Question For Those That Workout First Thing In the AM



  • Annie83uk
    Annie83uk Posts: 128
    I get up at 2:30 a.m. to get to the gym to work out before I go to work M-F.
    I do not eat before working out. I have water available at all times during my work out. Eat breakfast after working out.
    Saturday and Sunday I just walk for exercise, and sometimes it is before a meal, sometimes after.
    I really think that it is an individual thing. You have to do what works for you and makes you feel best.

    great loss
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    if you are working out and lifting weights then you should be taking casein at night so you arent fasting over night. then when you get up in the AM you can have a little something or nothing and be ok in an AM workout.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I've been reading numerous articles on the pros/cons to eating before working out when you workout first thing in the morning. Currently I haven't been eating beforehand since I must get up at 4/4:15am in order to workout in the am and once I'm up I start my workout within 15-20 min of waking. This leaves little time to really get anything into my system, but I'm finding I'm lagging a bit during my workouts and not feeling so good after. ( I do Tracy Anderson which consists of 30 min mat work [repetitive motions to tone] and 30 min intense cardio.)

    I know lots of people don't eat prior hoping to burn more fat. From what I read, since we usually are in a bit of a fasting state when we wake up having not eaten for 8+ hours, not eating before an am workout may result in some muscle (not just fat) being burned for fuel and can be really hard on the body. I read this in numerous places.

    I'm thinking I need to eat a little something before my workout, suggestions were half a banana and fruits with high water content (mellon, watermellon, etc.) and hydrating pre and post workout. My only concern is that I have less than 30min between waking and working out..

    Do you eat before your am workout? How much time do you have between waking and working out? Have you experimented with eating/not eating and saw a difference??

    TY for the feedback -

    I've done it both ways. I don't regularly workout in the mornings now, only on occasion when I know I won't be able to do so after work like I normally do.

    Years ago when I ate more carbs, I would start to feel sick and had to start eating before a morning workout (up just before 5, at gym by 5:30 when they opened to do some cardio). Now that I've dropped my carb level and keep my blood sugar levels more even, I'm just fine to roll out of bed at 5:30-5:45am and do a quick 20-30 min workout (kettlebell/dumbbell/bodyweight) that is more intense, and be just fine on an empty stomach 10 minutes after rolling out of bed. Just a couple glasses of water! If I don't have at least an hour between eating (even just a small snack) and a workout, I skip eating. Personal preference, I'd rather not toss it.

    Last weekend I played 60 minutes of rugby just fine on just a protein shake in the morning (I had a 3 hour drive to digest it). Of course, this backfired on me later when I hadn't eaten enough by mid-afternoon and a third game. Lesson learned.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member

    Just trying to be clear, especially since you originally asked the question about nutrient timing.

    Those things you pointed out (feeling satiated longer and better sleep) aren't about progress or weight loss or workout intensity. They are about adherence and preference, which is fine. That doesn't make eating earlier in the day better, just better for you.

    It's all interconnected... It had been shown that heavy digestion can affect sleep. I'm finding if I don't get enough good quality sleep it's affecting my workouts (or lack there-of) and making me feel blah in general.
    Yes - we've gone "off topic" a tad, but health and fitness, how we feel, etc. is all related...
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks for the feedback... Yes, everything I've read stated to definately drink water before and have yourself hydrated. I'm thinking I'm going to make one of my protein shakes and drink a 1/3 - 1/2 and the rest after and see how I do....
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    if you are working out and lifting weights then you should be taking casein at night so you arent fasting over night. then when you get up in the AM you can have a little something or nothing and be ok in an AM workout.

    My workouts currently are not weight intensive, but I've been reading up on casein and night fasting so thanks for sharing...
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    I have a protein shake 15 ish minutes before i workout.
    On my cardio day(s) if i drink that too soon to working out i will feel sick (probably b/c of the liquid itself, not the substance - b/c i can't drink a lot of water either - during)
    on my lifting days it doesn't make a difference.

    i say whatever method lets you out put the most energy into your workout = success.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I mean this kind of as a tease, but also a little bit serious...

    Maybe you should do a little less researching and a little more exercising.

    All these things you're talking about (nutrient timing, supplements, etc) are going to make 1% difference for you. You'd be much better served putting your energy into the other 99%.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I mean this kind of as a tease, but also a little bit serious...

    Maybe you should do a little less researching and a little more exercising.

    All these things you're talking about (nutrient timing, supplements, etc) are going to make 1% difference for you. You'd be much better served putting your energy into the other 99%.

    Got - it.... I over analyze...what can I say...that's what I do...
    I've decided to try drinking a bit of a protein shake beforehand and the rest after and see how it goes.
    May the experimentation commence!
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member

    i say whatever method lets you out put the most energy into your workout = success.

    I couldn't have said it better... :wink:
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    If i'm just taking the dog for our 2 mile 30 minute run, I wait until we get home. If I plan to do a more intense workout, i'll mix some protein powder in juice, milk or water (depending on my mood) before I workout so I have energy to sustain me through the workout then eat breakfast.

    Doesn't it annoy you when the dog constantly wants to stop and smell/whatever?

    I only allow her to do that twice during our walk/run (once to go potty and once as a reward)...part of this exercise is training her to be obedient to my queues.