30 Day Shred - Starting April 15 2013



  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Level 3 Day 2 done! I can't decide if its easier than Level 2 or not. Some sections are SO hard, like the mountain climbers and the squat/rockstar jumps. But I think its more varied and interesting. Eight days to go!
  • SAB8A
    SAB8A Posts: 27 Member
    L3D2 done yesterday after work =) I so did not want to do it but I'm glad I got it under my belt. I sweat so much during this session. I love Level 3. It is such a challenge but I'm able to keep up for more of the Video than I originally thought I could. I love Jillian and will continue to use her workouts.
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Was bored tonight so I did an extra Shred, just Level 1. Was AMAZED at how easy it was! I even managed 16 full push-ups each time. I can't quite believe that just three weeks ago that workout nearly killed me. Great motivation to keep going.
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Level 3 Day 3 down! One week to go! How is everyone else going? SAB8A? Amy? I think we are on the same day :)
  • Amy_Andrews
    Amy_Andrews Posts: 106
    Hey guys! I did L3D3 yesterday - I LOVE this workout! I'm sure I'll be bored by day 10, but I really look forward to doing it --- guess that's how Jillian suckers you in to buying her next DVD!!!

    I'm not perfect at any of the moves, but feel more motivated to do them - and this level really makes me feel strong, esp the cleans!

    I'm going to the beach this weekend for a baby shower and to visit an old friend (6 hours drive Sat morning, turn around and come home Sunday evening). So that means a weekend with no workouts. I know it's only 25 minutes, but I'd hate to take any time from my friends that I seldom see. Becuase if you really think about it, you've gotta count the time to change into workout clothes, do the workout, cool down, and shower afterwards (I get crazy sweaty in L3!). I'm kinda bummed, but I'll still finish at the end of next week! Hopefully the hot weather will keep me from eating everything in sight!
  • SAB8A
    SAB8A Posts: 27 Member
    With my Vacay coming up I have not been able to get my workouts done due to housework/laundry/kids/work.. I hate that I've been skipping it these last few days because of that. I really love this workout and love that I'm down inches and up in stamina/endurance.. I'll be going on Vacation starting tomorrow so today is going to be hectic and I won't be able to get my workout done. Once I come back I plan on starting Level 1 from Thursday-Sunday and then do Level 2 for 10 days (or maybe longer) and then do Level 3 until I get bored.

    I would love to see your results once done Chipmunk.. Amy.. Keep up the good work!!
  • AJoyfulLife
    AJoyfulLife Posts: 9 Member
    L2 Day 8 DONE :). Just a couple more days and I can say goodbye to Level 2. I can really tell a difference in my endurance and my arms are starting to look tighter and more defined. I'm not seeing the changes I wish I did in my abdomen/hips/bottom/thighs though. I hope I do by the end.
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Level 3 Day 4 done! Keep it up, everyone.
  • travlinmel101
    travlinmel101 Posts: 243 Member
    Can I getta "woop woop?" Day 30, done!!! Just keep it up everyone...even if you're on day 1 that's closer to being finished with 30 days than never starting!!!

    Good luck!!!!! You can do it!!
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Well done, Travlinmel! As Jillian says, "Amazing job. AMAZING. JOB." :drinker:

    Do you have B&A photos???
  • MicheleWE
    MicheleWE Posts: 179 Member
    Just finished Day 2 of Level 2
    This workout makes me sweat so much! I didn't get sore at all with level 1 and while it was challenging I knew I could do it, but this workout makes me have to pep talk myself. So if you hear me shouting "YOU CAN DO THIS", don't be surprised.
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Haha, go Michele! I yell too, but mostly "WHY, JILLIAN? WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!!"

    Level 3 Day 6 down. Four to go!
  • AJoyfulLife
    AJoyfulLife Posts: 9 Member
    I ended up not working out on Saturday (boo) so I am a day behind where I thought I would be. L2D9 done. One more day and then I can level up! Even with a 2 day break, Level 2 is so much easier than it was on the first day. My body is growing stronger.

    Congrats to those who have finished! I'm glad there are still some out there shredding away with me, though :) It helps to know there are others going through this.
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Level 3 Day 7 done. AJoyfulLife, I wouldn't worry about taking a break. I've had three days off since I started and I think its fine. The breaks are probably good for your body anyway!

    I can't believe there are only 3 days left for me! I previewed Ripped in 30 and it looks so much more SERIOUS. Kind of nervous about it!
  • hol_lou85
    hol_lou85 Posts: 46 Member
    Just completed 30 day shred (little longer than 30 days as I took Sundays off)
    Final results
    3" from my chest
    2" from waist
    3.5" from hips
    Arms both remained the same
    1" off each thigh
    0.5" off my neck
    12lb weightloss.
    Unfortunately I didn't take before and after photos :(
  • Amy_Andrews
    Amy_Andrews Posts: 106
    Only 5 days left :)
    Chipmunk - I'm afraid to preview RI30! Think I'll wait and preview this weekend.

    Myverticalsmi - congrats and fantastic results!
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    Travlinmel - AWESOME job!!! Congrats!!! :drinker:

    I was finally able to get back into things today so L2D10 done. I feel like I haven't 100% mastered Level 2 but I don't think I'll do well if I continue in Level 2 any longer. I desperately need to move on, so Level 3 tomorrow!

    10 more days!
  • travlinmel101
    travlinmel101 Posts: 243 Member
    Hi all...I took pictures for my personal use :) I can see a difference and I can "feel" a difference in my strength/endurance and my abilities

    Here are the change in my measurements:

    -5 lbs
    -2 inches in each of my thighs
    -2 inches in my chest
    -2.5 inches in my bust
    -3 inches in my waist
    -3.25 inches in my hips
    And, I measured my arms and it seems they stayed the same, but I can tell they look a little more toned (or maybe it’s my shoulders that are more toned, but looks like my arms, too, if that makes sense?)

    Keep on going everyone!!!! You're doing great!
  • Azurastar
    Azurastar Posts: 13 Member
    I started the 30 day shred on Sunday, so I am on day 3 of it on level 1. I like it, but I think I am having issues with form. Because after ever work out, my right knee gives me a hard time. I am also doing C2K5, and am on week 3, and never have any problems with my knee while running. so I am adding it up to bad form, and trying to fix it.
    Good luck!:smile:
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    So I was feeling a little ambitious, and also desperately want to catch up, so I did L3D1 tonight. I LOVED IT!!! SO much better than Level 2!!! I barely had to take any breaks and just felt REALLY strong. I'm so glad I did it because I really needed to feel that strength again! :bigsmile: