Anyone use the cybex arc trainer?



  • celestinha
    celestinha Posts: 35 Member
    I friggin LOVE this machine! i used it ALL THE TIME before i broke my foot! can't wait to get back at it! and I definitely think the calorie burn is pretty accurate, I was losing all kinds of weight while I used the machine and ate back all my exercise calories.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    I just started using it and i ****ing LOVE IT!
  • mirkroo
    mirkroo Posts: 2
    I just discovered this machine at my local Planet Fitness! I LOVE IT! What a work-out! I crank it up to 20 on either side so my knees are way up there! It feels like a machine that we will get results from!
    Saw myself in the mirror this morning from across the gym & it made me laugh - I'm short, so all I could see was just the top of my head bobbing up & down!
  • FettsLady
    FettsLady Posts: 82 Member
    So glad I found this post! Literally yesterday I noticed that my Planet Fitness has these!! They only have about 6 tucked away in front of about 30 treadmills and 30 ellipticals and beside the bikes, so I had pretty much missed them until now. I love the elliptical and I think I am going to try this out tomorrow to get in some variety - and if it really does work the glutes as much as y'all claim, I will certainly take a butt lift! LOL
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    So glad I found this post! Literally yesterday I noticed that my Planet Fitness has these!! They only have about 6 tucked away in front of about 30 treadmills and 30 ellipticals and beside the bikes, so I had pretty much missed them until now. I love the elliptical and I think I am going to try this out tomorrow to get in some variety - and if it really does work the glutes as much as y'all claim, I will certainly take a butt lift! LOL

    It will lift your butt up 50X faster and more effectively than an elliptical.
  • nikkereese
    nikkereese Posts: 4
    Only 515 calories burned? yesterday I used one and I burned 250 calories in 15 min. I was really truckin too. When I worked out at Langley Airforce base in hampton va...thats when I first met the ARC trainer. I got very fit using this machine and a weight routine. I burned 1000 calories in an hour. It took me a while to get to the point where I was able to sustain energy long enough to power through an hour, but its possible. I think I was at 25 or 30 resistance and inclined at 20 or max. I went from 190lbs to 130lbs in 8 months. I recently joined Planet Fitness because of the ARC trainer. Although still the best machine out there...the one I used at the base had a bigger range of motion. Just saying.
    With severe can burn 1000 calories an hour. Do that five days a week.
  • nikkereese
    nikkereese Posts: 4
    I broke my ankle (actually tore the tendons and ligaments) in 2005 and I still have pain and issues...I cant run...but I can use this machine.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    1000 calories an hour is tough to do if someone is weighing 130lbs. Realize that is faster than an 8 minute mile pace which is about 738 calories in an hour. So if you haven't ran faster on the road for an 8 minute mile, and if you're relying on the machines read out, then the calibration could be inaccurate since the machines are used daily and not calibrated daily.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • JewelSmith
    JewelSmith Posts: 155 Member
    I just started using this at my local YMCA and can barely stay on the thing 20 minutes, I am trying to work my minutes up by a few every other day until I can do 45 minutes..
  • mari213
    mari213 Posts: 101 Member
    I love the Arc Trainer.. you get a higher calorie burn than the Elliptical! Switch it up and use the different programs & different resistance levels!
  • When I actually make it to the gym (rarely) this is the machine I prefer. I can burn 1.5 to 2 times the calories I would burn during the same 30-60 minutes on a treadmill or elliptical.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    OMG!! It is my favorite, favorite, favorite thing!!!!! I get the best workout with it! I have to force myself to rotate my cardio. I find myself giving people the stink eye if they are on it when I want! My gym only has one :sad: There is one other lady who is obsessed with it too, and we workout on the same schedule. Her and I have worked a trade off every other day :happy: I think it is easier on my ACL too. My knee does not hurt when I am done. Sometime on the elliptical, and the treadmill it will act up on me.
  • elencafc
    elencafc Posts: 1
    I love the Arc Trainer!!! When I started going to the Youfit in Feb, I started on the elliptical its was ok but I won't burn a lot of calories and I really don't like the treadmill its not comfortable to walk in. After a few weeks of the 20 to 25 minutes on the elliptical I had built enough stamina to try the arc and it was love at first sweat!. First try i did the manual to test it and the second time I set it on the weight loss hill setting level 1 for 15 minutes. Every day I would increase my time until i reached 30 minutes then I started increasing my level I am on level 8 hill 30 min I burn around 350 to 365 calories and do between 1 to 1.4 miles on it. Its an amazing machine I started seeing the difference right away. My legs and glute are so firm from doing it 5 days a week.. I would recommend it for anyone.
  • Lupiemomma30
    Lupiemomma30 Posts: 140 Member
    Your response was amazing...very insightful! Thank you!
    This machine is a KILLER. I don't think enough people use it - or else everyone would be on them! They are GREAT! I'm a hardcore runner (usually run 60 mile weeks) and sometimes I need a little change up in my routine (or if I have pain) and my local Planet Fitness has the Cybex ARC trainer with the moving arms. I have seen two types of ARC trainers at the Planet Fitness': ones that move your arms (total body) and ones that have you hold on to the bars on the sides and only move your legs.

    I think in looking at calorie expenditure, it depends which one of these machines you are using. I have used both. The ARC trainer that only moves your legs is a SUPER hard workout - but I have yet to compare the calories burned to the full-body (arm moving) one. My local Planet Fitness has the full-body one, and it's the BEST workout. You literally can feel every single muscle in your body moving; arms, back, abs, thighs legs - you name it. Your entire body is flowing in the air in motion (versus the one with just your legs and holding on to the sides).

    I've found that the full-body is the only machine that gives me the "tiredness" like running. I get just as sweaty and feel the need to be gulping for air - just like when I'm running at a really good clip. I'd even say that the full-body ARC would work your upper body MORE than running, just because you have to take the added resistance into account.

    When I go on the ARC, I ramp the incline to 5 (you feel like you are doing high knee kicks in the air) and then I bump the resistance level up to 35. At these levels, I feel the burning my lungs like I do when I run, and I feel like I'm running just the same, but without the impact. When I joined my local gym - there was a lady who used the full-body Cybex ARC trainer every single day, like clockwork - and she was on it from 9AM - 11:30AM straight. I have no idea HOW she could handle that long on the machine (and she was doing a resistance level of 45, too!!!) and she was RIPPED. RIPPED. I happened to see her when I would run on the treadmills (which were set behind the ARC trainers) - and you could see how the ARC trainer used all her muscles while she moved (she had a tank top on). Just seeing her results was enough to push me to try the machine out.

    It's a great, killer machine. I would not doubt it burns as much calories as it says (as long as you are inputting your correct weight at the start of the program on the machine) - because you are adding in the incline AND the resistance - as well as all the movement. I think that is why this machine burns so much more - you really are literally moving every single muscle in your body. I have also found that you have to make sure you don't "slow" down and keep your heart rate up - some gals will read a book while they are on it - and you can tell that by being a little distracted - they aren't keeping up the intensity. Just like an elliptical, you really have to keep it going at a good clip - and make sure the resistance is high enough that if you slow to a stop - the machine STOPS. You don't want the momentum of the machine to be doing the movement for you. You need to be working the machine.

    Another thing to keep in mind with the Cybex - the distance may be a bit unnerving. If you compare the Cybex to an elliptical - you seem to be able to go "farther" on an elliptical than on the Cybex. Since I ramp up the incline and the resistance - in 20 minutes, I only go a mile. On an average elliptical - I can do about 9 minutes to 1 mile. So - just keep in mind that if you are a distance person (and with me being a runner - I am) - you can't let the mileage on the Cybex get to you.

    On the Cybex - it's about intensity (resistance) and duration. The longer you are on it - the more you sweat. It's not about "how far" in a mileage sense.

    Hope this helps! Love this machine!

    (Also - to those who have tried working out on it - and cannot get a good "rhythm" - I recommend playing with the settings - intervals, hills - different inclines (or lowering the incline if it feels too "goofy" - and making the resistance higher...and slow down a bit. Play with the settings. It does feel goofy at first - but lowering the incline to 1-2 (or even zero) may help that goofy feeling. It feels like cross-country skiing!)
  • Skyetropics
    Skyetropics Posts: 32 Member
    I know this topic is older but there are some new responses so I just thought I'd add too. I LOVE THIS MACHINE! You are getting the mother of all workouts (as far as elliptical go). I live on a military base and work out at the community center. When I heard they had "elliptical" I was very wary. I have never liked them since they come in all types some not as sturdy or reliant/efficient as others. The ARC Trainer is just amazing. The burn is unreal :) I only recently got back into the gym and even in the 290s I was able to handle it. My whole body was at work especially my gluteus and those big ol' leg muscles (I know they're in there LOL). I will use this machine as long as my hubs is stationed here and hope to see great results since I can already feel them :)
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    I LOVE THIS MACHINE. Not so much the full body as the lower body one though. But I do credit the full body one with working out all the knots in my muscles that were keeping me in pain constantly. The lower body one (750A) gave me the bedonka donk I always wanted.

    The only bad thing I can say is how cost prohibitive it is to buy one. :(
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I love the Arc Trainer, but I have the hardest time being able to stay on more than about 10 minutes, then it's right back to the eliptical, bike or whatever. My muscles are just not used to moving quite that way. Anyway, I'm back on it today to try to increase the time a bit more.

    Oh, and the calories burned sounds about right!
  • wxbeauty123
    wxbeauty123 Posts: 13 Member
    I just tried this for the first time and could only do 5 minutes. Mostly because I wasn't sure if I was doing it right. It felt so different. Decided to do a little research so I know how to use it for next time and I am impressed with what everyone is saying. I love the fact that even for only 5 minutes I burned about 70 calories. I will definitely try a program next time. Almost makes me excited to go back to the gym.
  • tlchavez0669
    tlchavez0669 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been working out at Planet Fitness for over 4 months now and just tried the Arc Trainer today. I wasn't sure about the settings so I just did the Weight Loss program at the default setting. I liked how I was able to go fast when I wanted to but didn't feel like I was going to have a heartattack while I was on it. After reading all the replies in this thread, I will up my incline and resistance tomorrow morning. It was easy on my knees and calfs but I still felt like I got a good workout. :smile: