What have I done :(



  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    This is the exact reason why you don't "diet". Being healthy and getting there is a lifelong journey. Your food lifestyle MUST be sustainable. You don't deprive yourself of foods you like, just eat them in moderation and load the plate with veggies. If your foods were really bad, find a makeover recipe.

    I don't understand why people say I fell off the wagon and now I'm getting back on. If you know you may have a high calorie day, plan it out. Find a cheat page that shows you portion size so you are eating the right portion. Example, at Christmas, have a proper serving of each of your faves and a dessert but avoid seconds. Take fruit to nibble on to keep you away from the sweets table. If eating out, look up the menu online before going to plan it out or ask for the nutrition data before you get seated. Portions are huge, don't eat it all!

    What I'm getting at is if you plan out the high calorie day, then you're still on your journey. I still eat my chocolate, my pizza, my takeaways......but I never go over because its planned out.
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Oh hun, Ive done this so many times. Lost quite a bit a few years ago, stopped being health conscious, weight piled back on. Lost some of it again last year, it came to the winter and low and behold I start eating out more, eating more snacks and then voila here I am again!!!
    This time I am more determined than ever to keep it off. I need to think of this as a lifestyle change not a diet, but its tough. But we will do it!!! :smile:
  • leanne9876
    leanne9876 Posts: 301 Member
    I was 115kg last year, I got down to 103.7kg and now I'm back up to 113.5kg :( So angry at my self !!!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I was 115kg last year, I got down to 103.7kg and now I'm back up to 113.5kg :( So angry at my self !!!
    we all learn from our **** ups.

    you know you can lose it, you know what works for you, so you'll be able to do it again.
    quit kicking yourself and use those legs for something more productive (and calorie burning) instead.
  • Christinesyear
    Christinesyear Posts: 100 Member
    I just logged on to post my very own topic about just THIS VERY THING. We are in the same boat, and I feel terrible. I do not want to steal your post. I want you to know that you are not alone, and perhaps we can help eachother. I want to start by saying that I am gengerally a happy person. I lost 34 pounds in 2012. I let it go over Christmas a little bit, but took that back off in January. Then, I had jury duty for 9 weeks and put on as many pounds. I took off 5 of that. Over the past few weeks I've managed to put alot of that back on, so technically, I've only lost 22 of that original 34, but I cannot stand to change my ticker. I cannot. I feel like a failure, and I am unhappy with myself, because really, who else is to blame?

    People keep saying, "don't be so hard on yourself", "we all have setbacks", "today is a new day", "look at all you have already accomplished", "you still look great"...none of that matters when all you can think about it how freaking HARD it was to lose that weight in the first place, and now it's just there.

    It is such a daunting task to do what we do. I think about my body every second of the day. I cant' help it. I exercise. I exercise more than many. I log on every day. I was logging every single thing I ate. The last couple of weeks I haven't felt like it...like logging everything. To do that would be to see all the garbage I've been eating and it would be right there in my face. Maybe to some people, it motivates them. Not me. It makes me feel even worse. I am not the type of person who does well under pressure. In fact, you pressure me, and I dig in and do whatever is the opposite. I have to do what I have to do on my own. Not through what anyone else says to me...on a related note, salespeople drive me away with their ploys!

    Maybe getting this out there will help me and you to get things back on track. I keep looking at my belly. I hate it. I have always been the type to say I would not get surgery. This has been so freaking hard, I am starting to see why people do it. It's not like my goal of losing 70 more pounds is unattainable. In fact, all I want to do right now is lose the 12 I put back on over the past couple of months, before summer.

    I'm going to keep on top of this post that you have made, because it is me as well. Good luck to you, and know you're not in this alone!
  • princesstucker2012
    i was the same, i lost 2 stone almost by xmas, then had a break for xmas and only came back to mfp yesterday after putting a stone back on, so gutted!! come on we can do this :) feel free to add me everyone :) xx
  • bh1956
    bh1956 Posts: 3
    I too have had 15 kilos find me after losing 22 kilos via Weight Watchers. So disappointed in myself to have slipped so badly. Clothes that were once way too big have gotten a wee bit tight. My old WW meeting closed and I am no longer working so I can't afford it anyway.
    I decided last week to go and buy a Calorie Counter book and stick to between 1200 - 1500 Calories per day. I told my sister what I had planned and she put me on to the My Fitness Plan App for my phone. That was last Wednesday and I am pleased with the results so far.
    I weigh and measure all my food accurately and don't guess anything.
    Good luck with your quest and don't be too hard on yourself. Doing something about it is more important than beating yourself up.
    XXX :)
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    *raises hand* Can I join the club?

    Same thing. Lost weight and maintained for a year. I was still wanting to lose more but was beginning to feel happy about my body. I then decided to let go a bit over Christmas for a week as my boyfriend was coming over and I hadn't seen him in months. I realised I would put a little bit back on but was happy with putting on a few pounds over Christmas. Instead, I put on half a stone. I then started to get back in the saddle but then got a new puppy which meant it was harder to get out to go to the gym etc. as she was still at the chew everything stage and couldn't really be trusted to be left on her own.

    Tie that in with the fact that I'm in the final few months of a PhD which means I'm not left with much time for anything apart from the PhD and running after the pup and also the fact that I'm feeling sorry for myself and eating lots of rubbish. Before I know it, I weigh in and have put on a whole other stone since Christmas. So a total of one and a half stones gained since before Christmas.

    I think part of the secret for me is to make sure I weigh in every week. It's easy to just ignore the scales for a while and then get a fright but if you weigh in every week you notice much easier that the weight is creeping back on. Just back in the saddle time, I guess but it is hugely disheartening and I know how you feel. You do start to get so frustrated with yourself.
  • anitalowe399
    anitalowe399 Posts: 10 Member
    me too...all the way, been there...lost over 6 st yrs ago......pile it on....lose it....on and on......im now 56 and struggling to even lose a lb .....this site really helps me as im more aware now of what i am eating...and how high sugar is in food....

    examples are - at some slimming clubs fuit is FREE .... ooooooh that sounds good ...but the dietry intake p person per day is recomended at 40gms per day....... so u work that out .......1 apple ...an orange...and half a banana !!!! yeah ...so when they say fruit is free just remember that.......plus all ur other food that has hidden sugars....i dont want to go back to a slimming club - paying someone each week to weigh me - just to say oh u lost 1 or gained 2......i can now do that .....( ive been going to these clubs a long time over the years - now no more !!! )

    for me its a battle every week.....im more aware now thanks to this site.....but this is like a disease .....or like being a boozer ur right....and also if i dont buy it ...then i cant eat it .....onwards and upwards...good luck everyone !!!!!

    oh if anyone wants to add me from this message please do....x
  • QJ2013
    QJ2013 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for these posts. I came here this morning to post my "morning after regrets." My DH and kids made a beautiful but oh-so-not-healthy dinner for Mother's Day. It was a wonderful day with all our parents and kids. Why couldn't I just enjoy all the blessings around me without diving into a bowl of guacamole and eating ice cream on top of my cake???

    I feel horrible physically and mentally, and am now up 4lbs!!! even though the rest of the week was great and under my calories every day. (Ok, I know there are days where you estimate wrong or an entry isn't exactly the same thing you ate, but I don't think I was off by 14,000 calories!!!). I logged every morsel, and yesterday's entry is nauseating.

    The sharing here helps me see that there's nothing I can do about it now, and that I do myself no good by allowing it to spiral out of control. It's a new day and a new week. Suck it up and start making the menu for the week that I didn't do yesterday.

    Also, I have got to stop making the excuse that "it's Mother's Day" or "it's our anniversary" or "it's my birthday" because, luckily, I am very blessed to have a lot of happy moments in my life. The only downside being that it translates into lots of ready made excuses to overeat because "it's a special occasion." Seriously, the next several weekends are all celebrations, and I don't want to feel like this for the next month of Monday mornings.
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    I'm kicking myself in the @ss right now -- I was doing great, then had a bad day a few weeks ago and I'm still trying to get back on track. I gained a few pounds but I'm still struggling because I don't want to toss in the towel as I've done in the past. Why do I do this?
    I am on the same path and want to stop. I have been maintaining for 10 months and check my weight every day to stop myself from shoving things in my mouth as I know I have to face the scale in morning. However, I have been on a slow, slow upward track and need to stop!! I have to get the added 5 lbs off NOW. If I let this continue, all the lost weight will creep back on.

    We both can do it!!! I have kept exercising but the "binge demon" has inhabited my body a few too many time lately. We can stop and get back on track.

    Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin!!!