Rude awakening..



  • annemcharles
    annemcharles Posts: 194 Member
    You are at the right place! Good luck in your journey! Small'll get there!
  • grandmamaof1
    Take one day at a time, or even one hour at a time. You can do it!!! :smile:
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    Sometimes all you need is a big slap in the face to realize that you need to change. This was yours. Now honor yourself and CHANGE!
  • JEG2012
    JEG2012 Posts: 158
    Ok, so you're at the bottom and now you can only look up to the sky, you are now limitless. There are a lot of wonderful people here to give you a cheer or nudge you back to where you need to be. Feel free to add me if you lke. You WILL reach your goals, you have it in you, believe.
  • Songbird1104
    Songbird1104 Posts: 210 Member
    I believe that health professionals, especially nutrititionists...and most especially coaches, should be people who have lived what they teach. I would be far less willing to take instruction from someone who has never experienced being over weight or from someone who can eat what ever they want and never gain weight. Those kind of people are fortunate, but they cannot relate to me.

    You have a goal that will require you to take charge of your food and life style. When you will be able to not only talk and health, you will be an example to those whom you wish to help.

    At 19 years old, you definitely have your whole life ahead of you. I pray that it will be as a healthy man who overcame his weight problems early in his life.

    ^^ Well said. You can do it, OP!
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    you can do step at a time.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    You have great aspirations and you're clearly taking the first step toward healing yourself by joining this site. The awakening may have seemed rude, but isn't it also a blessing in disguise? Let that moment of seeing the scale be your motivation as the days go on. There are hard days to come but if you hold onto that feeling of wanting to change, you'll keep pushing yourself to reach your goal little by little. Best of luck to you :)
  • jackihf3
    jackihf3 Posts: 8 Member
    You have come to a community of like minded people. We have all been where you are-wondering how we got there and how to take control back. Set achievable goals, surround yourself with supportive people and take your life back. You can do this if you believe in yourself!
  • weightloss_forsuccess
    Wow guys....

    So after making my account....I forgot about it, ignored it, tried to convince myself i'm fine.

    But we all know the truth.

    I've enlisted the help of a Christian trainer and this time i'm ready.

    I read your encouragement for the first time today and it brought me to tears. Thank you so much :')
  • spirytwynd
    spirytwynd Posts: 141 Member
    OK, you hit rock bottom. Maybe you are looking up through the bottom. Either way, it sounds like you have reached a decision point and made a decision to change. You know where you are. Now you need to decide where you want to be. The more specific your goals are, the more likely you are to reach them. Set realistic and healthy goals -- and yes, you may make it to your goals and then go even further. Once your goals are set, figure out how to get there. MFP is a great place to start, with plenty of ideas floating around and people to provide encouragement and support. It is probably a good idea to talk with your doctor as well. Once you have done all that, all that is left is to do it. MFP is about sustainable life change. This translates as making healthy changes that you can live with for a long time. No crash diets. No working yourself into anorexia or bulemia. Simply making healthy changes and losing weight while improving your health. If you lose weight slowly, that is fine. Losing one or two pounds a week is OK. Over a year that is 52-104 pounds. Take it easy, take it slow, and take it off. Stay the course and reach your goals. You can do this.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Today I weighed for the first time in 7 months...and I was stunned to see the scale say 330lbs....

    My passion is healing..I aspire to learn herbology, be a life coach! But this number does not support that.....

    I'm ashamed. Stunned.

    This is rock bottom....

    Very best of luck to you! I think your dreams are terrific and very attainable. Just think of the life experience you will be able to bring to your future career. I really believe that people that have gone through a certain situation always make better healers and coached because you have been get it. I am excited for you!
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    Good luck!! You can do this!! Its one step at a time, little changes and positivity!!! Feel free to add me!
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I remember that feeling too, of seeing a number higher than I ever wanted to be. But you joined this site, and that means you want to change it, and that's fantastic! You will find everyone here is so supportive. I'm almost 19 so we're around the same age, I'll send you a friend request :)
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    No worries.... I started at over 350lbs (I say over 350 because I started my life-style change the second week of January but didn't buy a scale until Feb 2nd so I'm not sure what I started at) and have lost nearly 40lbs in just a few months, without killing myself. Once you get started, it gets easier. I promise!! Good luck, stay positive and one day soon you'll achieve your goal!!