Your results from the TDEE/BMR method?



  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    After stalling out for months on a VLCD, I found the TDEE/BMR info and decided to give it a try.

    I use my TDEE rate at Sedentary less 15% (I don't have much to go). Then use my HRM to tell me how many calories to eat back.

    I've reset MFP goals to NET 1428 which is my 'cut' rate, and eat back all of my exercise calories. After a several week plateau, I started losing again immediately and have lost a steady AVERAGE of 0.5 lbs per week. :)

    I always make sure to net above my BMR which is 1404.
  • puddlesiam
    puddlesiam Posts: 75 Member
  • AndreaGrace29
    AndreaGrace29 Posts: 51 Member

    I just calculated my TDEE (-25%) and I'm hoping for more success stories too!

    Keep them coming! Eating more makes me nervous! lol
  • Since my post above back in December, I've lost 20 pounds. 20 pounds down in a little over 5 months. And that was after a year plateau. :) I SWEAR by this method. Don't be afraid to eat!
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    I been using a modified version of this method for about 1.5 months and have lost about 2 pounds, not much but I am losing more inches and gaining muscle from doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, Turbo Fire and Running.

    I take my TDEE from my FitBit for the day and mins 500 calories, sometimes it is less sometimes more. I do it this way because on the weekends I like to eat out and drink a few beers with friends so I run more on those days so I can afford the calories. On days I exercise I eat from 2500-3000 calories. On days I am not very active I still burn around 2200 calories so I eat about 1700-1900 (those days I have a lower deficit).

    What is funny is that my calculated monthly TDEE-20% is 2200 calories which is what I have been averaging a month eating daily so it all works out the same. If I chose to eat the same everyday it works out the same.
  • keithf1138
    keithf1138 Posts: 63
    Switching to TDEE/BMR today. I have had success, but have before seen plateauing right where I am at and have been at for a few weeks. So been seeing more and more discussion about TDEE/BMR.

    So me at start of this.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 46
    Weight: 226
    Goal: 190
    Height: 6'1"
    BMR: 2085 (Scooby Calculator)
    TDEE: 3598 (Work out 5-6 hours per week).
    TDEE-20%: 2878

    Will be a challenge to eat that much, but as long as I keep the activity at the level I have had it at all year I am hoping for good results (Mostly more predictable).

    Will post results regularly.
  • smarina79
    smarina79 Posts: 15
    When you guys do TDEE- 20% do you still eat back exercise calories? I mean, do you NET TDEE-20% or do you eat TDEE-20% and then not factor in exercise (since TDEE takes into account your exercise already)

    TDEE-20% is 1750 for me and I'm thinking I do not need to eat back the exercise calories? Ie It would be ok if I burned 500 cals from exercise and have a NET of 1250 which is below my BMR (1550)?

    I'm really encouraged by the success folks on this thread have had using this method but need a clarification regarding the exercise calories since it is hammered into us to eat back exercise cals when at a lower caloric number.

    I've been trying unsuccessfully to take off 30 lbs I gained last year (political campaign 79-90 hr work week for 9 months). I've taken off around 8 but keep gaining it back. For a couple of weeks I went back to an old favorite, low carb, but then quickly decided I was sick of dieting. Then I moved on to eating lots of raw, whole, healthy foods, lean protein, fresh homemade juices, etc. Exercised, but sporadically. No change. I realized I was eating too many healthy calories from items like my homemade salad dressing (like 500 calories a day from olive oil, oops, avocados, nuts etc). So, I came back to MFP to track my calories. For about a month now exercise is pretty consistent too. 6-7 days a week of some combination of- power yoga, circuit training, weights, jogging, walking, stairs (60-90 minutes per day). My intention was to take of weight the healthy way- slow and steady, even if 3 lbs a month. That would have brought me down almost 20 lbs by now...but I'm nowhere close to that. Help! I have my macros set to 40%carb, 40% protein 20% fat.

    I need this weight to come off! I've been at it since November! I'm hoping TDEE-20% plus working out several times a week will help me lose weight!

    Help please!
  • melw2910
    melw2910 Posts: 73 Member
    I switched to MFP properly in Feb (stopped doing WW). For 3 weeks I did the 1200 per day thing and lost 1.25lb.
    Beginning of March I decided to do BMR which is 1390 per day. Through March I lost 1.8lb which was fine as I expected my body to take a few weeks to adjust.
    Through April my average net intake per day has been 1389 cals and I’ve shifted 5.75lb. Just shows you really don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight. Calorie deficit for the month calculated a potential loss of 6.5lb so pretty much there with actual loss.

    I’ve been keep all my data logged lol, such a stats geek!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Forgot to add my daily expenditure is calculated from my Fitbit and HRM for exercise.
  • keithf1138
    keithf1138 Posts: 63
    When you guys do TDEE- 20% do you still eat back exercise calories? I mean, do you NET TDEE-20% or do you eat TDEE-20% and then not factor in exercise (since TDEE takes into account your exercise already)

    TDEE-20% is 1750 for me and I'm thinking I do not need to eat back the exercise calories? Ie It would be ok if I burned 500 cals from exercise and have a NET of 1250 which is below my BMR (1550)?

    I'm really encouraged by the success folks on this thread have had using this method but need a clarification regarding the exercise calories since it is hammered into us to eat back exercise cals when at a lower caloric number.

    I've been trying unsuccessfully to take off 30 lbs I gained last year (political campaign 79-90 hr work week for 9 months). I've taken off around 8 but keep gaining it back. For a couple of weeks I went back to an old favorite, low carb, but then quickly decided I was sick of dieting. Then I moved on to eating lots of raw, whole, healthy foods, lean protein, fresh homemade juices, etc. Exercised, but sporadically. No change. I realized I was eating too many healthy calories from items like my homemade salad dressing (like 500 calories a day from olive oil, oops, avocados, nuts etc). So, I came back to MFP to track my calories. For about a month now exercise is pretty consistent too. 6-7 days a week of some combination of- power yoga, circuit training, weights, jogging, walking, stairs (60-90 minutes per day). My intention was to take of weight the healthy way- slow and steady, even if 3 lbs a month. That would have brought me down almost 20 lbs by now...but I'm nowhere close to that. Help! I have my macros set to 40%carb, 40% protein 20% fat.

    I need this weight to come off! I've been at it since November! I'm hoping TDEE-20% plus working out several times a week will help me lose weight!

    Help please!

    To me the whole point is to get an accurate TDEE you need to put in an accurate portrayal of how active/workout that you will actually do and monitor that (FitBit really helps) and if you for whatever reason increase or decrease your activity recalculate your TDEE and eat to the TDEE-20%.
  • When you guys do TDEE- 20% do you still eat back exercise calories? I mean, do you NET TDEE-20% or do you eat TDEE-20% and then not factor in exercise (since TDEE takes into account your exercise already)

    TDEE-20% is 1750 for me and I'm thinking I do not need to eat back the exercise calories? Ie It would be ok if I burned 500 cals from exercise and have a NET of 1250 which is below my BMR (1550)?

    I'm really encouraged by the success folks on this thread have had using this method but need a clarification regarding the exercise calories since it is hammered into us to eat back exercise cals when at a lower caloric number.

    I've been trying unsuccessfully to take off 30 lbs I gained last year (political campaign 79-90 hr work week for 9 months). I've taken off around 8 but keep gaining it back. For a couple of weeks I went back to an old favorite, low carb, but then quickly decided I was sick of dieting. Then I moved on to eating lots of raw, whole, healthy foods, lean protein, fresh homemade juices, etc. Exercised, but sporadically. No change. I realized I was eating too many healthy calories from items like my homemade salad dressing (like 500 calories a day from olive oil, oops, avocados, nuts etc). So, I came back to MFP to track my calories. For about a month now exercise is pretty consistent too. 6-7 days a week of some combination of- power yoga, circuit training, weights, jogging, walking, stairs (60-90 minutes per day). My intention was to take of weight the healthy way- slow and steady, even if 3 lbs a month. That would have brought me down almost 20 lbs by now...but I'm nowhere close to that. Help! I have my macros set to 40%carb, 40% protein 20% fat.

    I need this weight to come off! I've been at it since November! I'm hoping TDEE-20% plus working out several times a week will help me lose weight!

    Help please!

    I personally do not eat back exercise calories - not on purpose, at least! TDEE factors in your activity level in order to give you that number so I don't see the reason to eat them back. Net cals are just a beautiful thing when you follow this method. Since I net below my BMR due to my high burns most of the time, it doesn't make me feel so bad when I might go a little over every now and then.

    Do you use a heartrate monitor? I'd rec it 100% if you are into this method. It turns the whole process into basic math, really.
  • smarina79
    smarina79 Posts: 15
    When you guys do TDEE- 20% do you still eat back exercise calories? I mean, do you NET TDEE-20% or do you eat TDEE-20% and then not factor in exercise (since TDEE takes into account your exercise already)

    TDEE-20% is 1750 for me and I'm thinking I do not need to eat back the exercise calories? Ie It would be ok if I burned 500 cals from exercise and have a NET of 1250 which is below my BMR (1550)?

    I'm really encouraged by the success folks on this thread have had using this method but need a clarification regarding the exercise calories since it is hammered into us to eat back exercise cals when at a lower caloric number.

    I've been trying unsuccessfully to take off 30 lbs I gained last year (political campaign 79-90 hr work week for 9 months). I've taken off around 8 but keep gaining it back. For a couple of weeks I went back to an old favorite, low carb, but then quickly decided I was sick of dieting. Then I moved on to eating lots of raw, whole, healthy foods, lean protein, fresh homemade juices, etc. Exercised, but sporadically. No change. I realized I was eating too many healthy calories from items like my homemade salad dressing (like 500 calories a day from olive oil, oops, avocados, nuts etc). So, I came back to MFP to track my calories. For about a month now exercise is pretty consistent too. 6-7 days a week of some combination of- power yoga, circuit training, weights, jogging, walking, stairs (60-90 minutes per day). My intention was to take of weight the healthy way- slow and steady, even if 3 lbs a month. That would have brought me down almost 20 lbs by now...but I'm nowhere close to that. Help! I have my macros set to 40%carb, 40% protein 20% fat.

    I need this weight to come off! I've been at it since November! I'm hoping TDEE-20% plus working out several times a week will help me lose weight!

    Help please!

    I personally do not eat back exercise calories - not on purpose, at least! TDEE factors in your activity level in order to give you that number so I don't see the reason to eat them back. Net cals are just a beautiful thing when you follow this method. Since I net below my BMR due to my high burns most of the time, it doesn't make me feel so bad when I might go a little over every now and then.

    Do you use a heartrate monitor? I'd rec it 100% if you are into this method. It turns the whole process into basic math, really.

    I do not use an HRM but have been intending to get one. Thanks so much! That makes sense. I was especially inspired when I read your story! Keep up the awesome work! Fingers crossed that I start seeing results. :)
  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    This thread is reassuring for those of us who are trying to lose the weight without starving ourselves, and maintaining some consistent guidelines for maintaining the loss. Thank you for posting!

  • When you guys do TDEE- 20% do you still eat back exercise calories? I mean, do you NET TDEE-20% or do you eat TDEE-20% and then not factor in exercise (since TDEE takes into account your exercise already)

    TDEE-20% is 1750 for me and I'm thinking I do not need to eat back the exercise calories? Ie It would be ok if I burned 500 cals from exercise and have a NET of 1250 which is below my BMR (1550)?

    I'm really encouraged by the success folks on this thread have had using this method but need a clarification regarding the exercise calories since it is hammered into us to eat back exercise cals when at a lower caloric number.

    I've been trying unsuccessfully to take off 30 lbs I gained last year (political campaign 79-90 hr work week for 9 months). I've taken off around 8 but keep gaining it back. For a couple of weeks I went back to an old favorite, low carb, but then quickly decided I was sick of dieting. Then I moved on to eating lots of raw, whole, healthy foods, lean protein, fresh homemade juices, etc. Exercised, but sporadically. No change. I realized I was eating too many healthy calories from items like my homemade salad dressing (like 500 calories a day from olive oil, oops, avocados, nuts etc). So, I came back to MFP to track my calories. For about a month now exercise is pretty consistent too. 6-7 days a week of some combination of- power yoga, circuit training, weights, jogging, walking, stairs (60-90 minutes per day). My intention was to take of weight the healthy way- slow and steady, even if 3 lbs a month. That would have brought me down almost 20 lbs by now...but I'm nowhere close to that. Help! I have my macros set to 40%carb, 40% protein 20% fat.

    I need this weight to come off! I've been at it since November! I'm hoping TDEE-20% plus working out several times a week will help me lose weight!

    Help please!

    I personally do not eat back exercise calories - not on purpose, at least! TDEE factors in your activity level in order to give you that number so I don't see the reason to eat them back. Net cals are just a beautiful thing when you follow this method. Since I net below my BMR due to my high burns most of the time, it doesn't make me feel so bad when I might go a little over every now and then.

    Do you use a heartrate monitor? I'd rec it 100% if you are into this method. It turns the whole process into basic math, really.

    I do not use an HRM but have been intending to get one. Thanks so much! That makes sense. I was especially inspired when I read your story! Keep up the awesome work! Fingers crossed that I start seeing results. :)

    Thank you! I'm glad I could help and give some insight. And definitely invest in a HRM if you could! It's LITERALLY changed my life. Worth every cent!
  • Johlawrence
    Johlawrence Posts: 236 Member
    So if I set my activity level at sedentary I should eat back my exercise calories? I find that part confusing for some reason, when to or when NOT to eat back exercise calories.
  • So if I set my activity level at sedentary I should eat back my exercise calories? I find that part confusing for some reason, when to or when NOT to eat back exercise calories.

    Like I said, I don't eat them back... at least not on purpose. It's really debatable. Many people on here have success both ways. *shrugs*
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    I started tracking my calories about 4 weeks ago and work out 5 days/week. Running, strength training at home, occasional cardio at the gym, and workout videos. I lost 4lbs in the first two weeks, and nothing since. I'm eating about 1200 calories per day. I work out and don't eat those calories back.

    I'm confused as to what I should do. Before using MFP, I probably still ate around 1200 calories, but by eating only twice a day and not always healthy choices. I would also binge drink a few times a week (vodka sodas), so I don't know how to factor that in, since I'm not doing that anymore. I'm afraid that if I eat more calories, I will gain weight.

    Anyone experience anything like this? I'll be 27 on Monday, 5'8'', CW 182, hold my weight well and quite a bit of tone for my size.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I did the MFP method for my first few months of dieting and TDEE - 20% for my last few months of dieting and then slowly upped my calorie intake to maintenance. I still have some BF I could drop but right now I'm really focused on my strength gains and happy around 19% BF...I'll probably do another cut in Sept/Oct to try to get down around 15% or so...I was just really stalling on my lifts at a calorie deficit.

    At any rate, for me, it was all 6 of 1 really. My TDEE is 2650 - 2700 or so...when I was doing TDEE - 20% that gave me between 2100 and 2200 calories to work with to lose 1 Lb per week on average. With MFP method, I was at 1,850 calorie goal and eating back roughly 300 exercise calories per day to give me around 2,150 gross calories per day. See...6 of 1, half dozen of the other. Once I really got into a regular exercise routine, it was just easier to do TDEE and not bother trying to track my exercise calories.
  • keithf1138
    keithf1138 Posts: 63
    First week of TEE/BMR done. Was difficult sometimes eating as much as the calculations say I should. Not because I couldnt, I just didnt want to eat for eatings sake. Weekend of course was frustrating. Not because of poor eating. As it seems most weekends our activity increases (FitBit and MFP said I burned 4255 calories on Saturday) and we eat different, but still a good deal lower then what we burn and our weight jumps. From Friday to Monday I was up 1.6 pounds. Dropped off Tuesday and Wednesday so was down 1.2 lbs for the week.

    Gender: Male
    Age: 46
    Weight: 224.8 - Loss of 1.2 from previous week.
    Goal: 190
    Height: 6'1"
    BMR: 2085 (Scooby Calculator)
    TDEE: 3598 (Work out 5-6 hours per week).
    TDEE-20%: 2878
    According to FitBit and recording workouts average day was 3625 calories burned and was very active (indicating working out) 6.2 hours.
  • childrenrus
    childrenrus Posts: 55 Member
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    For the first year, I was following basically what MFP had me set to and was averaging somewhere between 1200 and 1400 calories. I lost 40 lbs in a year. Then I completely stalled for 3 months.

    3 weeks ago, I changed to the TDEE method and increased my calories to around 1520. The first week I was up 1 lb. The following week I lost 1.8 and the week after I lost .6, so a total of 2.4 lbs in the 3 weeks. I am using about a 17% deficit, and should lose around .6 to .8 lbs per week now. Sure, it is slower than the first year, and will probably take me until August 2014 to reach my goal weight. But this is the healthier way to do it - I was eating under BMR for way too long before and screwing up my metabolism - which would've made it very hard to maintain my weight loss in the future.

    If you find yourself having a hard time eating more, than try to eat things that are just a little higher in calories. Nuts, healthy oils, etc. Opt for the full fat foods instead of reduced fat or fat free. It shouldn't be that hard to meet your higher goals that way.