Do you need to lose 60 pounds too?



  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    @Hernandez :drinker: (lots of water) cheers on the 20lbs!!! It took me an entire year (last year) to successfully lose and keep it off, 20lbs. I very slowly changed what I was eating, which wasn't too hard cuz I don't eat much junk or fast food to begin with, and then started walking again. A few years ago I had some crazy virus that attacked my lungs leaving much of them scarred, so it took quite a while to even walk 1/5 of a mile with out having something similar to a major asthma attack or worse. So those first 20lbs were miracles for me to get rid of. I'd lose 4 or 5, then TOM came and I'd gain like 5, I spend the entire year scooting down only like 1-3lbs a month sometimes I'd just go up. I just kept at it, refusing to give up. I'm 33 and don't want to be a lonely, unhappy, fat and SINGLE woman at 40, so I'm sticking with it. I'll get rid of the pounds by sheer determination. LOL

    The difference for me now is that I'm even more determined, and my BF (not really BF more like FWB) is an ex body builder/personal trainer, who convinced me I need to be eating more since I was only taking maybe 800-1000cals a day, if that. NO appetite whatsoever. I'm also doing a major increase in exercising, ok, well when I can anyway. lol

    I think that losing slow is really best, and to make it enjoyable is even more important. Otherwise we will be losing/gaining and still being unhappy. You can do this, you are so worth the happiness that being more healthy will bring you!!! Just keep at it.

    OH the agony of drinking enough water LOL That is what I've been struggling with myself. I have a bunch of the SOBE lifewater water bottles that I refill, unfortunately the kids and my brother & niece that moved in, kept stealing my bottles, so I'd not have any to use, or wouldn't be willing to drink out of some of them. :sick: So, the other day I went to target and found some cute 16oz water bottles that were only like $1.50 or so... I bought 4 and figured that would cover my 8X8 water....Today is the first day of my new plan to fill them all up and put in the fridge as "counters." I just keep one with me and drink it, when its done I set it on the counter. My goal is to drink those 4 at least and then increase as I am able. The kids and everyone know that they are not allowed to touch my new water bottles, and there is no mistaking them for one of theirs now.

    I think you are doing good. Keep it up!!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    hey ya'll. it's like i can't keep up this past month. :brokenheart: now i can't really exercise b/c i have abcesses (they are like large boils) under my arms... :sad: this is startin 2 suck. i haven't been eating that well at nite 4 the last month & i haven't been exercisin at all. this evenin i'm gonna join my softball team as a substitute (which means i may or may not play) & it'll b the only exercise that i'll have had in a month. the abcess under my right arm is the 1 that is killin me right now. so i'm wonderin if i'll b able 2 even swing a bat or run :frown:

    i'm goin 2 the dr this wk 2 c if i can get them drained. the appt is 4 friday but i may go 2morrow nite if i can't take the pain no more :frown: then i won't b exercisin 4 a while again <sigh>

    but this wk i'm gonna get my eatin in order at least. then later when i'm feelin better i'll get 2 workin out again. so i'll b MIA 4 a while :grumble:

    i haven't been losin any weight this whole time also but that was 2 b expected. i've been yo-yo between 229 and 232. but hopefully that will change.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    @GooBeGone-- Wow sounds like things are really tough. Pain of any kind really shuts down any progress of any kind, I am so sorry. I think you are right about working on your eating though. So many people will say that losing weight and getting into shape is 80% diet and 20% exercise (give or take a few depending on person). I think this is really true, just changing what I ate and how much has made such a huge difference in my overall weight and health. I wish you tons of luck and I hope that you can get your abscesses fixed up and feeling better.

    --Water. So my plan to load up my new water bottles ahead of time worked out. I have 4 new 16oz bottles and just put them on the counter as I finished them up. This worked awesome! No kids stole my water bottles, I didn't lose track of how much I drank and I even ended up drinking an extra bottle of water! So that was a good start for the week.

    I didn't exercise my full hour, we walked only 20 mins. My friend who I've been walking with the last few weeks just can't go far, and I have had some more family drama with my brother, so 20mins was better than nothing. lol Not seeing my week of exercise improving beyond that since I have some crap to deal with regarding my dumb alcoholic brother. ARGHHH I need to stay positive and make this work....pfft....
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Sian, hang in there. Pain is a pain but don't beat yourself up over it. It is beyond your control so focus on what is within your control. What about walking, can you do that until your arms are better? I hope you have fun with the softball too.

    Rhaeven, I'm glad the water bottles worked out for you. Revel in the small victories. I heard somewhere that women see their current lives as if it will always be like this and men see the now as a small moment in time. Remember that your life won't always be like it is now.

    Well, I am celebrating small victories today. I also drank extra water today and my mom took the kids out for frozen yogurt so I took my butt to the gym for a quick 30 on the elliptical. Perfect timing too because tomorrow is my weigh in. :smile:
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    @EboniA I honestly enjoy the fact that each day I survive is a small victory. LOL My life is so crazy, insane and full of drama that I am just grateful to land in bed each night. Some days its more difficult for me to stay on track and keep positive about being healthy and losing the weight, which usually isn't an issue for me (the staying positive part). Anyway...I do enjoy all of the little victories and miracles each day. I'm so blessed. :)

    Today was kind of a crummy food day. While I managed to stay under my calorie goals, I ended up eating WAY more rice and not enough protein than I normally eat. I have to go grocery shopping. LOL
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Yesterday I ate really well. We had brown rice pasta in the chicken casserole. It was really good. Today was horrible for eating. I guess you would call it a free day. At work we have a month end lunch and it was extra special this time becuase we had a great month. Pasta in creamy sauce, bruschetta, and tiramisu. I ate it all. I was so stressed from reporting deadlines. The good thing is that I drank a lot of water. I still need to exercise though and I don't want to. :frown:
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    The last week has been crazy here! Had my nephew over and stressing with homework, and my man made a large purchase we now have to try to back out of. Lots of stress and no time for exercise. Got my kids gone for the weekend and one of them for a week. So, I'm hoping to get back on track. I mean, I haven't totally binged out or anything, but I have been a bit less mindful eating and completely blowing off my workouts. Went grocery shopping tonight and even with my man shopping, we walked out with some healthy food that include all my needed nutrients. This week will be for focusing on me and my homework and reaching my goals. Oh, and I am gonna start level 3 of the shred tomorrow, and I am determined to do it each and every of the 10 days. Then I get to measure!~

    Rhaeven~ It's so hard to claim anything as our own with kids around. I totally feel that. Congrats on figuring out a way to get your water in!

    EboniA~ great job realizing and seizing that oppurtunity to get your workout done. How did your weigh in go?
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    What a great idea. I want to lose 100 pounds. I know I can do it. I have tried and lost 60 before, but I gave it. If have friends who keep me accountable, it will really help. How do we add each other as friends? Right now, it says I have no friends here.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Hi Becca! Welcome to the thread. Some days we are quite talkative, and others not so much. I'll send you a friend invite. When you see someone you would like to friend, click their name to look at the profile, then there is a button to add, you can also view other diary's this way too.
    How did you lose your weight before? I've never lost more than 10 pounds at a time until now. I love this site!~
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    I did Weight watchers... but it got too expensive when I wasn't losing anymore, so I lost my momentum and then the desire. I had to take three months off when I went on a Fulbright exchange to Uruguay, which I ate what my hosts fed me -- lots of beef... lots of cheese... etc. I gained and just didn't want to pay to go back when I wasn't feeling the success. I gained all 60 back over two years, but I know I can do this! I want to be healthy!!!
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    The last week has been crazy here! Had my nephew over and stressing with homework, and my man made a large purchase we now have to try to back out of. Lots of stress and no time for exercise. Got my kids gone for the weekend and one of them for a week. So, I'm hoping to get back on track. I mean, I haven't totally binged out or anything, but I have been a bit less mindful eating and completely blowing off my workouts. Went grocery shopping tonight and even with my man shopping, we walked out with some healthy food that include all my needed nutrients. This week will be for focusing on me and my homework and reaching my goals. Oh, and I am gonna start level 3 of the shred tomorrow, and I am determined to do it each and every of the 10 days. Then I get to measure!~

    That sounds like a recipe for stress eating and a routine disruption. Hang in there!
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Hi ladies, my husband was home yesterday with a twisted ankle so it was like having another kid and I didn't get to use the computer. Oh well. I worked on cleaning the garage so we could find our camping gear. Then the kids wanted to ride their bikes around the block (we're on a dead end so than means 7 blocks) but one bike is broken so I had to walk around twice. At least I got my exercise in!

    mamadaisyj: I hope you enjoy your time semi-alone and get to workout all you want! Oh, and I lost 1 pound this week. On track!

    Welcome Becca. I'll add you as a friend too. We can all use all the help we can get!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Thanks for the support ya'll. I been getting the homework done, not awesome on the exercise though, did walk the dog. But we haven't been eating out, so it works out I guess. Little guy only stayed at gramma's for one night, but at least I don't have the extra kid anymore :P
    Lost 1.4 this week.
    EboniA~cleaning a garage can be a workout, at least mine would. Might do that this week too... I wish my daughter would go for bikes rides better. Maybe soon.
    Becca~ at least you know you can lose the weight, this time ya can concentrate on learning how to do it without WW... though I don't know what all they do help besides the point stuff.
    I am hoping to get back to a full hour of exercise per day this week. Yay for new mini goals right~
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Hey girls Happy Monday.

    Sure sounds like everyone has been busy and hard at work. Also I see we are lucky to have another in our little group!! Excellent!! I sent a friends request to Becca.

    Today was my weigh-in. Lost another 1.6lbs, just over 9lbs since I started MFP, and 15lbs in about 2months!! So excited about that.

    @mamaDaisy WOOHOO on the loss. LOVE IT. Sounds like you've got a ton of stuff going on. Homework always takes up so much time and energy. I'm waiting to start applying for nursing programs again, so hopefully soon the stress will come to me as well! I hope that get get all your homework done and find some time to get a bit of exercise in. ;)

    This week is going to be an odd week. I have surgery on Thursday, nothing major... Having a D & C, and polypectomy, AND uterine ablation done. Basically gonna remove a polyp from my uterus and then burn the inside lining. Hopefully it will take care of my horrible TOM. I'm praying they don't fill me up with a ton of gas and IV fluid so I gain a ton of weight. I'm also praying that the procedure doesn't keep me from exercising for too long.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!! I'm barely awake, time to finish eating and get some sleep!!
  • I have been on this site about two weeks and I have a lot of weight I need to lose.I plan on making this a lifestyle change,not a quick fix :) I tell myself i can eat whatever i want,but i substitute lots of things for fruits and vegetables and drink water a lot.Also Im doing really well with my exercise and feel great afterwards.Feels good to have other people going through the same challenge :)
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    @Rhaeven~ congrats on the loss, love to see the big numbers going away :) I will keep you in my thoughts on Thursday and I hope all goes well. If you gain weight from the fluid, at least it will come back off easily when when you get home and start drinking all that water again, so don't stress :P

    I did get my homework completed (for the time being). Now it's my "finals" week though, so need to stay buckled down there. I been staying up all night. Was still up working on homework when my man got up for work twice this week. It's amusing and sad that all night long is the only time to get the time to myself to do the work. And it's math, so it takes Forever~ So, 3am snacks are killing my calorie count, but I figure, I'm still awake, I should have some sort of fuel. This is my last math class, so hopefully I won't have any more that takes me an hour per question, dang linear programming by hand lol.

    @Jennmarie~ HI there! Welcome to the thread. It sounds like you are on a great start making all the right changes and getting motivated. Look forward to losing with ya~
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome Jennmarie. It's definitely a lifestyle change otherwise we risk gaining it all back once we "stop".

    Congrats on the losses Rhaeven and MamaDaisy! That's great!

    If I can keep the sodium intake down, I should do well on my weigh in Thursday. I feel so much better when I'm not all bloated. I peeked at my weight on Monday because of all the pasta I ate on Friday and hamburger on Saturday. I was the same as Thursday. Yay! I usually gain 1 or 2 over the weekend and then lose it again plus 1.

    Today was pizza night but I only had 2 pieces. I'm hungry though. Maybe i'll have a banana. :happy: Hubby's home... gotta give up the computer.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Hump day everyone!!!

    So cool to see more people joining our little group. I love having some people who are interested in whats going on.

    Everyone is doing so well!! Tomorrow is my surgery...not sure how long I'll be off the computer, probably not long. I'm addicted.

    Hope everyone keeps up all the great work, lose a few extra pounds for me while I'm out of commission.
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    My thoughts and prayers will be with you Rhaeven.

    mamadaisyj: I feel you on the homework and kids. I was going for my degree and 2 kids in the process. The difference is that I wasn't also trying to lose weight. You're such an inspiration!

    Well, my mom made tacos (fried) tonight and weigh in is tomorrow. I haven't logged it yet because I'm a little worried. I guess stress doesn't help either. I'll just have another water and exercise.

    I am taking the kids to a free family movie day at the theater. It will be cool to see their favorite Kung Fu Panda on the big screen. I think we'll bring out own popcorn, snacks, and propel. :tongue: Then I'll take them to their summer program and have a half day to myself!!
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    Medical issues can be really rough. I would like to blame my major weight gains on health. I know that's not the only thing, but it's part of the way I came to be as heavy as I am. When I hit college, I was healthy, 150 pounds, and doing just fine. I gained the freshman 15 almost instantly, but then I got really sick. I had strep throat, then strep that eroded into the blood vessels, then kidney stones and surgery, then my sophomore year, I got mono. It basically shut my life down for exercise.

    When I got out of the habit, I never got back into it. I told myself that walking the dogs 20 minutes a day was enough to keep me healthy.

    I have never eaten horribly, but the lack of exercise had caught up with me over time. 5 lbs, then 10, then 25, and on and on.

    I only lose weight now when I am moving. I know that's my magic solution. It's finding the time to make sure that I am getting enough time. I work full time as a teacher, and also teach college classes one night a week. I have a 9 year old son, and he has soccer, lacrosse, basketball, etc. I have to find ways to work it in. When school starts, I am going to get up at 5:30, do my shred workout, shower, walk the dogs, and then hit my day. I will see how long I last at that routine. We shall see.
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