You'd be so pretty....if you lost weight.



  • susanonamission
    susanonamission Posts: 3 Member
    you are pretty - thanks for sharing I had to put up with coments like that from my EX father-inlaw lol.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    when I was 230 yes a lot I got the you have such a pretty face comment a lot as well
  • 2ht2hand1e
    2ht2hand1e Posts: 116 Member
    My ex told me that I would be pretty if I lost my stomach. I did just that and then I lost him :)
  • Silvervixen79
    Silvervixen79 Posts: 116 Member
    Dad's can be cruel without realising it. Even when I was 13, a competitive gymnast and only 90 lbs, my dad still cracked jokes at me saying 'youve got your grandmothers legs - tree trunks' .. it has stuck with me all these years and Ive never, no matter what weight I am at the time, been comfortable enough to wear a short skirt.
  • Kacey11312
    Kacey11312 Posts: 55

    I can honestly say that when she told me that story was the moment I fell out of love with her and started planning the breakup.

    Ouch. That hurt my heart. You deserve much better than someone that would treat you so unfairly. I know she wasn't perfect. Geez. Some people...
  • Kacey11312
    Kacey11312 Posts: 55
    My ex told me that I would be pretty if I lost my stomach. I did just that and then I lost him :)

    :drinker: I'll drink to that! Good for you!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I've only gotten "you ain't never gon' be purty"

    I just nodded and smiled.

    Oh - I have gotten "You carry your weight really well" from a personal trainer after I told her my weight.
  • juliedodson1981
    I cant believe some people could be so mean. My dad use to tell me when I asked if I was pretty, He replied," pretty ugly."
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    My face looked better when it was rounder :(. I do happen to think like that about some girls, but I was never that rude to say it. I don't think it's nice to make comments like that about somebody.
  • 4n6babe
    4n6babe Posts: 33 Member
    "You have such a pretty face" <--- ALL THE TIME

    Back-handed compliments are the worst, worst, WORST kind of insults. I'm hard enough on myself, and having someone say something like that use to cause me so much dismay and I would repeat their comment(s) in my head for days/weeks and get really down on myself. I was made fun of through childhood for being overweight and its extremely difficult to rise above everyone's negativity and learn to love yourself..

    After a lot of hard work with learning to love myself more (still an ongoing process) regardless of what anyone else says, and with making sure I only keep people around in my life who love me for me no matter what I do with my body, I find it easier to brush these types of comments off. Especially if they are made by a complete stranger who doesn't even know the first thing about me.

    Interestingly enough, when a few guys I use to date found out I was working out and trying more seriously to lose weight, they were actually "concerned" because they LIKED my huge behind LOL.

    I just tell myself that someone who really loves me will love me no matter what size I am and if they have a problem with whatever I'm doing/not doing, they can **** off.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    My father didn't bother with telling me I was pretty - he used to tell me I was so fat nobody would ever love me. How's that for things not to say to your teenage daughter?

    But yes, I have heard the "You'd be so pretty if you lost a bit of weight" and variations of it from other people. Stuff them. 13 years with my husband and he's never had an issue with my weight, and he thinks I'm pretty no matter what weight I am.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    I remember when I was 15 and had this big crush on our neighbor. His mom says to me that I have since pretty legs for someone heavy. Then about ten years ago I was again going on another diet and thought my mom would be supportive. So was talking to her about what I wanted to lose and she said to me that I could get a job as the fat lady at the fair. Talk about a slap. To this day I find it hard to talk to her about my weight.
  • Angie2822
    Angie2822 Posts: 70 Member
    OMG!!! I heard it a lot growing up from my dad, my grandparents, Aunts and Uncles. I have a younger sister who is stunning and they all told me that I could look like her if I lost the weight. Ruined my self image at a very young age, and I still struggle with it as an adult.
  • tlab827
    tlab827 Posts: 155 Member
    I never heard that but my mom use to call me "Porky" when I was younger and I dont think I was overweight, not skinny but definitely not overweight. No wonder I have issues with food.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    In high school, my mom told me I could be Homecoming Queen if I wasn't so fat. I was 5"3', 125 pounds...

    I had no interest in being Homecoming Queen, but somehow, it made me feel like a failure for a long time.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Haha!! The only pics of me in my moms house are of when i was in high school. I am 33 now!! She has even said to people right in front of me "look how pretty Brooke used to be." Haha i dont speak to my mother very much!!!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Yes I have heard the pretty face line so many times. It doesn't hurt me it makes me feel good I have a pretty face,I'm working on getting that hot body and then I am going to take over the world :laugh:

    My male friends have a saying B.O.B.F.O.C
    Which is code for body of bay watch,face of crime watch.
    So yes I am happier to have the pretty face for now.
  • STAR4W
    STAR4W Posts: 11
    My own parents told me "don't you wish you were thin and pretty like your sister". My sister was on drugs and in repeated trouble with the law. To this day, my ED has a lot to do with my family. When I was at my worst with my ED it was still not enough for them. Now, it had started with my mother in law. She had gastric bypass and still eats bad and says I need to do it too. (My husband's first wife was under 100#s soaking wet, at 5 feet tall.) I feel I will never be pretty enough for anyone, except my husband. Just the way he looks at me and smiles makes me feel beautiful inside and out. I have just learned to limit time with people who try to make me feel worse or trigger my ED.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    I'm so sick of hearing "you've got such a pretty face"!
    Ugh, I don't want a pretty face, I want people to see the whole me, including what I have to offer in regards to personality, sense of humor, etc.
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    And then there's the horrible variation. "You were such a pretty girl when you were skinny. Now youre...." And then the just trail off, unsure what to say. Gotten that one to. Like....I put on the weight so now Im hideous or something. Ugh. The damage it does....people seriously suck.