Iron Man 3



  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    The reason the suits didn't work was because they were prototypes. All his good suits were bombed in the beginning. I think the movie depicted him finding strength without the suit - as a man. This showed that he was indeed Iron Man. He deserved the title, not just because of the suits.

    I liked the movie better than the other ones because of the light comedy and how hard it was for him to win the battle without a full functioning suit.
  • kvandeman
    kvandeman Posts: 527 Member
    damn, I didn't stay for all the credits...<bangs head against a wall>


    It's Marvel you have to stay for the credits.

    Also he name is Robert Downey, Jr.
    The character is Pepper Potts
    and it is Iron Man not ironman
  • doronajay
    doronajay Posts: 222 Member
    I loved it!

    Yes. Same. Good good. xD

    I agree. I really enjoyed it!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I loved it! Fun, lot's of action, Ben Kingsley was great, RDJ handsome as always. Solid entertainment!
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I am surprised that there are people actually speaking in defense of this movie. I guess that is part of the reason movie discussions are enjoyable. If everyone just agreed then that would be boring.

    I am forgiving of the fact that the movies don't fall exactly in line with the comics. I am aware that Tony Stark is Iron Man both in and out of the suit. I think that idea was shown very well in the first movie and it was shown again in the Avengers movie. Tony Stark is always Iron Man both in and out of the suit because the suit is a creation of his genius. He is not created by the suit. So making another movie to try and drive that point home is a bit superfluous.

    In the first film he had mistakes but he did those experiments before he was in combat. We saw him doing all of that and it gave the audience a sense of connection to his growth. In the third film that growth was already behind us and he had the kinks worked out already with apparently a few dozen suits.


    I am like you aware that the MK42 was a prototype and therefor it was not combat ready as Jarvis explained in the film. This is why we should be asking ourselves why was he wearing that particular suit? Tony specifically stated that he was on high alert because he just threatened a terrorist. We shouldn't be defending all of these glitches by saying its a prototype. We should be asking why are you wearing your least combat ready suit when you are expecting real combat? Hell I would have had Pepper in a suit as well. And since we know these suits can all deploy at once it begs the question why he didn't have all of this up and running when the helicopters showed up?

    I hope this helps explain that my problems are with this specific movie and it is far more than just saying that the comics were different. I would have a problem with this movie even if there were no comics for it to be based on.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I agree he should have had the battle tested suit on but he also did see a lone woman in a nice car drive into his driveway and not a tank. Also the helicopters were news helicopters not attack helicopters(so everyone thought)
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member

    sorry...I just love gifs... :ohwell:
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Imagine how the whole course of the movie would have been different if he had a working suit the whole time. If he had no other choice and that suit was better than nothing it would have made for a much better story and I would have been laughing along with everyone else when his suit malfunctioned but that wasn't the case.

    He simply chose to wear as suit that is not working at a point in time when he needs a suit he can rely on. This set the tempo for me to be frustrated with this movie every step of the way. Because so many of his problems were predicated by that fact.

    P.S.I love gifs as well.
  • freebirdjones
    freebirdjones Posts: 237
    I think Iron Man 3 was made by people who hate Iron Man. If you hate Iron Man and you think he is a total screw up then perhaps Iron Man 3 is the movie for you. If you happen to like Iron Man and you went to see this movie then like myself you were probably furious by the time you left the theater.

    In the first scene you see Tony Stark taking part in a test which goes completely horrible. The scene is almost humorous because at this point in the movie you don't know that this is actually the theme that the rest of the film is about to follow. The vast majority of the movie is depicting Iron Man suits not working or not working properly. You actually see Iron Man spending most of his time not in his suit. Even when he is in his suit he is so ineffective he normally just hops right back out of it again or he is ripped out it by force. The villains are somehow stronger than Iron Man without any mechanical assistance. This movie was a slap in the face and a spit in the eye of all Iron Man fans everywhere.

    I was really hoping that they had learned their lessons from Iron Man 2 and they were going to go back to the ideas that were working for them in Iron Man 1. But no, I am not sure how they did it but somehow they managed to make an Iron Man movie that was actually worse than Iron Man 2. I really wish I could have gotten my money back so that I would not be contributing to its box office take but my mistake cannot be undone. The only thing I can hope to do is spare others the same fate.

    If you were thinking about going to see this moving please don't. Save your money. Use the time to get in another workout.

    I am going to send my hubby to this link! He likes his movies and we were disappointed in this one!
  • Healthy_fresh_start
    Healthy_fresh_start Posts: 183 Member
    you are not alone. enough said
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Imagine how the whole course of the movie would have been different if he had a working suit the whole time. If he had no other choice and that suit was better than nothing it would have made for a much better story and I would have been laughing along with everyone else when his suit malfunctioned but that wasn't the case.

    He simply chose to wear as suit that is not working at a point in time when he needs a suit he can rely on. This set the tempo for me to be frustrated with this movie every step of the way. Because so many of his problems were predicated by that fact.

    P.S.I love gifs as well.


    I kinda thought the whole thing with the malfunctioning suit, or the reason he wanted to use it because he was a). addicted to new tech and b) because he wanted to be able to use it remotely getting hit by the truck.

  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Imagine how the whole course of the movie would have been different if he had a working suit the whole time. If he had no other choice and that suit was better than nothing it would have made for a much better story and I would have been laughing along with everyone else when his suit malfunctioned but that wasn't the case.

    He simply chose to wear as suit that is not working at a point in time when he needs a suit he can rely on. This set the tempo for me to be frustrated with this movie every step of the way. Because so many of his problems were predicated by that fact.

    P.S.I love gifs as well.


    I kinda thought the whole thing with the malfunctioning suit, or the reason he wanted to use it because he was a). addicted to new tech and b) because he wanted to be able to use it remotely getting hit by the truck.


    Yeah what exactly was the deal with that? He flew his suit in to a truck. I mean wow. Just wow. He doesn't look where he is going? He wasn't dodging an attack or anything like that to justify it. He just flew in to a truck because he wasn't paying attention. wtf
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Spoiler Alert but honestly if your this far into the thread you've already seen so much.

    I watched the movie last night. I'm a huge Iron Man fan and heard so many mixed reviews I kept debating on if I wanted to see it or not.

    I was really upset that we didn't get to see more of the machines, the fight at the end with all of the machines felt very rushed and I wish they would had slowed it down to show more of what each suit could do also when did the suits become so disposable?

    As for the Mark 42 I was HIGHLY upset with its performance. I enjoyed the idea of being able to throw the suit around but I was really hoping to see RESCUE (Pepper's Armor). The suits can get hit with a tank , smashed by rockets, etc but a truck that slammed on the brakes smashes the suit to pieces? What kept the suit together when a house fell on it? Or the fall from the sky? I dunno just so many holes. What they did to the Mandarin was honestly crap. There's no other word for it, I almost stopped watching right then and there, also the guy that shot fire out of his mouth I dunno just arg. I just waited because of the trailers I wanted to see all the other suits.

    What's the deal with him blowing all of them up at the end and acting like Iron Man is done? I didn't get to see the post credits so I'll watch that tonight and see what the deal was as YouTube doesn't have the full length.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Spoiler Alert but honestly if your this far into the thread you've already seen so much.

    I watched the movie last night. I'm a huge Iron Man fan and heard so many mixed reviews I kept debating on if I wanted to see it or not.

    I was really upset that we didn't get to see more of the machines, the fight at the end with all of the machines felt very rushed and I wish they would had slowed it down to show more of what each suit could do also when did the suits become so disposable?

    As for the Mark 42 I was HIGHLY upset with its performance. I enjoyed the idea of being able to throw the suit around but I was really hoping to see RESCUE (Pepper's Armor). The suits can get hit with a tank , smashed by rockets, etc but a truck that slammed on the brakes smashes the suit to pieces? What kept the suit together when a house fell on it? Or the fall from the sky? I dunno just so many holes. What they did to the Mandarin was honestly crap. There's no other word for it, I almost stopped watching right then and there, also the guy that shot fire out of his mouth I dunno just arg. I just waited because of the trailers I wanted to see all the other suits.

    What's the deal with him blowing all of them up at the end and acting like Iron Man is done? I didn't get to see the post credits so I'll watch that tonight and see what the deal was as YouTube doesn't have the full length.

    I also thought we were going to see Pepper in her suit as well. I think that is part of the reason this movie pissed me off so much. It is full to the brim with missed opportunities. I am not entirely sure what they were thinking but they missed the mark big time.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    More Pepper Potts you say? Well that seals it for me-- I'm not watching it.
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    I think you missed the point. We've already seen him be invincible. He's already proven his genius, his bravery, everything. This movie didn't give as a boring repeat, it gave us something new. It gave us the human Tony Stark, the man suffering from some PTSD, yet STILL going it alone to save people.

    The movie also returned us to his begginings, when he was just a mechanic using his intellect and the resources he had to save his own life. The suit did not serve as a magic bullet. He went back to basics, and proved that he's still the man he always was, and it's his INGENUITY, not his SUIT, that makes him Iron Man.

    The only part I found a little ridiculous is that the suits DID keep falling apart. I understand the new prototype ones, but all of them? Meh. That could have been better executed.
  • Whenever I watch movies based on pre-existing material, I tend to look at it in two ways.

    1) Is the movie true to it's material ?
    2) Did the movie entertain ?

    While I haven't read the comics, I know it did not meet #1. I can see how it's disappointing - as disappointment is based on expectation. If you have no expectation, you won't be disappointed. But I see why people disliked it.

    #2 - At one point, I thought to myself "would this be more entertaining if Iron Man didn't find a way to get out of every corner he is backed into?". My answer was no. I switched off my brain and I enjoyed the movie. I was thoroughly entertained.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I agree with most of what you have said.

    I went to see it with my son, same as the first two, and we just could not believe all the actions that went completely opposite if what Ironman is.

    I agree that sometimes I think Hollywood just needs to fund their movies that are duds so they sacrifice a famous box office character to reap the bucks and laugh all the way to the bank. My humble opinion.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    And you don't need spoiler alerts for a movie that is spoiled already.:laugh:
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I am surprised that there are people actually speaking in defense of this movie. I guess that is part of the reason movie discussions are enjoyable. If everyone just agreed then that would be boring.

    1. Robert Downey Jr
    2. I am female

    'Nuff said.