What food do you miss eating the most?



  • vanessamcinnis
    vanessamcinnis Posts: 204 Member
    LOTS of food. I have a ton of food allergies and can't eat anything with certain ingredients. Example last time I had dairy I ended up in the Emergency Department because I had sharp twisting pains for 6 hours non stop.

    For milk- I'm only aloud flax, hemp or rice.
    Cheese- Goat/Sheep only.
    Eggs- eggs whites aloud, yolk 1 x week.
    COMPLETE ELIMINATION: Almonds, barley, coconut, gluten, peanuts, rye, soy, spelt and wheat. Which is in ALOT of food.

    I'm going on month 4 and feel so much better, however...Do I ever miss marble cheese, pizza...all the bad stuff...It's forcing me to become a healthy eater or I'm in alot of pain...Bonus its helping with my weight loss!
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Chicken and broccoli.
  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126
    i miss things with gluten in since having to give it up :(
    pasta, pizza, biscuits, sandwiches, oooooooooh gosh

    not gluten but another thing i miss is nutella. If i buy nutella i will eat the whole damn jar at once. lol
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    It feels like everything since I started calorie counting.

    lol that's funny, me too. All the sudden I am craving foods that I have never even had the desire to eat before just because I can't eat them.

    ^^ This is why completely eliminating your fave foods from your day-to-day eating is not sustainable in the long run, and why people end up binging or giving up altogether. Learn to incorporate the foods you love NOW (whether this means eating smaller portions or simply planning your days more effectively), so you can continue eating like a normal person in the future after you've reached your weight loss goals.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    No food is off limits for me. I just work it into my macros.
  • QuinceyBethx3
    LOTS of food. I have a ton of food allergies and can't eat anything with certain ingredients. Example last time I had dairy I ended up in the Emergency Department because I had sharp twisting pains for 6 hours non stop.

    For milk- I'm only aloud flax, hemp or rice.
    Cheese- Goat/Sheep only.
    Eggs- eggs whites aloud, yolk 1 x week.
    COMPLETE ELIMINATION: Almonds, barley, coconut, gluten, peanuts, rye, soy, spelt and wheat. Which is in ALOT of food.

    I'm going on month 4 and feel so much better, however...Do I ever miss marble cheese, pizza...all the bad stuff...It's forcing me to become a healthy eater or I'm in alot of pain...Bonus its helping with my weight loss!

    I'm sorry to hear that : ( Can you eat Feta cheese?
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    I still pretty much eat what I want, just in smaller portions and not so often!

    I do miss having a weekly takeaway though on a saturday or sunday night! Lol now I try and limit myself to once every 3 / 4 weeks!
  • carolynSC74
    carolynSC74 Posts: 10
    Mayo on everything! The full fat version of course
  • QuinceyBethx3
    i miss things with gluten in since having to give it up :(
    pasta, pizza, biscuits, sandwiches, oooooooooh gosh

    not gluten but another thing i miss is nutella. If i buy nutella i will eat the whole damn jar at once. lol

    hahaha, do you know those girl scout cookies that are like cocounut and chocolate?! If I buy those I will destroy the whole box in ten minutes -__-
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Another one who doesn't give up any foods. Are you planning to never eat curry and pizza again in your life? Or would you rather teach yourself to eat it in moderation? My strategies include:

    1. Portion control. Afraid you'll eat an entire large pizza? Don't buy the large. Get the smallest one available, and either budget your calories to eat it all, or plan to eat half and save the other half for tomorrow. If you can't stop yourself from eating it all, you won't be over all that much.

    2. Planning ahead. Look up the nutrition of the items you like, and see how you can jigger things to get the taste you love with fewer calories. You'd save 50-90 calories per slice, for instance, if you switched from pan pizza to thin crust at Pizza Hut. And obviously, toppings make a difference. Again, just looking at Pizza Hut, there's 100-150 calorie difference between a slice of Meat Lover's and Veggie Lover's (med. vs. lg). Me, I love sausage on pizza. But mushroom is my second favorite. Usually these days, I get mushroom and am perfectly happy.

    3. Eat the exercise! Long run days, when I burn 700-1000 calories? I get the sausage. And bread sticks. And a glass of red wine to wash it all down. And I still lose weight.
  • QuinceyBethx3
    I still eat things I want sometimes, I guess I just miss eating them whenever I want and whatever amount of it I want.
  • MoRiv1986
    MoRiv1986 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm gonna miss my pizza and burgers. Not saying bye bye to them completely, just not eating them nearly as often.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I loveee curry! And eat curry!

    I don't miss anything, cause this isn't a DIET, its a lifestyle change.. so why would I cut something out..?

    Of course I eat high-calorie foods less often, but I still eat them and fit them in.. and CAN cause I'm not eating 1200 cals. I eat -20% of my tdee..

    You should be doing the same - not missing out on anything!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    The only thing I completely cut out was nachos...love them and there is no way to eat just one chip. : ) Also Froyo frozen yogurt, it's not that bad but I like a lot of toppings and I'm waiting until I have a low cal day and indulge.

    I had my Friday pizza last week but one piece instead of 3 or 4. I buy less and just take my portion and that's it. (alright maybe a little more crust) I don't indulge in cookies, etc. that coworkers bring in or just have half.

    I"m hoping to tame my Italian side that got so used to huge portions as a youth and young adult and I can be full with less...the enjoyment of the food though will be harder to work on, it's a sensory thing and without a lot of exercise, I can't balance that.
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    I missed Ice Cream and Pizza <3:sad: :sad: Beside of course the Burgers XD but I do often eat burgers...
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I missed Ice Cream and Pizza <3:sad: :sad: Beside of course the Burgers XD but I do often eat burgers...

    I live in what some call the "pizza capital of the world" and unless I was allergic, would go without one meal to save calories before I gave it up all together, it's one of my favorite foods and I got to love veggie pizza last year. : )
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member


    HOT WINGS (with blue cheese)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I don't miss the foods I use to overeat on ... but I miss things like a really good chicken pot pie or chicken and dumplings. I just make mashed califlower with chicken instead.
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    escargot, cocaine and caviar
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    I missed Ice Cream and Pizza <3:sad: :sad: Beside of course the Burgers XD but I do often eat burgers...

    I live in what some call the "pizza capital of the world" and unless I was allergic, would go without one meal to save calories before I gave it up all together, it's one of my favorite foods and I got to love veggie pizza last year. : )

    Then u better send me some original Pizza! ;-) one piece is going to be enough for my lunch LOL!
    Why do Pizza's has so much calories ;'(? this is unfair! bcoz I like almost all the type of pizza's