Post weight losses. Hold me accountable (Thanks!)



  • I love hearing about everyone's successes ! I joined this site back in Aug/Sept and it really helped me eat right, tracking is great... I lost nine pounds (started at 157, down to 148). My goal is 132. Then I quit coming to the site, things going on in my life, my mom passed away (which shook me to my core), and lo and behold, I was stress eating (shock)! and slowly putting my hard earned weight back on. I turned it around, got back on track and was pleased that I was able to shed the extra pounds. Today I weighed 149, so not too bad. I am back and ready to track, eat healthy and lose the dang weight . I recognized a lot of the same names as when I was here before, so I feel like I'm coming back to a comfort zone, people who are having the same struggles/issues.. nice to be back. Now drop and give me 10 ! : )
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member

    So sorry to hear about your mom. Mine died in her sleep in 1999 (at 67 yrs old) - great for her, that she didn't suffer - but a huge shock to the rest of us. I feel for you. :flowerforyou:

    You did a great job staying on track! I remember you, glad you are back. People come and go so often that it's kinda hard to keep up! There have been so many success stories, I just love it here.

    Keep us posted on your progress.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    My first goal which is my b-day goal is tomorrow and I am .2 lbs away. I am really watching my salt intake so that I wont be holding onto any water weight for tomorrow. I cant believe I have gone from 209 in June to hopefully to 155 tomorrow. If I do hit that goal tomorrow it will be a great b-day present to myself. :wink:


    Congratulations!!!!!! Happy Birthday to you. That is phenomenal success. Thank you so much for making us :happy: for you.

  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    It's been a rough couple of weeks-hit a plateau & had to change up my exercise a bit. Finally get to record another loss of 2 pounds. Was 198 on 12/3 & 196 this morning.....
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    No weight loss this morning. grrrr
    But my measurements have changed some. So I think that I will do some readjusting this weekend and maybe go find a video this weekend to do.

    Aug 280
    Today 245
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    ~JulieB21, Yay Julie! I've had to do that a couple times, too. It helps with the boredom factor as well.

    ~Eve23, You know, I was going to post measurements on this thread once a month, too. I think I'll start again on that on my Sunday weigh-in. That's really all that counts, anyway.

    Keep it up! Great work, everyone!

  • start: 160
    Current: 139

    i am dieting and excersizing.. but its takin a long time to get this weight off.. so far its been 3 and 1/2 months.. any tips???
  • Try Herbalife my friend? Email me. Thanks
  • I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks, try Herbalife! Email me. Thanks. Joe
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Fuzzbuzz4 , patience, you didn't put all the weight on in 31/2 months did you? You can't realistically expect to lose it all at once. You have done a great job so far, just stick it out. You can do it.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    Fuzzbuzz4 , patience, you didn't put all the weight on in 31/2 months did you? You can't realistically expect to lose it all at once. You have done a great job so far, just stick it out. You can do it.

    I'm with kj. You are right on target. 1-2 pounds a week loss is the healthy recommendation. You've lost 21 pounds! Congratulations!

  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Well I usually post on a Monday when I can but I'll be busy so here we go to date:

    Aug 30 205
    Sept 15 200.2
    Sept 23 197.5
    Oct 1 190.8
    Oct 7 186.2
    Oct 17 185.8
    Oct 25 180.2
    Oct 29 179.4
    Nov 28 174.2
    Dec 2 176.4
    Dec 16 171.6

    Who knows maybe I'll get to my Christmas goal of 170 but I'm not going to sweat it, I know it will all eventually come off. See you in the posts. Have a Merry Christmas ~Karen
  • Thanks for the advice, cmriverside and kjlose!! i just weighed in today at 136.2!!! i guess the diet is getting to my head.. thank u so much tho and good luck on ur endeavors!!!!

  • I started about three weeks ago at 229. I'm below 220 lbs at this time. My goal weight is 175-180 lbs. This website makes tracking exercise and diet easy! I walked 45 minutes this morning. Brrrrr, it's cold, for Southern California, anyways.
  • I started out 6 years ago with baby fat in the stomach after having two kids. I went down 4 sizes and kept it off for 5 years. However, the past year has been not as favorable. I put on a few pounds which I came to this site to lose. Within 2 weeks of joining, I am down to my goal weight. I am going to keep tracking so I don't get off track again.

    Met Goal: 12/15/07. The best part was that was the date I said I wanted to meet. That was the exact morning the scale went down. Can't get better than that.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    Congrats, Tiffany!
  • I started checking this site out about a month and a half ago. I did great (5 pounds in the first couple of weeks). Went on vacation and didn't check in. Good news is I only gained back to my starting weight of 150. I'm starting...again. My goal is 130 by spring.

    Hubby moved the treadmill in front of the television downstairs. It's a great excuse to take some "me time". I never have time to watch TV or exercise (I'm a hockey mom), now two birds with one stone and I don't feel guilty about taking time out. 1/2 hour goes by fast, too when your watching a show.

    The accountability thing is great. Thanks for all the support. This site is awesome.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    congrats on meeting your goal Tiffany:smile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member

    I thought you were taking the day off??!?

    I was looking at your previous post and you are losing 3-6 pound a week. How is that possible? Are you working out and not "eating" your extra calories, or what's the deal-i-o? I started at the same time as you, I have worked the recommended 'program' and I have never lost more that 2-3 pounds a week- and only once managed 3. I ask because I'm really frustrated right now and I'm unable to stick with my plan. I really hope this will pass and I will be able to get a second wind after Christmas. I started Aug-22 at 191 and I just finally hit 170 last week after being stuck at the same POUND for a month. I'm 5'8" or 5'9" and I've even incorporated weights.

    What's your secret? If you say bellydancing I'll be SOOOOO happy cuz I just got my first bellydance DVD today.


    p.s. I can't bring myself to go to the scale today. No "progress report" today.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I know very well the frustration my loss has slowed alot and it is very frustrating. I know the biggest problem is I am not getting out to exercise as much as I need to but I have stayed at or under my calorie allotment. I also walk at least 10000 steps per day. Grrr.

    Karen you seem to be doing something right. What are you doing.

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