

  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    I hope to have a busy day on the elliptical and in the garden. I have taken a few days off from my elliptical workouts because I think I overdo it sometimes, then I run out of energy for other chores/gardening. We have had clouds and drizzle for a week now...so hoping for a pretty day today!

    Hope you all have a healthy, satisfying day. Bless all of you!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good morning!

    Santd, your pictures are amazing! Congratulations on your hard work.

    Sunshine, I accept the challenge. I'll be looking for your posts.

    I made it through day 1 by staying under my calories,in spite of having a cookie break around 3:00. My husband does the grocery shopping on Wednesdays. I added lots of healthy snacks for work to the list, so I shouldn't have to hit the vending machine any more. I'm feeling pretty good about May. Yay!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning all:

    Well i keep going over my calories but I'm not giving up! I did exercise yesterday so that is a NSV for me.

    Wilma just jump right in! There are no real rules read the posts, ask questions and people will give you the support you need. There's no negativity here unless one of us is complaining about our own shortfall. Good for you for such long walks!

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good morning, lovelies!
    Barbie your "be agreeable" goal and story really hit home. How much more valuable it is for us to spend time (even at Wal~Mart:noway: ) with our DH's than on the tasks we planned! Great example of how to focus on what's important. Thank you!

    Happy birthday JaneMartin! Hope this year brings many blessings.:heart:

    Was gonna tell you about my marathon food prep adventure Tuesday night (my first curried dal and tarka) but whoops! Scanning posts as already eaten into matwork time so must stop NOW and get down to it.


    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD of the healthier waist in 2013.

    2013: Focus on the important stuff
    May: Log, matwork, sweat EVERY day. HRM, Smartphonewalk, scanposts
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Thanks for the birthday wishes,Barbie.
    Going to enjoy the day,will log,but if I`m over,it`s ok.Birthdays are once a year.
    Enjoy your day!!
  • Corjogo
    Corjogo Posts: 201 Member
    Sounds like a motivating group - Can't say I'll visit everyday, as I have many friends that I "chat" with several times a day, but I will surely visit - I qualify for over 50. My goal for May is to get to < 165 (had a recent gain due to medication changes).
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning Ladies, Congrats to all those who have made great strides on their weightloss journey prayers to those in need

    Happy Birthday Jane and to Violet also Enjoy your day!!

    Weather here is finally more like summer was very warm yesterday working outside but so nice,will continue
    working in the garden today trying to get a place ready for an herb garden never tried one before so we'll see

    May goal is to keep on track and move move move Welcome to all who are new its a great place to
    come to for information support and understanding

    juanita from sunny sudbury ontario in canada
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Bump for later.....
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    well back from the gym, walmart and cvs, waiting to watch the George Jones funeral, then after that take the boys for a walk at the park, and mow the lawn.. that should keep me busy for while.. hope today is a good day for everyone...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rosalind: Portion control is my mantra. :love: I bought a food scale from Amazon and dishers from a restaurant supply store in Portland. They help to keep me honest and my idea of what a portion size is consistent. A few weeks ago we had a discussion here in the 50+ group about portion control (moderation) vs. abstaining from certain foods. We discovered that some of us fall into one category and some of us into the other. I’m in the Portion Control group, (moderators). I have many food sensitivities and so does DH, so we have to eliminate a lot of things before we even consider weight loss. We’ve always eaten good food and have gotten quite chubby in the process. :tongue: Now we’re measuring and weighing our good food, giving up nothing that is important to us AND losing weight. Win-win.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    santd: It sounds like you’ve mastered the skills to be successful in your weight loss. Welcome to this group. The ladies here are awesome, and have helped me keep focused.:flowerforyou:

    sunshine: Your MIL sounds like a terror. She also sounds very unhealthy. It must be hard for your DH to see his mom’s self-destructive behavior. I hope you find your home a haven to rest up from your vacation.:flowerforyou:

    cityjane: I understand what you mean about wearing things over and over. :ohwell: I have three pairs of pants that currently fit and rotate them. I’m hoping to drop at least two more sizes before I’m done, and I’ll keep replacements to a few items that fit until then. I’ll replentish my wardrobe more fully when I reach my goal.:bigsmile: I’m guessing that might be fall if I keep on at this rate. We live a simple lifestyle, so a fancy wardrobe isn’t really needed anyway and I’m not suffering.

    Yoga today! That is a great way to start things out and I look forward to it. The sun is out and everything looks nicer on a sunny day. I’m feeling pretty optimistic at the moment, and all of you help sustain that optimism with your big doses of Vitamin F. Tomorrow DH goes in for some testing from the new doctor. The road between here and there will be closed for repair so we’ve devised an alternate route that involves twisty narrow roads and an unknown additional amount of travel time. DH wants to give it an extra half hour and I’m nervous about that. I’d rather sit around at the destination early than be stressed about being late. :noway: Maybe we should take a practice run later today and time the route, then add some minutes to account for traffic delays. I think I’ll suggest the idea.:wink:

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • juliemartinoli
    juliemartinoli Posts: 3 Member
    Hi....I just discovered fitness pal!
    I'm trying to lose some weight before I go to a three week diet and fitness camp.
    I have a low back injury from a car accident which makes it difficult to bend, lift, push or pull.
    The fitness center is creating a plan specifically for me with help from my doctor and PT.
    I'm down 12 pounds since I started about 1 1/2 months ago.
    I'm going to get a pedometer today!!!
    How do you make a green shake?
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Just a pop in to mark my spot. Life haas been crazy full and diet and exercise have gone by the wayside the last weeks:frown: time to get back at it?
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's a beautiful blue sky day here in Colorado,

    Just popping in to say Hi to al you Vit F's. I just skimmed the posts looks like a lot of good goals for May and :flowerforyou: Welcome to all you newbies there are a lot of you.

    I was wondering why I found it so much easier to be here checking in a year ago and when I looked at our year to date reports from last year it explained it. Our work load is double what it was a year ago and all the paper work travels over my desk at one time or another. it looks like our company will have a lot of work this spring and summer and I'm hoping I will be able to keep up with it. We are still cash poor but have so much work that if we can make it through the next six weeks we may be seeing some light at the end of our financial tunnel...I can hope:ohwell:

    Yesterday hubby had a trial of a day at work. He some how managed to injure his hand and took about a 1/2" chunk of skin out of his palm and when it wouldn't stop bleeding they sent him to urgent care where he was for about 3.5 hrs no stiches but still an open wound that he needs to keep covered. The bandages over it make it look worse than it is and we are thankful it doesn't keep him from working or doing anything.

    Peanut is getting slower and slower. He's now having trouble walking up and down steps and if you pick him up wrong he either yelps or growls at you. He had his comprensive physical last month and they said he was fine but we can see that he's not. He is 13. 5 yrs and that's a lot in doggie years:cry:

    I continue to play with my calories and exercise to fine out how much I can eat with exercise to maintain. I keep floating between 2.5 & 4 lbs and my clothes all fit. Weight training goes slow for me but with warmer weather we will be getting in more bike rides. Last weekend we had two and they were wonderful.

    Have a great day. Keep up the logging it's worth it:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • incanto50
    incanto50 Posts: 6 Member
    New to this forum and to MFP. Looking for some friends walking the same path. I am a 51 year old mom with three kids. I ride horses and am a lawyer.
  • incanto50
    incanto50 Posts: 6 Member
    For May my goals are to log in every day and to walk for an hour four times a week.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    watching George Jones funeral, very moving..and while watching i went through my summer clothes and got rid of some and kept some... ,will take the boys for a walk at the park and then mow the lawn.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    It's only morning for just a few more minutes:noway: ! I've been busy busy this morning:sad: , still busy but wanted to take some time to say hello:bigsmile: ! I still have to go over my April goals and set some for May:embarassed: , hopefully I'll have time to get back here some time today! I did update my weight ticker this morning:sad: :brokenheart: , instead of the 37 pounds, now it's 28:sad: :sad: :ohwell: ! Hopefully, I'll start losing again and see the 37 again soon!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and chat with us!

    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker::drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in cloudy chilly NC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Marcia – Glad they were able to identify and fix the problem, been there/done that and know it’s no fun!

    Katla – Rather than a community garden where you have to contribute time/labor try to find a CSA where you can buy a share of the harvest and pick it up weekly. This is what I do and I get local, organic (delicious) produce from May-October (might be longer in your growing area). I love blueberries, will be curious to hear how your new plant produces later in the season.

    Carol – I’ll bet you achieved some of your April goals, so congratulate yourself for those first and then look ahead to the new month! You’ve got this

    Nannikins – Welcome!!! You’ve come to the right place for support from women on the same journey. Sounds like you’re off to a great start. Come back often to read/post.

    Santd – Wow, 196 pounds! Welcome and can’t wait to have your input on how you’ve moved so far along the road to health. This is a group of wise and witty women, please come back often to connect.

    Jo in Wales – What a lovely day you have planned, beach-walking and gardening in the sunshine. Spring has sprung!!!

    Sunshine61250 – OMG, your story (other than the cruise part) could be a chapter stolen from my own life’s book. My mother behaved just as your MIL did, so I truly understand your frustration and worry. I’m glad for you that it’s over, happy that your mom had a good time though.

    CityJane – That is a great NSV! I love to get rid of the clothes I will NEVER need again, it is very liberating

    Mamaomefo – Hoping you can enjoy sunshine in your gardening efforts today

    Drkatiebug – Way to start the month healthfully! How nice for you that DH does the grocery shopping

    Laura80111 – So sorry to hear about DH but sounds like it’s not too serious, though hearing about your sweet dog’s seeming pain I send you virtual hugs - - it’s so hard seeing them hurting and wishing they could tell you why!

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Success comes from hanging on after others have let go.”
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning! I had hoped to get further in reading the posts, but realize that it's time for me to head out the door. Wishing you all a wonderful day! Thank you for the encouragement about my father.

    Brooke – Congratulations on a great phone interview! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you get a personal interview next!

    Jodios – Thanks for writing about your attitude adjustment. You’re so right! I lost 10 lbs. pretty easily and have kept them off, but the next 5 have been up and down for 8 months now. It’s so frustrating! I need the same attitude adjustment, as health is the important thing. The rest will follow at some point in time!

    Meg – I hope that Benny is feeling better this morning and has turned the corner.

    Colograndma – Welcome to the group! We’re getting to have quite a contingent of wonderful Colorado ladies on this thread!

    Barbie – Good for you! I think that I need to work on being agreeable, also.

    Laura – Sorry about hubby’s hand and Peanut’s problems. I hope they both feel better soon!

    Jane in Colorado
  • 52golfnut
    52golfnut Posts: 28 Member
    Good morning to all,
    Hope you don't mind if I join you.
    My goals for May are:
    Exercise 30 minutes per day
    Work in the yard 3 days per weeks
    Golf as many days as I can