support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    10Lucks, I'm so glad to hear that your hubby is in the know about your binging. I think that is a very positive thing and even though he doesn't understand that's okay. He probably never will. I haven't yet met anyone except other people with eating disorders, addicts or alcoholics. Okay, I might be leaving someone out..but you got me. It can be very difficult even talking to other people about your habit and it is frustrating when they cannot relate...they don't really know what you're going through. But we do! 3 days is amazing! Do you have certain things you've been doing that have been helping? I think it will be helpful for us all to figure out what it will take to overcome this disorder.

    Rule #4 Eat a 2 to 1 ratio of carbs to protein. For example, throughout the day, your carbs should not be more than double the amount of protein you take in. So if you eat 100 grams of protein per day, your carbs should not be more than 200 grams. This will force you to really up your protein intake substantially. I had no idea how little protein I was actually eating per day. I would eat some fruits, minimal vegetables, maybe some meat, but most likely it would be on a pizza or in a cheeseburger, and plenty of dairy products, but CARB city. Cereals, granola bars, bagels, waffles, all kinds of candy. But did I cook meat like a chicken breast or fish fillet at night? No. Was I opting for nuts, string cheese, and protein bars for to go snacks? No. I know my carbs were way out of control and that caused me to crave more of them, day after day after day. I'm not a huge meat person so I choose to use protein supplements myself, but any lean protein is what you should be having. Vice Versa if you eat 200 carbs, make sure to get in at least 100g protein. I know this seems like a lot, for me it was a huge change. But take a look at my diary if you'd like some ideas. Not every day is perfect, and it isn't going to be, but overall that should be your goal. 2 to 1.
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Hang in there ladies! Everyone have a great Friday and a fabulous weekend. Last night after I had a controlled portion of no sugar added ice cream I CRAVED chocolate. It's like once my brain even has a little sweet, it turns on the switch for wanting more and more. Some days I feel like I'd have been better off not even eating a little something sweet. I had 1/4 of my hershey bar and ate it slowly and forced myself to just go to bed so I wouldn't be thinking about it anymore. Also, sometimes I'll brush my teeth too at those times so I don't want to taste minty toothpaste food. I also wear a mouth appliance at night (I know, it's ssssssuper ssssexy lol) for grinding so sometimes I'll just pop that thing in early and that helps too. Damned chocolate! It wasn't even that great cuz I had it in the fridge and I think it distorted the flavor. But all in all, it was a good night and I dealt w/ the sitauation well. I did better than I would before because there is still a piece of the Hershey bar left in the fridge for another day. I didn't eat the whole thing. I resisted the urges to get up out of bed and continue to eat. I resisted the sugar free chocolates I have in the cupboard (I should really get rid of those, but can't throw away precious chocolate). I resisted the umpteen other things I wanted to eat to try to fill some sort of void I had that I thought would allow me to sleep better or fall asleep better. Nope, I fell asleep just fine after I got my mind off the food and had a nice peaceful sleep. And did NOT binge! Yay!

    Wow Diane. That was a very powerful urge that you resisted. I have been there, I get how hard that was. Congrats! Try to keep resisting. You know and I know that the longer you go w/o bingeing, the stronger you feel and the weaker the urge becomes.
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    I'm doing the night check-in: I did not binge. I had a second plate at dinner, I was still hungry but did not need as much as I ate, but I did not binge. I am declaring now that I am done eating for the day!
    I will check-in tomorrow night.

    Hang in there can be done. My goal here is 7 days of normal, healthy, appropriate eating. 1 down, six to go!
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Tbfree - great job on not binging. Keep up the great work.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    Proud to say no binging today, I will as well try for 7 days. I will check in tomorrow!

    Good luck to the rest of you!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    What are your strategies to take your mind off food? This might be a good thing to get down in writing for ourselves.

    I make jewelry. I read "healthy" books. I play games. I will come on MFP and check out the threads. I will call a friend. Sometimes I'll exercise (I have to get better about this one). I will brush my teeth and floss my gums. I will go shopping. I will do chores around the house. I will play with my cats. I will drink a tall glass of water.

    I'm so glad to see the check ins, great job everyone. Have a great Saturday evening!

    Rule #5 Don't have more sugars than protein throughout your day. So at any given time per day your number of grams of sugar should not exceed the number of grams of protein that you've taken in. So if you've eaten 75g of sugars for the day , make sure your protein grams is higher than 75. This was difficult for me too, but now that I've gotten the hang of it, there aren't too many days that go by where I do not achieve this goal. I love fruit and I love milk and both have a lot of sugars, but increasing the protein so much really helps me keep my blood sugar from spiking so much. The more I can keep my blood sugar from spiking, the less I crave food.

    Rule #6 Try to keep your sugar as low as possible. For me, my goal is under 100g of sugars per day. After I've eaten my fruits and had my dairy, this doesn't leave a whole lot left for sweets, but that is a good thing.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    dianeg1981 nice work!

    I need to up my protein I eat to much sugar! Any ideas for breakfast for protein I eat Oatmeal with fruit and a little bit of brown sugar then I get the sugar spike like a few hours later. What do you guys eat for breakfast I'm thinking eggs?
  • laurenpence
    laurenpence Posts: 147
    I am a binge eater too. I discovered this in High school but it really became a problem when i got out of the Army. I went from weighing 130lbs to 190lbs. I could sit and eat a whole bag of chips then a whole carton of ice cream without even thinking about it. Now whenever i want food I make myself do either 50 sit ups 50 pushups or 50 squats before I will let myself get anything. I know it sounds crazy but usually is helps. Then I make sure that I measure out 1 serving and that is it! Good luck.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    laurenpence Welcome!

    Great Idea!
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Hopeitworks: Thanks!!!!
    Mrs: Great job on a binge free day!!!!

    I had normal, healthy eating today!!! 2 days down, 5 to go :happy:
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Binge free today protein is really helping me out. I feel fuller longer and I'm keeping myself busy and trying really hard to remember my goal.


    2 days down 5 to go!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    dianeg1981 nice work!

    I need to up my protein I eat to much sugar! Any ideas for breakfast for protein I eat Oatmeal with fruit and a little bit of brown sugar then I get the sugar spike like a few hours later. What do you guys eat for breakfast I'm thinking eggs?

    I'm super lazy in the mornings so I pair my carb-alicious breakfast with a whey protein shake usually. On the weekends when I have more time then I'll make eggs. I sneak protein in everywhere I can too. I will add nuts and flax seed and wheat germ to my cereals. I will add nonfat plain yogurt to smoothies. Turkey bacon and canadian bacon has a lot of sodium, but is an excellent source of lean protein. I will choose bread items that are higher in protein than the others. I've got myself set on the whole grain bagel thins right now...only 110 cals and lots of fiber & protein. Hard boiled eggs for on the go. I definitely have to have protein in the morning because otherwise my blood sugar gets spiked too high with only carbs, so this is a really positive thing for you. I'm so glad to read you're upping your protein and that you're listening to your body. Great!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I am a binge eater too. I discovered this in High school but it really became a problem when i got out of the Army. I went from weighing 130lbs to 190lbs. I could sit and eat a whole bag of chips then a whole carton of ice cream without even thinking about it. Now whenever i want food I make myself do either 50 sit ups 50 pushups or 50 squats before I will let myself get anything. I know it sounds crazy but usually is helps. Then I make sure that I measure out 1 serving and that is it! Good luck.

    I like your strategy actually. I've done similar things when I'm feeling a loss of control over food. If you're going to have it, at least you're really making yourself work hard for it. Measuring is really good too. Ice cream has possibly been the most difficult for me in regard to measuring. 1/2 cup? C'mon...that's like nothing. But I tell myself I can always go back for more if I really really truly still want some. Instead of doling out 2 cups right away (4 servings) like I did before the lifestyle change. I can't remember the last time I ate more than 2 servings at a time and that is really great progress for me. Ice cream is a trigger food for sure, but it is something I enjoy very much and don't want to cut it out, I just want to learn how to eat it the right way. So far, so good :)
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Just doing my daily check-in: I had normal, healthy eating today.
    3 days down, 4 to go!!!!
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    hey all :) Sorry I haven't been posted in a while. I have had family staying with me. This sure didn't help my binging. I did okay last week. I worked out all week, and ate okay. However, with the stress of having the family staying with us, I had a bad eating weekend. I feel yucky now. I hate that feeling. My family has now gone home, and I can get back to my routine. Tomorrow is a new day, and I need to get my life under control. Hope you all are doing well.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    Yes you can do it! Try to find an other way of dealing with it! Excerise or a have a hot bath or do something you enjoy! Don't beat yourself up we all have problems.

    Good luck and HUGS!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Happy to say that I did not even have any urges yesterday. I love love love that feeling. I wish every day could be like that where I don't crave chocolate or anything else like crazy and I can easily keep my eating under control. It was nice. 5 months ago I never thought it could be like this, not even for one day. Will there come a time when every day is like this? I sure hope so.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    nice job dianeg1981!

    I hope we can all be like that as well! No binging even though I want to I'm not going to let me self! I'm so pround of myself it has been 3 days so far! I love saying to my husband no binging and he is so happy for me! Yay!!!!!!!!! Getting there slowly one day at a time!

    Good luck tp everyone else!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Go Mrs B, Go Mrs B :drinker:
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Binge free day number 3 Woot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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