How can I want it so badly, But never follow through?

I hate that we are " creatures of habit" . I used to be tiny. I was 120lbs. over a course of 6 years I gained 50 lbs. It was hard on me because I looked into the mirror and I couldn't believe what I had become. Even though i noticed some of the weight and that my pants were not fitting when i woke up each morning i felt like it happened over night. I lost 20lbs. ( yay!) However I still have 30 more to go. I want it so bad but Its so difficult. I hate being out of shape. I truely do. When I run on the track and have to stop running after 3 laps I feel ashamed. My boyfriend has lost some love for me because not only did I gain this weight I have been saying how Im going to fix it and I don't. I have a hard time doing sit up and push up. My lower back becomes easily hurt and it annoys me because im only 21. im 5'5 I weight 165lbs. I want to weight 130 or less. If I had my way I would be 119 or something like that. I have very large hips and a large butt though. I just need motivation and a way to become consistant. I work 3rd shift so im horrible inconsistant due to my longing for sleep. Any ideas?


  • IBdone09
    IBdone09 Posts: 1
    I have a similar situation, and sometimes if I have an off day like today I beat myself up and think "what's the point? It's not going to work anyway so why bother trying?" I think having someone who's in it with you for support can help, like a workout buddy or someone to help hold you accountable. That way if you're feeling down or lazy or whatever the case may be, you may feel a little more obligated to keep going because you don't want to break the date with your friend. Even if you have different goals, just knowing someone's there to help can be reassuring and encouraging.
  • misssexybelt
    i thought this was something else.. oops lol
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    its eather you dont want it bad enough or you dont know what your doing. Try doing some short burst sprints in intervals instead of long duration running, you might not burn as much in one session but it will help you burn calories through out your day and overall you burn more calories. When you strength train concentrate in compounds movements (exercise that requires more than one muscles group) because they burn a **** more calories during and after your workout then sit ups and bicep curls
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    It's just one healthy choice at a time. Every day you are given choices and you choose how to respond. The healthier the choices, the more it contributes to your ultimate goal. The hardest thing for me is having patience with the process. I've lost 20lbs before, I know it works to stay in a moderate calorie deficit and stay as active as I have time for (usually at least 30 minutes 5 times a week, but some days I do more, and sometimes fewer days a week ... just depends on the week). You don't need to kill yourself to lose weight, but you do need to stay consistent and have a plan that works with your lifestyle. Don't set yourself up for failure by setting your goals too high. Slow and steady, as boring as it sounds, is the way to go.

    Best of luck.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    then you don't want it badly enough.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    then you don't want it badly enough.
    THIS. People who want something bad enough rarely let any obstacles stop them. They usually find a way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    I think a lot of people are in your situation, I know I am. Getting an exercise buddy or a girlfriend will help or an MFP buddy. You can *****, whinge or complain to them and they wont mind. They will keep you honest and to keep being motivated.

    In regards to your boyfriend, I think it is less about your weight and more about the way you might talk and worry about your weight. Maybe it is a little too much talk and he is over it. I know us woman we talk things to death but most men, they only want to hear it once or twice and then they are sooooooo over it. They dont want to hear about our ups and downs but that doesn't mean he is not supportive. It is just that he is a male and they are simply not interested in this part of ours lives. Which is another reason why I suggested an exercise buddy or a girlfriend or MFP buddy. If you have one of these, then you can talk all you want to them. However to your boyfriend, just put in positive energy into your relationship. Work on things that you both enjoy. Maybe he would like to walk with you a couple nights a week. Or some other fun activity that both of you enjoy. Who knows you may find that your relationship might start improving. Plus, you will burn calories laughing, doing something you enjoy and simply getting out and enjoying life.

    Also, you didn't put the weight on overnight, so its not going to come off overnight either. Take it slow and enjoy your new life and before you know it, you will be saying. Damn I look good. ; )

    Good luck
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I hate that we are " creatures of habit" . I used to be tiny. I was 120lbs. over a course of 6 years I gained 50 lbs. It was hard on me because I looked into the mirror and I couldn't believe what I had become. Even though i noticed some of the weight and that my pants were not fitting when i woke up each morning i felt like it happened over night. I lost 20lbs. ( yay!) However I still have 30 more to go. I want it so bad but Its so difficult. I hate being out of shape. I truely do. When I run on the track and have to stop running after 3 laps I feel ashamed. My boyfriend has lost some love for me because not only did I gain this weight I have been saying how Im going to fix it and I don't. I have a hard time doing sit up and push up. My lower back becomes easily hurt and it annoys me because im only 21. im 5'5 I weight 165lbs. I want to weight 130 or less. If I had my way I would be 119 or something like that. I have very large hips and a large butt though. I just need motivation and a way to become consistant. I work 3rd shift so im horrible inconsistant due to my longing for sleep. Any ideas?

    It's all about how bad you want it. Circumstances are ubiquitous to all people, it's what you do in response to them that counts. Also try not to get too wrapped up in equating self-worth with body weight, it's an unhealthy mental approach to life.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” Dr Suess

    "Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

    See what I'm pointing out here? You can also choose how you think about things. Saying we are 'creatures of habit' is a bit of a cop out I'm sorry to say. If you want to change you'll change. And instead of feeling ashamed of 'only' running three laps, you could choose to think "wow, I ran three laps, I bet I can go further tomorrow". As for your boyfriend, I'm not going there. But accepting and loving yourself is probably a good goal to aim for. Best of luck in your decisions.
  • csb25
    csb25 Posts: 2 Member
    Most important: don't beat yourself up about it. I think you have to believe in yourself and have enough self-worth to believe that you deserve to make this change. Something that helps me stay motivated while I'm working out is to visualize where I want to be and the body I want to have, because it helps me keep a positive image in mind even while my body is saying "ow ow ow"!

    I've also really struggled with motivation in the past because of social anxiety which made it really hard to go for a run/go to the gym or even just leave the house in a non-exercising capacity sometimes! Recently I've discovered the wealth of exercise videos there are on youtube, which I find a massive help if I feel like I haven't got the time, money or confidence to go to the gym, I just tell myself to stick on a video! I've just started doing the 30 Day Shred which everyone raves about - maybe you might find it helpful because it's essentially a really basic workout program that tells you what to do each day? I also highly recommend fitness blender HIIT workouts and POP Pilates (this would definitely help you build up lower back strength too!)

    Essentially, just keep on going! Take each day in isolation so that one bad day doesn't write off the whole week as a failure. We have pretty much the same fitness goals and similar stats (I'm 23, 5'5 and 154lb) so I took the liberty of sending you a friend request. If I can help you stay motivated on your journey in any way let me know :) I believe in us!! Chrissy x
  • john0804
    john0804 Posts: 31
    I'm terrible for stopping and starting so this time I'm setting myself prizes for doing over certain goals I can't say if it's working yet though because it's all new lol.

    I will say one thing though I wish I had the stamina to follow through at your age rather than wasting the last 12 years essentially fighting myself, I think you need the confidence boost as well.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I think in the beginning it's easy to be excited but that wears off. You have to develop the habits and commitment to keep going regardless of whether you feel like it or not. That way if you wake up and it's supposed to be a gym day you're not thinking "should I go to the gym?" You're just doing it, because there isn't a choice. Same with food. Make logging, weighing, and measuring second nature. Don't let it be a matter of "if I feel like it," it's just what you do now.
  • Julietecosse
    Julietecosse Posts: 165
    then you don't want it badly enough.

    Thanks for inspiring me today to not overeat as I do want it so much.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member







  • pandsmomCheryl
    pandsmomCheryl Posts: 168 Member
    If at all humanly possible, get off 3rd shift. Read any statistics on it, and you'll see it's truly bad for your health all around.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    then you don't want it badly enough.


    Motivation is irrelevant.

    All that matters is that you GET OFF YOUR BUTT.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    You want sleep more than you want this.

    I Work an odd schedule myself. Twelve hour shifts, days, nights, weekends. Once i figured out how to make my schedule work for ME it became easier.

    But don't think it's still not going to be a struggle.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I went through a month long phase of not caring about my new diet/exercise lifestyle, gained 1.5lbs so wasnt too bad. Then I got back on track and started a new exercise regime, got into 16/l8 IF eating and Im doing great! Iv also got 2 sons, 2yrs old and 7months and the 7month old has just started crawling and the 2 yr old is a terror! Im busy all day but make myself work out 30-60 mins a day 5 days a week and I think to myself, I can sit on my bum for an hour a day so why not use that hour as a workout?
    Im also 5"5 and weigh 153lbs or so now, my goal is 120-130 so wer quite similar. It is hard when you have alot to lose though so you do have to be strong and focused, good luck
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    then you don't want it badly enough.

    This is a little harsh and not very constructive. For some people, like myself, this is true, I finally gave up smoking (20+ years ago) when I really wanted to badly, I started to lose weight when I wanted it badly enough, but that is me and this doesn't apply to everyone. It depends on the type of person they are and personal circumstances.
  • lorijbenson50
    I've found doing zumba 4-5x a week really helped me. I'm dancing having fun and it doesn't feel like a workout at all. I think if you find something you love to do it will be easier to stick with it. Plus you have to be patient. The weight didn't come on over night. It's taken me a year to lose 50lbs and I still have 25 more to go. Everyday is a challenge and I'm not giving up and neither will you.