"Baked" Oatmeal!



  • lspar5dv
    lspar5dv Posts: 1 Member
    Hey girl, that recipe sounds awesome! I couldn't find it in the food database though. Would you mind adding it and sharing it with us? That'd be sweet!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    mmmm I used your idea this morning

    I had 30gm of oats
    1/8 cup egg whites
    1/2 a medium banana
    and I threw in 5gm of ground flaxseed.

    put in a little bit of water, zapped in microwave and was tasty :) Very filling! I usually add natural sweetener in my bowl of oats in the mornings (I usually just have the oats with water and sweetener) but the banana gave it a slight sweetness so the sweetener was not required.

    Worked out to be 191 calories, 26gm carbs, 11gm protein, 3gm fat, 7gm sugar.

    Next time, I think I will throw in a little bit of ground cinnamon :)

    Thanks for the idea!

    Sounds good!
  • Evelynandchris
    Evelynandchris Posts: 140 Member
    Bump---sounds tasty and love the conveinence!
  • cvricks
    cvricks Posts: 14 Member
    Was wondering if you ever posted your recipe for the baked oatmeal.....I am new at this and not sure if I missed it. :smile:
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    There is now a recipe for this in the database! Po' Man's Baked Oatmeal.
  • cherylaclark
    cherylaclark Posts: 119 Member
  • Becca211H
    Becca211H Posts: 24 Member
    I make baked oatmeal for my kids, but it has sugar. I am excited to have a recipe for me!
  • Brunchstress
    Try adding 1/2 a tablespoon of peanut butter! Nice.
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
  • tazdev01
    tazdev01 Posts: 2 Member
  • PALady4JC
    PALady4JC Posts: 99 Member
  • Jelaine56
    Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
  • MissPatty584
    MissPatty584 Posts: 155 Member
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    i want to try this
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I did a quick search for "oatmeal" and the most recent topics I found were from last year, so my apologies if this thread is redundant. I just wanted to share this.

    So, I'm sure you all have probably come across half a dozen recipes for "Chocolate Mug Cake," a single-serving chocolate cake made in a coffee mug and microwaved, right? This is like that. Except with baked oatmeal. I came across the "recipe" (so simple it hardly counts) somewhere a while ago and had been meaning to try it, and this morning I remembered I had everything I needed. So I tried it. And it was glorious.

    1/2 cup oats
    1 egg
    1/2 medium ripe banana, mashed*
    2 tsp honey*
    1.5 tsp cinnamon*

    1. Mix oats and egg in a bowl. (Or mug.)
    2. Add in banana, honey, and cinnamon,and mix well.
    3. Microwave for 2 minutes.
    4. Eat.

    See? Criminally easy, and tasty, especially if you're like me and you prefer a thicker oatmeal. Microwaving for two minutes, as well as the addition of the egg, turns the oatmeal into a soft, solid mass, not wholly unlike a pancake if you make it in a bowl. I found it pleasant, although I know some people prefer their oatmeal watery for whatever mysterious reason. If you're one of those people, you may not like your oatmeal prepared in this way. If you don't like oatmeal because all you've ever known is that runny oat-soup, make this, and join the thick side.

    * These ingredients are optional. This is a highly adaptable recipe; the core of it is the oatmeal/egg combo for texture, but as far as flavoring goes you can go nuts. Put whatever you like on your oatmeal; additives like flaxseed, protein powder, or brewer's yeast are good if you like those. Flavor your oatmeal with brown sugar, chopped apples, whole berries, a tablespoon or so of jam, yogurt, chocolate chips, peanut butter, Nutella...anything you like. Stir everything up, pop it in the microwave and enjoy your morning oatcake.

    With bananas, honey, and cinnamon, the final calorie count for the bowl comes out to around 330 calories, with 21 grams of protein, 59g carbohydrates, and a mere six grams of fat. Most of the fat comes from the egg; I don't know if the texture would still be right if you omitted the yolk or used egg substitute. Try it and report back, if you're also one of those people who believes egg yolk is bad for you.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    I may throw some protein powder in too with a little almond milk...I don't think I am going to wait until breakfast tomorrow...dinner tonight...
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member
    Sounds yummy!