Why am I not losing on 1200cal per day?



  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    yet another example of 1200 not working.

    why do people still waste their time trying it?

    "Yet another example of"... shortsighted thinking.

    The answer to your question is:
    Because everyone's body is different...that's why.

    Everyone doesn't come in the same size and/or metabolic rate.
    Because it may not work for you doesn't mean it won't work for someone else.
    So please don't undermine someone else out there who's body DOES function properly on 1200 cal/day and who does lose weight on just 1200 calories/day.
    Not everyone has the same lifestyle requiring the same caloric intake as everyone else.

    the only people for whom 1200 cal is right are very small women, very elderly people, or people with disorders that are under the direct supervision of a doctor.

    end of story.

    Or people looking to cut weight to make a weight class, competition, etc. They just don't sustain it long term, which I assume is an unwritten given in your post. But some people can use 1200 or lower cal diets with very good success in very short time frames.
    I agree! but i don not agree that woman who are 40%+ BF would have their metabolism adapt that they would stop losing weight at 1200 cals. i think they r probably not accounting for all their cals.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    yet another example of 1200 not working.

    why do people still waste their time trying it?

    "Yet another example of"... shortsighted thinking.

    The answer to your question is:
    Because everyone's body is different...that's why.

    Everyone doesn't come in the same size and/or metabolic rate.
    Because it may not work for you doesn't mean it won't work for someone else.
    So please don't undermine someone else out there who's body DOES function properly on 1200 cal/day and who does lose weight on just 1200 calories/day.
    Not everyone has the same lifestyle requiring the same caloric intake as everyone else.

    the only people for whom 1200 cal is right are very small women, very elderly people, or people with disorders that are under the direct supervision of a doctor.

    end of story.

    Or people looking to cut weight to make a weight class, competition, etc. They just don't sustain it long term, which I assume is an unwritten given in your post. But some people can use 1200 or lower cal diets with very good success in very short time frames.

    indeed. :)
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Dieting and losing weight is all about experimenting and figuring out what works best for you. It takes time and patience.

    There is a lot of good general information out there but it is not a one size fits all sort of thing. It is best to read up, follow general guidelines and tweak it to fit your needs.

    The best advice I can give is find a routine that works for you and is completely sustainable.

    Well said, some people can lose weight by eating 6 small meals while others have to stick to 3 meals a day. And all the papers out there saying "you should do this or you should do that" are just what we know so far, soon another study will come out and say something completely different. Remember when eggs were bad for us, now it perfection in a small package. There was a time when butter was bad, now its ok again.
    Most people eat for the wrong reasons. In the evening I want to eat something sweet then something salty to counteract the sweet. Now ask me if I was actually hungry when I ate either one. lol and there was a time a few years ago when I could be in the middle of chewing and I would just know, you need to spit this out, your full. I'm trying to get back to that point. Most people are no longer in tune with what their bodies are telling them.

    in tune with your body has nothing to do with it.
    it has nothing to do with how your body responds to certain foods.

    weight loss is determiend upon multiple factors.
    water depletion
    fat mass loss
    fat free mass loss

    for dropping mass you can take any route you want. you can eat all your meals at one time. you can eat 10 meals a day. you can snack all day.
    There are different foods that provide a variety of satiety levels. this is usually non processed foods that deliver the most satiation for each calorie it has.

    bottom line for mass loss it is based upon caloric intake.

    fuel availability, protein intake, need for muscle will determine what type of mass loss it is
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    Eat nothing for 3 days and tell me if you dont lose weight please

    The weight loss will be all water. The end result will only be dehydration...not loss of fat.
    You are a nurse. I hope you are kidding

    Yes there will be water loss which may come from depleted glycogen. not dehydration necessarily because you are still drinking water.

    Fat loss and muscle loss will occur. energy will come from somewhere


    I second this statement.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Yes, sorry just did a slight amendment.

    Yes pretty accurate. The only thing I dont log is my coffee intake. I drink about 3 half cups a day at work and 3 full ones at home all with semi skim milk.

    I changed to stop me plateau-ing, but I have been stuck since just after Easter. I am wondering if changing back will help.

    Funny you mention the coffee. I am reading a book right now (Accidentally Overweight by Dr. Libby Weaver) and she explains how coffee affects your insulin and blood sugar. She had a patient who lost weight by doing nothing other than eliminating coffee.

    If you aren't logging your coffee and have 3 cups with creamer, that could be an extra 300 calories in your diet right there.

    If you lost on high calories and aren't on lower calories, isn't that your answer right there staring you in the face? Our bodies are not DESIGNED to lose weight when we feed them too little. Your body's first priority is survival. Second priority is stasis (balance). If you distract your body with code-red-alert-too-few-calories it will never focus on returning your weight to balance.

    It would be halleluijah if I took in 300 extra calories per day in coffee: but I use semi skimmed milk so its only 150 per day max.
    I will have a look around at info about the mal effects of coffee though. Thank you.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Exercise and eat more. 1200 is too low for the most people. If breakfast makes you sick, try juicing fresh fruit & veg in the morning. Stop eating fried anything (eww). Water. Oh yeah and exercise. Plus, you are older and due to loss of hormones it gets harder for us, especially women. PS lifting weights increases bone density. Perfect for us older (seasoned? LOL) women as our bones slowly weaken. (Thanks for that Mother Nature)

    With you right there on Mother Nature and getting harder to lose weight.

    Did you know there is an increase in rickets because of the lack of vitamin D (from fats) in modern diets? Rickets had largely died out in the west until we labelled fat as public enemy number 1.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    sigh another 1200 calorie why am I not losing thread..

    I swear I see like ten of these a day...

    without really reading through I can see the answers...

    Up your calories...always a popular one
    Your in starvation mode - another popular slogan - so eat 24 meals spaced out at one hour intervals to get out of it
    calculate TDDE and deduct 20% (the road mappers)
    stop eating carbs but its ok to eat lots of veggies LOL
    Eat raspberry ketones..I just added that for ****s and giggles...

    Not sure what your solution is yet, but =ly toungue in cheek, I will follow the chocolate and red wine diet. (probably the only 1 I havent actually tried and yes I do have a diet book about it.)
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    It's not just eating too little! I looked at your diary and it is what you are eating as well. You are eating a lot of beef brisket. You should try switching it to lean proteins such as chicken and turkey. Try tuna as well. Too much red meat is not a good thing for you either. Once or twice a week at most! And you are having too many carbs too. Too much bread will cause you not to lose weight also. Try having a "treat" meal once a week of whatever you'd like. I do that typically on Saturdays, and the rest of the week I stick to lots of fruits, veggies, and lean proteins.

    If you are in a rush in the morning, try making yourself a smoothie the night before and refrigerate it. I have a good recipe you should try:

    1/3 cup rolled oats
    1 cup of Almond Milk or Skim Milk
    1 tbsp of cinnamon
    1 tbsp of ground flax seed
    1 medium banana or 1/3 cup of frozen blueberries or 1/2 cup of frozen berries

    Blend it all together the night before and put in your fridge. The oats will soak up the milk by the morning time leaving a nice thick smoothie. I have one of these every morning and I stay full. Usually after a few hours I have a morning snack, then I have lunch, a mid afternoon snack, dinner, and then if I'm hungry a snack no later than 7pm.

    But you for sure need to stay away from eating just 1200 cals. Keep it at least 1600-1800 a day minimum. If you exercise, don't be afraid to eat some of them back as well!

    Also you have to log pretty much everything that goes into your mouth to get an accurate count.

    The smoothie sounds vile, but the principle is ok.
    Actually I am not eating a lot of beef brisket. Barring minced beef, I probably only had beef twice in the last year. I bought a pressure cooker in the new year sales and the only thing I worked out how to cook in it was beef (you know how you play with new things) so have had a couple of beef joints in the past couple of months.

    I simply buy a joint and eat it every meal till its gone. Simples. that last joint, some how managed to break my 3-month old pressure cooker so beef is off the menu.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Well, you just now ate a croissant..... here's your sign.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I eat between 1200 and 1350 a day and I've been completely stuck for two to three months.

    I blame MFP (lol).

    Seriously, I think MFP really need to look at this. IMHI Given that we put our height, current weight,gender, age and a little bit about our lifestyle, the outcome recommended calorific guidance is way way way off base. It is my opinion that MFP put a little bit more effort into better guidance regarding calorie recommendations.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I eat between 1200 and 1350 a day and I've been completely stuck for two to three months.

    I blame MFP (lol).

    Of course you do.
    Why take responsibility and learn to eat healthy?
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Has anyone suggested this site yet? http://www.coachcalorie.com/not-eating-enough-calories-to-lose-weight/

    I think dropping down to 1200-1300 cals for a short while can work, but not for a long while. I read that article and bumped up my calorie and lost a bit more by eating more.

    I had a quick look at this. Yep he is saying what the guys in here are telling me.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    i wish u the best of luck with ur weight loss. i dont not think it is becuz u r eating 1200 cals that u r not losing weight. i looked at ur profile and it seems that u have tried many many diets and not been successful. all diets have pretty much the same principle-burn more cals than u take in. maybe try to find out the real reason u have been unsuccessful in finding one that works for u. i wouldnt blame the diet. good luck in ur journey.

    Thanks for your good wishes.

    As for finding out WHY I cant stick to a diet, thats a whole other thread.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Wait reading this thread I feel like
    You have an excuse for everything.
    You don't eat healthy. Even if you aren't using the restaurant or store foods you just don't eat healthy.
    Your initial calorie intake was working for you but when you dropped the count your body probably kicked into fat storing mode or starvation mode where it stores fat because it recognizes less energy in. Go back to 1500+ and you will likely begin to leave your current weight class heading toward your goals.

    Live Long Man
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I eat between 1200 and 1350 a day and I've been completely stuck for two to three months.

    I blame MFP (lol).

    Seriously, I think MFP really need to look at this. IMHI Given that we put our height, current weight,gender, age and a little bit about our lifestyle, the outcome recommended calorific guidance is way way way off base. It is my opinion that MFP put a little bit more effort into better guidance regarding calorie recommendations.

    it's not MFP's fault. switch your goal to 1lb lost / week and see what it gives you.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    OK, yeah. Now looking at your diary I see that you are not eating well at all. It's more than just total calories. You need better quality foods.

    One of the best things about MFP is seeing what you are doing. I was miffed at your comment as my PERCEPTION is that I eat loads of cooked veg (albeit a limited range) and loads of salad. Actually checking, spot weeks and there are lots of days when I don't.

    Must do better.

    Thanks for the comment It was useful.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    yet another example of 1200 not working.

    why do people still waste their time trying it?
    Lol, well at least we agree on some things. And it's usually because people who lack knowledge follow the advice of people who lost weight doing it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kaydukes
    kaydukes Posts: 4
    Sounds like your body may be going into starvation mode. Try eating all the calories that are reccommended to you for two weeks and see if that will get you back on track. good luck
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    If what you were doing before was working well, why would you change that?

    IMO 1200 isn't enough. From my own experience I lost weight easier on 1750 plus exercise cals, than I did on 1500 plus exercise cals. It seems strange sometimes, but it worked that way for me and several others I've seen on here. It sounds like you also benefit from higher calories.

    Go back to what was working before :)