Atkins/lowcarb anyone?



  • OUFan70
    OUFan70 Posts: 16 Member
    when you cut out carbs you lose alot weight at first but it is mostly water weight and your gona gain it back when you do eat carbs

    You lose water weight first on any diet. You gain weight back on any diet when you go off of it. Its not a keto/atkins thing
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm trying to keep my carbs low since I have PCOS. PCOS and carbs don't get along. I might have to check out this keto diet everyone has mentioned. If you like you can add me.
  • I don't know why you would want to do a ketosis diet. My main problem with extremely low carbohydrate diets is that if you are limiting the amount of total carbohydrates to under 50, or 100 in a 24 hour period, there is no chance in hell you are going to be able to get enough fiber. Fiber itself is a carbohydrate, and it does so much for your health I don't even know where to start.
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Hello! I'm a low-carber too :-))
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    Yes I am in love with the Atkins peanut butter bars and shakes. They are low in carbs, very low in sugar (about 2 grams) and high in protein. They don't have an after taste to me and they satisfy my chocolate craving. I eat them just about every day.
  • FeelGoodNow13
    FeelGoodNow13 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't do diets because they don't work. If you eat right and exercise the weight will come off. Nothing wrong with lowering your carb intake, just make sure its not to low. If its too low your body is not getting even glucose to fuel basically every tissue in your body and you start breaking down muscle to use as fuel.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I did it several years aog and just started it again. I finish my 2nd week of induction Thursday. I just couldn't lose weight now because of my sugar cravings. I've done really good this last 9 or ten days. I lost 8 lbs my 1st week when I weighed myself last Thurs. I'm hoping to lose about the same this thurs. Adtkins has treat bars with no sugar that really helps, but I am probably go at least another week of induction to get over my sugar thing.
    The thing about adtkins is you will lose weight but you have to be carefull when you go off or the weight comes back. I am hoping to stay on adtkins in a moth or so and just add a few more carbs.

    Best of luck to you, why don't you add me to your friend list and we can keep in touch!!

  • suetravstuff
    I am doing a variation of Atkins/keto. I started with a two week induction like Atkins but I am not following any specific plan. I have cut out ALL non vegetable carbs and anything processed from my diet. I eat very little fruit (a few berries and a piece of apple here and there) but I eat a lot of spinach, asparagus and broccoli. I have been eating this way since March 2 of this year and have lost over 30 pounds. My daily summary is generally 60% fat, 30% protein and 10% carbs. I am keeping my net carbs under 20 per day for the most part so I guess that is a keto diet? Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • ktm96
    ktm96 Posts: 61 Member
    are you back to a more normal carb intake? how did you approach maintaining your weight loss?
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm doing low carb 5 days/week and I absolutely love it! I had a carb addiction for a long time and I'm finally getting over it. I don't follow any specific plan but I'd love to offer you support!
  • justamessenger
    Feel free to add me if you want :) I'm doing a keto-y/primal/paleo type deal. Basically consuming original source, local and organic as much as possible, non processed, non mutant foods. My caloric intake is split at about 65% fat/35%protein/5% percent carbs. Still working out the kinks and trying to simplify meals, but it has been enjoyable. I am thinking of eventually adding in a little carb cycling as well and having some fruit and increased veggies/simple carbs for 1.5 to 2 days out of the week. I'll have to track my progress and see how that will fit into things.
  • RamoZimm
    RamoZimm Posts: 95 Member
    I have lowered my carb intake significantly because my doc said I was borderline diabetic. I found that my carb cravings pretty much disappeared after a few weeks. I don't think I'm quite as restricted as I was when I did atkins years ago. It was really hard for me to maintain but that's just me. I still use the protein shakes and snack bars on occasion. Good luck to you. I'm sure with all the great suggestions you've received you'll be just fine!
  • MsTiffany_
    MsTiffany_ Posts: 5 Member
    I am not doing atkins but I am watching my carbs. I try to stay between 50-100 carbs a day but if I go over I don't beat myself up over it.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Another low-carb/Atkins/keto/primal person. I'm diabetic, so I don't have to worry about ever adding carbs back in - I'll be eating this way for the rest of my life.
  • lucyricky2
    lucyricky2 Posts: 443 Member
    i do eat the atkins bars because they are high in protein and low in sugar. It is my treat because i think i am eating a candy bar. I also follow my diet to high protein and low sugar because it is what works for me..
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I am lower carb...I keep my carbs under 100 most days (1400 calories a day) and most days my net is around 50 or less.

    Anyone can feel free to add me! My diary is open to friends.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I've done low carb before and lost 90 pounds. I felt great and seemed to have energy when I cut unnecessary carbs. I gained a lot of weight back when I got pregnant and used the "Im eating for two!" Excuse. Lost all sense of portion control and balanced eating. Low carb is a LIFESTYLE and once you get to the fourth stage, the maintenance phase you do have fruits and whole grains. I went back to low carb again since. I found I have difficulty sticking to low calorie.
    After the first few weeks, I recommend Hershey's sugar free milk chocolate as a great option to help the sweet tooth. One or two mini bars, not the whole bag.
    Feel free to add me, open to anybody for that matter...I've been slacking on entering my food :(
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I personally feel like once you start elliminaing food groups (like low carb) your setting yourself up for failure... it may have a quick fix but once you get to the enough is enough point you'll start eating those foods again and have taught yourself nothing about eating them in moderation... I do use the atkins shakes and protien bars for quick snacks but other than that I'm sticking with my everything in moderation :) Feeling great, energized, and not feeling deprived :)

    Now that I have stopped eating sugary foods (and I never ate a lot of them anyway) and simple carbs, I feel so much better that I never want to go back to eating the higher carb diet I was on. Anything more than about 120 grams of carbs per day and I start to gain weight (even at a supposed "calorie deficit") and I feel sluggish and generally bad. It is essential for me to limit my carbohydrates as I have blood sugar issues (as many, many obese individuals do). I am no longer obese (merely "overweight" now) but I intend to eat this way the rest of my life. I prefer to call it "lower carb" eating (between 70-100 grams to lose weight and below 140 grams to maintain). And I eat "slower carbs" in my selection of carbs--foods lower on the Glycemic Index. Because I have leptin-resistance and was borderline insulin-resistant, it is vital that I stay on this diet. As I said before, there are many, many obese people in this category and "moderation" simply does not work for them. I was on many high-carb, low-fat, low-calorie diets in the past and they either didn't work or, because I did not learn to properly nourish my body in a way that is right for me, I would always regain plus more. I have reduced my weight gradually over the last three years and I have not regained once, because I have finally found a way of eating that is right for me.
  • mairetc
    mairetc Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I have been doing Atkins about 5 weeks now. Had started going to the gym back in November then stopped till Jan started again, was 69kilos in Nov and now 62kilos. Just started on here on Monday and really is very informative. Would love to see some other food diaries to get some ideas. Have been just doing what is handy while working but intend to be more adventurous. Have been giving in to 90% choc and few nuts but compared to what I was eating this cant be bad! Have hols in couple of weeks.