Biggest Pet Peeves



  • heywithers
    heywithers Posts: 99 Member
    When people don't say "thank you" when they should. :sad:


    this is actually my biggest pet peeve of all- when i say thank you and the other person says nothing at all and when i do something and people don't say thank you
  • heywithers
    heywithers Posts: 99 Member
    Bad table manners - as in, people who eat really loudly, chew with their mouth open, slurp drinks / soup, belch, eat too fast, etc. I cannot stand the sound of people eating, generally. It's disgusting.

    Other than that... just obnoxiousness I guess. lol

    for some reason that stuff doesn't bother me at all
    my friend will literally get mad at me if i chew my gum with my mouth open lol
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Smacking food when eating. HATE IT!

  • obeseandsassy
    obeseandsassy Posts: 118
    biggest pet peeve in the world is body shaming. it's not cool in any way, shape, or form.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I hate when I am at a sales store and people walk up to me and ask me if I work here? I just stare at them and say " Do I look like I have a name tag or red vest on, like all the other workers here." IT DRIVES ME NUTTERS!!!


    this happens to me a lot. unsure why. all the stores. thankfully never at the nightclub restrooms, lol.

    In other news I did it to a lady recently at Chipotle who reached over from behind me to grab a pepper shaker off my table while mumbling something in this crowded loud place. I started handing her my emptied bowl from the salad I'd just finished when she raised her hand against it in objection..."Oh, no I don't work here". I didn't check what she wore...all I know is I'm eating and someone's little hand comes in from behind onto my table I'm thinking it's a worker cleaning up. She was royally offended in her high heels and office attire. By my SAHM azz in casual sandals and skinny jeans. LOLZ. Don't reach onto my table when I'm eating or I'll put you to work!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I work retail so I have about a million but the main ones are people that like to go in the fitting room a nd leave the clothes they try on wadded in balls on the floor but hang the hangers on the hooks and people who seem to think I'm rainman and can spout prices (complete with tax) on a whim. Also women who have accidents in the fitting room and don't say anything leaving the nasty surprise behind. More than once ive reached down to pick up a garment from the floor only to find its urine soaked. Or worse. So disgusting.

    Where the heck do you work? So i can NEVER shop there. Ever.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    biggest pet peeve in the world is body shaming. it's not cool in any way, shape, or form.

    :noway: :embarassed: :laugh:
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member
    Too many to list...
    -people who are threatened by my changes in fitness/nutrition and try to sabotage
    -those who enforce their beliefs but refuse to respect yours
    -anyone that dishes out but can't take it in return
    -people who feed off negative energy
    -gossipers with intent to harm
    -fake laughter at gatherings ahHH haHaHahhaha hahahahah you are soooo funnaaay. Can I go home now?
  • ndegwa
    ndegwa Posts: 169

    Whoa long list!!!

    Probably my biggest is people that use the equipment at the gym then just sit there and gawk at everyone or sit on their phones!!!! Oh my f gosh it infuriates me! It happened with the same girl and 4 pieces of equipment !!!! She just sat there grrrr lucky I didn't say anything !!! Grrrr

    The Gym i go to is not that well equipped but its cheap sop cant complain. However the use of phones in gym i think should be banned. I hate people that hog machines and as you say gawp at other people or sit their chatting to their mates.
  • karu77
    karu77 Posts: 14 Member
    it's a small one, but I really hate people who walk slowly and block the whole sidewalk^^ and people whose closed umbrella turns into a weapon while walking^^
  • Dominantia
    Dominantia Posts: 18
    It really annoys me when someone who doesn't know anything about nutrition tells me what I should do.
    When some of my skinny friends brag about how less they eat, like omg I only ate an apple in the morning and then some lunch and that was all I ate yesterday. So? Do you want a standing applause or what.. -_____-
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Lack of courtesy or manners.


    Putting other people down to inflate ones own ego.

    There's probably more but I like to leave room for others and to not focus to much on negative *kitten*.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    People with bad form on squats trying to do the most weight possible. Snap city intro in t-minus 5.

    Trainers who know less about nutrition or weight lifting than me trying to tell me old info.

    The whole meal-prep obsession that is all over the net. People act like it's some kind of trophy or something, or shun you if you don't practice prep. Honestly chicken breast tastes alright at best fresh, no way in hell I'm going to prep out a weeks worth so I can have dry *kitten* 3 day old chicken tittie.

    People who say "You're on a diet and you're eating that?". Having no clue my cals, macros, diet plan or eating style.

    Anyone who mentions diet soda and cancer in the same sentence

    People who try and ego-lift next to me, usually only teens.

    People who accuse every in shape person of being on gear

    People who say "that's a lot of weight. How much is that?" even though it's right there on the bar...okay that one is not that bad, but pretty funny to me.

    The trainer at my gym who keeps accusing me of dropping the weights when I do dead-lifts even though I have 2 yoga mats under the weight and try to lower the weight as slow as possible. Oh yea *kitten*-hole let me slowly lower 400 ^^**^ pounds.

    In shape people who look down on out of shape people. Like seriously?

    People who get on a piece of equipment and half-*kitten* on the ohone and crap. One lady was on the leg-curl machine for 10 mins straight. She literally was doing 3 reps, pausing looking around, doing more and stopping to look around ARGH

    People who ask me if I weigh my food and then talk crap when I tell them yea, "Oh that's too anal Joe I couldn't do that". My reply usually goes: Well that's probably why you look the way you look huh?

    People who say they hate drinking water. Come on son. All people need water, and if you're exercising a lot and not drinking water I don't even know what to tell you.

    People who claim you can spot-target fat

    People who claim to have gained 10 lbs of lean muscle in their first few weeks of training I hear that one a whole lot.

    and last but not least, people who don't know *kitten* about turtles.

    wooh-sah, wooh-sah.

    Whoa long list!!!

    Probably my biggest is people that use the equipment at the gym then just sit there and gawk at everyone or sit on their phones!!!! Oh my f gosh it infuriates me! It happened with the same girl and 4 pieces of equipment !!!! She just sat there grrrr lucky I didn't say anything !!! Grrrr

    Yes. There are so many *kitten* in this world. The machine one just drives me nuts though.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    Oh I have so many I don't know where to start! I think I must be the most judgemental person ever.
    One I hate is when I am doing lengths in the FAST lane at the pool, some stupid person is in the wrong lane and blocking my way. They should be in the slow or family lanes. Whew! I do usually tell them, but CAN'T THEY READ!:explode:
    Even worse is when TWO women decide to swim slowly down the lane chatting to each other. I swim straight through the middle of them. Why do they look surprised!
    In fact, to be honest, it has so p****d me off that I don't go any more, which is a shame as I love it and I am good at it. The attendants should police the thing better.
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Good thread!
    Here goes:

    Smelly men who come and take the machine next to me when there are around 5 empty ones to choose from

    The staff who always seem to be cleaning the changing room floor with dirty wet mops just as I arrive. My trainers never go outdoors so are very clean and I don't like getting them wet

    Smokers in restaurants who smoke right outside the door in the lobby so that all the smoke comes in every time someone goes into a restaurant. Ditto those that throw lighted *kitten* ends out of their cars. I drive an open top car so this can be nasty

    Inane pop music in lifts....

    Pictures of cats all over Facebook

    People who don't say thankyou!

    Cold callers who ring just as I get back from work

    I guess all the above makes me sound really intolerant!!
  • _manikin_
    _manikin_ Posts: 6
    People assuming I am incapable due to my weight.

    being talked about behind my back (you got an issue tell me I probably can fix it or we can work something out)

    Not getting enough sleep, and having to go into work for my 12 hour shift, and then getting a call asking me to stay for another 4-6. (this makes me cranky)
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
    Too many to list...
    -people who are threatened by my changes in fitness/nutrition and try to sabotage
    -those who enforce their beliefs but refuse to respect yours
    -anyone that dishes out but can't take it in return
    -people who feed off negative energy
    -gossipers with intent to harm
    -fake laughter at gatherings ahHH haHaHahhaha hahahahah you are soooo funnaaay. Can I go home now?

  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    This one is silly but really gets my goat.

    I work in a warehouse with mostly men and the ladies room is a single room with a lock and a latch. If I go to unlock the door, usually someone will say "just a moment" or "I'm going to be a while."

    The ones that bug the bejeezus out of me are when I go to unlock the door, and they say NOTHING. Even if I ask how long they are going to be, NOTHING. Whoever it is sits there quiet as a mushroom. Come on, I KNOW your in there, no one's going to care WHO you are, just answer the darn question!!!
  • Ladyinwaiting4
    Ladyinwaiting4 Posts: 202 Member
    my biggest pet peeve is people who judge someone who may be a bit overweight and not looking at what kind of person they are in the inside. they don't realize if the people have a beautiful personality on the inside it shines on the outside. my new guy friend he is 220 pounds but I don't look at that he has a fantastic personality makes him even more beautiful on the outside. he was amazed as he said a pretty lady like me would like him but was very thrilled about it.
  • Jenn010101
    Jenn010101 Posts: 18 Member
    I also worked in retail and I thought picking up urine soaked pants from the fitting room only happened there. We also had a few seniors use the fitting room as a toilet and that was disgusting. My favorite pet peeve of working there I think was when customers got mad because I didn't have a cash register at the fitting rooms then they would have a fit since "there was one there last time" and I just "hid" it so I didn't have to serve them...