
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi, I am Mary. I am new here. This is my first post. I am having trouble getting motivated to exercise.
    I have purchased the rockin body and hip hop abs from beachbody.com (shaun t, the creator of insanity is the maker of these dvd's).
    I have been able to input my food intake, but I cannot find a way to input these exercises.
    I am 49 years old and just got started working on my diet and exercise plan.

    I need motivation to work out and eat right.

    Mary, the only way this will work is if you bring the motivation. You have to want to change your life and your weight and have a fire inside to succeed. We can add advice, friendship, and moral support. Some of us have know-how to share. This is a wonderful group and you're welcome here.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    jb: I thought I replied to your post yesterday, but don’t find my post. Sorry for the delay. I followed the link to your music and am so impressed with your voice and songs. :love: What a wonderful talent you have! The gift of being able to create music is not one I share, but it is definitely one that I appreciate and admire. And envy…:flowerforyou:

    dovergopp: I have adopted the practice of reporting all of my exercise in minutes rather than miles. It is so much easier to be sure I’m accurate and easier for me to record meandering trips through my hilly and quirky community. I gave up walking around tracks a long time ago because it put too much stress on my left knee, even when I turned around and walked the other direction half the time.:flowerforyou:

    Sunshine: I’m delighted that your MIL is on her way home. This should reduce your stress and help you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    cityjane: Congratulations on your weight loss and fitness improvements. You’re doing so well! :smile: Good luck with your blood pressure test on Monday. DH has to watch his sodium due to blood pressure problems, so I’ve changed my cooking to leave out all salt, and then add it at the table. I find I’m not adding as much as I used to, and I’m having a little less swelling in my hands. Good luck replenishing your wardrobe. I hope you have lots of fun doing it.:bigsmile:

    DeeDee: Sorry you have a headache. :sick: Allergies make sense to me as a probable cause. I take antihistamines and they help with the worst of it, but never eliminate it entirely until the offending plants quit blooming. A lot of scotch broom has gone wild around here, and it is often the culprit that makes me miserable in the spring.:angry:

    Yesterday we went to dinner with our DIL, my son’s best friend from grade school days and his “due any minute” pregnant wife. It was so good to see them, and enjoy their excitement and happiness. (Yes, and give unnecessary and unwanted advice. They were gracious about it.:wink: ) We also took baby gifts along. Long story short, I was good but not good enough and I’m up a little today. I need to drink my water and focus on doing things right.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good Saturday Morning. I had upped my ticker again, since I had re-gained 3 lbs, and it had stuck too long to ignore. This is now coming back down. I had actually lost 2.5 lbs by yesterday, but this morning the scale showed a lb more and I typically update on Saturdays. I think the bike riding is helping. Yet you'd think that all that training for 10k since January should have done the trick, and it did not. Oh the mysteries of weight loss.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee - sorry about your headache. Mine was gone by yesterday. As I may have mentioned I started seeing a chiropractor and he did tell me things could get worse before they got better. Well, the Tuesday treatment sure made me feel worse and had a headache for days. I typically do not get headaches ever since menopause. So by yesterday all was well.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy - yay another lb gone and inches gone. Isn't that one of the best things?!!!!

    :flowerforyou: cityjanelondon - I had no idea that the UK has mothersday in March.

    :flowerforyou: sunshine - I've been following your woes and truly hope all this sickness stuff and MIL stuff will soon be behind you. Rest, rest, rest.

    :flowerforyou: JB 2011 - I LOVE your musical abilities. Had a taste of it last evening. What talent, and we are lucky to have you on board.

    :flowerforyou: Sue in Texas - Playing golf is one of those fantastic activities and it is outdoors. Best thing chasing after that little ball so it will end up in that little hole. I love playing golf, but am extremely bad at it, so mostly nobody wants me to play with them :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Hi Mary9921 - ah motivation. It's so much a personal thing. Sometimes you just do like Dr. Seuss says: "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose." But I can guarantee you that coming on this thread more often to get some vitamin F also helps!

    :flowerforyou: Brooke - so sorry you were not considered further as a candidate. It's perfectly normal to get your hopes up. Life sucks sometimes, and that's reality, darned. Glad you shared though. This result likely has nothing to do with you and your skills and abilities. What type of work do you do?

    :flowerforyou: Junerbooner - 106 lbs lost? that is fantastic. You may think your weight loss is slow, but frankly you did not gain it quickly either. You are on a really good path. Come back and tell us how you are doing this.

    :flowerforyou: grandmallie - sorry you have not been feeling well. Hope you feel better soon.

    :flowerforyou: jackie - your story is so inspiring. Congratulations on your successful run and signing up for more. I agree, having a goal is a fantastic motivator.

    Has anyone read "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead" by Sheryl Sandberg? I am no longer in the league to climb the corporate ladder (by choice), but it looks like an interesting read.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Oh Rebel I am right there with you. Here is what I look like - and trust me there were some 160's and 161's that never got recorded. As I've said in an earlier posting I am going to say that I have maintained my loss since December (instead of saying I haven't lost anything since December.) I am at a normal BMI and a size 10 so my weight loss from here is all Lagniappe. I hope to get to my 145 but if I just NEVER go over 159 I will be content.


    Kathyszoo - you caught up on the posts? I have given up trying.

    Today is a day I look forward to. I will NOT be counting calories, not after I am at the party I am going to. It is a crawfish party - absolutely my favorite food in the world. I suppose calories aren't the biggest evil - it's the salt. Nevertheless I plan on eating 5 pounds!!!

    Cheryl from north of Chicago (but obviously originally from New Orleans!!!)
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    •Prince Harry is in town today to see the Wounded Warrior Games. The Olympic Training Center is right next to the park where I walk Dillon. Perhaps a royal sighting is in the works :wink: I have just put a beef pot roast and multiple veggies in the slow cooker for tonight’s dinner (and lunch leftovers for sure). The house will be smelling divine when we return from the park :smile:

    Junerbooner – Wow!!! Congratulations on 100 pounds and your entry into one-derland. Your home project sounds amazing, hoping Mother Nature will cooperate and give you some dry days to get it all done

    Kathy – Good for you for getting the closet project done! Time to shop :bigsmile: Loved your story about the rescue dog and puppies – so glad you didn’t actually bop them

    Connie – Your jewelry project sounds fantastic. How great that you have a hobby that you so enjoy that can actually be a profit center for you as well. I’ve always had “a thing” about rocks, ever since I was a kid. I collect them wherever I go, in fact I have a bowl of them on both my coffee and dining tables and know their “stories”. I even have one from the Great Wall

    Mary9921 – Welcome!! You’ve come to the right place for motivation and support. Read/post often

    Meg- Yay!!!!!!!!! How cool for you that you’re off and able to focus on YOU for the entire summer. You’ve earned it. Enjoy your reading time (I too have a very eclectic reading repertoire) :flowerforyou:

    JB – Thanks so much for sharing your music! Such talent we have in this wonderful group of women

    Renny – So glad the chiropractor sessions are helping you. I always feel so much better after I’ve been. Yay for no more headaches! “Oh the mysteries of weight loss” indeed You asked about the type of work I do, I am an administrative/operations manager – my last title was General Manager. Basically, operations/HR/finance/strategic planning (I guess a “Jill of all trades” multi-tasker) I’m on the hold list at the library for “Lean In”, I’ll let you know

    Station46 – Welcome, you’ve found a great group here to support you on your health journey. Come back and read/post often

    CityJane – I didn’t know you are a writer! What types of things do you write? Thanks for your words of encouragement. Good luck on the “new you” wardrobe (let DH help if he wants to) :wink:

    DeeDee – Shoe shopping is good, you now have the room in your closet so must fill it, no? :bigsmile: Hoping your headache goes away and you enjoy your day off.

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently.” - - Henry Ford
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    Been too busy to reply to posts, but have been enjoying all of the discussions. I have been frustrated by my lack of improvement, but am making strides in the right direction. I am exercising more regularly although not at a level I know I need to and would enjoy. Unfortunately work is insane and will stay that way for the next 5 weeks. Meanwhile, I am getting in all the exercise I can by convincing myself that it will help relieve the stress and save my sanity! Foodwise, I am doing well for the most part, but have eaten out more than I should.

    Renny- The author of Lean In spoke at our local university and donated copies for all of the teachers at my school. I haven't had a chance to read it yet- probably won't until after school is out, but it sounds interesting. If it is, I may send copies to my daughters and nieces. I too am beyond wanting or needing to climb the corporate ladder, but they are all at a good age for the advice I assume is in the book.

    jb- You music is awesome!! I would love to have the talent, but definitely do not. Somehow my children are talented musicians (trombone players and a sound engineer at a major studio in NYC).

    Meg- Glad you have a break from work. You have been so busy!! Enjoy your time! I am looking forward to the summer break, but will have to do some major planning as I will be teaching all new classes next year.

    DeeDee- I have been suffering from sinus headaches since spring has finally decided to arrive. I am taking antihistamines which help but don't totally alleviate the problem. The price we pay for warmer weather and beautiful flowers!!

    Michele- We have a large amount of landscaping to do here. Reading about what you, Barbie, and others are accomplishing is motivating to choose small, doable projects to tackle around the yard. We have a lot of space and really no landscaping done at all. It is overwhelming and out of my price range to tackle it all. Baby steps!

    I need to get back to work. Mother's day celebration is at my house tomorrow so I'm off to cleaning, cooking, laundry, and at some point grading papers and writing lesson plans. I WILL also get in some long walks, weights, and MAYBE some kayaking.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

    Deb in rainy, dreary CNY
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm new to MFP, but I am so happy I found this site. I've loaded the app to my phone so that I can track everything and love that. I have been yo yo dieting all my life, and really at this point I don't think I can lose it all again. I am so tired all the time and the stress in my life is really taking a toll on my health and my blood pressure. My knees and ankles hurt all the time and I find it harder and harder to motivate myself.

    So this time I'm not going so much for what the scale says, I'm going to try to eat healthy and walk at least 3 times a week and just see what happens. I just want to feel better and takes some of the stress off from my joints. I am trying to stay positive, and it does help to read how well everyone else in my age group has done because I really tend to believe that I am too old (61) to diet AGAIN!

    Keep the inspirational stories coming, they are really the only thing that is keeping me going right now!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good Saturday afternoon to all. Yesterday I got over 7,000 steps in and got a little badge on my fitbit page LOL. Got some plants in, but now it’s going to be 30 tonight….grrrrrr. It’s beautiful outside, nice and sunny, but oh, such a cold wind is blowing. Brrrrrrr.

    DH and I took the three cats to the vet, betting on which one would be least cooperative. It was pretty much a tie. All the cats look good including the old man, and he only charged us $158 for all three exams and vaccinations. I think the vet felt sorry for us having to spend so much money on the dog! Everyone there was asking about him; and it’s been since last summer that he was there since we have been using the internal medicine specialist.

    DrKatie: can you banish the candy yourself?

    Barbie: sounds like you have a great place to board Bernie.

    Gail: such great advice for everyone…listen to your body.

    Joyce: what a wonderful description of the squirrels! They sound adorable.

    Michele: falling asleep in the recliner is nearly an everyday occurrence here!

    Suebedew: hope you got great golfing in

    Jb: great website. The dog paintings are beautiful. I don't have speakers so I can't hear your songs but I imagine they are beautiful

    Renny: biking on the transcanada highway…sounds beautiful

    Dovergopp: I bet you’ll get rid of that 0.8 pounds soon

    Sunshine: be lazy and take care of yourself, and REST

    Cityjane: hope the news on your blood pressure is good

    DeeDee: get rid of that headache soon!

    Grandmallie: I agree that it would be so wonderful to find a way of slowing time down

    Kathy: good news on the weight and inches loss. Congratulations!

    Jane: hope your early mother’s day celebration was wonderful

    Katla: all mothers give unnecessary and unwanted advise, don’t we? I think I had to go to school before adopting to learn that
    and also how to embarrass them, which I excel at!

    Cheryl: enjoy your crawfish!!!

    Brooke in CO: I can smell your pot roast from here! Delish!

    Deb: what????? You are cleaning and cooking for mothers day???? What????? I’d protest LOL You need to borrow

    DeeDee’s tiara and let everyone know who is queen of the day there!

    Bucky: welcome to our site!

    Well I really need to get cracking here! If the wind dies down a bit I’ll take a nice walk. Otherwise, I’m off to hit the book. Take care, Meg from windy Omaha
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Happy Mothers Day to all! I haven't been able to do anything other than read lately. Due to lack of progress on any weightloss...I have bumped my time up on my Airdyne bike from 31 minutes to 40. I am also hitting the road Monday, driving out west to see my family. That will be a 2 day trip, all sitting, no exercise. I have reserved a space to camp at midway, am hoping I can walk some when I get there.
    Lea in SC
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to everyone. It will be bittersweet for me since tomorrow will be one month since my mom died. But my son, dil and gs will be here for a barbeque after church. They are taking care of all the food and the cooking.

    My school kids sing in church tomorrow so I got roses for them to give their moms from them and from me. I appreciate all the help I get from the moms.

    Went to zumba this morning, but I seem to be lacking energy this week. I think it's the allergies making me tired.

    Next weekend I will be taking a trip to Minnesota for a college graduation. Another benefit is getting to see two of my little grandsons. One has a school program that I will be able to see...assuming the flight is on time.

    As ever, I rejoice with those who are having good times and pray for those who are having troubles.

    Eileen near beautiful San Diego
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Good afternoon to all! I have read pages and pages of posts and do love knowing what interests you have. Writers, musicians, gemologist, jewelry makers, gardeners, teachers, nurses, etc. Some of you sound so busy. My life is mostly very quiet but I too do have a small hobby that brings in a little handy bit of money. My in-laws had an antique shop on the Old Roswell Square (Roswell Georgia) for many years and closed it in the late 1970's. Since then, many of the items from the shop have stayed in our home (it was once their home). When I retired from teaching going on 7 years ago, I started sorting through some of the jewelry and found by researching on-line that many pieces were very collectible. That sparked an interest. So, I started selling on Ebay and now on 2 other sites. I don't sell a tremendous amount, but, it is fun and I have learned a lot. Now my husband and I both enjoy going to estate/garage sales on the weekend and it gives us a common interest which was needed after 44 years of marriage.

    Went to lunch today with two friends whom I have known for over 40 years. It was such fun to see them and get caught up. I was good and had broiled sea food, potato with no butter, and slaw. After lunch I went to the mall for the first time in over a year. It was very crowded with folks shopping for Mother's Day (I presume). Fun to walk around and see people and shops.

    Good wishes for wellness to those who are ailing and blessings for all who are struggling.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Went to a craft sale at the middle school across the street from us. A lot of it was the usual stuff but what I enjoyed the most was the booths from the 6th grade home room classes. They did 'upcycling'. They had some interesting things. Some of them were things that only kids would be interested in or if they were spiffed up a little then an adult might be. But you can teel that they were challenged to think outside the box. Good job kids. I also could see some items that looked like they were inspired from flea market flip or DIY, HGTV. What is one mans junk is another's treasure.

    Joyce, inspired in Indiana
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Thanks for your wonderful comments about my music & art :blushing:

    I'm just heading to the river with the dogs but had to share this little ditty I saw earlier :laugh:

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    evening friends,
    well here I am after dinner out and i had chicken parmesan with pasta at the 99 restaurant.what i did do is ask for the take out box when it was served and put half of it right in...still when I looked up the calories ,even cutting it in half was 905 calories:noway:
    but i am under my calorie count by a hair...oh well ,it tasted delish and was got full before i finished which was good.
    I did stop at Walmart today and had to buy 2 new pair of scrub pants- went from a size 2 X- to a large... soooo excited..
    DH asking why i need a fit bit and told him to help with the weight loss, he said Im doing fine and that he was proud of me losing weight:happy:
    Hope everyone enjoys the weekend and your Mother's day :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a great early mom`s day celebration with son an DIL and other son and DIL.Spent time with Violet and Alliyah.
    What more can a grandma ask for?
    Have a good night!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: I didn’t log food or exercise today but I ate only the foods I usually eat and did a lot of my usual exercise including 20,000 steps…..we went to a meeting in Seattle this morning which meant getting up really early but included a ferry ride over and back.

    :flowerforyou: Mothers’ Day will be simple here
    there are cards with my name on them (probably from Jake and the pets)…I already got my gifts (two new pairs of jeans in the same size I’ve been wearing for three years), and instead of having a fancy meal, we’ll do an Isagenix cleanse day and spent the day relaxing as a family.


    :yawn: :yawn: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Well, it is 4:32 a.m. here and I still haven't been able to sleep. :grumble: I'm not sure if it's because I took a nap at 3 and didn't wake up until 7:30 p.m. :angry: or if it's because it will be the first time I've slept alone for a night without hubby here :brokenheart: , or because it looks like it is daylight here :noway: . Why in the world is the sun up so early :ohwell: ?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm hoping the answer is because I've done nothing but sleep for over a week and my body is finally saying ENOUGH! And I'm actually getting better. I think I am giving in though and taking a sleep aid .... night y'all! :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Joan - thanks for sharing your music with us. Your voice is absolutely, positively beautiful! The songs are so lovely.

    Did yoga today. Tomorrow I'm not going to be doing any formal exercise, but according to weather.com it's supposed to be fairly decent so we'll work some more on the landscaping. Didn't do any today. Tomorrow and the next few days are SUPPOSED to be decent weather so we'll work on it so that's how I'll get my exercise in. Ab work (from bending to put those rocks in the dump cart/tractor) here I come. And upperbody getting them out of the dump cart/tractor. I've already cut up 1-1/2 cups of carrots so I can have a snack on the go while I'm working.

    Renny - are the highways in Canada like the ones in the US? You can bike on them? Do they have special bike lanes?

    Made a pineapple angel food cake, made some things to give the guys who are building the pergola. They are supposed to start Monday, so I made some graham cracker bars, chocolate cookies, Swedish butter cookies. I also made some soup for me. Got the fixings for a shrimp gumbo that I would like to make and for a meatloaf that I'd like to make for Vince. Not sure when I'll get to those, but I'll get to it.

    Vince has a MD appt. Monday, too. Just some sort of checkup. But he does want me here when the guy who is going to build the pergola is here so I'll do a Jari Love DVD which I know I can use that barbell with. I'll just go to the Y and use it there.

    station - welcome. What is the 5:2 book about?

    cityjane - you are amazing. Looking how far you've come. Did I tell you I had two of the chicken tenders at the reception Thurs and to me it tasted salty. Now I'm sure it really wasn't, it's just that I've been watching my sodium so even a little bit of salt is very salty now to me.

    After church went to WalMart. Just got some veges that I absolutely positively needed. Didn't have nearly enough in the house. Really, their quality of produce leaves a lot to be desired. However......I was looking for frozen shelled edamame because I was told they carried it (never did find it, just found the ones in the shell) but I did see that they carry the Arctic Zero ice cream (and at a lower price than the health food store) and Yazzo greek yogurt ice cream bars. Need to check them out. But I was excited to find the Arctic Zero. I wouldn't have thought they'd carry something like that, but I'm glad they do. At the healthy cooking demo the guy brought in these lentil chips, said he got them at WM, so I bought one bag. It's something a little different, not sure how I'll like them.

    DeeDee - trust me, we have A LOT of landscaping work to do. Vince finished putting out the landscape lights, he was putting down the landscape fabric and I was putting down some of the rocks right alongside the new garage. That's IT. It was slow going. Hopefully, tomorrow with both of us working on the landscape fabric and rocks it'll go a bit faster. He likes to work on one thing while I'm working on something else. I personally like when we work toghether. I guess it's more mental than anything else. It just looks like so much more is accomplished. Glad I inspired you, that's nice to know. Hope the headache goes away so you can buy me something real nice....:)

    kathy - yea on the pounds and inches lost!

    Had to have some of the things I baked, but to be honest, by the late afternoon, my stomach felt so "yuk". Good feeling.

    jane - have fun at your son's

    katla - when my sinuses act up, I need to take a decongestant. Makes me wide awake but on the good side, it also really dries me out so I want to constantly drink, drink, drink (water, that is)

    Cheryl - I'm always surprised that there aren't more low sodium foods available.

    brooke - I have a friend who is -- to put it mildly -- obsessed with the royal family. When William and Kate got married, we went to Winston-Salem ( probably about 45 minutes away) to get this certain book. The Barnes and Nobel by us would have had it in a few days, but she wasn't about to wait. Her hubby (it's a strange relationship) didn't want her to go alone so she asked me to go with her.

    Deb - isn't jb's music absolutely fantastic? I tell ya, I always say, if they want to clear the church out in record time, just have me sing ion the choir.

    bucky - welcome! You've come to a great place for inspiration, that's for sure.

    meg - trust me, jb's voice is wonderful!

    eileen - take care of yourself tomorrow. Know that your mom would be very proud of you helping at your church. How lovely of you to give those kids roses for their mothers.

    peachstategal - catching up with old friends is always so much fun.

    grandmalle - WTG on the smaller pants and also taking half of your dinner home with you. It always feels so good to hear that someone is proud of you for losing weight.

    sunshine - I'm with you, gonna give Loki his med, take a shower, then hit the hay.

    Hope everyone has a great Mother's Day. I'm betting that Bryan isn't going to call me.

    Have a great evening everyone

    Michele in NC
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    So Rebel - I didn't enjoy my crawfish much. That's because they weren't cooked yet when we got there. But the potato chips and muffins, and chocolate covered crackers were. GEEZZZ I ate 3000 calories today and very few of those were crawfish.

    But I do have to say that the chocolate covered crackers were unbelievably good. They were regular saltines soaked in butter and brown sugar and baked with chocolate chips covering them. When I tried to enter the calories for those it was a shocker how many more calories are in brown sugar than white sugar. I never knew.

    So, as we often say here - tomorrow is a new day.
  • dovergopp
    dovergopp Posts: 9
    Hello everyone kind of late tonight or early not sure I worked late so Well today went well stayed under calories but didn't get in any walking or other exercise today with my schedule today could have went out this morning but started to read after I got ready for work had lunch finished the book then went to work. Decided to get on the scale again this morning and that .8lb was gone I did drink my usual amount of water yesterday that I was not drinking for a couple days. Well getting off of here and going to sleep. Everyone take care and have a wonderful Mothers Day