Still think 'eating organic' isn't worth it?



  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    The farmers market here has gotten so big that a large grocery store has opened up in it and they sell their regular imported stuff at lower prices so people who just see the price don't pay attention to the big name boxes piling up behind this booth and just buy from there. I really wish the market wouldn't let them vend there.
    Some fruit tastes so much better organic. I cannot buy non-organic apples or grapes anymore.
  • TraceyG1971
    TraceyG1971 Posts: 123
    are you going to pay for my groceries? i buy organic when i can, but sometimes it just too expensive.

    Check your local farmer's markets, also, see what you can grow at home. Sometimes just a few little things help in the big picture. The one good thing is that organic foods are starting to really come down in price. A lot of times fruits and veggies are less than 50 cents more per kg/lb

    Be careful in assuming that the produce at the local farmers market is better than the grocery store. I know that many of the vendors at ours are getting their products from the very same farms in the US and Mexico that the big box stores do. When buying from the farmers market, make sure to ask where their farm is and if it is possible for you to drive by and see it. If they can't answer - walk away and find someone who can.

    I agree. We had a farmer's market that didn't buy local. Notice I said "had". People wouldn't buy from them since they could get the same stuff at the grocery store. They recently closed.
  • sushiaushi
    sushiaushi Posts: 19
  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    I respect the right of others to eat organic, but it isn't for me.

    i don't understand how anyone could say that eating stuff grown from the earth in the way it's been done for thousands of years "isn't for them" in comparison to supporting mega-corps like Monsanto using genetically modified organisms, pesticides, and invasive gene therapy. 1 hour of research into the disgusting business practices of Monsanto should scare anyone.

    the only reason organic is more expensive is because corps like Monsanto have a stranglehold on big farm.

    we shouldn't be calling naturally grown food 'organic'. It's 'normal'. Everything else should get stuck with a name.

    Even the label 'organic' has been co-opted by big business thanks to the US gov't. I know many small farmers in my area that have always been organic... but can't afford the massive fees it can take to now 'prove' you're organic. Those fees and other obstacles were put in place by lobbyists working for Monsanto and other mega-corps.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Another good reason not to eat vegetables!

  • Meecro128
    Meecro128 Posts: 20
    There is little or no health benefits from eating organic.

    "After analyzing the data, the researchers found little significant difference in health benefits between organic and conventional foods. No consistent differences were seen in the vitamin content of organic products, and only one nutrient — phosphorus — was significantly higher in organic versus conventionally grown produce (and the researchers note that because few people have phosphorous deficiency, this has little clinical significance). There was also no difference in protein or fat content between organic and conventional milk, though evidence from a limited number of studies suggested that organic milk may contain significantly higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids."

    "“Some believe that organic food is always healthier and more nutritious,” said Smith-Spangler, who is also an instructor of medicine at the School of Medicine. “We were a little surprised that we didn’t find that.”

    however, the benefits to the environment I'm unsure of. In the example with the farmer who developed neurological problems, yes pesticides can do that. Eating organic though doesn't change that. The pesticides that can cause those issues have been banned and removed from the FDA, but they still may be in the soil and environment causing issues for people that live there.

    What really needs to happen is for us to find more sustainable farming methods, completely removing all pesticides, genetic engineering and so on, probably isn't going to solve all the issues.
  • Project_Jodie
    Project_Jodie Posts: 171
    I respect the right of others to eat organic, but it isn't for me.

    i don't understand how anyone could say that eating stuff grown from the earth in the way it's been done for thousands of years "isn't for them" in comparison to supporting mega-corps like Monsanto using genetically modified organisms, pesticides, and invasive gene therapy. 1 hour of research into the disgusting business practices of Monsanto should scare anyone.

    the only reason organic is more expensive is because corps like Monsanto have a stranglehold on big farm.

    we shouldn't be calling naturally grown food 'organic'. It's 'normal'. Everything else should get stuck with a name.

    Even the label 'organic' has been co-opted by big business thanks to the US gov't. I know many small farmers in my area that have always been organic... but can't afford the massive fees it can take to now 'prove' you're organic. Those fees and other obstacles were put in place by lobbyists working for Monsanto and other mega-corps.


    Well said - I do a combination of buying certified organic where i can and growing from home and shopping at the grocery stores. Do what you can in your budget

    Eating organic is NORMAL and should be for everyone!
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    You're comparing someone who was working with and inhaling this stuff daily in what would appear to be large quantities with eating the odd bit of fruit and veg that isn't organic?

    More scaremongering.

    I'm sure you can do permanent damage inhaling solvents should I stop licking my envelopes to seal them?
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    You're comparing someone who was working with and inhaling this stuff daily in what would appear to be large quantities with eating the odd bit of fruit and veg that isn't organic?

    More scaremongering.

    I'm sure you can do permanent damage inhaling solvents should I stop licking my envelopes to seal them?

    I assume you did not read the article, and scaremongering? Please.


    According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), exposure to alachlor can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, spleen, and eyes, and may lead to the development of anemia and even cancer. The EPA apparently views alachlor as so dangerous, in fact, that the agency has set the maximum contaminant level goals (MCLG) for alachlor to zero in order to “prevent potential health problems.” (

    zero, ZERO contaminant levels. So it is not just 'inhaling' the chemicals, it also includes INGESTING the chemicals. Basic science will tell you that plants sprayed with the chemicals show up in the fruits/veggies that are produced.

    Of course you can do damage inhaling solvents, that's why there are warnings on toxic chemicals telling you to not inhale them.

    Oh, and I quit licking envelopes a long time ago, didn't you watch that one Seinfeld episode?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    March against Monsanto May 25, 2013 in a city, country near YOU.

    Be the change you wish to see!!


  • danchr908
    danchr908 Posts: 6
    Monsanto is responsible for a lot of crap. Those bast'ds have pretty much ruined/destroyed everything they've touched.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I respect the right of others to eat organic, but it isn't for me.

    i don't understand how anyone could say that eating stuff grown from the earth in the way it's been done for thousands of years "isn't for them" in comparison to supporting mega-corps like Monsanto using genetically modified organisms, pesticides, and invasive gene therapy. 1 hour of research into the disgusting business practices of Monsanto should scare anyone.

    the only reason organic is more expensive is because corps like Monsanto have a stranglehold on big farm.

    we shouldn't be calling naturally grown food 'organic'. It's 'normal'. Everything else should get stuck with a name.

    Even the label 'organic' has been co-opted by big business thanks to the US gov't. I know many small farmers in my area that have always been organic... but can't afford the massive fees it can take to now 'prove' you're organic. Those fees and other obstacles were put in place by lobbyists working for Monsanto and other mega-corps.

    Stick to the old ways then,
    We live in a society where we consume genetically modified food, we are genetically modified as well. We take vaccines, antibiotics, medication, etc.

    Your point of argument is invalid,
    now in terms of animal rights and protection of the environment, it is a different story. Now to say it is healthier doesnt make sense
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Yea until you realize the ridiculously low amounts that would be on the fruit vs. someone actually spraying concentrated pesticide. Or the fact that all pesticides have to be water-soluble. You can learn this in a basic health, or bio class....
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I respect the right of others to eat organic, but it isn't for me.

    i don't understand how anyone could say that eating stuff grown from the earth in the way it's been done for thousands of years "isn't for them" in comparison to supporting mega-corps like Monsanto using genetically modified organisms, pesticides, and invasive gene therapy. 1 hour of research into the disgusting business practices of Monsanto should scare anyone.

    the only reason organic is more expensive is because corps like Monsanto have a stranglehold on big farm.

    we shouldn't be calling naturally grown food 'organic'. It's 'normal'. Everything else should get stuck with a name.

    Even the label 'organic' has been co-opted by big business thanks to the US gov't. I know many small farmers in my area that have always been organic... but can't afford the massive fees it can take to now 'prove' you're organic. Those fees and other obstacles were put in place by lobbyists working for Monsanto and other mega-corps.

    Stick to the old ways then,
    We live in a society where we consume genetically modified food, we are genetically modified as well. We take vaccines, antibiotics, medication, etc.

    Your point of argument is invalid,
    now in terms of animal rights and protection of the environment, it is a different story. Now to say it is healthier doesnt make sense

    They need science, and a lesson in critical thinking. Logic fallacies out the *kitten*...
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    So because a farmer inhaled concentrated doses of a chemical, likely over a long period, only organic foods are safe to eat.

    Sounds legit.
  • Didn't read. Theres nothing wrong with eating unogranic foods
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Didn't read. Theres nothing wrong with eating unogranic foods

    animal mistreatment is something I am against, I dont think that you should treat an animal like ****. All forms of life should be respected and instantly killed. animals shouldnt have to suffer
    That doesnt mean I am going to stop eating meat. I buy range free if its available.
  • Didn't read. Theres nothing wrong with eating unogranic foods

    animal mistreatment is something I am against, I dont think that you should treat an animal like ****. All forms of life should be respected and instantly killed. animals shouldnt have to suffer
    That doesnt mean I am going to stop eating meat. I buy range free if its available.

    Organic food does not mean vegetarian. There is such thing as organic meat.

    I personally could care less about the meat, granted I pretty much only eat fish and chicken (for taste purposes), and they generally aren't mistreated as much as cows, but I think about the food, not the animal where it came from
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Didn't read. Theres nothing wrong with eating unogranic foods

    animal mistreatment is something I am against, I dont think that you should treat an animal like ****. All forms of life should be respected and instantly killed. animals shouldnt have to suffer
    That doesnt mean I am going to stop eating meat. I buy range free if its available.

    Organic food does not mean vegetarian. There is such thing as organic meat.

    I personally could care less about the meat, granted I pretty much only eat fish and chicken (for taste purposes), and they generally aren't mistreated as much as cows, but I think about the food, not the animal where it came from

    what are you talking about? I never said anything about vegetarian.
    inorganic meat are animals corn fed, hormone boosters, sometimes the animal is too big to stand up on its own hind legs.
    Most of the inorganic meat is also associated with animal abuse.

    I normally think about the food too but I dont agree with abusing life. The higher demand there is for organic beef, the higher the supply will be and cheaper the food will be
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    I assume you did not read the article, and scaremongering? Please.


    According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), exposure to alachlor can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, spleen, and eyes, and may lead to the development of anemia and even cancer. The EPA apparently views alachlor as so dangerous, in fact, that the agency has set the maximum contaminant level goals (MCLG) for alachlor to zero in order to “prevent potential health problems.” (

    zero, ZERO contaminant levels. So it is not just 'inhaling' the chemicals, it also includes INGESTING the chemicals. Basic science will tell you that plants sprayed with the chemicals show up in the fruits/veggies that are produced.

    Of course you can do damage inhaling solvents, that's why there are warnings on toxic chemicals telling you to not inhale them.

    We're speaking of contamination in drinking water correct?

    As an herbicide, its considered a toxicity class III- slightly toxic by the EPA. With over 50 million pounds used annually since 1990, where are the dead bodies attributed to it?

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