OT: Are men really that dumb when it comes to house stuff

kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

Sorry, but I don't know a nicer way to put it...are men just lazy, clueless when it comes to helping out around the house
Any ladies feel my pain??



  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    Sorry, but I don't know a nicer way to put it...are men just lazy, clueless when it comes to helping out around the house
    Any ladies feel my pain??

  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :angry: Most are totally clueless, helpless, lazy and plain don't want to help because they figure it is womens work! They think because they work outside of the home that they have done their part even though now a days most women work outside of the home as well and are still expected to take care of the kids and house with no help! We need to go on strike and let them see how it really is!:mad:
  • mimzy
    mimzy Posts: 135 Member
    I feel your pain, honey.
    But, you know they DO work all day...and you want them to do WHAT at night too?? HA!!
    Well, yeah, we do expect you too.
    Why in the WORLD do men think it's okay to for him to stop after a 8-10 hour day but we are expected to work a full 12-15 hour day? Does that make ANY sense?
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member


  • Adele
    Adele Posts: 159 Member
    I was just venting about my Hubby to my girlfriend - he is a great Dad, but CLUELESS when it comes to getting them ready in the morning!! Drives me nuts!! :angry:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    <<<<<< See photo.

    My man, thankfully, came from a military background and is currently military, so he's pretty neat. But yea, I do a LOT of the house chores. Especially the cat stuff. (Look, I get it! You have had cats all your life. Now clean the dang box once in awhile!!)

    But, would we love them if we couldn't be in so much control of the house??
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member

    My man, thankfully, came from a military background and is currently military, so he's pretty neat.

    Mine too. He a neat freak, I'm a germaphobe. We go together pretty nicely.

    But DON'T fall for the whole "I don't know what I'm doing" gag. They just pretend to not know or they goof up on purpose so that we don't expect them to ever do it again. LOL
  • neha
    neha Posts: 67
    Am lucky. He cooks. When he sees me running all around, trying to get things done. he helps. When I sit on a new craft project, he makes sure to know how it works. If its easy enough for him, he gives in a knot or a stroke of paint. My Darling!
  • cwilson715
    cwilson715 Posts: 130
    HAHAAHAHAHA! My husband is clueless until its the day something has to be finished and I am a raging B because it is not done. My husband is wonderful when he knows I need him, he took care of me when I was on bedrest, and after I had a c-section and I couldn't walk or even shower myself. I don't think I even changed my daughter diaper until she was over a week old. But he totally plays the clueless card. :laugh:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member

    My man, thankfully, came from a military background and is currently military, so he's pretty neat.

    Mine too. He a neat freak, I'm a germaphobe. We go together pretty nicely.

    But DON'T fall for the whole "I don't know what I'm doing" gag. They just pretend to not know or they goof up on purpose so that we don't expect them to ever do it again. LOL

    :laugh: :laugh:

    I get home a few hours before he does. So I do all the things I want to have done (cable pulled under the carpet, pictures hung, kitty toys picked up...etc) so I don't have to wait!

    I pull the "I don't know what I'm doing" gag when it comes to cooking so I don't have to clean the kitchen!!! :bigsmile:
  • runawaybride
    runawaybride Posts: 400 Member
    :grumble: It never changes either. As much as you drill it in their head and think they might start to help they don't . I think sometimes if they led on like they really do know how to do certain things then they will be expected to do them ....so they play dumb and try and get away with it.

    One thing that drives me nuts is when he says he won't rub butt creme on the baby..."I have no clue you can do it alot better than I can" I mean really all you do is slab it on the bottom how hard can it be. He loves to say I do stuff better than him almost like I am dumb and think it is a true compliment when all it really is him trying to push it on me.:grumble:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    It just irks me when I have to do everything so I am tired/annoyed then he gets mad because I am acting like a big 'B'
    Help out then
    I even wrote down 'chores' like he was a teen-ager
    A few simple things at night that would probably take 5 minutes...do they get done....NOOOOO
    Then the icing on the cake is they want some (you know what)

  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Oh boy, you brought up the wrong subject on the wrong day :laugh: :laugh: We just discussed this last night... I feel a ramble comin on.........

    Well my fiance takes out the trash sometimes, puts dishes IN the dishwasher and runs it (of course I have to put them away...the part we all hate most), he will vacuum on his days off sometimes (only the downstairs though he saves the staircase and upstairs for me...again...the harder part of it), And he mows the lawn (leaving the flower garden for me...watering the lawn for me...again...the parts we don't like to do), he will put laundry in washer and switch to dryer, I fold them and put them away (again the worst part for me), and he will halfa$$ make the bed. I also am in charge of the bills and checkbook, which I absolutely hate BTW. And I work 50-60 hours a week. He works 40 at BMW and every 3 weeks he gets 5 days off.:grumble: :grumble: MUST BE NICE!! Not that he doesnt work hard, he does, his is more physically demanding (explains why he can eat like a pig and not gain an ounce :laugh: ) while mine is more mentally draining. But men are just clueless, absolutely clueless....I've been dedicated to this working out thing and all of the other stuff I do. (I've slacked on house a little since started working out but still straighten up during week and deep clean on weekends its still clean) and he looks at me and says "why don't you ever cook for me anymore?":grumble: :mad: :grumble: :explode: Ok, So ummmmm I'll work 50-60 hrs, clean the house, pay the bills, walk the dog, cook for you, and ummmmm when do I get some me time? Do I EVER get a day to relax? TV? What is TV? I don't watch TV...Oh, wait I watch Tae Bo while I'm working out..Whewwwww!!! I got a lot off my chest there :bigsmile: All in all though I've got a good life and a good man and well, we all get stressed out sometimes. We do work together and help each other out. So I really can't complain tooooo much...but a little bit :sad: :cry: :cry: :sad: sometimes is expected...:bigsmile:
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    My fiance helps out around the house but he still thinks the kids are my JOB. Last time I checked I work full time just like he does. He helped make them he can help take care of them.

    :heart: Jess

    Stay strong, we are just smarter.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    YES and I have heard of men using the excuse that they work all day so it's only natural for the stay at home wife or mom to do all of the household chores....But my soon to be ex husband doesn't have that sorry excuse either we BOTH have demanding military careers...... He is slowing realizing that I had enough of it.....but now its too late
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I think their brain is wired differently. I have always had boyfriends that have wanted to help with the house work (sometimes to shut me up probably) but all in all they have wanted to help. Problem is, I have a totally different idea of "clean". So I am learning that there are certain tasks that can be delegated. But if something really needs to be cleaned, then it is best if I do it. Also it is human nature to kind of "leave" things for other people. When I am single and living alone then this is not an issue, it all gets done, by me. I just think when people are living together men can hold out longer for someone else to come along and do it. Us women, cave, take care of it and then get angry!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I feel the men of the world shrinking into a corner........

    Though I'm positive this is all irking us, you have to remember why you love these guys to begin with. I remind myself everytime I'm ready to throw a lamp at his head. And also that I do things that drive him nuts. Like leave my clothes on the floor. Or turn on every light in the apartment. (the list goes on!!)

    Besides, they do things we won't do. My husband signed us up for a gym. He's the one that suggests we go down to the pool. And that we shower together afterward :happy: heheh......

    Also, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. If you can kill that spider in the shower yourself, then you'll be prepared for the attack of the giant alien spriders.:glasses:

    When he starts turning into a lazy teenager, restrain from treating him like one and sit down with him and tell him. Yelling and making honey-do lists only makes for another disappointment when it doesn't help.

  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    YES and I have heard of men using the excuse that they work all day so it's only natural for the stay at home wife or mom to do all of the household chores....But my soon to be ex husband doesn't have that sorry excuse either we BOTH have demanding military careers...... He is slowing realizing that I had enough of it.....but now its too late

    I'm sorry to hear that :flowerforyou:

    Best wishes darling.

  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    My husband does try to help me around the house. He often does... But he gets off to a good start then gets distracted and then forgets about the house... Or he take about 45mins to clean say the living room when it takes me only about 15mins. But I guess at least he tries to help out hahaha
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    My man, thankfully, came from a military background and is currently military, so he's pretty neat.

    Mine too. He a neat freak, I'm a germaphobe. We go together pretty nicely.

    But DON'T fall for the whole "I don't know what I'm doing" gag. They just pretend to not know or they goof up on purpose so that we don't expect them to ever do it again. LOL

    germaphobe, huh??? writing.gif

    Good to know. th_2.gif