Sick and Tired of feeling Hungry



  • RavenWolf1977
    RavenWolf1977 Posts: 39 Member
    I have been at this since 1 January of this year, and I've yet to feel hungry.

    1. I drink 16 ounces of water before every meal.
    2. I have some protein at every meal.

    Those two things have kept me from being hungry at any point in my weight loss journey. I also do not deprive myself of anything. I have whatever I want and just portion accordingly. In order to not go over calories, I may only have half or a quarter of a serving. Make sure you do not deprive yourself so you do not have "craving hunger." (Of course, if you have trigger foods that will lead you to binge eating, you will need to avoid them unless you are sure you can control it.)

    MFP has my calorie goal set at 1200, so I'm at the lower end. Of course I will eat more than that due to exercise, but I try to eat back only 1/3 to 1/2 of my calorie expenditure, since you can never be certain that it is accurate.

    You should not have to be hungry. :) Hugs and hope this helps!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    All of the above (water, fiber, protein, real food instead of food-like substances) help me stay fuller. However, if you have been on low calories several months it might help to listen to your body and eat at TDEE for a week or two. I don't know why, but for me this seems to solve the problem and I can go back to the deficit without feeling so ravenous all the time. I would say if you are in the first 2-3 weeks and have calculated a reasonable deficit (not 1200 cals/day), then just push through- it will get easier! And whatever you do don't give up! it doesn't have to be all or nothing. Good luck!
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    A pound of sugar has the same amount of calories as a pound of celery? Now I have seen everything! :noway:

    Wait a moment, nobody said anything about a pound of sugar equaling the same calories as a pound of celery. Of course, that would be different.

    What has been said, however, is that a calorie is simply a unit of measurement.

    1 calorie = 1 calorie

    just the same as...

    1 inch = 1 inch


    1 pound = 1 pound


    1 kilowatt = 1 kilowatt

    1 ohm = 1 ohm

    1 knot = 1 knot

    1 decibel = 1 decibel

    1 hp = 1 hp

    Does not matter what item/distance/etc you are measuring if the UNIT of MEASUREMENT and the VALUE MEASURED are the same then the ENERGY MEASURED/WEIGHT/DISTANCE/ETC. are identical.

    Basic math.

    Doesn't matter if you travel 50 miles by top fuel dragster or by rickshaw in the end you have traveled 50 miles.

    Doesn't matter if you power your house by 50,000 kw of solar power or if you get your electricity by burning coal. You still are still using 50,000 kw of power

    Doesn't matter if you weigh out 500 pounds of bricks versus 500 pounds of feathers. You still have 500 pounds.

    Doesn't matter if you eat 400 calories of apples or 400 calories of twinkies. You have still eaten 400 calories.

    By changing the basic math on each of the above examples you have not changed that fact the outcome of the equation will remain consistant.

    What has changed, however is the following:

    Dragster vs rickshaw: 500 miles have been traveled by both vehicles, however the dragster got you there FASTER.

    50,000 KW of solar power versus coal: Same energy burned by both, but solar is renewable.

    500 pounds of bricks versus feathers: Same total weight, but you'll have a whole hell of a lot more feathers due to the weight density difference between the two items.

    400 calories of aplles versus twinkies: You will still have a total of 400 calories to either burn up as energy or store as fat, but your body will have greater NUTRITIONAL benefit from the apples cause they are not full of junk and preservatives like the Twinkie with it's 10,000+ year shelf life.

    OK, that's enough science for today.

    Have a great Sunday y'all.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Fructose happens to be more addictive than cocaine!

    If you do your own research and read some books

    This is what seems to be getting people into trouble and thinking they are somehow experts(not directed at you). A little knowledge can be dangerous as shown by the "clean vs. dirty food" debate

    Problem is people misinterpret things, or state them incorrectly. The truth of the matter sugar does effect a part of the brain that releases serotonin. Cocaine does a very similar thing, guess what?... so does sex,or anything that makes us happy and feel good.

    yeah, cocaine is more addictive then fructose. The issue isn't even fructose, it's calories. Just eating in general make people feel good and releases those types of hormones.

    ^^^^ this

    and anyone who thinks that fructose is dangerous to human health, bear in mind that we're primates and most species of primates eat fruit (which is full of fructose). are you going to call the zoo and tell them they should stop feeding fruit to all the other species of primate?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If they are over weight they are not eating healthy. I know vegans who eat an entire package of Oreos. That is NOT healthy. I am really not going to play your game. You know I am right. You WILL NOT get fat eating only HEALTHY unadulterated fruits and veggies. Yes there are apples in apple pies. But THEY are not healthy. Seriously? No wonder there are so many overweight people in the world if the really believe that calories from chips and calories from apples are the same. If you watch thin people. Not naturally thn but people who just eat what a healthy amount of food is you will see they eat more fruits and veggies than meat. That they do not eat junk, even vegan junk.

    My brother-in-law is hard corp paleo and he's obese. He doesn't eat any processed "junk food"...only nutrient dense whole foods and he's still obese.

    While I generally concur that people should be eating more nutrient dense whole foods, and more fruit and veg, telling someone they can over eat those kinds of foods and not get fat is just plain wrong.
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    Open your diary so we can make comments on your daily intakes. Without seeing what you are eating, it is hard to give good advice.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    This is so wrong and I know I will get shot down, but when I am starving and trembly and far away from healthy food I eat a couple of Trebor Extra Strong Mints. 20 calories each. I keep them in my handbag. It just keeps me going, with a drink of water until my next healthy meal. I eat 1700 calories a day which includes my 400 exercise calories. Don't eat too few calories. - that way lies disaster and pigging out.
    I have lost 43 lbs so must be doing something right.
  • mmyers1129
    mmyers1129 Posts: 67 Member
    Eat more protein veggies and oats will keep you full for much longer
  • jbonow1231
    jbonow1231 Posts: 75 Member
    You mean need to look into more "volumetric" food, IE - food that makes you "feel" fuller, without being full of calories. As some very calorie laden foods can provide little to no lasting power (think about Chinese food, where you can totally stuff yourself and still be hungry 30 minutes later).

    Also, not to get into the "clean" / "dirty" debate but - if you eat a lot of sugar or salt you will continue to crave it and expect things to taste like that. Broccoli = / = Snickers. You need to retrain your food expectations.
  • chrislynn_marie
    chrislynn_marie Posts: 77 Member
    More protein
    More fruits and veggies -- fiber makes you feel fuller
    More water.
  • rosiesmama
    rosiesmama Posts: 69 Member
    You could eat a large number of calories of apples and if you eat the same amount of calories in chips the chips will put on more weight. People generally do not get fat on a healthy diet no matter how many apples you eat. If you are going to go over your calories go over with fruits and veggies. There are few exceptions to the rule.


    I agree AND disagree. A calorie is a calorie. But, 1200 calories from potato chips is not nourishing. Your body will still feel hungry (and likely ill) after eating the 1200 cal of chips. Hence, the overeating, cravings, etc. The same could probably be said of a 1200 cal diet consisting only of apples. You need a balanced diet. Which is why fad diets don't work, in the long run. Lots of great tips on here: fiber and protein fill you up and take longer to digest, so you feel satisfied longer.

    That said, I also feel that so-called 'bad foods,' in moderation, can also help you feel satisfied. My accupuncturist 'prescribed' a small amount of chocolate every afternoon as a part of a diet. It's not that there's some ancient Chinese secret in chocolate. The idea is to not deny yourself treats. Chocolate isn't my big thing, so it's usually easy for me to save my treat calories for something I enjoy more. Like a cocktail!
  • jbonow1231
    jbonow1231 Posts: 75 Member
    Also - have you done any lab work to check for vitamin deficiency?

    Could your hungry be your bodies way of trying to make up for nutrients it lacks? (I know I was a lot hungrier before I started to take supplements to clear up my Vitamin D lack.)
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    I don't personally eat "six small meals a day" as many people seem to do/suggest. I find that it (a) has me thinking about food all day and (b) leaves me unsatisfied. I usually eat twice a day during the week, lunch and dinner, and frequently lunch is something moderately sized (a sweet potato or yogurt and nuts), so I eat a bigger dinner. It is what works for me, because at the end of each day I have a substantial meal, not something lighter because I've run out of calories. But my dinner is usually a good amount of lean protein, brown rice/sweet potato, vegetables, with room for lf frozen yogurt or fruit or peanut butter after.
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    igest, so you feel satisfied longer.

    That said, I also feel that so-called 'bad foods,' in moderation, can also help you feel satisfied. My acupuncturist 'prescribed' a small amount of chocolate every afternoon as a part of a diet. It's not that there's some ancient Chinese secret in chocolate. The idea is to not deny yourself treats. Chocolate isn't my big thing, so it's usually easy for me to save my treat calories for something I enjoy more. Like a cocktail!

    I agree! I never deprive myself. But I eat unhealthy foods in moderation. I am lucky though I do not like sweets including chocolate so I know that makes it easier. I do like Chips but the only kind I will really eat just to eat is pringles so I just don't get them unless I am sick. An small square of Dark Chocolate is good for you. It does help with circulation. My 16 year old has vascular issues that have resulted in strokes among other things. Several doctors of told us to try and get her to eat a small amount that there is some research that says it helps. And with her even a small improvement is HUGE! I could go for a cocktail!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Again everyone seems to be kidding themselves.

    Only YOU m'dear. Only you.

    Talking to "clean eaters" is like talking to a brick wall. They think they're always right even when they disagree with the laws of thermodynamics.

    Self-righteous food police types irritate the hell out of me, so I am leaving this thread.

    OP, you have great advice in here. I hope you don't fall into the trap of "I must eat nothing but veggies or I'll gain weight." I hate to see people eat a cookie and then cry about the 50 calories they just ate because they were "bad." That is so silly.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    If they are over weight they are not eating healthy. I know vegans who eat an entire package of Oreos. That is NOT healthy. I am really not going to play your game. You know I am right. You WILL NOT get fat eating only HEALTHY unadulterated fruits and veggies. Yes there are apples in apple pies. But THEY are not healthy. Seriously? No wonder there are so many overweight people in the world if the really believe that calories from chips and calories from apples are the same. If you watch thin people. Not naturally thn but people who just eat what a healthy amount of food is you will see they eat more fruits and veggies than meat. That they do not eat junk, even vegan junk.

    My brother-in-law is hard corp paleo and he's obese. He doesn't eat any processed "junk food"...only nutrient dense whole foods and he's still obese.

    While I generally concur that people should be eating more nutrient dense whole foods, and more fruit and veg, telling someone they can over eat those kinds of foods and not get fat is just plain wrong.

    Completely agree.

    (((waves bye to thread now...mean it))) :flowerforyou:
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    Again everyone seems to be kidding themselves.

    Only YOU m'dear. Only you.

    Talking to "clean eaters" is like talking to a brick wall. They think they're always right even when they disagree with the laws of thermodynamics.

    Self-righteous food police types irritate the hell out of me, so I am leaving this thread.

    OP, you have great advice in here. I hope you don't fall into the trap of "I must eat nothing but veggies or I'll gain weight." I hate to see people eat a cookie and then cry about the 50 calories they just ate because they were "bad." That is so silly.

    I am NOT a clean eater FAR from it. But I know simple facts. Unless you have a medical disorder you will not be fat eating healthy foods. Sure some vegetarians eat crap. I know a couple people who are vegan and can't figure out why they are over weight....well. that bag of oreo's you eat a day MAY be a problem.

    Just eat right and get healthy.
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69

    For the 10th time, I ate a lot of junk food and lost 192lbs. I ate many oreo's, nutty butters, burritos, taco bell, ben and jerries, double cheese burgers all through my weight loss

    Belowis a list of "healthy" food

    Try this healthy diet for a month and tell us how it goes.

    breakfast: 2 eggs with 3 table spoons olive oil 500 calories
    snack: 10 dried figs 477 calories
    lunch: diced avocado with 2 tables of olive oil and seasoning 490 calories
    snack: 10 dried figs 477 calories
    dinner/desert: 10 tbs of natural peanut butter 950 calories

    Honestly, what do you think will happen??? Oh btw the total amount of calories is ~ 3000 calories.

    And if you keep eating that unhealthy stuff you will not keep the weight off. Your body needs healthy foods. You are right though the fact that I was thin most of my life because of healthy eating habits means I know nothing. I have seen this same argument since I was a child and saw my mother say the same things. She lost it all but then gained it all back. Continued this behavior through 3 heart attacks and is now almost 70 and is still over weight. She never learned to eat fruits and vegetables because she lost weight while eating Oreos My other family members have done the same thing. Lose and gain. They say look I can eat what I want. Sure you can loose weight and still have a cheese burger here and there but it can not be a staple. Healthy foods are a MUST. Your body needs these nutrients. and it is sad that in this day and age Fruits and veggies are not as respected as Oreo's.

    I am gone from this conversation because obviously people want to eat the oreo's and feel they can still loose and maintain weight loss. Like I said I have seen it throughout my life. Same argument for 40 years and it has not worked long term in all that time.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    For the 10th time, I ate a lot of junk food and lost 192lbs. I ate many oreo's, nutty butters, burritos, taco bell, ben and jerries, double cheese burgers all through my weight loss

    Belowis a list of "healthy" food

    Try this healthy diet for a month and tell us how it goes.

    breakfast: 2 eggs with 3 table spoons olive oil 500 calories
    snack: 10 dried figs 477 calories
    lunch: diced avocado with 2 tables of olive oil and seasoning 490 calories
    snack: 10 dried figs 477 calories
    dinner/desert: 10 tbs of natural peanut butter 950 calories

    Honestly, what do you think will happen??? Oh btw the total amount of calories is ~ 3000 calories.

    And if you keep eating that unhealthy stuff you will not keep the weight off. Your body needs healthy foods. You are right though the fact that I was thin most of my life because of healthy eating habits means I know nothing. I have seen this same argument since I was a child and saw my mother say the same things. She lost it all but then gained it all back. Continued this behavior through 3 heart attacks and is now almost 70 and is still over weight. She never learned to eat fruits and vegetables because she lost weight while eating Oreos My other family members have done the same thing. Lose and gain. They say look I can eat what I want. Sure you can loose weight and still have a cheese burger here and there but it can not be a staple. Healthy foods are a MUST. Your body needs these nutrients. and it is sad that in this day and age Fruits and veggies are not as respected as Oreo's.

    I am gone from this conversation because obviously people want to eat the oreo's and feel they can still loose and maintain weight loss. Like I said I have seen it throughout my life. Same argument for 40 years and it has not worked long term in all that time.

    Long term weight loss is about habits, not food choices. There are many many people who eat junk 24/7 and are at a healthy weight. I think you're misunderstanding, no one is saying eat junk food 24/7. Why did your mother gain it back? Because she ate "junk food" she lost the weight doing it. She gained it back because she didn't learn the proper habits to keep it off. Had nothing to do with the food.

    But you are a man and have an automatic weight loss advantage over a woman. Women have 2 to 3 times the level of circulating leptin at the SAME BODY FAT LEVEL as a man. What that means is that just about every obese woman has leptin resistance. For many, many obese women, restricting carbohydrates is the only way to get (and keep) blood sugar under control (which is the real villain that stalks a woman's weight loss efforts). Because we have estrogen, not only do we run higher blood sugar levels but we also have 5 to 6 times the amount of thyroid dysfunction (because estrogen blocks the uptake of iodine). And since none of us go around munching iodine-rich dulse and kelp every day, a great many obese women have thyroid disease which is exacerbated by high-carb diets. Men can just cut back their eating. Women must pay attention to not only calories but the KIND of calories they are eating. Also, because men are larger in body mass, they can always out-eat a woman and not gain body fat.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    For the 10th time, I ate a lot of junk food and lost 192lbs. I ate many oreo's, nutty butters, burritos, taco bell, ben and jerries, double cheese burgers all through my weight loss

    Belowis a list of "healthy" food

    Try this healthy diet for a month and tell us how it goes.

    breakfast: 2 eggs with 3 table spoons olive oil 500 calories
    snack: 10 dried figs 477 calories
    lunch: diced avocado with 2 tables of olive oil and seasoning 490 calories
    snack: 10 dried figs 477 calories
    dinner/desert: 10 tbs of natural peanut butter 950 calories

    Honestly, what do you think will happen??? Oh btw the total amount of calories is ~ 3000 calories.

    And if you keep eating that unhealthy stuff you will not keep the weight off. Your body needs healthy foods. You are right though the fact that I was thin most of my life because of healthy eating habits means I know nothing. I have seen this same argument since I was a child and saw my mother say the same things. She lost it all but then gained it all back. Continued this behavior through 3 heart attacks and is now almost 70 and is still over weight. She never learned to eat fruits and vegetables because she lost weight while eating Oreos My other family members have done the same thing. Lose and gain. They say look I can eat what I want. Sure you can loose weight and still have a cheese burger here and there but it can not be a staple. Healthy foods are a MUST. Your body needs these nutrients. and it is sad that in this day and age Fruits and veggies are not as respected as Oreo's.

    I am gone from this conversation because obviously people want to eat the oreo's and feel they can still loose and maintain weight loss. Like I said I have seen it throughout my life. Same argument for 40 years and it has not worked long term in all that time.

    You know what? You are right. People who think that they can ignore nutrition and eat junk food, as long as it is under on their calories are kidding themselves. Their body's will keep track of the missing nutrients even if they don't. Women MUST pay attention to eating very well, as they are on a much tighter calorie-restriction than men. On 1,380 calories I simply cannot afford to waste any calories on junk food. I have yo-yo dieted for many years (more than I care to remember). You name the diet and I have probably been on it. The only thing that works is getting a reasonable, nutritious, carbohydrate-restricted diet and being prepared to stay on it the rest of my life. I am doing it right this time. I only lose about 1/2 pound a week but I am feeling great and I know that I am giving my body what it needs so that I don't just end up regaining.