

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,790 Member
    Morning ladies,
    well im up, but darn,darn,darn,even though I burned mega calories on the treadmill, the heel said why in the heck did you do that to me:angry: . So no gym for me this morning:grumble: well I am down a few ounces, I will take whatever I can get..
    Exermom-when we go to florida together we drive down and take Homer and Chester,we are aloud 2 small dogs at our place. even when we had Yukon,we brought 3 and just walked 2 at a time and we aren't there alot so nothing happened.
    we will be getting deposit back from the cruise so that will go for flights for the boys.This will be there first flight.. has anyone flown with small dogs before, is there somewhere at airports where they can be walked before boarding?will bring a collapesable bowl for them so they can get a drink.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Brooke :smile: Love the quote!!!

    Katla :smile: I plan on being here forever, the way my weight is going up and down and up again, it`s going to take me forever:grumble: ! How exciting getting the boat ready for a sail! 43 years of sailing, that`s fantastic!!! Hope this sailing year will be perfect and DH will get along great on the boat!

    Jb :smile: Love your new profile pic!!! You and your yard look wonderful:flowerforyou: !

    Aprilwm13 :smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat!

    Carol from GA :smile: Glad hubby is home and doing well:flowerforyou: !!!

    Kathy :smile: Did you ever find out who was shooting:huh: ?

    Connie :smile: I find lots of advice here too!!! If I ever see the critter that wants to dig up my flowers I`ll probably just go out and shoo him away, as long as it doesn`t look mean:angry: , and it`s not very big:laugh: ! I`ll try to take pics of the flowers and post some one of these days!

    Meg :smile: I would be really upset at the nursing home, I am horrified too! Hope your dad is feeling better and will continue to improve:flowerforyou: !

    DebA :smile: Love your new profile pic!!! Yes, I`ve gotten messages and friend request from men, and this is the only thread I usually comment on, thank goodness all the messages have been nice, however I don`t respond back, and I decline the friend request. It`s a bit creepy! I`ve not had any since I changed my profile pic to my coffee mug!

    Juanita :smile: Sounds like a fun time with your family!!! Congrats for staying away from the snacks, great NSV!

    Grandmallie :smile: At least you`ll be able to get away, and I`m sure your fur babies will be happy they get to go along!!!

    Joyce :smile: Drinking water is good:drinker: !!! I drink lots more when the weather gets warmer!

    Yanniejannie :smile: You and ticks:noway: , oh my goodness a baby tick…ick! Glad you`re going to get it checked out! “His first meal”…:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ! So sorry to hear about your cousin:flowerforyou: !

    Gail :smile: Do go to the Dr. and get your heart checked out!!! That is very scary, wishing you well:flowerforyou: !!!

    Jodios :smile: Congrats for hitting your goal!!!! Hope you`re feeling better now:flowerforyou: !

    Tigress :smile: Strawberries and chocolate:love: ….yum!!! That could be a perfect food!

    Michele :smile: You`ve been here 4 years and are maintaining, I call that a victory!!!

    Barbie :smile: Cleaning bathrooms is my least favorite job too. I do love to mop though, something about mopping is like therapy to me. If I could just keep Noel off the hardwood floors until they dry, she likes to leave little paw prints behind:grumble: !

    Here it a bit after 7am already. Time to get off this computer and get busy!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in cloudy dreary NC:sad:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,332 Member
    Hi all,
    Hope those of you that have or are expecting trouble get everything resolved soon.
    A short post before my guests arrive. Everything is ready and the table is laid. I couldn't get to sleep last night so took a antihistamine and felt groggy this morning. Managed to do my gymming, but very slowly!
    I love having visitors and we have good accommodation for them, but always get myself in a tizz. Once they have arrived I totally relax and really enjoy it. And it is only family after all.
    This morning I went to get the casserole out of the freezer and, because it desperately needs defrosting, the cast iron had welded itself firmly to the shelf. I had to get a knife to chip it off! :laugh:
    The temptation today will be alcohol as we all enjoy a glass of something chilled. I am determined to watch out. There is lots of fizzy water in the fridge. :frown:
    Meg, your dad's injury sounds terrible. I am sure, as a nurse, you will be able to investigate fully.
    Heart rate problems sound like a friend of mine. Do get it checked out and I hope it is just a temporary blip.
    Love to all.
    Waiting with expectation in the south of England,
    Cityjane :drinker:
  • m3x43
    m3x43 Posts: 40
    Good morning ladies and happy Monday! Time for a fresh start, if needed.

    Beautiful weather, finally, here in NE OH which somehow makes it so much easier for me to stay on track. Have my list of "chores" so off I go.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Aprilwm13 – Welcome to our wise, wacky group of women! You’ll find lots of good insights and support here so read/post often.

    Carol from GA – So sorry to hear about DH and what you’ve both been through! Glad to hear he’s doing well and was so ready to get home.

    Kathyszoo – Thank you for sharing your niece’s success story, good motivation for all of us!

    Meg – So very sorry to hear about what happened to your dad! I’d be concerned too. Glad you were able to spend some time with your DB & SIL. Prayers of healing out to your father!

    Deb A – Oh how cool, I love to kayak but haven’t done it for years! Maybe this summer I’ll do it again.

    Juanita – It’s wonderful you were able to enjoy a “family weekend” and spend time with your loved ones. Hoping the weather finally cooperates and you can get your flowers in.

    YoYo – You look fantastic!!!!!! What a great motivator, thank you for sharing

    YannieJannie – So sorry to hear about the death of your cousin, prayers and condolences to you and your family.

    Gail – I understand about dogs who are terrified of thunder. I had a huge huskey who used to curl up in a ball in the bathtub every time it stormed

    YardTigress – I love that combination too. I’ve been treating lately with fresh sliced strawberries and chocolate frozen yogurt for less than 100 calories! Feels and tastes decadent

    Barbie- You’re such an inspiration, love that you did a mid-month checkup on your goals. I’ve been trying to be more agreeable too, but don’t think I’m very successful (yet)

    Katla – I’m with you, I think it’s important to save some calories for whatever feels like a treat. Sweets aren’t really my big thing, but I too like a cocktail now and then. Hoping your sailing days continue for the foreseeable future!

    CityJane – Picturing you chiseling your frozen casserole! Have a marvelous time with your loved ones, make some happy memories

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” – Truman Capote
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning and happy MONDAY >>> "Manage Obnoxious Nonessential Desserts Acquired Yesterday" :laugh:

    Jodios, congratulations reaching your goal!! :drinker:

    Meg, your poor dad! :sad:

    Michele, amazing job maintaining for 4 years, wowie! :flowerforyou: Do you want to lose much more?

    Connie, I teach guitar, piano and voice, private lessons. I have a couple dozen students and a nice lesson studio overlooking the river, just a hop, skip and jump from my house. I'd love to see photos of your flowers, hope you'll post them! :smile:

    YoYo, you look wonderful! :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee, get over here right this minute! I'm offering you a nice, long therapy session with the mop! :laugh:

    The recital was a huge success, I'm quite proud of my students! The audience was boisterous with applause, you should have seen those young performers beaming! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My profile pic is from yesterday in the backyard.

    And thanks everyone for your comments on my flower photos. Gardening is my therapy. I'll leave the mopping to DeeDee. :tongue:

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

    :smile: jb in cloudy, maybe sunny later, Portland
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all, I moved my potted tomatoes and pepper plants into the garden area. Boy, were some of the heavy. Walking back and forth added 1600 steps. DH is cleaning his guy cave and put all his junk in my exercise room.:angry::angry: it's not a nice day so I can't walk outside. I guess I will do a video.

    Gail-we have a cat who hides from the thunder. We always know when the storm is over, because Trouble will come out from where ever he was hiding. It's very funny.

    I had my weigh in this morning and lost 2lbs. Yeah!!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Good morning all,

    Today is my birthday (and I'll cry if I want to! You would cry too if it happened to you, dah de dah de dah :sad:) My gift to myself is to get back to logging every bite on MFP and drop in on this forum from time to time. :bigsmile:

    I used to be a regular. I was called SMVQ (for Sister Mary Veggie Queen! :blushing: ) but have drifted away from the roasted veggies I love :heart: and gained some weight. Urgh :angry: . To be honest, way too much weight. :angry: :angry:

    I don't plan to update my ticker though. It's not too far off. I'll just keep plugging away until it's accurate then, hopefully, get to start logging some progress. :happy:

    Part of the reason I stopped visiting the forum was that it got so huge. :noway: And so many friends stopped showing up. That was hard for two reasons: 1) I often felt compelled to respond to every post. That got crazy. 2) I missed my friends. :brokenheart: :cry:

    Barbie is ever faithful. :heart: Honestly, I don't know how she does it! I see some other familiar faces here too. You guys are awesome. :heart: :heart: So are the rest of you. It's good to see so many people on this great journey. :happy:

    :heart: :heart:

    p.s. I forgot how fun it is to use the smiley faces. i promise not to do it too much when I post again. :wink:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Mimi - welcome back and happy birthday. I too just started back. I had a wake up call. I had surgery on May 8 to remove breast cancer - lumpectomy in both breasts. It was very small and very early stage. So I decided that I must lose the weight, exercise more, drink less alcohol, eat an anti-cancer diet, stress less and surround myself with happy people. That is what the doctor recommends. Have to find out on June 3 about the pathology and the radiation.

    I am more determined than ever to get fit and healthy. It is time.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I'm with you Mimi, this board has gotten too big for me to keep up with also. I quit trying. I usually read the last page or two, look for those I've been following and try not to feel guilty about the others. If someone posts often enough then I'll add them to the folks I'm following, but I can't keep up with those who come and go.

    So, I've not been on much because of my daughter graduating, planning the party, looking for boarding in Nashville, planning my son's birthday, etc. It is hectic. I did get to ride both days this weekend :smile: though and lived through it. My weight is up for absolutely no reason. Honestly I think my body likes 160. I guess I won't be seeing the 140's for my birthday at the end of June :frown:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I just updated my profile pic to show dgd Kate and myself a couple of days ago. We had a "grandma" day - pedicures (fingernails painted for her too), thrift shop, sushi, and ice cream. I am a lucky grandma (and she's a lucky granddaughter!)

    Susan, you're on a great track. I'm glad the news has been so good.

    She who rides horses (sorry, I don't know your name), thanks for the welcome!


  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    OMG - There are soooo many posts on here that I would love to personally respond to but I don't want to sit on my laptop for too long!! Today's goal is to get some de-cluttering done, which I have already started on this morning! I absolutely hoard magazines, either because I don't get around to reading them or because of a certain article or recipe. The lightbulb went off in head and I am now cutting out the article/recipe to file and recycling the rest. The Good Housekeeping Oct 2012 ed. had a bunch of good coupons which of course are now expired. :grumble:

    Ok, here's the update on the shots fired Sat. morning and thanks everyone for your concern! When I asked our community police officer about tracing fingerprints on the shell casings, she said it could take 6 months!!! Guess it's definitely not like the crime shows on TV. :grumble: Since no one , thank God, reported injuries or property damage, her theory was that it was either a drug deal gone bad or just someone shooting off their gun just because they could. Our neighborhood was much nicer when we first moved here 12 years ago, but unfortunately after 2 floods and just general area going downhill, it's not the worst area in town but not the best either. It's probably going to be a long summer but we have great neighbors and all stay vigilant.

    On a lighter note, I thought I'd share this next story to give you a chuckle. I usually keep my phone on vibrate for text alerts. Last night I changed it to a ring tone because we were under a tornado watch until 3 am and I wanted to be able to hear my phone go off in case of weather alerts. This morning my DH texted me from work and I'm answering my phone saying, "Hello, hello". and trying to figure out why he wasn't answering me! :laugh:

    Yoyo/Deb - Love your pic! You look fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

    Jodios - Congrats on hitting your goal!

    Yardtigress - Your strawberry chocolate treat sounds delectable! I will definitely be trying this!:smile: My DH would probably like this too as long as he doesn't know the syrup is sugar free (I will have to hide the bottle)!

    YannieJanie- I'm very sorry about your cousin!

    Barbie- Thanks for sharing the tip about maintenance. It's good to know even though I'm nowhere close to that yet.

    Grandmallie - I am sooo sympathetic to your heel pain because of having foot and to pain myself! Not sure if I have ever mentioned Zookinesis to you before or not but it's basically a combo of tai chi and yoga done In a chair. I love it for days like today especially, when everything hurts due to my arthritis flaring up. This way I still feel like I'm getting some activity in. There are a few short clips on Youtube if you ever want to check it out. I have the full length 50 min DVD. Sorry if I'm repeating myself if I told you this before. My memory's not what it used to be. :laugh:

    Katla - How fun that you and your DH go sailing together!! The stuff of great memories I'm sure!

    Mimi- Happy Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou: I so agree with you that this forum is huge now and I too feel compelled to try respond personally to everyone which gets pretty crazy! But on the upside, I love this thread and everyone here is so supportive! :heart:

    I really have to go but know that my thoughts and support are with everybody here!!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grandmallie: Pedaling a bike is easier on the heels and knees than jogging or those awful stair climbers. :tongue: So is using an elliptical. :smile: I’ve grown to seriously dislike treadmills because of the pounding I gave my body when I used one.:grumble:

    JB: Beautiful picture of you in the back yard. You look relaxed and happy.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Mimi, Susan and Cheryl: I agree that replying to everyone is not always comfortable, so I don’t reply to every post and I don’t worry about it. I hope to see you here when you’re able to post. I do have problems knowing how to be tactful when a brand new person wants to “friend” me. I often let the friend requests sit awhile because I want to be friends with people who are likely to continue to work at this for the long term. Advice on the subject is welcome.:bigsmile:

    Yesterday we worked very hard, and we’re both feeling it today. :grumble: It seems this is destined to be a quiet day for both of us. I might even get out a ball of yarn and knit for a bit. I’ve been having some problems with trigger finger and have given knitting a long rest to see if it would improve on its own. I can't say that I'm back to a good situation. I did check some knitting forums and there were lots of people who continued to knit even after surgery. I’d love to get advice from anyone here who has dealt with this problem.

    Have a great day.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Kathy- a little hint on the sugar free chocolate syrup, if you have never eaten it. It does taste a little different than the regular. It is not good by its self. We don't have the other stuff, but you also can use cocoa powder and mix with Splenda to taste, heat a little and then let cool. It would be good with pineapple too, but I can't eat pineapple as it spikes my sugar.:grumble: :mad:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I got in my work out clothes,my water and snack to go to the Y. I was going to ask to work on my upper body today. I can't find my car keys:sad: My husbands keys are here but it doesn't have the house keys on it. I sure hope he has my keys in my pocket. I have looked all over.:cry:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ha Ha Katla - you made me want to go friend request you to see if you'd "accept" me :flowerforyou:
    I did go look at the friends I'd accepted to see if any had dropped off. There was actually only one (other than my daughter) who hadn't logged in today. Guess all of my friends are working it!!

    There have been a couple of people I friended who seemed to be promoting something. I couldn't figure out what it was but their posts just sounded like they were selling something. I removed them.

    Cheryl from north of Chicago
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Monday afternoon,

    We had pretty good weather for our Community yard sale. Of course, it’s all about location, location, location, and we are located at the end of the development and up a hill, so we didn’t get as much traffic as those on the street below. We did manage to sell some stuff, though, and got rid of a bookcase that’s been taking up room in our garage among other things, so I’m pretty happy about that. I did not, however, sell any of my pants, so I donated all of them. I am embarrassed to say that I counted 23 pair of jeans and 44 pair of pants & capris.:embarassed: How could I have accumulated all that stuff? Anyway, they’re all gone now and DH is happy. :happy:

    We went to the Phillies game on Sunday. The weather started off crappy, but the drizzle cleared up by mid-game and it wasn’t too bad. Unfortunately, I never met up with Jackie as her daughter was sick and she didn’t want her to sit in the rain (I don’t blame her). Too bad though, because they had a walk-off run in the 9th that was pretty exciting!

    We went out to dinner last night and now I know why we don’t go out much (except on vacation)……the calories I logged for dinner alone were almost equal to the amount I was supposed to have for the entire day, and because it’s really hard to calculate restaurant calories, it’s still only a guestimate! It’s easy to see how those calories can add up and how I gained the weight in the first place…sigh! We are going on a mini vacation to Ocean City, MD. For Memorial Day weekend, and I know we will be eating out then as well, so I’m trying to stay on track this week and making sure to get in all of my exercise.

    :wink: M3x43 – Since this seems to be a trial and error program, you have to see what works for you. Accurate logging of food & exercise has a lot to do with the results. I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Good luck!

    :laugh: Juanita – Nice suggestions to make a pillow, but with all of my stuff, I’d have to make 100 pillows!

    :glasses: Rori – I think even I wouldn’t mind exercise in beautiful Hawaii!

    :flowerforyou: Reba – Welcome & keep coming back! Trouble sleeping seems to be a common problem around here. Maybe it’s our age?

    :ohwell: Alison – I have more of a problem with snacking at work than at home. I guess sitting on my butt all day in front of a computer doesn’t help!

    :drinker: Jodios – I agree with you that water..water..water really does make all the difference. Since I upped my water intake, I feel better and eat less.

    :noway: Sue in TX – So glad to hear you were spared the tornadoes. I saw it on the news and couldn’t believe the devastation! I am praying for your town’s recovery.

    :grumble: Michele – I love white pants & since I’m blessed on top, I have no problems there. What I’m struggling with now is the sagging skin that comes with age and weight loss. Exercise helps a bit, but surely not enough. I’ve never heard of kohlrabi before, so thanks for sharing about it.

    :frown: CityjaneLondo – Sorry to hear that you had no luck with your neck. That’s one of the areas that bother me most. If you find a solution (other than a face lift), be sure to let us know.

    :glasses: Katla – Enjoy your sailing trip on Memorial Day weekend. I hope the weather cooperates.

    :wink: Joyce – I know I love chocolate myself and could never give it up forever. I just find a way to work it into my calories for the day and try not to make it a regular habit.

    :heart: DeeDee – Congrats on your one year anniversary with MFP! Your commitment & dedication are an inspiration!

    :tongue: Carol in GA – Sorry to hear about your DH heart attack, but glad you could change your eating habits together.

    :smile: Connie – Don’t you just hate when you’re stuck in work & the weather outside is beautiful? We haven’t had that problem much here lately. It’s either been cold & sunny or warm & gloomy.

    :angry: Meg – OMG! I can’t believe that no one noticed your dad was injured! You have every right to complain. Glad he’s on the mend.

    :noway: Deb A – I got a couple of strange messages from one man that made me uncomfortable, so I politely responded that I was on this site to lose weight & declined his friend request.

    :flowerforyou: Yoyonomore – WOW! Amazing pics! Congrats on your fantastic weight loss! Keep up the good work!

    :cry: Yanniejannie – I would get that tick checked out too, as they make me nervous. Let us know how you make out. So sorry to hear about your cousin.

    :sick: Gail – That episode you had at the gym is pretty scary. You are wise to check it out with your cardiologist. I hope you get a clean bill of health & can continue your exercise regimen.

    :huh: Kathy – When my daughter lived in Philly, someone fired shots that ended up in her neighbor’s outside wall. The police didn’t seem too concerned since there were no injuries, so I’m not surprised to hear your experience. I am happy that no one was hurt and hope it was just a one-time thing.

    :laugh: Jb – Loved your Monday acronym.

    :wink: Yardigress – All that yard work is paying off! Congrats on the weight loss.

    :happy: SMVQ – Happy Birthday and welcome back! I look forward to getting to know you better. Love your new profile pic.

    :smile: Susan – Thinking of you and hoping you get a clean bill of health.

    :wink: Cheryl – Sometimes life gets in the way of our plans, but I’m always happy to hear from you whenever you can get here.

    We are all very busy ladies who somehow find a little time to touch base and support one another, and for this I am grateful. Thanks for being here and come back whenever you can.

    Welcome to anyone new. If you’ve posted, then you’ve joined! Come back often for support and lots of Vitamin F.

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My keys were in my husbands car where I left them yesterday. So when he got home I went to the Y. They added a couple of resistance exercises for my arms. They seem pretty easy to do, was only 3 reps of 10 on two machines so then I got on my bike. Had to get home early today so didn't ride as much
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: mimi - so happy to see you posting. I don't do much of individual replies either. H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Deb (yoyonomore) - Congratulations on the amazing loss. Your hard work has paid off.

    :flowerforyou: same goes for Jodio!!

    :flowerforyou: Joyce - love your sense of humour

    Okay, hit my quota of individual responses.

    Today is Victoria Day in Canada - relishing the day off, reading and hanging out with DH on the patio. So nice and peaceful. Gonna be a busy couple of weeks today with DH going away.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :flowerforyou: At one time I suffered mightily at not being able to respond to everyone and sometimes didn’t post at all or posted responses to a few people and felt horribly guilty about the ones I didn’t respond to and then I noticed that there were several women who didn’t write long responses and I liked them a lot anyway so I realized that long responses were not necessary.

    :bigsmile: :heart: Mimi, I have missed you and hope that you will post little updates on your life and your new resolve to log you food....Happy Birthday

    :bigsmile: About friends……I accept most friend requests and then send the requester a message to say thank you and share a few MFP thoughts…….if the requester is unknown to me (not a poster on this thread) or doesn’t write me a message about why she/he wants to be friends, I send a message and ask what we have in common…..I have several men friends…….one is a long time poster on another thread that I’ve been posting on for years, one has standard poodles and mentioned that in his friend request, and I don’t remember about the other but he sent a friendly response to my inquiry and said that he understood if I didn’t want to be friends (he often posts uplifting and encouraging messages on the home page)……it’s always OK to not accept a friend request, but it might be kinder to at least send a personal message explaining.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy, I have had many good experiences eating in restaurants and order a broiled chicken breast with steamed vegetables (no butter) and a salad (no cheese or croutons or bacon) and dressing on the side with no bread or dessert….it’s a challenge but it can be done.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I love chocolate and am fortunate that Isagenix shakes come in chocolate and that one of the things I can have on cleanse days is dark chocolate IsaDelights so the chocolate I consume is high nutrition.

    :flowerforyou: Carol in GA, my husband has serious heart problems (stent, pacemaker/defibrillator) and had a heart attack on the table when one of the stents was being installed……..he is strongly committed to heart healthy eating and frequently shops for groceries and prepares meals.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: “The only real freedom a human being can ever know is doing what you ought to do because you want to do it.”