5 things you have cut out!



  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    The only thing I've completely cut out it diet soda, and wow - what a difference it has made! I know that everyone has different opinions about it, but for me, cutting it out (even my one can a day + extra sometimes habit) while really making sure to drink enough water has been a huge help. My insane sweets cravings have been tamed a lot and I've just been feeling like my urge to snack is a lot more reasonable, too. Don't get me wrong, I still love chocolate/baked goods/etc, but the level of craving is just not there.

    I primarily joined MFP to lose the classic 5 "vanity pounds" and be a lot more mindful of my eating in general (not to mention stop the random junk food binges that seemed to be occurring increasingly). I've been overall very successful with the mindful eating/not overeating portion of this, and I think the diet soda ban has been a big part of this. Not to mention I'm loving NOT feeling bloated from it!

    Your teeth and bones probably thank you too. :smile:
  • majasmi
    majasmi Posts: 133 Member
    1. Desserts
    2. White rice
    3. Sweetened beverages
    4. Sleeping late or having weird sleep schedules
    5. Alcohol
  • mrs_isaacs
    mrs_isaacs Posts: 1
    Pretty much anything that tastes good to me, is bad for me :)
  • imstrong4me
    imstrong4me Posts: 119
    1. diet coke
    2.fast food
    3.french fries
    4.junk food
    5. ice cream
  • unbeknownst
    unbeknownst Posts: 27 Member
    1. Bread and pasta - even whole grain.
    2. Alcohol - especially red wine.
    3. Other caloric drinks. If I want orange juice, I will eat an orange.
    4. Candy. Giving up sour candy was the hardest.
    5. Cheese and crackers

    Of course, I don't deny myself any of the above (or anything else that is bad for me, for that matter). If I really want it, I'll eat a little bit of it.
  • MissTanyaz
    MissTanyaz Posts: 17
    Every drink other than water
    Fried Foods
    Fast Foods
    Sweet cold cereal (my weakness)
  • Kifissia
    Kifissia Posts: 136
    Not a thing. I prefer moderation as opposed to cutting things out. I would fail a "diet" within a week if I had to cut some of the aforementioned items out of my diet.

    Ditto for me. I wouldn't even last a week! Make it two days, tops. MFP has really helped me.
  • AmberleyAngel
    AmberleyAngel Posts: 160 Member
    * sugar and everything sugar-loaded (had to because was diagnosed as a diabetic)
    * meat pies
    * cut out not doing exercise :blushing: now I do some.
    * most bread
    * excuses :laugh:
  • elyse19
    elyse19 Posts: 2 Member
    1. Bread
    2. Pasta
    3. Cheese
    4. Sweets
    5. Lunches and dinners out with friends - and no alcohol (wasted calories)

    Have steadily lost between 1-2 pounds/week since January living mostly on lean protein and veggies, some fruit in AM. When I snack during the day, I'm snacking on those chicken pieces or fresh tuna with no mayo you can get from the salad bars at your grocery store. Takes the edge off hunger and keeps me going until dinner.

    I don't eat fast food, fried foods or drink soda at any time, so that's not my problems. It's portion control and late night binging for me. Plus depression eating after a few deaths in my family got me out of control for a few years. Am finally doing something about getting back to my old weight. Last week, for the first time, can no wear jeans I haven't fit into since 2005, thanks to my weekly work outs with my trainer and my cardio, they're a bit baggy in the tush. Hurray!!!

    But still a ways to go.

    This is my first post.:flowerforyou:
  • Milk (not for health reasons, just because it suddenly grossed me out)
    Soda (even Diet Coke :0)
    All fast food
  • dynamohum
    dynamohum Posts: 17 Member
    better than perfect, you should make a poster saying that. the sum of everything
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Nothing really, but I ate pretty ok before. Just less of certain things like fried chicken, but I still have it once in a great while.

    I don't eat ice cream or drink cow milk.
  • ileitch
    ileitch Posts: 99
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    The only thing I've cut out completely is Soda. (I literally have maybe 1 per year!)

    Otherwise I haven't cut anything else out... just all in moderation. I do avoid bread/pasta whenever possible though... I aim for more veggies/fruits than breads and pasta with my meals (i.e stir fry vs. alfredo).
  • 1) Rice
    2) Pasta
    3) Dairy
    4) Soda
    5) Chocolate
  • het100
    het100 Posts: 20 Member
    1. Half n Half and milk

    2. Carbs (limited to 25 or under per day) - no white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes ever

    3. Red meat (not totally cut but reduced to one 3-4 oz serving per week)
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    I eat everything I like, but not all that I like. You still have to be conscious of the calories yiu are consuming.

    this. exactly this.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I don't completely cut anything. If I want it, I'll have it in smaller portions than I used to.

    Things I limit more of:

    French Fries
    Fast Food
    Pastries (just don't eat them much anymore, always have fruit stocked in the house instead)
    High calorie coffee drinks

    Instead I've replaced with more whole foods and feel wayyy healthier. I try to follow the 80/20 rule. 80% pretty healthy and 20% for fun! ;) That 20% is usually cream and sugar in my coffee lol.
  • Healthychick84
    Healthychick84 Posts: 17 Member
    -white rice, pasta ,breads, etc
    -cow milk
    -All non water beverages (I'm not a drink person anyway, been drinking only water 4 more than 3 years
  • Soda
    Fast Food
    White Bread