general good vibes for me and my phone interview this morning! I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had a better interview (phone or in-person). There was a personality connection, which is much harder I find over the phone AND the job itself sounds like a perfect fit for my skills, experience and interests. So, the next step is waiting to see if I’m selected for an in-person interview, hopefully next week sometime. The recruiter I spoke to today will be meeting with the business owners on Thursday to present the resumes and her notes and observations on the candidates she spoke with. So, patience is in order now (which is ironic, because I’ve always said that in the hereafter I’m going to be a graceful, patient morning person because I am none of those things this time around :wink: )

    CityJane – “luminous whiteness” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Meg – Yay for Benny!!!!!!! Also, I thought I was the only person on the planet who felt that way about line-dried laundry, now I know there is at least one other :happy:

    Cheryl – congratulations on 265 days! Today’s meal “karma” must mean you’re on the right track (I mean you did beat the odds after all) :drinker:

    BeckyRayJohns – Welcome! Come back and read/post often, you’ll be glad you did. Many wise and witty women here to support you on your health journey :smile:

    Bsgordon – see Becky’s message just above, welcome to you too!!!! :smile:

    Joyce – That’s great that you’re stepping out and getting groceries for your cooking adventure! Just keep trying one new thing, you’ll eventually have a lot of recipes under your belt. As for DH eating it “all”, divvy it up into proper serving sizes before you serve and freeze the rest for a meal the next week (this way you won’t have to cook every day but you’ll still have quality meals to eat). :flowerforyou:

    Rose – Great goals for May. Like you, I succeeded at some of April’s goals and didn’t at others. But it’s good to write them down and keep ourselves accountable to take a look at them. :smile:

    Brooke from Colorado

    The ‘earth’ without ‘art’ is just ‘eh’
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    From skinnytaste.com I am making cheeseburger casserole, green beans and a salad with fat free dressing. I also decided while I was out grocery shopping to get me a Snickers bar. It wasn't Golden Corral and it was good. Now I just have to get on the band wagon.

    Joyce, satisfied in southern Indiana