I hate to eat!



  • imjusme
    imjusme Posts: 24 Member
    Honestly, I would try to seek professional help from someone who specializes in anorexia. I am not saying that you are intentionally starving yourself however, people who have anorexia often have the same types of feelings, ie. hating to eat. Many of these patients actually have trouble tolerating food for a variety of reasons. So perhaps someone educated in helping them overcome their relationship with food may be able to help you increase your options.
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    There is not much that can be done for the pain. I have a tumor that covers a large portion of my upper back (plexiform). I have neurofibromatosis type 1. Most of us go a life time without issues. I was not lucky. There is only one doctor in the country that will touch these typse of tumors. Most of the doctors say we should just leave them alone. They run on the nerves so the pain is bad. The neurotin helps but only if I do not do a lot. so I am on my butt much of the day. I really hate it. My middle child is chronically ill too (she has had strokes and has hypertension among many other things.) I don't think stress is an issue.

    I am considering the surgery but I have a lot to consider before doing that.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I am 42 and until I turned 35 I never really had a huge issue with my weight. But I have never really enjoyed eating. I know this sounds like what everyone would LOVE, however, it is not easy. I have never had an eating disorder. Never starved myself to lose weight. I simply do not like doing it. Food has never really taste like I see people react. I eat because I have to. The only thing that I "like" (and I use that term loosely) is pastas. I guess that is were I am putting on some of the weight. If I could go all day without eating that would be great.

    I was raised poor and did not have a lot of food. I was hungry often and to this day hunger simply does not bother me. How does one lose weight when food simply does not taste good? How do I eat veggies and such when they are so hard to palate( I feel the same about chocolate) I hate sweets. I only have 2 cans of soda a day.

    I am 152 and 5'3" I have about 20lbs I want to loose but I am so frustrated. Everyone keeps telling me they wish they had my problem. People do not realize how hard it really is. I do not find food repulsive. I just don't like it and it feels like a waste of time.

    I wish there were people out there that understood this struggle. I Have been eating more salads. And I "like" oranges and strawberry's.

    I suffer from chronic pain due to a genetic disorder so spending a lot of time preparing food is getting harder.

    I doubt many people can relate I just wanted to put my voice out there. So far the 40's are NOT my favorite decade. Thins are falling and spreading. :noway: :ohwell:

    Two cans of soda a day is a lot even if it is sugar free. Each can of regular soda has 10 tsp of sugar in it. I have read recently that sugar free soda is linked to diabetes.

    Do you think you could have a smelling problem? I have read that it is mostly your smelling that causes different foods to taste the way they do and taste so different from each other. Smoking can interfere with smelling. Do you smoke? Smoking can be very damaging to a person's sense of smell.

    If you just don't like food and find it is a waste of time, just eat healthfully when you have to and lose the weight you need to and stick with a healthy maintainence diet after. Don't give it any more thought than that. If you think about it though, sleep is what really seems to be a waste of time, of course it is not, but you spend 6-10 hours a day sleeping. You probably only eat for 1.5-2 hours a day. That's about 8 percent of your time during the week.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Now that i think of it and you explained more it could just be the pain. Who wants to eat when they are in pain?
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    ...then how did you gain weight in the first place?

    Must be the only thing she does like....pasta
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    ...then how did you gain weight in the first place?

    eating the wrong foods at 'normal people' meal times because she knows she needs to eat food.
    So she likes the wrong foods then. If she does not like food, she wouldn't eat more than absolutely necessary.
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    You are right by the time I am done cooking I have no desire to eat. Part of it IS the pasta. I sample that while I cook. I ate a chicken thigh and a small salad (romaine and spinach), two small sandwiches. You know those small Hawaiian rolls I put two slices of ham and a half slice of swiss cheese. That is what I ate yesterday. I had 2 cans of soda. That is a typical amount of food

    I laughed at the sleep comment. You are SO right! I have not eaten yet today I was busy with a History class (I homeschool my two highschoolers) But I am about to get some fruit. I bought some oranges and strawberries. I am trying to cut the soda down to 0. I had one can today and that will be my last.

    I started to watch that video supersized vs superskinny . It was very good. I will watch more as time permits. I have been trying different foods since my tastes have changed. I never liked beans now I do not mind them. I use to like broccoli now not so much but I still eat it..

    I know I have to put my big girl pants on and just do it. I just wanted to MAYBE be heard by someone and get some ideas. which I have. Thanks
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member

    First, I'm so glad we connected and have been chatting. I would like to share (and since it's public in your profile, I'm not betraying a confidence), that I have the same genetic disorder as the OP.

    I was going to say that I wonder if it could be some type of sensory issue that's tangential to the disorder (as it seems so many things can be). Have you ever inquired about it with other people with NF or a geneticist?

    Hugs to you and I'm glad we connected.

  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    So this is a side effect of some Rx you are taking?

    Maybe there's an Rx to get you hungry and make food taste good? Um, Marijuana? Just take it easy with the pastas and fast food.

    Or is there an alternative medication? One that doesn't mess with your tastebuds?
  • You are off to a good start by trying and seeking advice!

    FIRST: The fact that you are in pain has everything to do with it.

    I am free of pain from fibermialgia and neurothopy thanks to a whole food called Laminine. It is sold through the internet and has been on PBS for curing many issues. Pain can make you not want to eat.. Check out the site healalllevels.com for information to explore more.

    Second: You mentioned being poor at one point. This can be a psychological issue and if dealt with emotionally may help. As a professional therapist I have seen this especially since I have a book dedicated to research on all eating disorders. It is titled
    8 Weeks to "Bliss" available through Authorhouse.com is researched, proven and invited on NBC TV and numerous radio shows.

    All the BEST!

    Kindest Regards, Mary Caterina Casto
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69

    First, I'm so glad we connected and have been chatting. I would like to share (and since it's public in your profile, I'm not betraying a confidence), that I have the same genetic disorder as the OP.

    I was going to say that I wonder if it could be some type of sensory issue that's tangential to the disorder (as it seems so many things can be). Have you ever inquired about it with other people with NF or a geneticist?

    Hugs to you and I'm glad we connected.


    I have spoken to someone. I have not had a head MRI in years and that could be a cause. But since my headaches have not increased no one wants to do much. I am changing doctors to see if they woudl be willing to do an MRI. A tumor in my nose or brain could cause issues.
    So this is a side effect of some Rx you are taking?

    Maybe there's an Rx to get you hungry and make food taste good? Um, Marijuana? Just take it easy with the pastas and fast food.

    Or is there an alternative medication? One that doesn't mess with your tastebuds?
    I was told the Vicodin use long term can mess with eating and such. But I stopped that a couple months ago because I did not like how it made me feel. Neurotin also for pain. It is not a pain med in and of itself but it dulls neurological pain if taken daily does contribute to weight gain. I have gone off of it 3 times and all 3 times I lost a min of 5 lbs in a week. I simply can not go without it as the pain has become unbearable.
    You are off to a good start by trying and seeking advice!

    FIRST: The fact that you are in pain has everything to do with it.

    I am free of pain from fibermialgia and neurothopy thanks to a whole food called Laminine. It is sold through the internet and has been on PBS for curing many issues. Pain can make you not want to eat.. Check out the site healalllevels.com for information to explore more.

    Second: You mentioned being poor at one point. This can be a psychological issue and if dealt with emotionally may help. As a professional therapist I have seen this especially since I have a book dedicated to research on all eating disorders. It is titled
    8 Weeks to "Bliss" available through Authorhouse.com is researched, proven and invited on NBC TV and numerous radio shows.
    , Mary Caterina Casto

    I am not sure I have emotional issues due to being poor but anything is possible. I just assume that is why being hungry is not a big deal to me. I have friends who just have to eat because they are hungry and I really don't understand. Now going without my caffeine that is another story. :) I will check out that website and food. As long as it does not interfere with birth control I will try. ;)