10 things I've learned so far



  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Awesome post :) Should be required reading for all newbies.

    Agreed! Have a great weekend.:drinker:
  • amyprzyby
    amyprzyby Posts: 25 Member
    "2. You don't have to cut anything completely out of your diet. Unless you have a food allergy or a medical reason not to eat anything, have chocolate! Have french fries! Have a glass of wine! The best way to lose weight is to make sustainable changes, not make yourself miserable. "

    Hehehe I love my 6 pack of golden oreos for dessert :D
  • Hollie704
    Hollie704 Posts: 59 Member
    Love this!
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I know there are people who are going to do whatever they want regardless of advice, medical proof, or testimony from other people but hopefully this list will reach someone.

    1. 1200 is NOT the magic number. Without going into too much detail, 1200 is not guaranteed to give you a deficit of 1000 calories a day and make you lose 2 lbs a week. If your TDEE is 2100, to lose 2 lbs a week you'd need to consume a net of 1100. 1200 is just the lowest MFP will allow itself to be set to. So you're essentially starving yourself for no reason. It's not medically possible for someone who's already not too overweight to lose very much weight each week. Lower your expectations and be patient.

    2. You don't have to cut anything completely out of your diet. Unless you have a food allergy or a medical reason not to eat anything, have chocolate! Have french fries! Have a glass of wine! The best way to lose weight is to make sustainable changes, not make yourself miserable.

    3. There are no magic pills or shakes. No green coffee, Slimquick, Hydroxycut, Sensa, Visalus, Herbalife... None of that crap. You don't need it! Your body is a machine and all you have to do is treat it right and it will do whatever it is that you want it to do. Stop mistreating yourselves by drinking a chemical shake for a meal. Stop pumping yourselves full of caffeine pills and just do the work. I promise you'll have better results.

    4. Cardio won't make you "toned". Actually, if you only do cardio, you have a good chance of looking really flabby and gross. Cardio is excellent for heart and cardiovascular health, but it will not give you a ripped, lean body.

    5. Lifting weights will NOT make you "bulky". It's so much fun ladies, seriously. THIS will give you a lean, beautiful body. It will strengthen your bones. It will improve your posture. It will make you feel badass. Stronglifts 5x5 is what I use and I have loved every change that my body has gone through in the past 4 weeks.

    6. Lifting weights should be short and sweet. No more low weight, high rep crap ladies. High weight, low rep is what you need to get you the results you need.

    7. Don't rely completely on the scale. Yes, there is a healthy weight range for every height but weighing yourself every day, or even every week is pointless. Especially if you're lifting, your body will fluctuate in fluid levels by a range of 5 lbs per day. No sense in getting your feelings hurt. Take pictures. Measure your body.

    8. Don't expect everybody to care that you want to get healthier. Nobody should be negative, but your husband doesn't have to go to the gym with you. He can still have donuts and hot wings 5 times a week. Your girlfriends can still drink margaritas. It doesn't make them insensitive. They have different needs and lives than you do. If your friend became pregnant, would you give up alcohol with her? If your husband broke his leg, would you use crutches with him? You can be supportive and loving without changing your whole lifestyle.

    9. Don't become a psycho. Seriously, don't roll your eyes at people when they eat. Don't read the nutritional facts of other people's food. Don't constantly talk about fitness. That's what MFP is for. Not everyone wants or needs to make the changes you are and that's the fastest way to alienate yourself and lose friends.

    10. Don't forget to live! If you find yourself turning down invites to go out for drinks, shying away from a dinner out with your spouse, avoiding family get togethers, or having anxiety attacks over office potlucks, you have gone entirely too far. Isn't the reason you started this so that you would feel more comfortable in social settings? Don't forget to have some fun guys. Life is too short to worry and count constantly.

    Be healthy:happy: . Be happy:flowerforyou: . Be smart:bigsmile: !

    When I read the first line on #7 I thought you were talking about the digital kitchen scale and thought "HOLD UP"! LOL

    Great list!!
  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
    For me it's number 2 and number 10, Yep and yup!
  • febes1972
    febes1972 Posts: 24
    Awesome post!!! I will keep all your advice in mind as I work toward the weight I want to see on me! :)
  • BethW01
    BethW01 Posts: 20 Member
    Great post! Very helpful!!
  • dtobias87
    dtobias87 Posts: 11
    refreshing to see a realistic, positive, and encouraging post on the forums ... happy friday, great post!
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    Excellent! Very well said!

  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    I really don't agree with point 7 that's purely personal preference, your results will differ from someone else. What works/ worked for you wont necessarily work for someone else. This is your opinion your stating it as if it is a fact.

    The 1200 calorie thing does drive me nuts and it is EVERYONE'S go to number when they first start on here then the threads start with the questions ... drives me nuts.

    You are absolutely right. I do think it's important to know how much you weigh. This was more for the people who think weighing 3 lbs heavier at 9 pm than they did at 6 am is a huge problem. It isn't, and if you can handle it you should weigh yourself as often as you'd like. Thanks for pointing this one out.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    Great post! I wish more people thought like you and we didn't have the "food police" monitoring every bite everyone takes! It is so much easier to eat healthy and stay healthy if you allow yourself those so called "forbidden" foods occasionally.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    rest and recovery is just as important as time spent in the gym. we're not vampires or super heroes. we don't regenerate muscles.
    the gym session TEARS the muscles. they are rebuilt in recovery time.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    I know there are people who are going to do whatever they want regardless of advice, medical proof, or testimony from other people but hopefully this list will reach someone.

    1. 1200 is NOT the magic number. Without going into too much detail, 1200 is not guaranteed to give you a deficit of 1000 calories a day and make you lose 2 lbs a week. If your TDEE is 2100, to lose 2 lbs a week you'd need to consume a net of 1100. 1200 is just the lowest MFP will allow itself to be set to. So you're essentially starving yourself for no reason. It's not medically possible for someone who's already not too overweight to lose very much weight each week. Lower your expectations and be patient.

    2. You don't have to cut anything completely out of your diet. Unless you have a food allergy or a medical reason not to eat anything, have chocolate! Have french fries! Have a glass of wine! The best way to lose weight is to make sustainable changes, not make yourself miserable.

    3. There are no magic pills or shakes. No green coffee, Slimquick, Hydroxycut, Sensa, Visalus, Herbalife... None of that crap. You don't need it! Your body is a machine and all you have to do is treat it right and it will do whatever it is that you want it to do. Stop mistreating yourselves by drinking a chemical shake for a meal. Stop pumping yourselves full of caffeine pills and just do the work. I promise you'll have better results.

    4. Cardio won't make you "toned". Actually, if you only do cardio, you have a good chance of looking really flabby and gross. Cardio is excellent for heart and cardiovascular health, but it will not give you a ripped, lean body.

    5. Lifting weights will NOT make you "bulky". It's so much fun ladies, seriously. THIS will give you a lean, beautiful body. It will strengthen your bones. It will improve your posture. It will make you feel badass. Stronglifts 5x5 is what I use and I have loved every change that my body has gone through in the past 4 weeks.

    6. Lifting weights should be short and sweet. No more low weight, high rep crap ladies. High weight, low rep is what you need to get you the results you need.

    7. Don't rely completely on the scale. Yes, there is a healthy weight range for every height but weighing yourself every day, or even every week is pointless. Especially if you're lifting, your body will fluctuate in fluid levels by a range of 5 lbs per day. No sense in getting your feelings hurt. Take pictures. Measure your body.

    8. Don't expect everybody to care that you want to get healthier. Nobody should be negative, but your husband doesn't have to go to the gym with you. He can still have donuts and hot wings 5 times a week. Your girlfriends can still drink margaritas. It doesn't make them insensitive. They have different needs and lives than you do. If your friend became pregnant, would you give up alcohol with her? If your husband broke his leg, would you use crutches with him? You can be supportive and loving without changing your whole lifestyle.

    9. Don't become a psycho. Seriously, don't roll your eyes at people when they eat. Don't read the nutritional facts of other people's food. Don't constantly talk about fitness. That's what MFP is for. Not everyone wants or needs to make the changes you are and that's the fastest way to alienate yourself and lose friends.

    10. Don't forget to live! If you find yourself turning down invites to go out for drinks, shying away from a dinner out with your spouse, avoiding family get togethers, or having anxiety attacks over office potlucks, you have gone entirely too far. Isn't the reason you started this so that you would feel more comfortable in social settings? Don't forget to have some fun guys. Life is too short to worry and count constantly.

    Be healthy:happy: . Be happy:flowerforyou: . Be smart:bigsmile: !

    Awesome! And so true! Every single one of them!

    Thanks so much for this! :D
  • findsara
    findsara Posts: 2
    Great post, sooooo true!
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    Brilliant! I love everything about this post :smile: Thanks for sharing!
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
  • Lena1967
    Lena1967 Posts: 94 Member
    How very sensible! :-)

    BTW, congrats on your success so far -- very impressive.
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    Very good. I think I pretty much agree with it all. I like to think that I can eat more so I can workout more.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    3 - 3- - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are hereby awarded the Happy Face Scratch-n-Sniff Sticker of the day!