Are people crazy or do I have an eating disorder?



  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Are they fat and jealous, or just crazy and jealous?

    Sounds like you are doing the right thing the right way.
  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    I am not a professional.. but I would never assume you had an eating disorder from reading that.. I mean, I don't know you. There may be an obsession with fitness and food, but I don't know if it's severe enough to warrant being called a disorder. There is a good chance these girls are jealous and your healthy habits are making them feel bad or guilty for their less healthy choices.. That's no reason to change. If you are close to them and their opinions matter to you, you should talk to them and see why they feel this way, and get a chance to tell them what you wrote here. You're being healthy. As long as you are getting the nutrients you need and don't let this become an obsession that rules your life, I don't see the issue from here across the interwebs. Lol.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I think people who have never had to get themselves back to a healthy weight just don't understand how much work it truely is. It may look excessive to them, but in reality, it is perfectly fine. Don't let them get to you. You are just doing what works for you to be healthy. Good job!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I don't think your friends have a clue as to what an eating disorder really is.
  • xadian
    xadian Posts: 9
    Haters hating on you! Your doing a great job! Ditch those bringing you down! x
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I can't decide whether people are just trying to hate or if I really do have an eating disorder. I think my behavior is normal for someone watching their diet and eventually it will become second nature to me. I will summarize and let me know what you think!

    Since Jan I've lost 30 lbs at a slow, steady pace. I exercise most days and watch what I eat. I use my food scale religiously and am very meticulous with it. I don't often bring it out to public places but I have once or twice (I wanted to know what I typically eat at Souplantation.) I pre-log most meals and plan a week's worth of shopping and cooking. I am of the mindset that I can eat anything (I had two donuts yesterday) as long as I plan for it and and log it. I do get some satisfaction out of eating my planned meals - it is my personality, make a plan and execute! I am up to about 1650 cals per day and I plan on going up weekly until I reach a maintenance level. I still go out to eat with everyone, just usually look at the menu ahead of time so that I know what to order. I still go to parties and have a good time so my workouts and eating habits have not made me anti-social. I have naturally stopped drinking most alcohol because after being pregnant and breastfeeding for the past three years I kind of lost a taste for it and get a headache almost immediately from drinking. I don't harp on other people for what they eat. I don't limit the food of my kids or husband (though i cook healthier now so they eat healthier as a by-product).

    Anyways, I think these are all normal things but three people from work (they all know each other and talk about this so its not three isolated incidents) have said I have an eating disorder. Am I in denial? What signs should I look for that indicate I have an abnormal relationship with food?

    it's the bolded part. that was probably too much for anyone to take. i personally have lost almost the same weight in the same time exactly as you and seeing as it's almost your entire goal, I'm gonna guess that you are close to goal weight and so that means are getting pretty thin. i'm still a long ways from goal weight and so the difference between me and you is in my case people see an overweight person who has lost a little and so "yay, her" it's high-fiveable. In your case people see a thin person getting thinner and it causes concern and backlash. I think you just stick with what you know and let your own judgement, stats in the gym, and dr's office info guide you to how and when to stop and switch to maintenance. In the meantime leave your scale at home and just guesstimate during those times or eat what you know the cals of. Don't give people like that any more ammo.
  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    I think you are just very serious and committed to your weightloss and goals. From the information you provided I think you are doing things in a very positive and realistic manner.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Sounds normal to me. This isn't at all what I expected to read when I opened the thread. :flowerforyou:
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    Definitely not from the examples you have given. I do all of those things as well. I have scales in work that I use during the day and scales at home that I use in the evening. Also when I go to my auntie or gran's house to eat the scales come too!!!!! Its the only way I can stick to my calorie plan without going over or under. There's nothing wrong with being organised. Planning and prep gets results!!! Your calorie limit doesn't seem too low so I'd say continue as you are. Screw them, sounds like jealousy over your awesome self control!!! :happy:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    If that's an eating disorder, then this site might as well be renamed to "MyEatingDisorderPal" because we're all in the same boat. You're fine, monitoring your intake is normal amongst those who are trying to become/stay healthy, athletic, strong, etc..

    Let me guess, the ladies who accused you of having an eating disorder, are they "bigger", maybe?
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    It sounds like a pretty healthy eating plan to me, when changing our habits I think sometimes we can be really meticulous about it. Others see this as a problem, butnit is called being mindful of what we eat and hecoming healthy.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    Your coworkers are wrong. I do all of this as well. For me, the only way to keep on track is to do these things. Good planning & tracking is not an eating disorder.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Having had a mild eating disorder - I think you are fine. They just don't know what it takes to be healthy. Sounds like haters/mis-informed people to me. I do think you are very brave to have taken your scale out in public. Ignore them. You are doing awesome!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    It sounds like you are doung what needs to be done - definitely does not sound like an eating disorder!

    People are strange - I eat 2000 calories a day and some family members still think I am starving myself. I just don't have the time to justify myself to everyone anymore so I try not to care what they think.
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    You are doing an amazing job with your life and your health - keep up the great work!!!
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    Im pretty sure that those three colleagues of yours follow a binge-starve pattern-which is an eating disorder and they are living in denial-and obviously are jealous that you are able to follow through your plan.Ignore them.Keep doing what you do.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    If that is what an eating disorder is... then i think there are probably a lot of people on here that have one as well, including myself.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    sounds like they have sour grapes. it really does not sound like you have an eating disorder. It sounds like you have a good relationship with food, i.e. eating stuff like donuts and restaurant meals while fitting them in your macros. I don't think there's anything wrong with weighing all your food either, I do that when I'm tracking (I'm currently not, but I was)... the only concern would be if the idea of ever eating anything without weighing it would cause you major anxiety, instead of just thinking "well it's a one off because of (add unexpected situation here) I can go right back to tracking after this" or something.

    Really I think these three work colleagues have been talking about you, they probably have a combination of sour grapes and genuine (but totally misplaced) concern. You logging everything you eat probably seems weird to them, because they're not used to the idea of people doing that, and they just go from "odd behaviour to do with food/dieting" to "eating disorder" rather than just allowing you just get on with doing something that they find a bit odd. So anyway, they all sit down and talk about you and because all three of them have come to this OTT conclusion they decide it must be true but they are genuinely concerned, it's not just sour grapes, so they feel that they should talk to you about your "eating disorder"

    So really, I don't think you have an eating disorder, maybe you could talk to them about why you weigh your food, or you could ask them to tell you what it is you are doing that makes them think you have an eating disorder, then ask them to explain how this fits into the DSM criteria for eating disorders..... although sometimes you just have to carry on doing what you do and let them get on with thinking what they like about it.
  • phylliciadenton
    sounds like your very prepared and know what your doing if you didnt eat what you wanted youd be miserable your doing great and your the only who really knows how you are if you feel great who cares. your amazing keep up the good work
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Ummm... no, you do not have an eating disorder! I get the same sort of comments about my habits of measuring and tracking my food. People are just jealous that they don't have that sort of discipline, and they continue their lives of unhealthy eating! I am of the same mindset; "A FAILURE TO PLAN IS A PLAN FOR FAILURE!". I find the days I don't pre-plan my meals, I go WAY off track. It's your life, your body... If what you're doing is working, who cares what anyone else thinks!