What do you eat now that you didn't before?



  • shellylb52
    shellylb52 Posts: 157 Member
    Quinoa, chia seeds, flaxseeds and Kale :tongue:
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    black beans
    wild caught salmon
    oats with protein powder
  • TLow97
    TLow97 Posts: 55
    Quinoa and Almond Milk (w/ protein shakes)
  • wafflemeister14
    wafflemeister14 Posts: 46 Member
    greek yogurt, practically all veggies, yams, lots of poultry
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Ice cream.

    I eat a lot more ice cream now that I'm on MFP. I have it almost every day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Protein bars. Otherwise, I haven't added anything.
  • apothecarist
    apothecarist Posts: 193
    Spinach and blueberry smoothies (and kale, cucumber, carrot, celery smoothies)!
    Shirataki noodles
    Pop Chips
    Whey protein powder
  • chasero
    chasero Posts: 70 Member
    Greek Yogurt! Doesn't taste terrible, LOADED w protein, low fat ..... Perfect food??

    Same here, Oikos 0% Fat Greek Yogurt, Plain. Tasted real bad but I'm starting to acquire a taste for it. Never thought I'd be THAT guy, sitting there eating a yogurt or even a salad outside of a side meal or something. A Salad was not something I would have thought I'd eat as a meal either (Spinach Chicken salad, no dressing)
  • nytius
    nytius Posts: 173 Member
    believe it or not...Carbs. I had no idea that most of the stuff I detest (other than bread which I knew about) was high in carbs. The first week I was on MFP just tracking calories, I couldn't believe how low I was on the carb macro. I always laugh when people say if you give up carbs you'll lose weight quickly when I know all you have to do is make up for it in the overage of some other calories and you won't have to worry about that :) I still don't eat bread or pasta much but I have found some beans and certain fruits that I meticulously add to my diet for both fiber and carbohydrates. Works wonders for the way I feel.
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    tofu, protein powder, lentils,
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    Hard Boiled Eggs
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Nut butters of all types. I like all of them. I find I like the non-peanut ones even better, and I like peanut butter. Plus, they help me feel satisfied.

    Full-fat goat's milk yogurt. I don't like regular cow's milk yogurt, regular or greek. Can't stand the tangy taste of the plain yogurt, need to cover it up with a lot of sweetener of some kind. But the goat's milk yogurt I buy is smooth, creamy, and mild. Very slight tang in the plain yogurt, I can eat it without any sweetener at all. I do prefer a touch of sweet added to it, but even the fruit on the bottom version is too much. I'd rather add my own (or buy the vanilla, which is about perfect).
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    avocado and greek yogurt
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I've started making my own yogurt with an Easiyo maker. I don't think I realised how much calcium and protein is in a healthy yogurt before starting on here, and as I only have 180ml skimmed milk in my oats each day, I was a bit worried about the lack of calcium in my diet. Must admit, I LOVE IT! I have the low fat greek, or the natural unsweetened and add fruit or crumbled Bel vita breakfast biscuit on it and it tastes delicious!

    I love Easiyo yoghurt! But I've stopped making it - I was used to their standard Greek version which was delicious and I don't like the low-fat versions so much. I would make the standard Greek one and just use less, but I'd end up throwing so much away. Or worse, being tempted to eat it all!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    habaneros, ghost peppers- on my list
    but probably has little to do with weight loss.
  • sammirust
    sammirust Posts: 83
    red meats, and Greek yogurt. im still not really a fan of red meats- i only eat them because my husband hates fish. though i did find i LOVE greek yogurt. the honey flavored one is so yummy and great for breakfast for me.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    oh bacon! directly from friends who are losing and still eat bacon.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    brussel sprouts
    lima beans

    I'm now getting more dairy (lactose intolerant, but more cheese & dairy are lactose free)