
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Happy May Day. It is beautiful and sunny here. :glasses: The weather is suppose to turn but I'm going to try and get out a bit and enjoy today.
    I had focus groups last night and another set tonight. I'm so proud of myself. I didn't eat one M&M and I had a salad (everyone else ate pizza). :bigsmile:
    I've also done a bit of an attitude adjustment re: my plateau. I'm focusing more I why I joined MFP, which was to get healthier by eating better and exercising more. Losing weight was always meant to be a wonderful bi-product of that health journey. The problem is that as I got so close to my goal I got stuck (2 1/2 lbs to go) and frankly was getting a bit obsessive as I just kept bouncing up and down losing and gaining the same pound over and over again. So now today I sit again at the very edge that plateau but am far less emotional about it. I had another great workout, am eating well so far and am planning to be good again tonight - that's what is important. :smile:

    A couple of thank you's to send out:

    As always thank you Barbie for keeping this thread going and being a constant font of inspiration :flowerforyou:

    to all those offering suggestions on how to bust this plateau - thank you for all the great ideas...I'm trying some and we'll see how they go.:wink:

    So my April goals were:
    Try and break the 120 lb barrier I vowed never to pass but obviously did - keep bouncing just below and just above so will be back for May:noway:
    Be positive about the healthy changes I’m making and don’t get too down if the scale is not moving as long as I’m making NSV - Success :smile:
    Log everything everyday -Success...now up to day 115 :smile:
    Drink more water and green tea...not doing so well on this :grumble:

    May Goals:
    Focus on mixing up my exercise (can't wait to the trails dry up so I can bike ride along the river again) :smile:
    Exercise hard (e.g. 375-400+ calories) 5 days/week plus a day of yoga and one rest day:smile:
    Keep adding in new veggies :smile:
    check out Renny's veggie challenge
    Clean up my house of all the clutter (DS girlfriend coming to stay with us the 1st weekend in June so that will be an incentive):smile:
    Get back to jewelry making:smile:
    Drink more water or iced green tea (hoping the weather stays warm):smile:

    Brooke - great news on the interview - keeping my fingers crossed:drinker:
    Robin - what a lovely surprise and what a cool braid:drinker:
    Welcome to all the Newbies - you found a great thread.:drinker:
    Didn't keep notes and can't remember all the other comments I meant to make. Got to get to work anyway.

    Have a great day all! Jodios:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    welcome: ( Hi I am new here. I am a mother and grandmother with some health issues, but am ready to start this battle!) Wish you well on this journey. (You might give us a shorter name to address you by :wink: )

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy May Day to All!

    I am having an anxious day as DH (who had a heart attack 3 weeks ago) had to go to the dentist this AM and have 2 infected teeth pulled. The dentist did confer with the cardiologist first, so, hopefully the bleeding won't be too great. He has to have 2 more stents put in in a couple of weeks.

    I have decided not to weigh this week as I'm at a standstill weight loss wise. It makes me too depressed to be up one day and down the next with no real loss. I am logging everything and determined to stick with it just because it feels right to do so.

    Carol from GA
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy May!!

    Here's my review for April: Up water intake to 8 glasses a day- Happily I have met this most days!:smile:
    Clean 2 closets - Haven't touched either one, procrastinating:frown:
    Walk at least 4 times a week - Met and exceeded some weeks :happy:

    May goals- Clean 2 closets!! - Clothing drive coming up next Sat. so hopefully this will motivate me!
    Use the pool at the gym at least 3X a week - Want to get my moneys worth out of membership
    Focus on reducing stress and becoming calmer and more tolerant of others! - Unfortunately find myself being
    more critical and short tempered lately maybe because of stressing over finding a job but that's still not an acceptable

    NSV- Found myself getting hungry yesterday between morning snack and lunch and instead of eating I did my Pilates stretching
    instead!! I am back on track staying within my calories and trying to watch sodium intake more but having a few physical
    setbacks. Surprisingly, these are not bringing me down just doing what I can and backing down from what I know is
    aggravating my foot and shoulder. Foot doc thinks I may need another surgery down the road because my toe didn't
    heal right. This one would involve an implant and shortening a bone so I'm in no big hurry to do this! Today is the interview
    for the animal caretaker position at a no kill shelter. I'm pretty excited about it because it would be my dream job although
    physically may be a bit of a challenge.

    Hugs and sending positive thoughts your way!:flowerforyou:


    No idea why this post came out looking like this:noway:
  • corniche
    corniche Posts: 6
    Hi Barbie, I live a few miles away from you, Aberdeenshire Scotland! Ok a little fib its more than a few.
    I have read most of the chats from the group and they all seem a good bunch, Would it be ok to join in?

    I had began with mfp a few years ago but did not give it the proper attention. I am back today to try again and it would be nice to have someone to 'chat' with especially, among other things, I have moved to a new area and just getting to know my neighbours.

    Best wishes
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Hello everyone in lovely May!
    It's been a glorious day here in Hampshire in the south of England. DH and I went on the stately home trip we had been promising ourselves and it was a real treat. The weather obviously was a huge bonus. Bluebells out along with the primroses and violets. The sandwich I picked at the cafe had too much mayonnaise in it so I walked all round the large lake to walk it off. :laugh:
    I have been doing well on all my goals for April and my health and strength has improved so much I hardly recognise myself!
    For May I want to. - lose another 2 - 3 lbs
    Keep going with my dumbbells and resistance exercises- 5 times a week
    Sell my old lovely dresses and put the money towards new clothes
    I will continue my eating and exercising pattern as it seems to suit me. I have noticed though that as I get slimmer and fitter my standards have gone up. My original goal was to get back to the weight I was when I met my DH ten years ago. I hmave passed that. Now I say I want to hit normal BMI. But already I can see myself impatient with that. I would like to hit the mid range of normal.
    Does anyone else have this? The goals have shifted. I never expected so much success and I now I have a desire to be the best me I can. Oh dear. Does pride come before a fall? My biggest fear is that I will get there and then put it all back on.

    Anyway, a very happy May Day to all and once again, thank you so much for spurring me on. It's such a relief to have somewhere I can discuss all this. I think I would just pee off all my overweight friends and family if I bleated on.
    :love: :flowerforyou: :heart:
    Life: Use the whole box of crayons
  • ddellner
    ddellner Posts: 58 Member
    My first post was last night and this looks like a great group and it could get very addicting. My goal for May is to increase my
    daily average steps by 500. I did increase by 500 last month. It would be a small goal for some but a good one for me as I have bad arthritis in my knees and hips. I have lost some weight and made it to onederland for the first time in many years. i am still trying to figure out what is best for me with calories and the BMR's,TDEE's and all the other things I am learning on MFP.

    Robin your hair is beautiful !!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all, Diane
  • soyasee
    soyasee Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone. This is my first response to this group. My name is Cherie, I'm 54 and I've lost 71 lbs so far but really would like to lose another 71. I had been doing pretty good up until the last couple of months were I've had sugar cheat days. I had barely eaten any sugar or flour up until that point. I haven't completely dropped off the band wagon since I've maintained my weight, give or take 5 lbs, so I guess thats a good thing.

    My goal for May though, is to go back to No Sugar and Flour except what's allowed on my diet pan and also to exercise more, like walking, stretching, and building strength with weights.

    I'm glad to be onboard here. :-)
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Hello, Lovely Ladies! It's snowing again in Denver this morning, with an expected high of 36 degrees. This after wearing summer clothes and cleaning out flower beds for the past three days!

    I haven't had a chance to read the post for about a month now, although I've tried to keep a bit current on my home page with comments from friends and I have still been logging daily. I've just plain been busy and in a thoroughly bad frame of mind!

    My father hasn't been doing well. It's a long story, filled with numerous doctor consultations over the past month and many instances of him falling down. I can see him failing before my eyes, and have discovered that I'm not ready to lose my father yet, despite my age and our reversal of roles. I've always felt secure knowing that he is here in the background, and I think that I'm going to feel lost when he is gone. So much for being grown up! He was supposed to have surgery last week, but they pushed it out until June in hopes of getting him better able to withstand it. We're trying to decide whether to go through with it or not. It will be tremendously hard on him, if he comes through -- an estimated 5 weeks in the hospital (2 in ICU), followed by rehab. He's 84 and in very poor health. Most of the doctors say it's necessary, but not all. They are going to hash it over in the inter-departmental weekly meeting at the VA tomorrow (surgeons and department heads), and give us the consensus. They did this a month ago and said immediate surgery at that point. He could live without it for a while, but it might become truly miserable and require emergency surgery. They think his chances are better if it's planned.

    I've put my work mostly on hold (doing a little and just switched companies) and am devoting my time right now to my parents. Weight-wise, I guess I'm hanging in there. I've been fighting the same 5 lbs. for 8 months now... just up and down with no real progress. It's frustrating! MFP says that I should be losing, as I do okay most days, but it isn't happening.

    I'm afraid to travel, in case my dad falls and I need to get there. Mom can't lift him and she doesn't understand about 911, although I've explained it and posted it on her refrigerator. I'm sending my family to Mexico without me.

    That's about it for me right now. The one positive thing that has happened this month is that I was notified that I'll be listed in 5280 Magazine's fall issue that has the 5 Star Real Estate Agent list. This will be my second time being recognized. I have also purchased a 3 month health club membership, but haven't gotten there yet. It has a couple of classes that sound interesting. I have a new Rosetta Stone language course for Spanish, so am working away at that when I have spare moments.

    Jane in Colorado
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies here:flowerforyou:

    My goals for this month. I have never set goal for the month before
    Get into onederland. I am so close I can taste and touch it but then it is yanked away
    Join the Y and BE CONSISTENT
    Do the treadmill with an incline
    Cook at least 2 meals per week at home
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    I have been MIA for a bit on this board because of other responsibilities, including my primary goal of running the Broad Street Run. By April, I recognized I could only have one goal and it was:

    My goal for April: continue training for the race, including my twice a week 6 a.m. Personal trainer appts, and 9 miles by end of April.

    I kept up with all my training, and not only made the 9 miles, but did a 10 mile trail run last Saturday in the Catskills. That is a tail in itself that my MFP friends all, sadly, know about, but once the race is over, I'm going to do a blog about all of this. I even had to put my blog postings on hold. I had to call my art studio and put my art classes and studio work on hold, and I had to postpone my Russian language lessons until after the BSR, which is this Sunday, 5/5/13.

    1. Get back into some semblance of a normal routine life, i.e., begin painting, even if only 2 hours a week.
    2. Get back to Russian lessons.
    3. Begin the task of organizing my apartment.
    5. Figure out a routine running plan to keep my current condition and endurance
    6. Keep my one-day-per-week visits with the trainer

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • Just dropping by quickly - happy 1st may!

    Wonderful to hear about your successes and new goals!

    April goals:-

    1 attempt Jillian Michaels 30 day shred Level 1 -achieved level 1 consistently
    2 Continue to make Healthy scrummy low fat meals - yummy meals
    3 maintain weight and have fun! Achieved 3 lbs below goal for HRT (Holiday Replacement Therapy)

    Going to continue with some for May

    1 Continue to make Healthy scrummy low fat meals
    2 maintain weight and have fun!
    3 Vary exercise to confuse metabolism
    4 add weight training

    don't know whether I am doing this right but am no longer adding my exercise calories - just trying to up my steps and exercise to make it part of an active lifestyle

    Would like to chat more but the light evenings and ( speaking quietly) good weather - I'm off to finish some gardening.

    Wales UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    WOW!!! May already AND up to page 3 (although it feels like March again today........wet, chilly, cloudy,and windy). Just a quick in and out for goal evals. and to thank Barbie for keeping us going.........and to say "welcome newbies!!!"

    Gym this am...........exercise class and treadmill

    April goals:

    Wear pedometer---tada!!!! DONE........every day, every single day!!!!
    Eat less red meat
    had beef, pork, or bacon on 16 days.........I suppose that's less, but it still seems like a lot of days? But I know I had more tuna and salmon and eggs than EVER before in my life.....and some days were just 2 pieces of bacon and I counted them as meat days........successful or not?????? Hmmmmmmmmmm.......don't know....

    OK......onward to May goals:

    Wear pedometer and aim for at least 10,000 steps 3days/week
    Continue to try for less red meat
    Spend 1hr. working in garden 3x/wk

    I'm one pound below my mini goal for May and have 9lb. to go to my original goal......I had no ultimate goal date in mind originally BUT if I can keep up the pace, July 4 seems fitting!!!!!

    yanniejannie.........East coast mid-Atlantic region
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi fitness buddies! It is cold and rainy/snowy here today. YUCK. Benny is doing ok except he has a lot of pain, so he’s still on morphine and tramadol. We are rotating every 4 hours, so we were up several times last night. But he did eat a bit and would go potty outside. He’s not drinking so we had to syringe him some water. He can’t tolerate much activity; walking to the door and back gets his pain acting up. I’m hoping today will be a turning point and he’ll start feeling better soon.

    Wessecg: our break room goodies are right outside my office next to the coffee pot. There is always something there. Thank goodness I’m not much on sweets or I’d be fatter than I already am!

    BeckY ; welcome to our group. My parents were from Texas so I am a traditional southern type cook who had to learn to make healthier choices. Good news is that we all love veggies. I think I like them more than about anything.

    Bsgordon: welcome to you too!

    Joyce: I’m glad you are feeling more encouraged now. A single snickers bar is way better than pigging out at Golden Corral. Good choice!

    Brooke: keeping all my digits crossed for you too!

    Robin: that hair is gorgeous!!!

    Barbie: thanks again for keeping us going!

    Renny: good for you to be biking!

    Katla: I find that subway is my fast food place of choice these days.

    Diane: welcome to our group!

    Michele: I have had brownies and a piece of chocolate silk pie made with silken tofu and they were delic! No way to tell something was different!

    Viv: good for you on your weight loss!

    Sunshine: welcome back! Glad you had such a wonderful trip and didn’t gain as much as you thought!

    Jane: my thoughts and prayers are with you as you care for your father

    I need to run; have students coming for final clinical evaluations. I know I missed tons of you. I think of my favorite virtual friends all the time! Take care, meg from icky weather Omaha
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I just got back from the Y:grumble: Walking on a treadmill is completely different than walking on the ground! I can fairly easily get in .8 miles and sometimes a mile. But it was an effort to get in .4 mile, I rested some and tried to get back on and only got in another .1 mile. And I set it at the pace I do at the mall and I had to back it off. And yes, I started out pretty slow and worked up to my rate at the mall. So my first day was dissapointing. Only good thing about it was that's free.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Bump. Busy day with the new 2 day a week boss. It is good.
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Maybe that's a new goal for May;
    "Add 500 steps daily....."
    "Subtract 500 calories daily..."

    Now, just to be able to meet in the middle... :laugh:

    Welcome to the newbies!!
  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    Hi ladies,
    Soooo happy I found you! I am a 61 year old grandma that wants to get fit before I retire!

    This looks like a wonderful group. I just started 2 weeks ago and brought along 2 of my co-workers. I work at a hospital in the communications department. 10 - 12 hour days. Thankfully our desks raise, so I can stand part of the day. We have 1/2 hour lunches in which I power walk. So, working it all in.

    March and April were a blur to hubby and I. We bought a home, fixed up our old trailer home, and just sold and closed on it this week. Hoping to get back to being "normal" again... whatever that is LOL.

    I am really stiving to get back down to the 130's. I am so happy to have found MFP, and all the wonderful support around.

    Goals for May: Start some strength training (simple) that I can strenthen my Core/abs. Any suggestions.... be gentle..:)
    Keep active in MFP. More so now!
    Finish getting pictures on the walls @ home.
    Start builing Raised bed vegtable gardens. Planted by Memorial Day.
    Be @ 150 # by June1.

    Most of my problems have been stress eating.... once you start talling your calories one can see how quickly that ads up. I am finding good substitutes and keeping busy.

    Would love some buddies on this journey, so friend me if you are so inclined.

    Have a Blessed May!
    In beautiful Colorado!

    Looking forward to getting to know all you wonderful ladies!
  • LillieMaesMom
    LillieMaesMom Posts: 7 Member
    Happy May Day, y'all! :flowerforyou:

    My main goal for May is to keep my eye on the prize. I've passed my halfway point, and at times I can feel my resolve begin to weaken. Recording my food intake every day on MFP has been a wonderful tool, and your kind words and support really encourage me. :heart: Thanks for the Vitamin F - especially from you DeeDee, Sundance, JudynDisguise, and Barbiecat.:heart:

    You've been a big help!

    Lilliemaesmom (aka Pam) :glasses: