Question For The Ladies On This Board!

How many calories per day do you usually eat? Also, are you currently losing weight or are you currently in maintenance?


  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Losing, 1700-1800 calories per day (I go over some days by a few, but that still puts me in a deficit, so it doesn't bother me.)

    I'm also close to 300 pounds and 5'6" though, these things matter too, not just gender.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Losing. Eating 1700+ exercise cals, but 500 of those are used up for breastfeeding so I'm netting 1200.
  • Thanks for sharing Brittney! The heavier you are the more calories you can eat & still lose weight, right?

    For example, someone who is let's say 140 and wants to get to 120 pounds might need to stick to around 1200 calories per day but another girl that is currently 180 and wants to get to 120 could probably eat around 1500 cals and still keep losing for quite awhile, right?
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I eat between 1,100-1,200. If I worked out or exercised more often I could eat more cals and still lose weight but I'm doing fine with 1,100-1,200. I'm more than halfway to my goal weight.

    I used this calculator
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I am eating 1500 plus some but not all exercise calories. I am losing a little over a pound a week.
  • pbishopaz
    pbishopaz Posts: 1
    1800 calories, Losing. I just started a couple of weeks ago and work out at least 3x week. I have lost 3 pounds!
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    I get a lot of calories, 2220 a day! I easily eat more than that because Im always hungry, so I have to be very careful.
    My job is pretty physical thats why I get so many calories plus I set my weight loss low..1lb a week. I did that because I know me..I eat like a big dude.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Thanks for sharing Brittney! The heavier you are the more calories you can eat & still lose weight, right?

    For example, someone who is let's say 140 and wants to get to 120 pounds might need to stick to around 1200 calories per day but another girl that is currently 180 and wants to get to 120 could probably eat around 1500 cals and still keep losing for quite awhile, right?

    The height is really a factor here. If the girl is 6' and 140 pounds, first of all she's probably a healthy weight, but for argument's sake let's say she's not and wants to be 120. She is going to have to eat around 1500 calories per day. Let's say a woman has the same goal (140 to 120) but she is 5'. She is going to need to eat around 1,200, assuming both women were aiming for 1 lb loss per week and were lightly active.

    Now, if you are like me, let's say you're 5'6" and started at 310 pounds. That's 2,400 calories a day on a one pound per week loss. If you're 5'6" and started at 180 pounds, that's going to be fewer calories (1600 ish per day.) So yes, the more weight you have to lose, the more calories you can eat, but it also depends on height, activity level, and goal per week. Hope this helped clear some things up.
  • Thanks for sharing Brittney! The heavier you are the more calories you can eat & still lose weight, right?

    For example, someone who is let's say 140 and wants to get to 120 pounds might need to stick to around 1200 calories per day but another girl that is currently 180 and wants to get to 120 could probably eat around 1500 cals and still keep losing for quite awhile, right?

    I don't know the answer to that questions but I'm 5'9 and a little over 300 and my goal is 2380 BUT, I rarely eat close to that. Even on days I work out. I try-but it's so hard. The norm for me is about 1800-2000 and I'm losing. Hope that helps a little. :smile:
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I'm 5'7 currently 141, lifting heavy, hoping to lose a little more fat, but scale numbers aren't important to me, I eat 1900-2100 most days, but always aim to be under 2400, that's my "theoretical" TDEE, I'm still figuring it out exactly though. I've been losing scale weight slowly eating at an average of 2000/day.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I'm naturally eating 1,600-1,800 a day, plus one 500 calorie IF day a week. However, I'm supposed to be in maintenance so I'm working on upping my calories right now. The goal is to get in around 2,200 but I'm having a really hard time sith that. Today's total is 1,631 and I'm done eating for the day. Ugh, no wonder I keep losing :/
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm 5'1 and I eat 1700 cals + most exercise cals and still losing
  • I' m 5'6" and I weigh 131 lbs. I'm losing VERY slowly by netting around 1600 calories. I'm thinking about upping my calories though!
  • drink_me
    drink_me Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5'6 and currently eat between 1300-1650 most days. I'm steadily losing about 1.5 lbs per week
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    5' 4.5 "
    Net: 1560 give or take 100 calories
    Total intake: 1700 - 2000+ (depends on what I do throughout the day.

    I'm losing weight.

    Started losing weight @ 260lbs
    March 13, 2012 (started MFP) @ 218lbs
    Current weight : 196.6lbs
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    1500-1600 Maintaining but only because I am not working out much. If I was working out more I would probably be losing.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    My limit is 1600 per day. I sometimes eat a little more and eat less some days. I have actually lost 49 lbs ( I lost 10 before I started this) not really losing right now but I would like to lose 5 more lbs but not really stressing about it now.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I am on maintenance eating about 1300 cals a day plus some or all of my exercise calories. Sometimes I go over, sometimes I am under.
  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    about 1550 to 1600 daily losing!
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    We are all individual and different and what works for another person of likeness to you might not work for you. Age, height, weight to lose, activity level, health/medical issues & metabolism all go into our weight loss. We each have to decide, hopefully with the advice of your doctor, how much and how quickly we want to lose and go from there. If you don’t eat enough to fuel your body you won’t lose and if you eat too many calories you won’t lose.

    I’m age 64, 5’5”, currently weigh 150#, have minor health issues like cholesterol, high BP, minorly messed up back & weak ankles so some exercises have to be deleted or tweaked to meet my personal needs, and I have another 5# to lose to make my personal goal. 150# is the high end of healthy weight for my age, height & frame and the 5# more gives me leeway and that is where I feel the best. I average 1170 – 1200 daily and lose. If I get in plenty of exercise I may take in more but I don’t exercise so I can ‘earn more food’.

    Starting weight (6/2008) ~ 183.8# joined Weight Watchers
    Made WW Lifetime (7/2009) ~ 138# lost 45.8#
    (I three major people in my life passed away from 6/2009 - 5/2010 and I re-gained starting in June 2010 @ topped out at 166.6# in May 2011!)
    Started MFP 11/2011 ~ 161.4#
    Current weight 5/18/2013 ~ 150.7#
    Goal weight 7/1/2013 (or before) ~ 145#