30 Day Shred!! Who's with me?!



  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    Just finished L1D2. Very sore this morning but feels great.
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Had to take a few days off b/c I haven't been feeling well. With all the health issues I've had lately, I can't push myself which is disappointing. I haven't shredded in two days!
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    yes! L1D3 completed...C25K 25mins continous run completed, too. I am satisfied & happy. Going on to week 7 C25K & L1D4 on Sunday.

    @Ladybugs - I found that drinking lots of water lessens the muscle soreness. I read that somewhere in these posts. It has helped me. Definitely!

    @wmchick - hope you feel better. just pick up where you left off...better safe than injured, right?
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Taking yet another day off.... I don't know how long I can take without exercising. I feel so tired and so weak that I don't even want to try working out. Hopefully I am not losing progress I've made so far.
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    L2D4 done. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get through it, but I did. I even attempted some of the plyo moves, but felt like my heart was beating so fast I didn't need the extra intensity.
  • Okay, so i took a couple of days off from shredding but today i got right back to it and did L3D3!
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    L1D4, done. C25K W7D1, done.....finally making it through the strength stuff with the shred. Still planning to do L1 in 10days but we'll see by the end of the week. Maybe I'll move to L2 sooner:drinker:

    @countrygirlsoul- welcome back to shredding :smile:
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    L1D5, done. C25K W7D2, done. Feeling really good about this. :happy:
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    L2D5 finished this morning and Couch 2 5K week 4 day 1 completed today. I got up and did the shred before work this morning. After teaching summer school, I went to the gym and ran and walked a total of 5.1 miles. Mpos- we have a similar workout going on. Ur a little further in the couch, and slightly ahead in the Shred.
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    @wmchick - yeah! we do have a similar workout. Also, I'm glad you're feeling better. I have to tell you - this week 7 of C25K is a challenge. But, I do feel the difference in endurance because now I could really push myself without feeling like I'm going to pass out :sick: Now I just know that I'm a bit tired but can still push it if I wanted to :smile: How about L2 of Shred?? how are you doing on that? Am thinking of moving on either D6 or D8 of L1 toL2. I think I'll be okay.:blushing:
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    I can't even imagine running for that long of a stretch without a walking break. Level 2 does have some difficult parts especially in the third circuit. There are more modifications for the cardio sections which is nice. I can't do all of the Natalie exercises in level 2. I am liking the couch 2 5K program~ I think it'd be easier to repeat each week, but I haven't been doing that. I found that I have to cover up my iTouch screen otherwise I am constantly looking at the timer which makes it sooooooooooooo much harder.
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    @wmchick - you can always modify C25K. The bottom line of course is just to get off the couch :happy: pretty soon, you'll be surprised on how far you can go without stopping. Personally, there are still days when I feel stronger. I guess it depends on what I did theday before or how late I slept the night before. But, yes, I have surprised myself. Especially now that I'm doing C25K & shred back to back.

    BTW, I have decided to move on to L2 on Monday. I'll watch out for Natalie :tongue: but still do Anita on D1:bigsmile: just to ease myself into the transition ha ha ha....

    Take care and happy workouts everyone.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    L2D10 but I'm going to stick here for a couple more days. Just haven't been consistent enough to move ahead. This traveling makes it hard for me to stay with it! Sure love the sweat it brings on tho!! Now to add the elliptical back in so I can burn a few more calories and work down a few more pounds!
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    L2D6 done after another break!! GRRR I need to stop skipping days. Where is everyone else? Did everyone else take a break too? :-)
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    Shred L2D1, C25K W8D1, done.....I'm trying quite hard to maintain my workout days. I am on vacation and it's a bit of a challenge to find that chunk of time. With no schedules, even my diet is off track. I am still trying to keep within my calories but it's harder due to the fact that I eat at odd hours. Oh well, I'll do my best :wink: I am just proud that I am still on track with my 1st workout of the week. Now for the next day....

    @wmchick - I'm still here with you :drinker: happy workouts to you!
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Glad everyone didn't leave! Glad to see you are able to work out even while on vacation. I did Shred L2D7 today and C25K W4D3. Boy do I find it hard to run for 5 minutes straight. Might repeat week 4 again!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I'm still here too! I actually started posting on a different Shred - Thread (I'm a poet :laugh:) But I'll stay with you gals as long as we keep going!!

    L3D1!! Wow that went fast but it was intense!! Love how soaked I am by the end. I will be able to stick with this through Friday and then Vacation! (I'll be back in just under a week!) I plan to do a lot of walking and hopefully some running on the Pacific Beach Boardwalk. This 30 Day Shred will end up taking 70 days!! The measurements will tell the story.. Success or not??!!
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    Sending out pats on the back to wmchick and hoosier....you're both doing well and hoosier L3 WOW!!!!:bigsmile: that's awesome. And to @wm...doing each cycle for 2 weeks on C25K is a good idea. I think it will give the body a chance to adapt to it.

    BTW, I am not sure if I mentioned it on this thread but I want to let you know that I have acquired for myself a Polar FT7 HRM It is awesome! And I am only mentioning it because I want to encourage you to keep up the Shreds. WHY??? because we really do burn more fat accdg to the data in this HRM. For my shred, it said I burned fat for 10mins of my workout, while for C25K 28mins straight run, I only burned fat for 5mins the rest of my workout just fell into fitness level.

    With that said, I hope we all are encouraged to keep on shreddddddddddiiiiiiiing!!!!

    Oh and I got invited to a line dancing group just last night, and I must say...it was quite enjoyable. Good fitness class with A LOT of seniors :blushing:
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    I also finally gave in and purchased a Polar F7. I have only used it for three days, but I LOVE it! It is amazing seeing how much calories I actually burn versus what the website says or what the machine says. My heart definitely gets pumping doing the C25K and during the shred. I have a hard time staying within the fat burning levels. My heart rate skyrockets especially when I am running. I will prob. repeat week 4. I don't feel ready to try week 5.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Did L3D2 yesterday. Killer again! It's good to here the Polar gives you more credit than this site does for the Shred. I always feel like I'm working a lot harder than they say. "Thank-you Jillian!" :smooched: I'm not sure if I will get to the Shred today The house cleaner is in the basement and it's hard to get back to it. Lots on the list today with leaving tonite. I should keep moving tho!! See all of you after a week. Please be here when I get back!! :heart: :heart:
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