Sweet Potato Preparation

TLow97 Posts: 55
So over the weekend I had been turned on to sweet potatoes, and I'm wondering why the heck I haven't tried them before!

I'm wondering what are some good ways to prepare them other than making a dessert out of them (pies, candied Thanksgiving style, etc).

How should they be seasoned? Salty/sweet? Garlic???

Don't just pull recipes off the internet--I want to know what YOU do with them!


  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    I, uh... get my recipes off the internet!! Seriously, no one I know seems to know what to do with them either. Fries are my favorite though I don't have them often (store bought and done in the oven.) I have done a casserole that has apples and sausage in it that is just fantastic. I want to try scalloped - I have found a recipe for that which has both regular and sweet potatoes. I have mashed them.
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    We eat them frequently - as fries, just with butter, seasoned with a little cinnamon and nutmeg, mixed like mashed potatoes..
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    I, uh... get my recipes off the internet!! Seriously, no one I know seems to know what to do with them either. Fries are my favorite though I don't have them often (store bought and done in the oven.) I have done a casserole that has apples and sausage in it that is just fantastic. I want to try scalloped - I have found a recipe for that which has both regular and sweet potatoes. I have mashed them.
  • PinkyMouse
    PinkyMouse Posts: 37 Member

    I love fries made of sweet potatoes !!! but it is deep fried.... so not included in my diet or rarely....
    I have seen a receipe on internet, have not tried it yet but soon: instead of deep frying the potatoe sticks, you cover them with white egg (not the yolk. I am sorry, english is not my mother tongue. I hope you will understand) and you put them on a biscuit oven plate and cook them (at medium temperature) until they become fried-like !

    Tell me about it if you try before I do :tongue:
  • helenme28
    helenme28 Posts: 18
    My all time favourite type of Sweet Potato is a Sweet Potato Fritter (at least that's what it is called in my local take-away). Sliced into rounds, dipped in batter and deep fried. OK, so it's a very unhealthy way of cooking them but hey, it's a guilty pleasure.

    Oven baked wedges are nice too ^_^
  • neretete
    neretete Posts: 30
    I have two ways I LOVE!

    The first is to peel and cube them. Throw them into a bowl lined ith saran wrap. Throw a bit of butter and some salt and pepper on them and seal up. Put them into the microwave for like 6 minutes.

    The other way is to cut them into fry or wedge shape. I leave the skin right on them. Toss them in a little olive oil and throw on some sea salt and pepper. Put them on a cookie sheet and bake at like 425 for about 40-45 minutes. This is my favorite way! I have heard that you can also experiment with seasonings. I did try it with chili pepper which was good, but salt and pepper is still my go-to choice!
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member

    1 really big sweet potato peeled and diced
    2 big onions diced
    500g chicken or lamb, diced
    1/2 jar Patak's korma paste
    1 can coconut milk
    3 garlic cloves, crushed
    2 tsp mustard seed
    2 tsp caraway seed

    Fry the onion and meat until brown, add the paste and spices, fry a bit more, add everything else. Add some water if needed so that the contents are covered and simmer for at least an hour, stirring every um now and then,. To serve, stir vigorously so that the sweet potato mushes up and thickens the sauce. Serve with rice, naan and lime pickle.
  • ekourany
    ekourany Posts: 3 Member
    Sweet Potato Pancakes:

    1/2 Sweet Potato (Baked - 40 min in oven at 400)
    1/2 cup Egg Whites (or 4 egg whites)
    2 scoops Cookie & Cream Protein powder (can use vanilla, but C&C is better)
    1 TSP Vanilla
    3 TBSP Cinnamon
    1 TSP All Spice or Ginger
    optional: splash of almond milk

    Place all in a blender; Add water slowly to desired consistency and then cook like pancakes! Great high protein low carb snack, breakfast or whatever! Enjoy they are awesome!
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    Iv just done them at the weekend and again tonight.
    Heat some olive oil in a frying pan, cube the potatoes and throw in. Added salt, pepper and garlic powder.

    Just keep turning and cooking until soft and brown. Gorgeous!
  • Francoisee
    Francoisee Posts: 6
    I prefer mine savory. These are my two favorite ways to eat them:

    1. Slice them into thick coins (1/2" or more), coat with olive oil and roast in the oven for about 30 minutes. Halfway through turn them over so both sides get crusty. These are delicious. I always roast extra for my dog who LOVES sweet potatoes.

    2. This is a Bobby Dean recipe. Grate two sweet potatoes on a box grater (or in food processor) and spread out on a baking sheet. Try to spread out as thin as possible. Spray with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Roast at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, then stir. The first time you stir they will be gooey and try to clump up but spread them out as much as you can. Roast for an additional 5 minutes and start checking them. Because of all the sugar in them they will burn easily, but I like them almost burnt. Once they look crunchy, turn off the oven, leave them in and prop open the door for about 5 more minutes. This will help some of the steam escape so they will get crunchy. They make a great crunchy snack and will stay crunchy for several days - if they last that long. You can season them with chili powder or garlic or cumin or anything you like. I like them with just salt.
  • geralynhoerauf
    geralynhoerauf Posts: 73 Member
    Last night I precooked sweet potatoes for about 4 minutes on the microwave and then waited for them to cool. Peeled and then sliced into 1/4" rounds. Coated with a little olive oil and finished them on the grill.

    On Thanksgiving I coat them with a cinnamon/chipotle mixture and oven roast. Sorry it's an internet recipe = http://www.food.com/recipe/spicy-chipotle-cinnamon-roasted-sweet-potatoes-332422
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    There are ways to not deep fry fries - I just chop them, drizzle a little EVOO on top and bake them..
  • ricochette55
    ricochette55 Posts: 68 Member
  • rrobsgirl
    rrobsgirl Posts: 19 Member
    You can eat them baked with butter and cinnamon with a little sweetner. You can fry them and eat them as fries. You can saute them in butter and cinnamon and sugar. You can make potato chips out of them. I use them pureed in soups and chile. I especially like it in chile because it makes the chile thicker. It is great in soups and chile because it has a very subtle flavor that is masked by the seasonings but you are adding a ton of potassium and other nutrients making the dishes even more healthy. It is also great used as a spaghetti sauce for chicken cacciatore and other pasta dishes.
  • fullofhope76
    I microwave mine for about 5 minutes (depends on the size) and just eat it. I don't put anything on them. I love the natural flavor.
  • lcperea
    lcperea Posts: 1 Member
    Sweet Potato Hash

    2 Yams shredded
    2 tbs coconut oil
    chili powder and cinnamon to taste

    Heat oil in pan and add the shredded yam
    Add chili powder and cinnamon
    Cook until done.... I like mine just a little crispy!
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    Sweet Potato Pancakes:

    1/2 Sweet Potato (Baked - 40 min in oven at 400)
    1/2 cup Egg Whites (or 4 egg whites)
    2 scoops Cookie & Cream Protein powder (can use vanilla, but C&C is better)
    1 TSP Vanilla
    3 TBSP Cinnamon
    1 TSP All Spice or Ginger
    optional: splash of almond milk

    Place all in a blender; Add water slowly to desired consistency and then cook like pancakes! Great high protein low carb snack, breakfast or whatever! Enjoy they are awesome!

    This is my favorite way to eat them!
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    Sweet Potato Pancakes:

    1/2 Sweet Potato (Baked - 40 min in oven at 400)
    1/2 cup Egg Whites (or 4 egg whites)
    2 scoops Cookie & Cream Protein powder (can use vanilla, but C&C is better)
    1 TSP Vanilla
    3 TBSP Cinnamon
    1 TSP All Spice or Ginger
    optional: splash of almond milk

    Place all in a blender; Add water slowly to desired consistency and then cook like pancakes! Great high protein low carb snack, breakfast or whatever! Enjoy they are awesome!

    That is insane. Firing up the oven to that temp for that long to cook a half a sweet potato! Can't you just zap it in the microwave?

    I'm not going anywhere near criticising the powder stuff.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I like the dark orange ones (Garnet and Jewel yams) best. I just scrub the skin, rub with bacon grease (can use any oil/fat), and bake in an open pan (to catch the drips) at 400-425F until soft (about an hour for a big one). I usually put one in when I'm baking another dish at the same temp. If there's more than needed for one meal, cool, peel, and store covered in the fridge for several days. A 3/4-1 inch slice heats up in one minute in the microwave for an easy addition to any entree. The baking caramelizes the sugars, so no additional sweetener is needed; just add a bit of butter, if you desire--yum! I grew up only eating yams/sweet potatoes smothered in a brown sugar glaze at the holidays, but now, the plain baked ones taste just as good.
  • TLow97
    TLow97 Posts: 55
    Okay, I'm loving the ideas of the sweet potato hash and the pancakes... I'll have to try some other methods as well. I tried some sweet potato fries over the weekend at a restaurant and made some Alexia fries last night which were amazing. I kind of like them seasoned with this smoky grilling seasoning... I'll probably try baking some wedges as well. Thanks y'all!