gluten, soy & egg-free breakfast suggestions wanted



  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    GF toast with whatever - peanut butter, butter, jam, etc.
    GF oatmeal
    GF granola
    Maybe sausage

    YUP and maybe some more BACON - today I had gf toast with cheese n bacon - super tasty
  • junebfolk
    Have you read the JJ Virgin diet book, I am currently on day 14 of that diet and she has many good suggestions to help with this. I currently am doing a breakfast shake (made from her recipe) and an apple. Her diet is all about taking gluten, soy, eggs, peanuts, dairy, (sorry can't quickly remember the other 2). I then eat almonds for snacks. I am feeling great and not missing those items and not hungry.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Smoked fish? Salmon, or trout is even lower in fat. Serve with a wedge of lemon and some capers.
  • riesahp
    riesahp Posts: 14
    At this point I'm set for about 1200 calories a day, give or take, depending on exercise. That is the big game changer for me.

    Thanks for writing, by the way. I appreciate people taking time from their own lives to help.

  • riesahp
    riesahp Posts: 14
    Hi JuneB,

    Actually, I've not read any diet books lately. What I'm seeing is that exercise is for me the big thing I need to add more of into my day. After a really sluggish winter, I'm now more active and see that I can consume more, but I'd be fine if I just kept moving my body more and preferably outdoors. However, I'd be interested to know the full title and name of the book, as I might just check it out. I also have come to realize that I do need to change what I eat, along with the steps Ive already taken to reduce the amounts. MOre
    variety, fewer carbs and more exercise.

    Thanks so much for your suggestion.

  • riesahp
    riesahp Posts: 14
    Hi, thanks for your suggestions. I'm doing my best to avoid high glycemic foods, along with the ones I'm allergic to.
    I'll definitely check out your advice. I'm currently going for 1200 calories/day, but the exercise or lack thereof is making the
    biggest difference. Now that spring is approaching I'm again becoming active and if I keep up a regular routine of gardening, walking, hiking (later), I should do okay.

    Have a wonderful day,

  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    You can have quinoa just like oatmeal - with fruit and spice of choice - it's higher in carbs then you might like but has a lovely nutty taste. Also, in palelo, grind almonds - not to paste but pretty small and treat that like oatmeal too with milk and spices. Google palelo muffins - there a few that use almond or coconut flour and they cook the muffin in a cup in the microwave. And it's surprising how much you can enjoy a stirfry for breakfast with some meat of choice. There was a whole diet movement for a while where you ate dinner at breakfast time and breakfast at dinner time.
  • matisse216
    Hi Matisse,

    I live in SW Alberta, Canada; which part of Britain are you living in? I lived there many years ago and also carry a UK passport.

    Thanks for the advice about oats. I like them too and have an organically raised variety. I'm just concerned about the calories.
    I've been a healthy eater all my life and recently have taken my portions down to smaller size, but I guess my age is working
    against me with the need to up my activity, in order to burn the fat. It's hard here for me in the winter when winds blow high enough to blow you down. Staying indoors without activity drives me crazy in the wintertime.

    I'm staying off gluten free bread too, because of the carbs. There are many varieties about, but I'm better without it altogether. I find that eating it triggers my body craving more. It's often what one puts on the bread that is worse than the slice itself! This morning I made a green drink, with spinach, pineapple, pear, a bit of juice to get the blender going, green algae mix and a vitamin/mineral mix powder. It's filled me up nicely this morning all the way to lunchtime, without too many sugars or calories! Yayy!!

    Thats good!
    I'm living in Glasgow at the moment and I am really enjoying it.
    Glad you enjoyed your green smoothie, they are amazing!
  • riesahp
    riesahp Posts: 14
    Well, as if the above list weren't complete enough, I've now learned that all milk proteins are added to the rest.

    Yesterday I made a couple of pancakes with Pamela's pancake mix, using coconut beverage, extra baking soda and a touch of olive oil in the mix. It was okay and I was glad for a different form of starch. I've used almond milk in my Inka drink, but don't care for the changed taste. I may have to become a complete vegetarian again. No complaints; I'm glad to be healthy.

    I've discovered Suzie's quinoa, corn and flax crackers, a break from the typical unsalted rice cake. For reasons I can't explain, I put on a couple of pounds the last day or two. I think it's just water, following a kind of detox I had yesterday. I've lost 10 cm around my waist and 6 pounds overall and am feeling good about this, for the most part.

    still, I would appreciate hearing from people who use other healthy substitutes for eggs and milk when baking or cooking.
  • riesahp
    riesahp Posts: 14

    I've just gone back to read the posts from people here and missed yours. I'm sorry not to have replied sooner.
    Yes, on occasion I have felt the desire to eat that way with cereals for supper instead of breakfast. I shall likely
    do that more often when winter returns, as it's a good way to warm up in the morning. Thank you for your ideas.

    So, what do you ride? A horse, a Harley, or a bike
  • ginaslosingit

    I am also allergic to gluten, eggs, and cane sugar among a number of other food. Some of the substitutes that I use for eggs is: 1 tbsp. ground flax to 3 tbsp. water; or 1 tsp ground chia to 3 tbsp. water; or 1/4 cup pureed avocado.

    Some breakfasts I make include: teff cereal (hot cereal that I add maple syrup & nutmeg to); buckwheat porridge (I add maple syrup or agave nectar to is along with 1/2 cup fruit); or puffed quinoa or amaranth. I also make up my own gluten-free pancakes.

    Hope that these ideas might help you out!

  • njgal77
    njgal77 Posts: 6
    gluten free chex cereal with milk

    I make waffles and pan cakes with lentil flours.

    smoothies and fresh juices
  • ereinik
    ereinik Posts: 73
    So many great ideas! I'm going to want to take a few off them to add variety to my normal breakfast routine.

    The only thing I can add is 2 brown rice cakes with nut butter or pb2 and half a banana