


  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    The first time I attended a Zumba class (last August) I thought I would die 10 minutes into the class. I stuck it out, huffing and puffing, because of peer pressure only. But I went back the next week and the next, and kept doing treadmill (with increasing incline) and doing water jogging. I exercised 5-6 days per week for about an hour each time. Now I've lost about 70 pounds and I ENJOY the Zumba class! You really do have to just keep pushing yourself.
  • cerexflikex
    cerexflikex Posts: 58
    Along with my nutrition I have been trying to pump up my exercising, (completely out of shape) when does it get easier? Seriously, I walked/jogged for a mile and a half with a group of “fit” people and I get really discouraged… I know what everyone’s response to this is going to be, “keep going”, “you will get there”, and I know all of these things. BUT I just feel like giving up seriously, so my question is… Is there anyone out there that can relate to me right now? I know what you all thinking pity party over here.. But really don't really have people that would even remotely understand to talk to so it's just easier to type out my frustration.. Thanks for reading..

    If you're feeling blue and frustrated, watch this true video about a guy named Arthur.. and bookmark it for the next time you feel down:

    Can't help it, that video made me cry.
  • JaimeCST
    JaimeCST Posts: 118
    Honestly I found it better to run alone. If I run with someone else I compare myself to them and try to keep up even when I shouldn't be. I did the C25K and ran a little more each week and for me that was perfect. There were days when I didn't want to do it but I forced myself to get out there and do it and felt so much better afterwards. If running isn't your thing find out what is. Find a video, take a class, dance, walk. Find what works for you and what motivates you. It will never be easy but one day you will realize that you like it and you will set small attainable goals for yourself and then keep push yourself to do more.
  • saroknight
    saroknight Posts: 19
    Honestly the thing that has helped me soooooo much is the couch to 5k running app! I have never been an active person nor have I ever enjoyed sports or any type of physical activity. In high school I was notorious for skipping gym class. However, I wanted to get into shape and so I started with how I ate - incorporating smaller portion sizes and healthier snacks. Then I decided that I should be doing some sort of exercise so after hearing great reviews on this c25k app I decided to give it a try. Without even realizing it I fell in love with running - it gave me such a satisfaction to finish a workout that I never thought possible. You just have to stick with it and for me this app took all the guess work out of it. I felt accomplished after every run.

    Running with a group may discourage you because you are running at the groups pace. You need time to figure out what your comfortable jogging pace is - and if you are a beginner it will most likely be a lot slower then you think you should be going. Work on your endurance and then speed will come.

    Just keep with whatever physical activity works for you though - if you are enjoying it and having fun then it is no longer a workout :)
  • JaimeCST
    JaimeCST Posts: 118
    I'm right there with you. I did the first day of C25K yesterday and thought I was absolutely going to die. I can't imagine the day I jog 30 minutes solid. Seems impossible, but I'm not giving up yet - I just started! Trust me, I HATE IT, but we can do this girl!!!

    I was the same way. I thought I was crazy for even attempting it but now I can easily run 3-4 miles at a time and am so grateful that I stuck with it.
  • avrobin03
    avrobin03 Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for all of your responses, and I totally understand when you say, find something that you like to do, however, I know I'm not going to EVER like jogging, but I WANT to be able to do it.. I don't want to do it or find something else because it's something that I CANNOT do.. (Sorry about all the ",'s" ) I will fosho try out the C25K app.. If anyone else has some good tips please share, I'm always looking for more motivating MFP friends.. And I definatly couldn't keep up with the group even if I wanted to (which I don't want to fool anyone, I did want to). It's a work thing so it's not people that I would normally associate with, but again I want to be able to do it thats kinda what I'm gettin at.. **sigh** Thanks for all the good advice love you all!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I've thought about packing it all in a few times. Like when my joints decide to flake out on me. Or when I've eaten complete crap for three weeks and I feel tired, heavy and in pain.

    But then I realise I'm wearing clothes four sizes smaller, and they're baggy. My bracelet and necklace that were so tight, I had to get somebody else to help me get them on, are hanging loose on me.

    I've had guys hitting on me (in a nice way) when I'm out. I can keep up with an aqua zumba class where others are barely able to catch their breath or complete a single move.

    And I can shift some serious metal poundage.

    I couldn't do and didn't have any of those things when I started.

    Which is why I'm not giving up.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I think being in a group can sometimes be discouraging especially if you tend to be more of a loner. I might focus more on exercises I can do alone and monitor my progress.
  • twestla70
    twestla70 Posts: 28 Member
    I've always felt that way about running, no matter how fit I am. So I do something else for exercise.

    Yep - this is thr truth for me. 2 things I HATE and cannot seem to improve on: Push-ups, and running. So I do other things (i.e. weights and kettlebells) because I like them, so I don't get discouraged - just challenged.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    If it's easy then you are not doing it right. It does not get easy. However you recover quicker and start to look forward to it. Just keep going.
  • seg49
    seg49 Posts: 9
    I started jogging about 5 weeks ago, the first week I could barely make it round the block (1 mile) I was exhausted and out of breath! I kept going for jogs (about 3 times a week) now I'm up to 3 miles in half an hour and noticing a drop in the scales. I never thought I could run for half an hour without stopping but now I can! My next goal is 10km in an hour!! Will take at least a few months. Keep trying, baby steps!! Every run you do you are getting fitter, just increase the distance a tiny bit or try run for a minute longer each time :)
  • toridehaven
    toridehaven Posts: 95
    Seriously, I am right there with you! I have determined that I do way better on my own at my own pace. Because that way I do not compare myself to anyone and I don't get as discouraged. I just started the Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD. It's awesome. I am on day two and actually look forward to the challenge. It's not too hard but I figure its still a great way to get things going and to help me build a healthy work-out habit. But like a lot of other people have said, do what works for you!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I can't tell you how long it will take you, because we're all different, but I can tell you that when it took me about a month to start noticing my endurance getting significantly better.
  • genofreek
    genofreek Posts: 75
    My first time on an elliptical, I had it on the lowest setting and after like a minute and a half I needed to stop. I thought my lungs and heart were going to explode all over the gym walls. It was one serious blow to my ego, facing for the first time in years the fact that yes, it really was that bad. It hurts, but that's where it all begins. You're laying the foundation now for the day when you CAN run as far and fast as you want.

    I'm nowhere near the end of my journey, but yesterday I logged a solid hour on the elliptical, at a much heavier difficulty and faster speed. I felt like a freakin' Olympic sprinter. You'll get it, you can totally have the endurance you want, you just have to suck it up and put in the work.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I just started exercising as well. I find that I always look forward to it (thinking it will be fun), but once I start, I begin to hate it.

    I keep pushing myself through it in hopes it'll get better and be more fun and interesting and give me good results as well.
  • avrobin03
    avrobin03 Posts: 135 Member
    You all are exactly right! I know it will get easier well not easier, just getting use to the feeling.. I'm looking forward to the day when I can go the full mile and a half and not stop.. I will get there, just don't know when..
  • helenme28
    helenme28 Posts: 18
    Thanks so much everyone for all of your responses, and I totally understand when you say, find something that you like to do, however, I know I'm not going to EVER like jogging, but I WANT to be able to do it.. I don't want to do it or find something else because it's something that I CANNOT do.. (Sorry about all the ",'s" ) I will fosho try out the C25K app.. If anyone else has some good tips please share, I'm always looking for more motivating MFP friends.. And I definatly couldn't keep up with the group even if I wanted to (which I don't want to fool anyone, I did want to). It's a work thing so it's not people that I would normally associate with, but again I want to be able to do it thats kinda what I'm gettin at.. **sigh** Thanks for all the good advice love you all!

    A few years ago I had a job that was 3 miles away down a bridal path along the side of a canal, it was all street lit and very safe and well used by commuters so I bought myself a bike and started to cycle in to work. I threw up the first time and every time I passed other cyclists, walkers, joggers etc I actually held my breath because I was panting so badly. I ended up selling the bike and just walked it instead which I could do fine. I wish I could be one of these people that could cycle everywhere but I don't think I will ever be able to do that (And a Spin class will probably kill me!).

    I've just joined my local gym this week and I haven't yet had a proper session (just gone to the hydrotherapy pool and sauna and had a wander round to get the lay of the land) so my first day is coming up this weekend and it is going to HURT.

    Just try to remember that each any every one of the people you are talking about felt the exact same way as you at some point, even if they don't want to admit it.

    “Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.” Marilyn Vos Savant
  • emilydiehl08
    I'm going through the same thing. My eating habits are much better but I hate running. I will never like running. Its painful, its boring, I'm not interested at all. I go on really long walks because I love to walk. I take hikes with my puppy. I run the bases at a local baseball diamond when it's empty. I just started C25K and to be honest, I haven't done great at it. I do a 2 days and then not the third. Then a week later restart. OVER AND OVER. I just find the most sucess if I'm out doing stuff I enjoy, even though it is not hard cardio. I may not be running or jogging but I will walk for hours, and thats ok for me right now.
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    It never gets easier, you only get better and then when you get better, you need to find new challenges.

    ^^This. As you continue just keep remembering how much better you are doing now than when you started. That helps to keep you continuing when you aren't where you think you should be.
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    i want to give up all the time. ive only lost 3 pounds in 16 days and i feel like it should be more. sometimes it seems like no one understands where im coming from but when i get on here and receive all the love and support from complete strangers, it motivates me to keep going. just try not to give up. we win some we lose some its ok