Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • zaftiggirl
    zaftiggirl Posts: 82 Member
    I remember the week I had the Mirena put in, I was working with a personal trainer and eating as clean as possible (getting ready to fit into a wedding dress) and I gained 7lbs that week. I ended up working super hard to lose that before the wedding, but it came back with a vengeance during our honeymoon.

    I am 23, no kids, and had never tried any other kind of BC before the Mirena... I've had it for 8 months now and gained a total of 40lbs. The first 20lbs snuck up on me as a part of a lax 'honeymoon' diet (I got married in September 2012) but in January I started to get back on track - eating super clean about 80% of the time and riding my bike to work every day. I had no doubt that the weight gain was from my bad lifestyle choices. But In March I started to actually count calories with about a 1,000 calorie-a-day deficit (I'm 5'9" and 250lbs right now), cut sugar, and exercise with a combo of cardio and strength training. And I work hard when I'm working out. Since January 2013 I have continued to gain weight... 20 more lbs.

    I had some level of insulin resistance already (210 when I got married; about 60lbs overweight), and so my theory is that the Mirena has just worsened the hormonal imbalance I already had, especially combined with some stress factors. They do say that the hormones are "localized" in your ute, and that it doesn't really get into your blood... but it's the human body we're talking about here. Everything is connected. I wish I had known that it's a synthetic hormone, and that you still have a hell of a cycle, just no bleeding. On top of the weight gain, I've had much worse PMS, cramping, and acne than before - those things were non-existent beforehand. Plus zero libido... which isn't really fun as a newlywed. It has been nice to not have monthly bleeding but I would much rather have that than these symptoms.

    I have an appointment next week to talk to my doctor about getting it out... and I'm probably going to go for the Paragard IUD instead, since hormonal and barrier methods are pretty much out now. I hope I can update with positive progress after a few weeks!
  • lmcconic
    lmcconic Posts: 1
    I am having my mirena taking out in about 4 days. I have had the device since 2008 and it is due to be removed in October but I can not take it anymore. Ok, when I was pregnant in 2008 with my daughter, I was 160 after she was born I got back down to 140. I got the mirena that summer and about 1 year later I packed on 40lbs. It has been five years and I have not been able to get rid of the weight. I am now at 190 and I am only 5'2". All of these symptoms that these ladies are saying I have; mood swings, weight gain, no energy, no libido. I am so angry because my doctor really pushed this device on me saying that it was the safest form of birth control. Had I known I would be going through all of this I would have chose something else. Once I have it removed I will update with in a month on my progress. I am praying that it will give me some relief. :(
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    If you are done having kids and were using Mirena for stopping heavy bleeding, check out having an endometrial ablation instead. I had one in 2006 and haven't had a period since. Not everyone has complete stoppage of their periods but a large % of women see a major reduction.

    I had the ablation because I was having super heavy constant bleeding with large clots. Worked like a charm!
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    I had an awful time with my Mirena. I wouldn't say I suddenly dropped weight when it was taken out, but I was in the right frame of mind to lose weight. I put on around 7 pounds when it was in because I felt down and wanted to eat rubbish and felt too ill to exercise. Felt so much happier when it was taken out and I lost around 16 pounds afterwards. Losing that weight was still my own work but it was much easier - felt like I didn't have anything holding me back!
  • lowdnprowd
    lowdnprowd Posts: 1
    Hi All,

    I'm so glad I googled "weigh loss impossible with IUD." Here is my story.

    My second child was born in February of 2008. In May of 2008, I had the Mirena put in. I was not exercising and I was not careful about what I ate. I didn't have time. My daughter went through open heart surgery and had complications and lets just say the first year was so totally draining. Anyway, she is happy and healthy and awesome. Okay, so fast forward to January of 2012. I'd had my IUD in nearly 4 years by then. I was up to 187 and tired of feeling the way I felt. My best friend that lives across the pond told me about the UK diet plan equivalent to Weight Watchers. It is called Slimming World. We also challenged ourselves to do Couch to 5K. So, last year, between February and July, I dropped down to 143 lbs, simply by eating clean and running. My exercise fizzled over the hot summer months as I run outside and I don't own a treadmill, but I was at about 146 in October.

    In December of 2012, I had a new Mirena put in. OMG cue the weight gain. To be honest, I was gaining a little because I couldn't run because of all of the darn snow, but I was out of control eating whatever I wanted. The thing was - was that I didn't really want to eat it. I knew it wasn't good for me, but the nasty devil on my shoulder said eff it and I ate it anyway. This is not typical for me. I'm good at controlling cravings and limiting myself to special "extras," but I was consuming them all the time.

    I don't feel that I have a lot of mood swings, but my sex drive is DEFINITELY low. I've been talking to my spouse about other methods of birth control. We are finished having kids, so I think it is his turn to endure something and go get snipped. I'm also going to be calling my doctor to see about removal of the IUD.

    edited to add that I am now back up to 173.4, according to my scale this morning, and feeling horrible. :/
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    I've gotta say, I LOVE my mirena. I didn't gain weight because of it. I gained weight because I was a Fatty McFatFat and ate everything in sight. I also haven't had any problems losing weight. I love the fact that I don't have periods with it, too. I never worry about TOM weight/bloating. [:

    ^^ This

    ^^This for me too! I have had my Mirena for 5 years, it's time for it to come out and I plan to make an appt. to have it removed and a new one placed soon.

    I'm on this train. I LOVE Mirena. Its non-systemic hormones, so I don't even get how it can create any weirdo symptoms. Clearly some people are having stuff, but I had all these symptoms too -- depression, exhaustion, etc. Turns out I was fat and out of shape due to food. Who knew?

    Also, my sex drive is BETTER now, since I don't get periods. Yeeha!
  • teddy1234567
    teddy1234567 Posts: 32 Member
    I had mine put in in january. The only weight gain is from me not eating right! I have lost weight fine on it. But like they say everyones different.
  • zaftiggirl
    zaftiggirl Posts: 82 Member
    Just as a re-cap, I thought I should say... I ended up keeping mine in. I might get it out when I get health insurance again next year... but for now, I have been working at it from a hormonal balancing perspective. I do strength training with very little cardio, eat at a moderate calorie deficit with about 150 grams of protein per day, and I get plenty of sleep. That has helped a TON. And I am losing weight now.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    I am on my 2nd Mirena....and have lost in total 144lbs....I got fat because of Mcdonalds and I sat on my *kitten*....not because of the IUD.
    Haven't had any periods, no cyst rupture & leave me passed out & in the ER.....I love it.
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    I had the exact same issues as you with it. Only good thing about it all was I didn't have a period. I lost 10lbs the first two weeks after I had it out. Haven't lost much since then though. That is because of a different medication I now take. (not B.C.) Sigh.
  • TR0319
    TR0319 Posts: 3
    I had my 2nd IUD after almost 1 year after the birth of my son put in in Feb 2013 and since then I have gained 25 lbs, acne breakouts which I didn't even have when I was a teenager, mood swings, headaches, shortness of temper, some serious bloating and now, some depression because of the weight gain ... I never experienced any of this with my first IUD.

    I went from 155lbs to 180lbs within almost 4 mos. I walk everyday, chase my kids and starting running 2 times a week ... only to gain weight? Seriously? I have not changed my diet, we eat pretty healthy at home and I don't like fast food so that isn't even on the menu. I have been so upset over the weight gain that after reading a couple posts, I actually removed the IUD myself.

    Just note, I understand that not everyone reacts to hormones the same way and certainly, removing it yourself could create a problem ... if one is already there. I am in no way suggesting someone do it themselves.

    Once your IUD was removed ... has anyone experienced weight loss simply from removing it?
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    I actually dropped weight & inches fairly quickly after having mine taken out.. best decision ever! I gained quite a bit when I first got Mirena & hated the side-effects, definently glad it's gone :smile:
  • TR0319
    TR0319 Posts: 3
    Thank you so much for responding! I hope and now have a light at the end of the tunnel. :o) If you don't mind me asking, how much weight have you lost since you have had it removed?
  • VerhammeA
    VerhammeA Posts: 1
    I am so, so, so mad right now! I wish I can find the gynecologist who 'sold' me the Mirena to give him a piece of my mind!

    I had the Mirena in for 10 years! I loved it... had no period, no pain, no discomfort... nothing! It was like a dream! I even lost a few kilos after having it inserted. Mainly because I only had one meal a day and did 50 minutes cardio every day... no wonder I lost... however... 2 years later, the weight started creeping up... slowly but surely... although I was still on 1 meal a day and 50 min x 6 days a week cardio, I started gaining...

    I gained 13kg over the past 8 years and I promise you, it is not due to poor diet. I CANNOT lose body fat, no matter how hard I try. I went on a vigorous diet and exercise plan - 4 months solid, pushed myself to the limit 6 days a week... 2 hours in the gym 6 days a week for 4 months. Only 1/3 cup of carbs and 1/3 cup of fruit... rest veggies and protein... in 4 months I lost 3kg... and 1% bodyfat... WTF?!! Other women who were on a similar plan... just less exercise for them, lost 5% body fat in the first month!!

    I hated myself, I hated carrying this extra body fat and kg's around with me for so long. I was miserable.

    Then I met with a restoration doctor who specializes in hormones. First thing he asked me is what I'm using as contraceptive. Off course when I mentioned the Mirena, he nearly flipped and asked me to have it removed at once, otherwise he cannot help me.

    I had the Mirena removed on 14 January 2013. I visited an Endocrinologist who also said that she has never, ever met anyone who didn't gain at least 10kg on the Mirena. She said because I had the Mirena for 10 years, it will take me at least 1 whole year for things to get back to normal! I told her how disappointed I was with trying so hard, saying no to sugar, carbs, a drink, exercising like there's no tomorrow and yet, not losing a single thing!! She begged me to not let go of myself as every single kg I gain will be blood, sweat and tears to get rid of... thanks to what the Mirena did to my body.

    Anyhow, she sent me for a couple of blood tests, I am now waiting for the results after which she can hopefully help me with a plan to shed these 13kg as quickly and effectively as possible.

    I will check in again after shedding some of this unwanted weight.

    I was just wondering if there is anyone else out there who had the Mirena removed after 10 years and how long it took them to lose the weight they gained from this horrible, evil piece of crap...

    ng the mirena removed? How long did it take you? I want to cry if I have to think that I'll be 13kg overweight for another year!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    i got mine 6 weeks after my 2nd was born. I have been able to drop 40 pounds since she was born, i dont have periods, no cramping, nothing. I love it so far. Actually worried about gaining when i take it out. But, everyone is different. It may be just the thing you need. Either way, good luck to you!!
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    It's been 2 months, I have not lost or gained anything.
  • emibrus1
    emibrus1 Posts: 59
    I went ahead and got mine even after reading all these horrible stories (which I have no doubt are at least mostly true) and I'm so glad I did. Typical cramping the night it was inserted and then nothing afterward! My mood improved significantly. I have more energy. I have lost weight and put on muscle without trouble (although I have seriously dedicated myself to good eating and a lifting program). It didn't even throw off my period...it came right on schedule the next month - although it was much lighter and lasted maybe 2 days longer than usual.

    I love this IUD and I wish I'd done it years ago! I'm so sorry for those that have had a rough time but I'm extremely grateful I turned out to be a picture perfect case for Mirena.
  • 78bils
    78bils Posts: 3 Member
    I have had Mirena for over a year now and love it. No side effects for me. Have not had any issues with weight gain- I gained all my weight before i got it. I highly recommend it.
  • I had my Mirena removed yesterday... Best money I ever spent on a Dr.s visit! Any birth control is just bad for you, it's not ok to

    have your hormone levels risen for long periods of time. I will never use birth control again, sticking to safer methods. Until I figured

    out that it was this stupid Mirena causing my health problems I had been tested for thyroid, autoimmune disease, and also had my

    blood sugar tested ( all came back normal). It wasn't until I started to find these blogs that I figured out all these problems went right

    back to my Mirena causing my hormone imbalance. Already I feel a huge sense of relief and I don't feel irritable anymore. And I

    can't wait to lose the 16 lbs I've gained and could not get off with Mirena. BTW Mirena is just like depo provera :/
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member