

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Joyce- I was the same as you and 100,000 bars are a favorite of mine.. I did go to the grocery store today and was looking at the candy but I didnt get it.. when I have bought candy I put it in individual snack bags for the serving size and then log it..
    although I had a bad bad moment last night. I stopped at the local drug store because I had a coupon buy one get one for a 1.00 off. so cost me 40cents for 2 candy bars.. I ate them both:angry: a whole ton of calories, so I made up for it today and treadmilled it off:blushing:
    went grocery shopping and did very well. bought a whole bunch of sweets for the DH and veggies and salad for me
  • WendyM5555
    WendyM5555 Posts: 1
    Good Morning. I have been using MFP for about a month and a half and it is time for me get involved! this is out of my comfort zone but then so is not eating baked goods so here I go:bigsmile:
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Joyce: Good for you logging the candy in and being honest. We all have our downfalls. Mine is wine...love, love, love it. I don't log it in but try to keep calories so I can enjoy. I could go forever and not eat candy or sweets of any kind. But, I love crunchy, salty things.

    My DH was in the hospital from Tues/Thurs. He had 3 more stints put in and had a heart attack while they were doing the procedure. But, he was raring to get home by Thursday and they said he was doing very good. We are now diet gurus. Mostly 97% lean turkey, tenderloin, 95% lean ground beef, and fish of all sorts. Very little salt, nothing fried, and lots of fruit. So, I'm hoping this change in eating will be good for both of us. He doesn't need to lose much weight, maybe 10 pounds or so. But, I need to lose 30 more pounds.

    It's a gloomy, rainy day here with thunderstorms. The little Pom does not want to go out even though he usually spends all day outside (mostly on the screened in porch).

    I am having someone come and give me an estimate for clearing out the jungle growth in our back yard. We have wisteria that was planted over 20 years ago and the vines are all over everywhere. It has killed trees along the back fence. Now, it has spread from the top of one tree into a gigantic pine. If that thing dies, we are in big trouble.

    Hope all have a wonderful restful Sunday.

    Carol from GA
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Just popping in to say hi to all my great MFP ladies! :flowerforyou: I did make it to my water class at the gym yesterday despite the craziness early in the morning! We did a 15 minute power walk that the instructor said was equivalent to a hour moderate walk on land. Happy to report that we all got a decent sleep last night. Started out today meeting my DH's nephew and his wife for breakfast. She was actually my inspiration for to recommit to MFP last June. She has now lost close to 100 lbs and looks fantastic!

    Have a great day!

    Kathy :drinker:

    Carol - Glad your DH is doing better and is back home with you!
  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    :heart: Wow, I never cease to be amazed about the wonderful caring advise everyone shares here. AND how much I have been able to put that to work in my life even if the advise was not directed to me!

    Today is sunny and wonderful here in Colorado... however am at work. Good thing is I sit right by a window and look out. I will have Monday and Tuesday off though, so am looking forward to that.

    Our BIL came over on Satuday to get some plywood that we had in our shed and we had a wonderful surprise.... one of the old paint cans from the old owners had popped it's lid and overflowed :noway: Blue was everywhere. Thankfully the part that ran and dripped was oil base and wiped off everything. Boy I am so thankful our old washer and dryer and stove was not still in there. Son In Love came and got those on Wednesday as they are moving this weekend in Thornton to a new townhome. While I was in there I saw my old mini-tramp buried in the corner.... but did not take time to get it out. First on the list for tomorrow :wink:

    Joyce: Hmmm... fat make out of Super Glue...:laugh: Oh my that made my day... must be my problem as I loose ounces not pounds.:grumble:

    Amanda: So glad you Dad is better!:flowerforyou:

    Kathy: :noway: What a start to your weekend, hope they catch the stinker that did it!

    City Jane: Congrats on reaching Tenderland!

    Dee Dee: Are pics around the corner of those yummy flowers? My Dh has critter fixers.... fire crackers. However our new neighbor came from Serbia as a child and remembers bombs etc and even has problems on the 4th of July.... so we may need to look at alternative quiet methods. :tongue: Sling shot mabe :happy:

    JB- Beautiful pictures on your blog here of your flowers !! I am going to have to do that on my Blogger blog and share I guess! What do you teach? My Dh was a music director in churchs and our kids and grands are all involved in music that can. Just went to a grand sons drum recital last month.

    Gail: 12's are great that is my next level goal. Congrats!

    Tiara pants; Thinking of you and your Dad today!

    Liz: You are sooooo active! I need to have more time to do all I want to..... like mabe clone myself.... then I can work and do what I want too :ohwell: Gardening is my therapy... I really don't consider that extra LOL.

    Katla: Enjoy the sailing. Anytime one is out in the sun it is great.

    April: Welcome! Looks like you made a great start... 16 pounds ! Good job!

    :heart: Hugs to all
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. We had rain last night, nearly an inch and the forecast is for severe storms, but it looks like it is clearing up outside.
    Last night did not go quite as planned with my brother and sil surprising dad. They went out in to the courtyard and we went to his room and could not wake him up. He kept groaning and grabbing his right arm and muttering something about his sister, Mary, hitting him (he was apparently dreaming, but she would have hit time too!). We just kept trying to wake him up and finally b and sil came in and he woke up. We chatted for a while and had a nice visit, but when it was time for dinner, he didn’t want to get up, so they brought his food in. He complained that his right arm was hurting so the diet aid got the nurse and holy cow, he had the hugest area of swelling on his chest I have seen in a long time. Hard as a rock too.

    Long story short, the nurse called the doc, they sent him to ER and he has a completely torn pectoralis (chest) muscle and broken collarbone. He can’t even turn himself over in bed, so it happened while they were transferring him. The nurse said earlier on the day shift he got dizzy in the stand-ease and they had to sit him down fast, but didn’t notice any injury.

    While he was in the ER we did go out and have a nice dinner. Today he seems comfortable and is resting but getting up for meals in the hoyer lift (a complete lift, like a hammock). I’ll have to go over tomorrow and talk to the administrator…I realize accidents happen, but I am pretty horrified about it.:sad:

    Liz: did you set up your account with fitbit? If so, the data will be on the computer for quite a while. I used it for sleep for about a week, now it’s just every other night or so.

    Katla: I’d be like you; I’d hate to get rid of the boat when it has so many good memories

    Kate: you are retiring? Or just quitting! I’d love to go part time….just give me one more day a week off and I’d be delighted.

    Joyce: I think we all struggle with food issues of one kind or another. I really don’t like chocolate, but every once in a while get the craziest craving for it, and then I do just what you did! It’s good you recognize the issue because otherwise you’d never be able to work on it! My fitness buddy at work used to buy large bags of m&ms at the store and drive around eating them before she got home after work.

    DeeDee: polish that tiara and have a blast bossing the boys around! Congrats on your one-year anniversary!

    Brooke: love the quotation

    April: welcome aboard!

    Carol: omgoodness! I’m so sorry about hubby. I sure hope he is doing ok now, and you too!

    Well I am off to finish getting some test bank chapters done before planning food for tomorrow’s onslaught. Brother and sil are with dad today and tomorrow, so that will give us a break. Take care, Meg from who-knows-what-the-weather-will-bring Omaha
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Meg- So sorry to hear about your dad. I hope all turns out well. How could they not have known that he was injured? Scary!!

    Everyone's flowers sound beautiful! I have help off planting any yet because we still have a danger of frost.

    Has anyone else here gotten friends requests from men? This is the only place I post and I have gotten several.

    Got to go kayaking today with one of our friends "up north". It was cloudy and a bit cool, but still had a great time! Any day on the water is fantastic!! Now I need to get to work on lesson plans and my evidence binder!!

    Have a great day ladies!

    Deb A from CNY
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hello Ladies: Well we finally got some nice weather, had my DS and BIL here for a lovely visit don't see them often enough. Then spent saturday with our DD and SIL and grandkids at their camp, we got some yard work in, went for a walk through the woods looking for spring flowers and got some atv riding in so all in all it was a busy day, but managed to stay away from the snacking food and goodies that come with camp life in the summer.

    So sorry to see so many of you are dealing with sick and aging parents, too quickly we go from their children to being their caregivers ! thoughts and prayers are with you all and your families

    I too am in limbo waiting to plant my annuals as we have had a few nights lately of heavy frost, but its fun to plan and you all have some very good ideas with colours to look for, thanks for the info.

    Dee Dee congradulations on your one year anniversary with MFP you are such an inspiration to us that we too can get results with hard work and dedication as well as support from friends and thank you for your support to us

    Well enjoy your day everyone and take care
    juanita in sudbury
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Before and after pics-maybe:tongue:before_after2_zps1bb1207d.jpg
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    well the cruise is cancelled:grumble: oh well. guess it is for the best..I should be thankful we have a home in florida to go to,, we will have a good time and we are taking the furbabies with us:bigsmile:
    way under my calories today and just had a chocolate chip cookie and it was good. dont worry it will be logged:laugh:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    It's so muggy I can cut it with a knife:grumble: My MS hates this. It makes me drink the water though!!!

    Joyce, hot in Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, all

    Meg.....hope for resolution with your daughter that works for both of you; I sure know a little bit about the frustration you are feeling; both with her and the nursing home. Nursing homes vary wildly in levels of what they consider acceptable care; so sorry for what has happened. My mom was in one supposedly for "rehab".........MRSA, Cdiff, pneumonia, gangrene, many,many med errors.........

    JB......commented on your blog re: your beautiful flowers

    Liz..........congrats on the PR duration!!! WTG!!!

    Michele.........tired? You?.........never!! I honestly think you are the most active person here; you are always on the go

    Gail...........wonderful on the size 12's

    DeeDee...........happy anniversary, we are lucky to have you; hope your "court" this am went well

    Brooke........Best. Quote. Ever!!!

    Carol.........hoping you husband has better days ahead

    I don't know what it is with me and ticks; this am, I'm getting dressed and there is one of them on my upper inside thigh....a baby, but very much alive and very much attached. Made my daughter get out of bed and pull it off. She identified it as a dog tick and tells me that at that stage they don't carry any diseases and I was most probably his first meal (?!!!!). Sorry.....it is in a baggie and going to the dr with me; I want someone with a lot more letters behind their name to tell me I'm OK. I'm not afraid of the ticks themselves but I do have a very self preserving fear of the diseases they carry.

    Got word this afternoon that a first cousin died. Grew up 5 doors away but he was about 7yrs. older and my uncle was not what you'd call social so we were just not close growing up. However, in the past couple years he'd call me now and then; we had a lunch and I'd visited his home when I was up there on vacation. I spoke to him in the VA Hosp. last week. R.I.P. Bill.

    Pouring rain off and on,
    yanniejannie mid-Atlantic
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun !
    High 80`s today.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Yoyo/Deb A – look at you! You look mahvelous…

    Juanita, it sounds like you had a great time.

    Carol – the rain has been very heavy today. My poor dog does NOT like the thunder so she has been unhappy all day.

    I went to BJ’s yesterday to get the individual pack almonds – great for keeping at my desk. Also bought cinnamon rolls to make bread pudding. (My boss loves bread pudding.) So there is some for the boss, some for us and some for a neighbor. I believe that with my nibbling while making I probably ate a whole one (duly noted, of course), but boy, did that taste good! I did some of it in the muffin tin and will freeze those to pop out and microwave when we just want a little dessert. Because the rolls were frosted I did not add any other sugar. (The recipe called for 2 cups!!)

    At lunch I made a smoothie with cucumber, grapes, carrots, spinach, a few sections of lemon, low carb yogurt, and the leftover steamed broccoli. While the appearance wasn’t all that appetizing, it tasted fine. (Since we had dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant last night it was a bit of penance for the sodium hit. My choice at the restaurant was a grilled shrimp salad, so that wasn’t too bad calorie wise, but I do love the tomatillo / green sauce.)

    Michele – You can always use the sticky lemon cake to make a trifle, or make slices to go under strawberries, etc. Just please don’t bring it to me as I will want the entire cake! You do so much baking. I used to, but then wanted to /sometime did eat it all, so now I rarely bake even though I find the process enjoyable. (Especially cutout sugar cookies…)

    Yesterday I went to see my friend and, despite the weather, we went to the little festival and met a couple of other gals from my former church. It was nice to visit with them for a couple of hours. One of them had her 19-month old GD with her. She was precious and so well-behaved it was a pleasure to be with her.

    Because of work I have missed being at the gym lately and so went to the Y this afternoon when there was a break in the big storms. I had a strange thing happen though when I was almost through the normal lifting circuit. My heart rate went very high (without apparent cause), so I stopped and walked on the indoor track a loop or two and it was still going like gangbusters. Then I got on one of the TMs (not walking, just to use the HR monitor) and it was bouncing around the 200 mark – yikes! I got my bottle of water and went to sit a few minutes and it dropped back down to normal just as suddenly. Very strange. I’m feeling fine now, but did not do any cardio at the gym – just called it a day once the rate normalized. I’ll mention it at my cardiologist appointment in a couple of weeks, but it certainly caught me off guard. (DH would say, “SEE? That is why you shouldn’t exercise!”)

    Well, need to feed the dog as she is getting insistent.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Hope everyone in the mid-west and in the path of the storms stay safe!! The storms look nasty. Be safe and check in when you can so we know all is well.

    Deb A in CNY
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I got sick this weekend so I'm way behind on all these posts. Despite 3 days without working out and sticking to crackers for my queazy tummy I hit my goal today (happy dance)!!!!!:smile::bigsmile:
    I can't believe I finally did it. I guess I need to start thinking about moving into maintenance mode, but my head is still aching too much to really think about it.
    If anyone out there has some good recommendations on how to transition to maintenance I would love to hear them. I'm a bit nervous about upping my calories...I worked so hard to lose it - I don't want to put it back on.
    Everyone have a great night! Jodios
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Just had to mark my spot and tell everyone about my treat. I took a half a cup of strawberries and cut the in half, then dipped them in sugar free chocolate syrup. Yummy! Yes like most of us I love chocolate, but its sugar free for me. With DH being a heart attack survivor and me a diabetic, we don't use too many coupons at the grocery store. Not too many for fresh food.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    katla and meg - I think every parent has gone thru the "I'm moving out as soon as I'm 18" route. It must be a rite of passage or something. When we moved to NC, we bought a house with 5 bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths. Bryan said to us "why did you get such a huge house, you're retired. You're supposed to be downsizing." Within 3 months all 3 kids moved back home temporarily for different reasons. The guy at the farmer's market said that you eat the bulb of the kohlrabi plant, you can eat it raw in your salad, so I gave it a try. Honestly, I don't find it has much of a flavor, kind of reminds me of cucumber in that cukes don't have very much flavor. But it is crunchy.

    Joyce - at least you got the snack size candy bars and not the full sized ones. This way you'll have much more control over having them.

    DeeDee - well, it's started. Last year my freezer was jammed packed with things from the farmer's market. I froze blueberries, strawberries, corn on the cob. Well, strawberries are in season and I just froze one container. It's starting.......... You made me look up when I joined MFP. Wow, it was back in 2009. Almost 4 years ago. In a way it's a bit depressing in that I really haven't lost any weight. But on the bright side -- I haven't gained, either

    katla - how wonderful that they came out to your boat to hook up the battery. So many places wouldn't have done that. You have a true gem, keep them

    joyce - how about chocolate covered fruit? Eventually you won't want the chocolate. I'm proud of you for your post, admitting your true inner feelings. I probably would have been too embarassed to. Good luck at the recital

    cityjane - i have heard that if you force yourself to have the item that you're craving every day, eventually you will no longer crave it.

    Did 45 minutes of what was billed as a pilates DVD but it's really more yoga. Tomorrow I'll do a bit of yoga and then take the extremepump class. I bought these locking clips from Amazon. they weren't exactly cheap, but the type of clips that they have at the Y are just a real pain. So I may not use them much, but when I do it'll be worth the money.

    aprilwm - welcome!

    Carol from GA - your new diet sounds very healthy. Glad dh is home now.

    Connie - glad the paint came up for you. What a surprise that must have been! I just put another DVD for the rebounder on my wish list at Amazon

    katla - don't forget the sunscreen!

    Meg - they broke the pectoralis muscle???? That's one big muscle, I'm surprised that they did. Any idea what the swelling on the chest was from?

    Juanita - good fro you staying away from those snacking foods! Yup, that's one of the pitfalls of camp life -- snacky foods. You want things that are shelf stable but that also means lots of additives, etc.

    grandmalle - do you always take your furbabies with you to FL? We always take ours. TECHNICALLY, you are supposed to have only 2 pets per condo. We bring our 4 cats. Then again, cats don't make the noise that a dog does and besides, it's not like we're there for months and months, it's usually more like a couple of weeks/year. We just don't say anything and I don't think anyone knows the difference. So sorry about your cruise, but at least you will be getting away

    Joyce - I hate it, too, when it's muggy outside. I remember one time when we were moving things into storage here in NC the heat was 102 but it wasn't humid so it was bearable

    yanniejannie - I'd take that tick to the MD, too. So sorry about your cousin.

    Gail - making bread pudding in muffin cups -- great portion control! What I did was made a second lemon cake and turned it upside down so when Lynette takes it to her accounting group, all they will see is the part that didn't stick to the pan. The other cake I have in the freezer. Denise's birthday is later this month, so I might do the same thing and send it to her. Saves me from having to make another cake. I really don't like to cut out cookies, but I used the cookie press the other day and that I didn't mind at all. Please let us know what the cardiologist says. That's strange.

    jodios - so sorry you're sick. Not a fun way to lose weight, that's for sure.

    yardigress - chocolate dipped strawberries...good way to get your fruit in....lol

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake went to a meeting in Tacoma today......left at 7:30 and came home about 3:30 so I had the day to putter around and have whatever I want on TV while I worked........walked dogs (of course), spread red mulch/bark for about two hours, did laundry, changed sheets, cleaned the bathrooms (my least favorite job), rode the exercise bike, and talked to a friend on the phone to set up a walking date for tomorrow...

    :flowerforyou: Jodios.......:flowerforyou: the transition to maintenance can be done by adding 50 calories a day for a week or two and see what happens and then add another 50.

    :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for May (with mid month comments)
    *walk at least 18,000 steps a day----23,000 steps a day average (going great)
    * putter in the yard 5 days a week, 15-60 minutes each day (getting a lot done----today I worked for over two hours)
    *cook with tofu once a week (twice so far this month)
    *be agreeable----say “OK” (I think I'm much nicer to be with thanks to this resolution)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DeeDee: I have metal patio furniture too, and love it. :heart: This is for a tiny deck off our bedroom on the second floor. Of course there is work to be done on that deck before furniture goes onto it. The contractor we like hasn’t given us a bid yet. He’s seen it and the bid should be coming along soon. Waiting is hard.:tongue:

    Joyce: DeeDee has a good point. Plan a little chocolate into your life, and other good things you can’t live without. I plan a little cocktail into mine. Not the best use of calories, but I'm healthy, doing a good job and losing weight. :smile:

    Carol form GA: I’m glad your DH came home with a good prognosis. The hospital stay must have been tough for both of you. The wisteria sounds like the evil empire. I hope you contain it.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Your dad’s situation sounds so upsetting. They probably didn’t notice an injury because he didn’t complain. You’ll have to try to teach the man to speak up when he is hurting. Easy advice, that is harder to implement. I do know that. :grumble: Sorry he’s having a bad time. :heart: The good memories you mentioned are a big deal. I hope we can make some more, beginning with Memorial Day weekend.:flowerforyou:

    Yoyonomore: No male requests for friendship for me. :noway: My pic is a butterfly. Yours is an attractive woman--you. Maybe that is the difference.:wink:

    Gail: Your heart rate situation would frighten me. I think you should report it to your doctor and get medical advice.:flowerforyou:

    Jodios: Congratulations on reaching your goal! Wahoo!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Yardtigress: Chocolate & strawberries. What could be better?:bigsmile:

    Michelle: Thanks for the kohlrabi report. Crunchy is good. :wink: We will certainly keep Les Schwab Tire Center as long as we have a car and they have a business nearby. This is a family owned company that started in central Oregon the 1950’s and treats employees well. They also treat customers REALLY well.:bigsmile:

    We went down to the boat this morning and finished setting up the new battery and integrating it into the system. DH is the expert at all of that stuff. I took all the old food off that I should have removed last fall and put it in the garbage. Then I made a shopping list, went to the store and got my items. Next comes getting the bed ready, and general cleaning. Then packing our stuff and putting it onboard, and then we’ll be ready to go. I can hardly wait. :bigsmile: Last summer was not very much fun. :noway: DH was at a low point, and I tried to take on jobs on the boat I’d never done before. By the time a week was up, we were both exhausted. :tongue: Hopefully we’ll work at it in a smarter way this year. When we were just starting out after college, a coworker of mine bought a little sailboat. He asked us to go along and help “hold down the boat.” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We had many funny adventures and wound up hooked on sailing. We’ve been at it for about 43 years now, and it has brought adventure and fun and friends to our lives.:heart: I would hate to give that up. Some day it will happen. :grumble: I’m hoping it is later.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon