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*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    For those that asked, this is the website I'm using. I does look like they have other strength training challenges as well. I downloaded the app to my iphone, and it's really easy to use (cost $2). I just finished my first day, did 25, and my core is feeling it more than my arms at this point. They have you do a test to determine where your starting point should be, I was able to get in 9 pushups before I had to stop. @Stacey, I thought I couldn't do real push ups either, but I decided to try, and managed the 9. So it's worth a shot to try.
  • Hello my name is Elizabeth and I have 83 lbs left to lose!

    Would love to join this group, I miss the forum atmosphere!

    I am down 21 lbs from having my son and 37 lbs from my heaviest ever weight!

    Kudos to everyone here!!! WE got this!
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    @untogether01.. Welcome to our awesome group!!! We totally have your back!

    @Great_Mazinga.. It is going to be a great journey to lose all that weight. We are totally here for you.

    @bettegraham05... Congrats!!! I don't know about it, but I've heard baby weight is the WORST!!!!

    Let's see... what happened today. Well I can't stop coughing. Someone told me strep throat is going around. Ewwww, yuck, and gross. No thank you. Although, laying in bed for days does sound QUITE AWESOME!!!! I'd just rather NOT be sick while doing that. Lol. I'm finally up to running 2.15 miles in 22 minutes. I still hate running. Plus my friend sent me a map that she ran which was 2 miles in 15 minutes. Annoyed! My next 5k is in 2 weeks. I'm running it at the Biltmore Estate. My goal is to finish in less than 35 minutes. I'm not sure of the course, so it may be some hills since it's in the mountains. My overall goal is to do a 5k this year in 30 minutes!!!!! Fingers crossed!
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hello ladies..

    Wow, I've been gone a day and look at all these posts. Everyone here is so darn active in a very good way.

    rdcphpone572 - welcome to our growing community. Congrats on taking the slow road. As they say, the faster we lose it, the faster it all comes back. Just like anything else in this life, we will only work hard at maintaining what we achieved when we really worked hard to achieve it in the first place.

    megblackburn - good to read that the zoo visit was fun. Just ease on that heel for now. You might get in more pain if you completely ignore it and continue working out despite the pain. I also have that in my phone even the sit-ups. Unfortunately, I have not been using them. Now that you mentioned it, I might as well give it a try.

    tnsummer - congrats on finishing your exams. enjoy the rest of your weekend, relaxing and sleeping

    evdjohnson - buy the HRM. i just bought mine a couple weeks back and I absolutely love it. I get excited just putting it on. Think of it as a gift for all the hardwork. Plus it's an almost accurate measurement of your calorie burn.

    renaejae - welcome back

    untogether01 - welcome, just jump in the discussions. I'm also currently doing the c25k. I'm on my 2nd week right now.

    Well, I had a great time yesterday. I did the JM's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and oh boy, my knees are still aching. At least I has a good burn. When I started tracking my calorie burn, I usually burn just over 200 to 300 plus. BUt yesterday it was 501 to be exact. But the bad thing is I ate all my exercise calories back and I think I went above my goal a few calories over. Anyway, today is another day. I'll be doing my C25k after office.

    Hope everyone's well...
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    Hi everyone :smile:

    I'm a 35 year old stay at home mom of 3. I wasn't always a big girl, I used to be very athletic until I hurt my knees. Even after that, I was still pretty active. I have had some issues with pregnancy, not getting pregnant but staying pregnant. I've been pregnant 7 times and gained weight instantly with each pregnancy. In between that, and other things in my life, I fought with depression and addiction. I've been clean and sober for some time now, or so I thought. One day when I was talking to my sister, she very quietly asked me if maybe I traded my other addictions for food, and I started to cry. It suddenly clicked that I had. And so began my journey. I had started trying to lose weight and succeded but then I got pregnant with my 3rd child. I have managed to lose some since but I've seemed to hit a wall.

    I'm drinking shakeology and doing some beach body workouts. I've also been playing with my diet, I've always loved fruit and veggies but I have a sweet tooth. I've managed to cut out that out, for the most part, I still have my days. I have some issues that I'm trying to work out with my doctor, as I've been losing weight my stomach has gotten a little flatter, one day as I walked by a mirror I noticed I was kind of bloated and didn't think anything of it, until later that evening when I noticed I looked pregnant and ready to have a baby. I'm going to start a gluten free diet right away, have done dairy free, to see if those could be the issue.

    I'm obese, I don't allow my pictures to be taken unless I take them, from the first chin up. I'm done feeling like this, I want to love who I see when I look in the mirror, or get out of the shower. I want to do this for me...and to have a family picture.
  • evdjohnson
    evdjohnson Posts: 25
    Good evening friends!

    Wow! So many new posters! Looking forward to getting to know all of you!

    untogether01 - Don't be scared to weigh yourself. Then you won't know your overall progress. Remember everything is relative and even if you don't show "weight" loss think about it as you are getting healthy and doing what you can! And be kind to yourself!

    sjo68 - That is ridiculously awesome you've done TurboFire! I'm super impressed! I'll take you up on your challenge. I've been trying to drink more lately anyway so yes!

    megblackburn - My friend got back to me on the calories. She said just stay at 1,700 and see how you feel in a couple weeks. I don't know if I totally agree with that but I'll know after a few days if I need to eat more or not. Since I'm going to do the program every other day until i get stronger she might be right but like I wrote, we'll see! That is awesome you want to start training for a half marathon. WOOHOO!!

    Great_Mazinga - Try setting yourself smaller goals like 5 or 10 lbs at first. It will be much more doable and be easier for you to visualize yourself getting healthier.

    janetay01 - Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! :) I said, "AWWWWWW" out loud when reading them. Thanks for the advice on the protein too. I won't worry about it so much and since I'll be burning tons of calories I won't fret over it if I go over on the protein. My husband has some whey protein that he used to use and I think I'll drink some of that on the days that I do the video's. It's only 100 calories/24 grams of protein.

    tnsumner - Again, good job sticking to something you're not fond of. When I don't like something, it takes a herculean effort to try to motivate myself to do it. *admiration* For your cough, hot green tea with a little honey will soothe that sore, angry throat! Though I can't say if the honey would mess up your calories a lot. But green tree does have calming properties!

    jehan - That hrm might have to be a bday gift then!

    JuniperT - Which Beachbody workouts are you doing? I'm doing the ChaLEAN Extreme/TurboFire hybrid. Do you like shakeology? Don't be too hard on yourself girl. We're all going through our own journey's and we're here for support.

    I took another day off from my program to make sure the muscle pain go away. I took a really hot bath with baking soda and epsom salt last night and my muscles felt miles and miles better. Wish me luck for my workout tomorrow!
  • Juniper- welcome! I totally understand the picture thing; I hardly have any pics of me with my husband or son-- it's so sad! But, that's going to change! Not sure what could be theroblem, but I never lost weight doing gluten-free, low carb, meat free, etc. (I always substituted for other high-calorie, high fat foods). I'm trying not to cut out anything but alcohol and processed foods (for the most part), and focus on changing my lifestyle, not just dieting. It's a challenge though... Anyway, kind of a rant there, but what I meant to say was "welcome"!!!!

    Evd- I'm sure it's related to my period this week, because I haven't cheated or slacked at all- but it still sucks to get on the scale and not see it budge when you know you've worked for it! Oh well, better results next week, I hope!!! Incidentally, I'm so jealous of the hot bath, the most I get is a 3- minute shower before the hot water runs out!! I've been taking a naproxen every night to help with soreness, and it seems to be helping :)

    Today is day 2 of wk 2 C25K... Not looking forward to it; yesterday 30DS killed my knee, hoping not a problem today! Also its supposed to rain all day (in "sunny" South FL) so I'm going to be struggling to entertain my toddler (he spends a lot of time in the backyard). Have a great day everyone!!!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hey all you newbies, welcome! This thread is so great, everyone is so supportive. If anyone wants to friend me, please feel free to.

    I did my first day of the pushup challenge yesterday, a whole 25 pushups. Didn't feel it much yesterday, but ouch! Today I am definitely feeling it. Glad there's a rest day between workout days. Weighed in this morning, I couldn't believe it, I have lost another 1.4 lbs. I lost 1.6 yesterday, and .6 the day before. So 3.6 lbs in 3 days. That's crazy! But I was in a holding pattern for a week and a half, so I think my body definitely needed this low exercise week.

    @tnsumner, I hope it's not strep! Had that in December, and so did my husband, and we were both miserable. I ended up taking a week off of work.

    @Jehan, nice burn! I know I have to watch it on the days I exercise, I think, Oh yay, I can eat more! I don't usually go over (have a couple times) but even if I don't, I go over on fat or carbs, and I don't feel good about that. Right now I'm working on upping my protein so I don't overdo the fat and carbs.

    @evdjohnson, that bath sounds nice... wish I had a tub in my bathroom. Just a shower stall. I guess if I really wanted I could use the boys bathroom. But the problem with that is that the boys use it. Therefore it's usually disgusting in there.

    @untogether01, hope it's not rainy all day for you. I know the joy of keeping a toddler busy. My little guy spends every possible minute he can outside. And I live in Washington state where it's cold and rainy quite often, although I think you'd enjoy the weather here today, it's beautiful!
  • yetieddie
    yetieddie Posts: 28 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am not new to the challenge of getting in better shape, but the outlook I have this time is new. So here we are! I'm looking to be on here more often and to add some good quality folks for the journey. Somehow seeing what I need to lose on the ticker is enticing me to kick it in the teeth and move the number "to lose" down.

    Challenges = shift work, stressful job, 1 month old (my 7th) and moving / constructing new home. It's a bear. But this is making a difference.... I look forward to reading this thread often and thanks!

  • Hello. I just found this thread and am super happy to know I am not alone! My name is Melissa. I’m 35, have 3 kids, 3 step kids, 2 dogs, 5 puppies, a husband and full time job. Life for me is very busy right now. I can totally “not” have enough time to take care of myself and workout like I should. I’m 5'2 and 180lbs. Needless to say, I’m way too overweight for a shortie! I also have insulin resistance which makes it really hard for me to lose weight unless I have the perfect diet and exercise routine. Basically for me to lose weight I have to count my calories, keep my carb and sugar intake extremely low, hard because those are my weaknesses! And I have to workout almost daily. I also take Metformin to help regulate my insulin. I get discouraged easily because it does take sooo long for me to lose weight and to actually keep it off. But, I want to and am very motivated to keep at it. I joined a 30 day challenge and hope to lose 10lbs by the end of May. I’m glad I have MFP to help me! And I’m glad there is a place I can now go to for support from others that are fighting the fight too!
  • Oh yeah, I'm trying to lose 50lbs!
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member
    Loved this blog today! I'm working to have an outlook more like her when I'm out jogging. Speaking of, my second race ever is this Saturday - a 5k. :smile:

  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @dareacceptor, that was a great blog! Thanks for sharing!

    Welcome Melissa & Ed!
  • TotalTory
    TotalTory Posts: 59
    Just curious if anyone has suggestions on protein shakes to drink for breakfast. I have heard of Advocare, Shakeology, and ViSalis? Any recommendations anyone? Thanks!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    I use Bsn Syntha-6 Chocolate Milkshake flavor. Then I create my own, usually with kale, spinach and greek yogurt. Did one yesterday though with the protein powder, in 1% milk with a banana and ground flax seed, and a little chocolate stevia. It was really yummy! For the most part though, I use it as a way to get my leafy greens in because I'm terrible about it otherwise.
  • Hello...Just started here last sunday ..so learning how to use mfp...so far I have some great support from my friends however not everyone is on the same scale to lose ..like me...This is my pic from May 2012 when I was at my heaviest....I went out and started to walk and eat better and over the spring and summer of 2012..I lost 52 pounds on my own...then came sept...and I just kind of stopped....gained back over 8 pounds..Then in jan- feb of 2013 lost about 4 pounds.....checked in with my doc and was sort of stuck...so last week signed up at our local gym...and started walking there ..and finding other ways to eat better...I am setting my 1st goal to be at the same weight I stopped at in sept... I need to lose 5 pounds to reach that ...then I need to set another goal by July 1st to lose about 15 pounds or more.....small baby steps for me...I would like to be a total of 20 pounds down over the next 2 months + or more...mfp keeps saying I will be in my weight range I want in 5 weeks if I eat & exercise the same way every day.. I hope so...lol thanks everyone...:)
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    @TotalTory... I have an egg white protein powder. I can't digest whey/soy/milk very well. I use almond milk to mix it with. It doesn't taste like eggs at all. I really enjoy it. You can get it at Complete Nutrition or amazon.com.

    I took my organic chemistry final today. I have a 79.9 in the class. I BETTER GET A B!!!!!! My calculus 2 final is tomorrow. Then it is officially summer break!!! I can refocus on lifting weights since I haven't had time to do that recently. I am 12 pounds away from my goal weight!!!! I can't believe it is so close. It's unreal to me. Oh, I've decided that during my summer break, I will learn to play the violin. I think my boyfriend is going to move out if I don't get the hang of it quickly. Maybe a bunch of stray cats are going to show up at my house! Eck!!!!!
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    Thanks everyone :smile: I think this is something I really need...

    evdjohnson ~ I started with slim in 6, hip hop ab's and turbo jam but I'm gonna start doing Rev Ab's right away. I love Chalene's energy, I hope to have half of it soon :laugh: I do like it, I make it my own though with lots of add-in's depending on what kind I'm having. I love to add spinach no matter what. Do you drink it as well? And thanks, I'm learning to just let go and roll with it.

    untogether01 ~ Other than the dairy free thing I'm checking out this is really my first time cutting anything out. I love carbs, I can admit it...if I could eat a loaf of bread in a sitting, I would. So this gluten free thing is going to be a hard one for me. I'm not one to go crazy with cutting everything out, but if this helps me figure out what's going on, I'm all for it. How are you liking the 30ds?

    Totaltory ~ As I said above, I do Shake O and I'm a fan. I had taken it to my doctor before I started it because I'm nursing my daughter and he told me it was safe to drink. I really struggle with breakfast, always have so that's my go to breakfast. I have chocolate and strawberry and I go back and forth between the 2 or mix them together. I throw banana in with either of them, some spinach, there's lots of different yummy ways to make them. I'd recommend trying it out, you can call the company and they will send you sample packs so you can try before you buy :wink:

    We went out of town grocery shopping and came home to a broken oven so I didn't get my full workout in, but I did my 2nd day of plank, wall sit and squat challenge.
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hi ladies.

    tnsummer - in just a few days you'll be enjoying your summer. NOw, I'm remembering the joys and pains of a student. Good luck with the violin lessons. I'm not musically inclined, so I can not play any instrument whatsoever even if my life depended on it. Also, kudos for taking up lifting. I already read the NROLW, but I'm still staying clear of the lifting section in the gym, for now.

    evdjohnson - I already have the video of Chalean Extreme but it has lots weights involved. I only own a measly 2lb dumbbell. So I'm putting it in the shelf first. I'm crossing my fingers that I could do it soon. Totally love MOdern Family by the way.

    untogether01 - hi, we are actually doing the same thing. C25k and the Shred. So god luck to us both.

    For the new ladies, welcome, welcome.

    So as stated, I'm currently doing c25k and Shred. Well, I started Shred a couple of months ago, way back in March. But I only reached Day 6 of Level 2. That was when I suffered my neck rheumatism, got sick and had to take PT sessions. So I'm doing it all over again. So when I was doing it before, I was using MFP numbers and listed it under circuit training which MFP pegs it at 321 calories. Since I just recently bought my HRM, I realized that I only burn 193 cals. So all the time, that I was sweating and panting, I was overcalculating my burn and was obviously eating more than what I should have. No wonder, I was not losing any lbs.

    ANyway, it's kind of frustrating, when I started last Feb, I weighed 150, went to 148 and it seems I'm stuck there forever. ALthough, I also measured myself and I'm losing a few cms here and there but it isn't noticeable. I still look 6 months preggo. I know we must be patient and all but there are days that are just plain blah...

    well, hope everyone had a better day than me....
  • majasmi
    majasmi Posts: 133 Member
    hello. trying to lose 60+ pounds. take care.