support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    tlapdx: I'm new, but glad you are back :smile: I know what it is like to have family completely derail your healthy eating plans. Don't think about it anymore. You are right, they are gone and today was a new day and start of a new week. It has helped me to set a goal and post here how I did each day toward that goal.

    diane: that is so wonderful for you. I do wish you to feel that way every day. But due to stress, hormones, etc. there will be some cravings, but you'll be stronger because you've had a day like today to remember.

    MrsB: Great job on 3 days!!! Keep doing what you are doing, the week is almost up.

    Daily check-in: Normal, healthy eating day! :smile: 4 days down!!! 3 to go.
  • fitnessgal13
    Thank you for initially starting this group!

    I have struggled with this, as well as bulimia, for a number of years, some months more intense than others. I always wanted it to stop, but never knew how, and was so ashamed. About 10 months ago it started getting really bad, and I relate totally to those on here who have said you just cannot stop eating. I would literally wait until no one was around and then eat anything I could lay my hands on. I would be in my kitchen for over an hour sometimes, just eating, trying to talk myself out of it, opening the fridge, closing the fridge, opening the fridge, eating, walking away, coming back, opening the cupboard, etc. It got to a point where I could not remember the last time I fell alseep without a stomach ache from over comsuming so much food.

    I don't know exactly what triggered me to first take action, but I was so guilty and felt so rotten about myself that I knew I had to change. So I confided in my sister and my mom, and eventually my dad as well. Breaking the silence was a super important step for me. It was incredibly difficult, especially because I wanted to deal with it, but didn't know how and was/ am extremely defensive. and my family didn't really know how to deal with it, and no one else has ever (openly) suffered from an eating disorder in my family. But over the following few months, I talked to a couple doctors about it and began strategizing coping mechanisms. I have found MFP forums to be a great support, as a matter of fact, and thought it was fantastic for this support group to be out there, because people should not be ashamed and it's only by dealing with the disorder that we'll overcome it.

    So, all my support to everyone who suffers from this, and take comfort in the fact that it is an ongoing struggle that you will deal with day after day, and it's important to make it a conscious decision each day. Now, when I slip up, go into robot mode, and over eat, I take a few deep breaths afterwards, walk away, and then remind myself that I made a decision to go into that "robot mode" and I can make a decision not to tomorrow because I am worth it and my health is worth it... all of our healths are worth it..

    sorry for the really long post, it's just really helpful to find this community. i think this forum is a great support in addition to whatever other help people are seeking, and really hope that if you are struggling with this or any other eating disorder you find it within yourself to seek outside help and resources.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    It is great to have others to talk to about this. It is very tiring to always have food on your mind. Today I had a good day. I worked out, and burned about 600 calories. I love how I am able to eat more when I exercise.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Welcome fitnessgal13!

    So glad you found us, when you feel the urge coming on run from the house get away from food, I always use gum and crystal light to control mine craving also diet pop helps to make you feel full and bloated and not wanted to eat. I wish you all best and good luck! We are here for you just take it one day and hour at a time and don't beat yourself up just work harder to get back on the wagon!

  • MsKitty64
    MsKitty64 Posts: 4 Member
    I have also struggled with ED's (both anorexia and bulimia) for almost 30 years and can really relate to never feeling satisfied no matter how much, or what, I eat. today is Day 13 without vomiting post meals, which is a massively huge deal for me. I have NEVER been able to go for this long (without bingeing and vomiting) and I'm not sure exactly why i'm doing so well this time, but MFP is definitely helping. I've also heard that it takes 3 weeks to create a habit, so almost there!

    I can so relate to everything people are saying on this thread, and although I am consuming 1800-2000 calories per day and exercising, I could so easily eat more, and although, as others have said, I make healthy food chooses, its the WAY i eat them that can be the problem!

    I was also underweight, but am now within a healthy weight range (though of course I feel fat...but working on this :smile: ) but I'm very concerned that this weight gain won't stop!!!

    Anyway, thanks so much for this thread and sorry for the long-winded post. :flowerforyou:
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    First all Welcome and Good job with staying clean for so long! It does take alot of mind sense and control to get over all of our problems. But I think if we really want it, it will happen. We are all here for you hang in there it can only get better from here!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I'm so glad to see more people have joined the thread. Welcome and thank you all for sharing. It really is going to help us to share our experiences so that we can all learn with and from each other. It is also nice to not feel so alone. Last night was a little rough for me. I stood at the fridge and had a few spoonfuls of ice cream and a few spoonfuls of cool whip and then a square of chocolate...and even though it wasn't massive amounts of calories, it was still pretty uncontrolled. But if I had put those ingredients in a sundae bowl and ate, would it be any better? Behaviorally, yes. Healthwise, probably not. I was having a hard time not wanting to eat more. This is what I did....went to MFP, and logged what I had eaten. I wanted to see exactly what the damage was so far. Logging everything has been very helpful to me. I was still craving, but then there was some sensation of hunger too, and I hadn't gotten in that many calories that day and I did do strength training and cardio so it makes sense that I would be actually hungry and not just craving, so I ate a chocolatey protein bar and after that I was much better. Satisfied the hunger and the craving went away.
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Fitnessgal13 - great post. I can totally relate to the "robot" mode that you talk about. It's like something takes over in your body and mind. It's hard to explain to someone unless it's someone who has also experienced it. I wish you luck in your journey to be healthy. The people on this site are so, so helpful and supportive.
  • MsKitty64
    MsKitty64 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the reply Mrs B, and well done to you too!!
    I hope everyone has a great day (it's morning in Australia) without too many 'urges' nagging at you.
    Thanks again for a great support thread.:smile:
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    No binging today Day number 4! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Welcome to all! So glad people are finding this thread and joining!

    Right now, I'm doing a daily check-in, I have a goal of 1 week without bingeing. Today was a normal healthy eating day! 5 days down, 2 to go!!
    What has helped me this week is I am avoiding all sugar, including artificial sweeteners. The sugar wasn't as hard because I try not to eat much sugar normally (except on binge days). But to give up the artificial stuff, that has been hard. The first 3 days was the hardest, but now its getting easier. I think the artificial stuff made me crave sweets even more and I would end up bingeing.

    Hang in there everyone - we can do this!
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    im not sure if im a bidge eater but i have days where i dont eat much then ill go and raid the pantry and fridge. to those who do suffer from an ed i wish you love and support. im an addict in recovery and i can understand some plus i have a distorted body image too. i have polands disorder so my body is distorted.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Tbfree Good for you! I'm not quick ready to cut out my crystal light and my gum. I have to get past this binging first then I will the rest Good luck!

    flsunshine hang in there you can reach your goals just keep working hard mind over matter! HUGS!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    good morning everyone

    yesterday was not a bad day. no extreme urges. Hungry at night, but fed myself healthy foods. Hard time falling asleep but managed w/o sugar. Very happy w/ my eating these past few days.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Welcome sunshine and anyone else I may have missed. How's everyone doing? How are you overcoming? What are you learning about yourself?
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    5 days no binging! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! What I learned about myself is if I put my mind to it I can do anything inculding losing and not letting food run my life!

    Good luck to everyone else!
  • fitnessgal13
    Past two night I have gone straight up to bed, instead of into my kitchen looking for food as had become my habit. i think i might be over eating during the day, so i'm going to be really diligent about logging what I eat, so I can really track my progess. It would be nice to begin a see a shift in my weight.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Glad to see the posts from both of you!
  • fitnessgal13
    Glad to see the posts from both of you!

    And way to go for not giving in to the sugar cravings the other night! It's all about taking it one step at a time, and to keep working at it, even when we feel we lose control.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Day 6 no binging!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Man did I every what to today but I fought and won!