support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Hello all. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with this problem. I just wish there was a solution.... I had a really bad day so far and it's not even close to being over. I like the idea that someone suggested about having check-ins. I would gladly participate in that. Maybe we could even have a BED type of hotline where if you feel the urge to go crazy with food, you could check in with someone to hopefully have that person or persons try to talk you out of it. It's just a thought. Good luck to you all and I hope you're having a better day than I am. Oh well, there's always tomorrow...
  • 10Lucks
    10Lucks Posts: 12
    wow, another lightbulb moment when I find I'm not the only person like this. It's been like this for over 20 years. Some times I get it under control for a few months when I'm really motivated but most of the time I'm eating stuff, lying to the kids about eating it and then having to buy more to replace it the next day only for it to happen all over again. Now at my heaviest ever and I don't like where I'm at but just can't control that 'urge' to eat all and sundry in the fridge and cupboard. I got a book about Binge Eating Disorder and it all made sense and related to me but just stopped when it got to the exercises bit where you had to write down everything you ate, what time you ate it and what triggered it off - there wouldn't be a notepad big enough!! Now approaching mid 40s and I know I have to address the problem very soon if I'm not to have high blood pressure and diabetes. I feel I'm not normal. I don't remember what started my binge eating all those years ago. Just good to know there are plenty of people out there like me.
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Welcome 10Lucks and hopeitworks (I mean Itwillwork lol)!

    I'm Diane and I think we can really make this thread work to our advantage. It is so helpful to talk and share experiences with people who are going through the same things as us. I've read quite a bit about binge eating and we are a different creature. We have connections with food that is not understood very well by the general population. People don't get what binge eating really is. They don't understand the loss of control.

    My sister and I were talking the other day and she mentioned something that confirms just how long I've been dealing with this. My sister is 3 yrs older than me and she said when I was little I'd always be "on a diet". She said she remembered one day I said all I ate today was an orange. She told me she remembered thinking BS, I know you have junk food stashed away in your room. There's no way all you're eating today is an orange. We lived down the road from a beer depot that sold candy and it was a place I visited as often as possible. I remember stealing $ to go buy my precious 10 cent candies, and stock them up and hide them.

    My father (who I had to go see every other weekend) started weighing me at age 8. Every Friday that we saw him, he'd pick us up and take us to his condo. March my sister and I up the stairs (she was always at a healthy weight), and the 3 of us would weigh in. I weighed 120lbs at that time. My dad kept telling me that if I just don't gain any weight and keep growing taller, it will even itself out. And then he'd limit my food intake all weekend while he and my sister ate whatever. My dad weighed in at a little over 300 lbs back then so he was no skinny mini (he has serious food issues too, many habits I picked up from him), but since HE didn't gain weight that 2 weeks he could eat normally.

    And why did I wonder for so many years why I'm the way I am? The more I read, the more I realized what I was. I am a binge eater and I don't want to be. I want to be healthy. I want to know what it is like to be at a healthy weight. I want a healthy relationship with food.

    Ok, that's all for now. That felt kind of good typing that all up. I don't talk about it too much because most people don't understand.
  • 10Lucks
    10Lucks Posts: 12
    OK, Hubby's day off and he's just gone out to take the dog for a walk and I immediately thought "what can I eat?" so decided to come and write it down here to focus myself. Am going to pour a large glass of sparkling water and wait.... I don't need to eat now, I had a good breakfast only an hour ago.....
  • 10Lucks
    10Lucks Posts: 12
    Well done for writing it down and sharing it. You can see where you think your problems started and I guess having a starting point and addressing it may help. Keep going - we can do this!!!
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    So I drove past the Dunkin Donuts that I usually pass on my way to work and did not stop for the ten-pak of munchkins that I sometimes stop for and eat in my car before I get to work!!! Maybe today will be a good day....
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    So I drove past the Dunkin Donuts that I usually pass on my way to work and did not stop for the ten-pak of munchkins that I sometimes stop for and eat in my car before I get to work!!! Maybe today will be a good day....

    Great job! Dunkin Donuts aren't real food anyways. You need fuel in the morning to start your day. Donuts will spike your blood sugar and leave you wanting more more MORE....
  • Jana51
    Jana51 Posts: 3
    Hi Everyone,

    Im with you all,Im a terrible binge eater and I generally eat a normal daily calorie intack of 1800-2000 so im definatley well feed, i also exercise a lot about 3 hours a day as im in the fitness industry...BUT when i binge like today it was well over 4000 caloires probably closer to 5 really.. its terrible, have been so good sitting just under my daily requirment according to this program (calorie)s and then bamm i blow it... So i would love to be involved in this thread and hopefully we can all get something out of it to beat the urges.. day, night or otherwise.
    I definately agree with the eating regularly and learning about our moods and there relationship with food, as i find its often when Im really tiredor angry that I let myself down. And any ideas on things for distraction would be great because ive tried sowing, reading a book, going for a walk etc but once the idea is in my head its like saying to yourself dont think of the word elephant and all you can do is think big grey animal with a trunk... its impossible not to think about the inital buzz you get, Im starting now to think of the after math of annoyance and dissappointment with myself which is helping but any other ideas about getting my brain to back track and ignore the urge would be wonderful..

    Anyway so many people say we can beat this maybe all we need is a few people who also understand and we can get through it togther..

    take care

  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I've been struggling with this for the past couple of months. This last week I've gone over almost every night. I can do fine throughout the day but once night hits I can't stop or seem to get enough. I've already put on 4 pounds in the past week or two and I need to get it under control soon. I'm at loss and have no one to talk about it too because I feel so ashamed and most would just say to put down the food but its not that easy...
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Aproc, I know exactly what you're talking about. I can totally relate to the weight gain and the eating. It really isn't just a matter of putting the food down. You are not alone in what's going on with you and you shouldn't feel ashamed about it, although I feel exactly the same way. I wish I could figure it all out myself. How can a person do so good, and then turn around and do so bad? There are a lot of great supportive people on this website who are willing to listen and offer pointers. If you ever feel like chatting, feel free to message me.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Rule #2: Eat 5-6 times throughout the day and each "eating experience" should be well balanced and about the same amount of calories. This can be very difficult, but it is the best way to maximize your metabolism. If your body is expecting food, it will not store as much.

    Rule #3: Do not eat at LEAST 2 hrs before you go to bed.
  • 10Lucks
    10Lucks Posts: 12
    Right, day 2 and I've nearly made it. Got handed a large box of Roses chocs on the field after school and I've not opened them - usually would be gone by now. Took 3 biscuits this morning, ate 1 and then put 2 back. Did give in and had a pack of orange and lime tictacs but managed to stick at one pack even though I bought 4 cellophaned together. This is so difficult. Really want to eat. Only got just over 300 cals left for dinner though so know I can't just go and have bread and butter. That would only lead to more anyway! What is it in my head that's saying "go find food"? I've learned this eating pattern over 20 years so it's not going to go away in 2 nights is it?!? My son cooked tea for the children which was a great help because it kept me out of the kitchen and that's where I would normally start at about this time of day, whilst cooking tea.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    10Lucks--That's a great question and one you should seek the answer for. What is in your head that says "go find food"... I've been working on this a great deal myself. Really paying attention to what I'm feeling when I reach for things when I'm not technically feeling actual hunger. Why do I want that chocolate? What is that chocolate going to do for me? How will I feel afterwards? Will I feel better or will I be looking for the next item of food to make me feel better? What's going on in your life right now 10Lucks?
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    And I big HUG and Welcome to all the new peeps that joined the theard. I know we can help each other with this. I just got back from camping today I went way over on my food. But I'm bond and determined to jump back on the wagon again. Tks for all the helpfully tips dianeg1981. We can do this. Also no binging for me today! Yay!!!!!!!!!
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Wow, it is so hard. Aproc, Jr, try not to feel ashamed, I know that is hard. I too feel that way, but in reality there is nothing to be ashamed of. You have not hurt another person or harmed an animal or stolen anything of value. You are dealing with your emotions in a way that you have learned works for you. Unfortunately, the way that we are dealing with them is hurting us. We will need to learn a new way and it can be done.

    I've had a bad day today...this whole week has been bad. Over the past 10 weeks or so I've gained 10 lbs, and this reality is not getting thru to my brain!! I just eat more!!!
    Today was going to be the turn around day...but alas it was not so. Tomorrow will be the turn around day. I will eat normally tomorrow and stay within my calorie goal. I will check in to this post in the morning to re-commit. Then I will check in to this post at night to report that I did it. Let's see if this approach will work for me :)
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47

    And I big HUG and Welcome to all the new peeps that joined the theard. I know we can help each other with this. I just got back from camping today I went way over on my food. But I'm bond and determined to jump back on the wagon again. Tks for all the helpfully tips dianeg1981. We can do this. Also no binging for me today! Yay!!!!!!!!!

    Wonderful...binge free day (BFD), I can think of something else that could stand for but its totally not appropriate :).
    Great job...keep up the good work. Think of what it was that worked for you today and repeat.
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Friday morning: I gained 3 lbs since yesterday!! But that's ok. I think I was dehydrated yesterday so now I know my true weight. I am having a good morning and will have a great day.

    Hang in there everyone - think positive thoughts and how wonderful your body is and all that it can do for you!!
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Well had a binge this morning this is driving me nuts. I really need to figure out how to deal with this. I'm by myself without I always eat when no one is around. trying not to feel bad about because I will just eat more! Getting there slowly but surely!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hang in there ladies! Everyone have a great Friday and a fabulous weekend. Last night after I had a controlled portion of no sugar added ice cream I CRAVED chocolate. It's like once my brain even has a little sweet, it turns on the switch for wanting more and more. Some days I feel like I'd have been better off not even eating a little something sweet. I had 1/4 of my hershey bar and ate it slowly and forced myself to just go to bed so I wouldn't be thinking about it anymore. Also, sometimes I'll brush my teeth too at those times so I don't want to taste minty toothpaste food. I also wear a mouth appliance at night (I know, it's ssssssuper ssssexy lol) for grinding so sometimes I'll just pop that thing in early and that helps too. Damned chocolate! It wasn't even that great cuz I had it in the fridge and I think it distorted the flavor. But all in all, it was a good night and I dealt w/ the sitauation well. I did better than I would before because there is still a piece of the Hershey bar left in the fridge for another day. I didn't eat the whole thing. I resisted the urges to get up out of bed and continue to eat. I resisted the sugar free chocolates I have in the cupboard (I should really get rid of those, but can't throw away precious chocolate). I resisted the umpteen other things I wanted to eat to try to fill some sort of void I had that I thought would allow me to sleep better or fall asleep better. Nope, I fell asleep just fine after I got my mind off the food and had a nice peaceful sleep. And did NOT binge! Yay!
  • 10Lucks
    10Lucks Posts: 12
    Right, I have now managed 3 days without a binge and I'm feeling very pleased with myself. Told my hubby that I've been 3 days without but I don't think he quite realises how momentous that achievement is to me as I don't think he knew that binging had become a daily event for me. Has been really difficult not to go off to the kitchen. If I have just one biscuit I know I'll go off in a 'food trance' and won't stop until I've eaten everything available that doesn't need cooking! Just read someone else's report and it mentioned ice-cream. Now I know I have a tub of icecream in the freezer and I'd normally go and dip a spoon in but I'm not going to. Want to wait a whole week before reporting my weight loss but I did step on the scales this evening and they are going in the right direction!! I've been binge eating for about 20 years so it isn't going to go away overnight. There are issues in my life at the moment that probably drive me to eat but they haven't been there all 20 years.
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