help! addicted to sugar



  • I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues

    That's an incredibly offensive and ignorant stance to take.

    I work in substance abuse, so I've spent a ridiculous amount of time reading and researching addiction. Some people are more prone to addiction than others. Sugar is as addictive, if not more than cocaine.

    Completely agree that he is offensive and ignorant and coming from a true sugar addict I know beyond a reasonable doubt that it is real.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    By fearmongering?

    Acg67 ~ No disrespect - but what is your purpose here? To pick arguments or help someone? The OP has identified that she has an issue with sugar/food addiction. She is seeking support, if i'm correct. Your bashing does nothing to help her or anyone here. It's all about the love and support my friend. It's better to be kind and help people - than to be 'right'.

    So please enlighten me, how is fearmongering helpful?
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues
    I have never seen you be nice on here not once it actually is a proven fact you can be addicted to sugar how about you get to know some facts before you go running your mouth eh? to the OP I hear you been there still there what helps for me is to eat more meals through out the day that have things like apples, and I started chewing some gum. Its a battle and not having those things in the house really helps
  • I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues

    That's an incredibly offensive and ignorant stance to take.

    I work in substance abuse, so I've spent a ridiculous amount of time reading and researching addiction. Some people are more prone to addiction than others. Sugar is as addictive, if not more than cocaine.

    I agree. And the extra difficulty that sugar-addicts have is the ubiquitous nature of sugar---it is in SO many processed foods. To get away from it, you have to be very diligent.

    I'm sorry, but sugar is not a narcotic.

    You do have to be diligent, but it is NOT the same as cocaine. That's ridiculous.

    No one is saying that it is a narcotic but it definitely has the same addicting effects on the brain that a narcotic does. Please do your research
  • nothingwithoutHim
    nothingwithoutHim Posts: 140 Member
    get it out of the house! definitely a good first step. commit to accepting that you might feel like crap for a few days while your body recovers from the addicition, but my guess is it would only take a week or so. during cravings have fruit - apples, berries, etc to help you through it.

    good luck I'll be rooting for you!

    ^^^THIS. If sugar is your kryptonite, you must get it out of the house and out of your life.

    I struggle a lot with binge eating (usually with sweets) and I know that the day after a binge, I will be craving more sugar than the world can contain. Realizing that my body feels so much better without all of that sugar has helped tremendously on me cutting back and halting the binging.

    As far as when the craving some fruit (dried or reg) or a square of dark chocolate. It might seem bitter at first, but gradually you'll get used to the taste (trust me!). Plus, one square seems to do the trick (for me) without bringing on any of that gimmemorerightthisverysecond out of control-ness.

    Good luck! I KNOW you can beat this! :flowerforyou:
  • cleanandlean2012
    cleanandlean2012 Posts: 71 Member
    Read James Duigan's Clean and Lean - I used to have several (ok 7-10 chocolate bars / sweet things) every day, and I am not talking small sizes. I have since lost 46lbs using his nutritional plan, essentially removing:

    C - Caffiene (I still have tea and 1 coffee a day)
    R - Refined Sugar - (to satisfy sweet tooth I have maple syrup (1 tbsp) on either fruit and natural yogurt or on top of protein pancakes)
    A - alcohol
    P - Processed foods

    Essentially I use anything that is natural - meats, fish, veg, nuts, seeds, eggs, advocado, berries, apples and 3 litres of water a day.

    Hope it helps.

    PS the first thing people noticed was a fresh glow, clear skin and shiny hair!
  • mok33
    mok33 Posts: 46 Member
    I too have a sugar addiction, and sugar is the enemy... you have to have it out of the house, no cereal, no fruit, no candy and no sugar. First set your food diary to reflect the amount of sugar in your daily diet .... secondly remember that many bodily ills feed on sugar... arthritis, cancer, and probably Alzheimer's... I would tend to guess most of the joint damage in my body ~ besides carrying too much weight ~ is directly a result of the sugar I have consumed in my life time.... will power is not easy.... try to remember that every time you are craving sugar your body is actually craving protein.... have plenty on hand! It can be done...
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    My mother has this problem - what's helped her is having it out of the house.

    And quit eating it cold turkey - don't phase it out., just stop (I know, easier said than done).

    Here is a link that shows if you are craving something, and what some healthy alternatives may be (sorry for the small font, that's just the way it shows up)
    I agree with this person, as a sugar addict i had to just quit cold turkey, and it wasn't easy. When I tried to phase out i fell back into my old ways. best of luck to you, you are totally capable of doing this!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    also don't fall for the sugar free candies those are a trap!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Find one sweet thing that really satisfies you, and work it into your plan in the evenings. I'm not talking a 50-calorie brownie bite or one little square of chocolate; it needs to be satisfying to the point you're content to not have more. For me, that's a blended iced cappuccino (I swear by them -- 155 calories and beyond satisfying). Have it be the last thing you eat before bed so you know all day that you have that to look forward to. It's been a lifesaver for me thus far. A banana with a tablespoon of chocolate syrup is also a very satisfying post-dinner dessert. A serving of cereal can keep you from going insane when you're craving sweets, too. I'm a big fan of pitted prunes, as well...but that's just me. :)

    I don't recommend trying to go cold turkey with sugar. Find things that fit. You could also plan one day a week or every couple of weeks where you allow yourself the things you really crave. Knowing you can have what you're craving at some point goes a long way towards helping you stay on track.
  • What you call fear mongering, others call drawing attention to a real problem some people face.
    It wasn't all that long ago things alcohol addiction were called a moral issues Now they are recognized in the DSM-IV. Addiction is a very real thing, and it doesn't help to shame people. Eating sugar in moderation and having a drink here and there may be doable for you - it's not that case for everyone.

    An alcohol addict who quits cold turkey will seize and die.

    Sugar is not even in the same category as alcohol and narcotics. Addiction is real, but all addictions are not the same. An addiction to sugar or even marijuana is not of the same class as one to alcohol or cocaine/opiates.

    To even suggest as much is irresponsible on your part and only serves to enable people to continue doing something they clearly know is bad for them.

    Not true about an alcohol addict seizing and dying. And sugar addiction has been proven to be in the same category as heroin. Suggesting that people that ARE addicted to sugar can just simply quit is irresponsible on your part and only serves to enable people such as yourself to shame others.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues
    I have never seen you be nice on here not once it actually is a proven fact you can be addicted to sugar how about you get to know some facts before you go running your mouth eh? to the OP I hear you been there still there what helps for me is to eat more meals through out the day that have things like apples, and I started chewing some gum. Its a battle and not having those things in the house really helps

    Proven fact, eh? Gambling and drugs are there but where is sugar? Disorders Fact Sheet.pdf
  • bpaoloni
    bpaoloni Posts: 1 Member
    I can offer some support to the sugar addiction argument. Whether or not you believe it is similar to a narcotic additction, the bottom line is that for some people, including myself, there is a physical reaction with sugar or simple carbs (white flour, pasta, bread etc). Though not what we want to hear, the best way to make it go away is to abstain from those items. As many have posted, its important to avoid all high glycemic foods not just sugar. I only use stevia as a sweetener (pure stevia not the blends that are out there). I have found that low fat plain yogurt sweetened with stevia and some berries satisfies a desire for sweets, but I have to say that since I have been off sugar and other carbs I have been spared the cravings. I don't make those trips to the store for bags and bags of candy anymore. On the flipside, going back to the eating sugar will bring those cravings back in a heartbeat! Bite the bullit - you will feel sooo much better than the sugar makes you feel!!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues
    I have never seen you be nice on here not once it actually is a proven fact you can be addicted to sugar how about you get to know some facts before you go running your mouth eh? to the OP I hear you been there still there what helps for me is to eat more meals through out the day that have things like apples, and I started chewing some gum. Its a battle and not having those things in the house really helps

    Some people try to help. Some people just like to cause problems... And spend a lot of their time doing so.
    I've found that when people have a problem with how other people are living their life, it is a reflection on them more than the person they are trying to put down.
  • I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues

    Once again you should really stay of these conversations because you really DON'T know what you're talking about......get a grip! :explode:

    Says the person who posts animal studies as "proof" of something's existence in humans

    I posted proof but you refused to believe it.....that's your problem not mine and I agree why do you come into these conversations? It's surely not to help with your I said before, it is just that, your opinion. All you want to do is try to shame someone, when in fact it is you and people like you that can't get their heads out of the sand that should be ashamed....You offer no evidence that sugar isn't addictive just your attitude, which sucks by the way.....get a life and stay out of something that you obviously know very LITTLE about.
  • I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues
    I have never seen you be nice on here not once it actually is a proven fact you can be addicted to sugar how about you get to know some facts before you go running your mouth eh? to the OP I hear you been there still there what helps for me is to eat more meals through out the day that have things like apples, and I started chewing some gum. Its a battle and not having those things in the house really helps

    Some people try to help. Some people just like to cause problems... And spend a lot of their time doing so.
    I've found that when people have a problem with how other people are living their life, it is a reflection on them more than the person they are trying to put down.

    Exactly! You nailed him! :flowerforyou:
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues
    I have never seen you be nice on here not once it actually is a proven fact you can be addicted to sugar how about you get to know some facts before you go running your mouth eh? to the OP I hear you been there still there what helps for me is to eat more meals through out the day that have things like apples, and I started chewing some gum. Its a battle and not having those things in the house really helps

    Proven fact, eh? Gambling and drugs are there but where is sugar? Disorders Fact Sheet.pdf

    Have you ever been helpful like ever or just like you faceless obviously fake pics to hide your own problems people are here to make a change they don't need things like this from people like you. Also that site you posted is completely isn't even relevant. lol Even if she did have any of these eating disorders they way you handle yourself is just about the least helpful productive way to present it. Learn some manners and get some tact.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues
    I have never seen you be nice on here not once it actually is a proven fact you can be addicted to sugar how about you get to know some facts before you go running your mouth eh? to the OP I hear you been there still there what helps for me is to eat more meals through out the day that have things like apples, and I started chewing some gum. Its a battle and not having those things in the house really helps

    Some people try to help. Some people just like to cause problems... And spend a lot of their time doing so.
    I've found that when people have a problem with how other people are living their life, it is a reflection on them more than the person they are trying to put down.

    Exactly! You nailed him! :flowerforyou:

    your totally right that's why I put him on ignore he just wants attention lol
  • anyaeri
    anyaeri Posts: 4
    Thank you! I heard about cravings being related to the body lacking something entirely different, I will definitely try this. & I had a feeling the overwhelming response would be to just stop, lool. I've tried, I've been eating candy in place of meals since I was very young so the cravings are pretty terrible, but I'll keep trying :)
  • anyaeri
    anyaeri Posts: 4
    My mother has this problem - what's helped her is having it out of the house.

    And quit eating it cold turkey - don't phase it out., just stop (I know, easier said than done).

    Here is a link that shows if you are craving something, and what some healthy alternatives may be (sorry for the small font, that's just the way it shows up)

    Thank you! I heard about cravings being related to the body lacking something entirely different, I will definitely try this. & I had a feeling the overwhelming response would be to just stop, lool. I've tried, I've been eating candy in place of meals since I was very young so the cravings are pretty terrible, but I'll keep trying :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Have you ever been helpful like ever or just like you faceless obviously fake pics to hide your own problems people are here to make a change they don't need things like this from people like you. Also that site you posted is completely isn't even relevant. lol Even if she did have any of these eating disorders they way you handle yourself is just about the least helpful productive way to present it. Learn some manners and get some tact.

    Actually, he is helpful all the time. People just do not want to listen to what he says as they do not like the way he says it - it does not mean that the information he provides is any less valid.

    Edited to take off quotes.
  • anyaeri
    anyaeri Posts: 4
    Anyone can see you're an intelligent person by the way you write. You're aware of this addiction you have and as cliched as it sounds, that really is the first step. I strongly recommend you get some help, whether it is seeing a doctor, psychologist, or even attending a meeting in your area like the previous poster suggested. The feelings of guilt and shame associated with addiction are tremendous and they make it hard to think straight, which is why some people have what is called a "moment of clarity." However you can choose at any time to take steps towards a brighter future. I think you've probably tried stopping cold turkey before and it didn't work. That doesn't mean anything about you, it just means that idea didn't work. Accept that you'll eat sugar today, tomorrow, and the next day. But over time, if you take positive steps you can reduce it until it was just a dim memory in your past. Take care :)

    Thank you so much, and your very insightful. I'm a student and still live at home with my family so they have an idea of how reckless my sugar consumption has become. Although we've worked together to change what we keep in our cabinets, to stop buying sugar completely wouldn't be fair to the other three people in the house. Yes I have tried to stop on my own a million times, and yes my parents actually wanted me to speak to someone about it a couple years ago but I totally dismissed it because I thought that would be unnecessary and ridiculous. Now it doesn't seem as ridiculous, but I want to try and defeat this on my own first. So, i'm going to definitely start with your suggestion of meeting with a doctor :)
  • Tanana66
    Tanana66 Posts: 84 Member
    And quit eating it cold turkey - don't phase it out., just stop (I know, easier said than done).

    This. If you want to quit sugar, just quit. The first week or so will be hell, but it will get easier, and after a while you won't even miss it. Trust me. I used to be the biggest sugar junkie ever.

    True story. Sugar causes insulin production to increase in the body in order to get your blood glucose levels back to where they need to be. This causes a perpetual desire for sugar because it gives the feeling of a "crash". Quit cold turkey is the best advice I have seen. It helps your body to basically reset your blood sugar and insulin levels back to normal. And yes, it will be hard at first. Like any addiction and yes, you can call it an addiction because that is literally what it is, it has positive and negative "coming down" symptoms. In the beginning it feels like a lot more negative. Constant cravings, lethargy, ,possible headaches, light headed and more. In the long run though, it will be so much better for you. You will feel more energetic without it after a few weeks, your body will learn to function without it, allowing you to focus better on the rest of your weight loss and fitness goals.

    I cut out soda cold turkey this last Easter Sunday. It was hard. I was miserable for the first week. And by the end of week three I noticed a huge increase in my energy. I was getting up an hour earlier every day than my alarm whereas before I was hitting the snooze button 2-3 times. I went from drinking 60+ oz of soda a day to none. It was a little bit of sugar and caffeine addiction I am sure but I have never felt better in my life than I do now without it. It jump started my weight loss journey too and allowed me more energy so that I could start working out which in itself gave me more energy! It becomes a very good cycle when you break your addictions.

    Before making any drastic changes with your diet though, be sure to check with a doctor or dietician. If you by chance happen to be diabetic without knowing it, any advice followed by someone who is not a doctor or dietician could spin you into something bad. But if your doctor says it is ok to quit cold turkey, go for it! I was pre-diabetic and had to really focus on what that was going to do to my future and the future of my family in order to quit.

    This! I was addicted and I kicked it. Every now and then it comes back but I fight it with protein and more protein and I avoid sugary carbs including fruit until I am in control again. It is the only way for me to avoid the cravings. It is not too hard, the peace of mind and a huge relief once you sugar levels go back to normal are great.
    You can do it! Don't worry about the calories until you are sugar free. Keeping busy does help too.
    Good luck!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    By fearmongering?

    Fear mongering (or scaremongering or scare tactics) is the use of fear to influence the opinions and actions of others towards some specific end. The feared object or subject is sometimes exaggerated, and the pattern of fear mongering is usually one of repetition, in order to continuously reinforce the intended effects of this tactic, sometimes in the form of a vicious circle.

    There is no specific end other than sharing knowledge
    There is no fear of the subject, so that isn't exaggerated.
    No repetition, an article was posted and left at that.

    How is explaining how something works and validating someone's experience threaten or frighten you so that you need to insult and lash out so viciously?
    Someone else having a (posible) addiction to sugar doesn't impact you.
    The fact that there is a chemical process that causes addiction doesn't impact you.
    The fact that things are addictive doesn't impact you.
    If something is observed in mice it doesn't impact you.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues

    Once again you should really stay of these conversations because you really DON'T know what you're talking about......get a grip! :explode:

    Says the person who posts animal studies as "proof" of something's existence in humans

    I posted proof but you refused to believe it.....that's your problem not mine and I agree why do you come into these conversations? It's surely not to help with your I said before, it is just that, your opinion. All you want to do is try to shame someone, when in fact it is you and people like you that can't get their heads out of the sand that should be ashamed....You offer no evidence that sugar isn't addictive just your attitude, which sucks by the way.....get a life and stay out of something that you obviously know very LITTLE about.

    Lol and I asked if all animal studies are directly applicable to humans every single instance. You presented a possibility of sugar addiction in rats and mice, which if you want to consider proof, well your idea of proof and mine are totally different. I guess there is no need for drug testing on humans, if it works on rats/mice, just send it right into production

    Some people try to help. Some people just like to cause problems... And spend a lot of their time doing so.
    I've found that when people have a problem with how other people are living their life, it is a reflection on them more than the person they are trying to put down.

    Yes, telling someone to take responsibility for their issues is def putting someone down, my bad
    Have you ever been helpful like ever or just like you faceless obviously fake pics to hide your own problems people are here to make a change they don't need things like this from people like you. Also that site you posted is completely isn't even relevant. lol Even if she did have any of these eating disorders they way you handle yourself is just about the least helpful productive way to present it. Learn some manners and get some tact.

    Yup, it's all photoshop. Also I posted a link to the updated changes to the DSM, since it does deal with gambling addiction, drug abuse, alcoholism etc, the closest thing to "sugar addiction" was eating disorder in the DSM as it was nowhere else to be found. But you're right not relevant at all. What do your personal attacks say about you? hmmm
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I believe i'm seriously addicted, and that if not for this addiction I wouldn't be as overweight as I am. Any suggestions on how I can start phasing out the amount of candy & sugar I eat? Maybe some healthy alternatives that can satisfy my cravings :sick:

    Maybe the first step should be, stop trying to blame "sugar addiction" if there is even such a thing and take responsibility for your weight issues

    Once again you should really stay of these conversations because you really DON'T know what you're talking about......get a grip! :explode:

    Says the person who posts animal studies as "proof" of something's existence in humans

    I posted proof but you refused to believe it.....that's your problem not mine and I agree why do you come into these conversations? It's surely not to help with your I said before, it is just that, your opinion. All you want to do is try to shame someone, when in fact it is you and people like you that can't get their heads out of the sand that should be ashamed....You offer no evidence that sugar isn't addictive just your attitude, which sucks by the way.....get a life and stay out of something that you obviously know very LITTLE about.

    Lol and I asked if all animal studies are directly applicable to humans every single instance. You presented a possibility of sugar addiction in rats and mice, which if you want to consider proof, well your idea of proof and mine are totally different. I guess there is no need for drug testing on humans, if it works on rats/mice, just send it right into production

    Some people try to help. Some people just like to cause problems... And spend a lot of their time doing so.
    I've found that when people have a problem with how other people are living their life, it is a reflection on them more than the person they are trying to put down.

    Yes, telling someone to take responsibility for their issues is def putting someone down, my bad
    Have you ever been helpful like ever or just like you faceless obviously fake pics to hide your own problems people are here to make a change they don't need things like this from people like you. Also that site you posted is completely isn't even relevant. lol Even if she did have any of these eating disorders they way you handle yourself is just about the least helpful productive way to present it. Learn some manners and get some tact.

    Yup, it's all photoshop. Also I posted a link to the updated changes to the DSM, since it does deal with gambling addiction, drug abuse, alcoholism etc, the closest thing to "sugar addiction" was eating disorder in the DSM as it was nowhere else to be found. But you're right not relevant at all. What do your personal attacks say about you? hmmm

    This will be the last time I waste my time on your opinions based on pure ignorance. As I have stated before, there have been studies done on HUMANS via brain scans......brain scans don't lie. Did you forget to read that or are you just arguing again for the sake of arguing? I believe the latter. Once again, NOTHING you or anyone else can say will ever make me believe you know what you're talking about. I live this addiction, do you? Obviously not or you would cease to argue over go play, I believe I hear your mommy calling you little man.

    These are the 4 links you provided as "proof"

    lol hyman
    This review summarizes evidence of sugar dependence in an animal model.
    What this review demonstrates is that rats with intermittent access to food and a sugar solution can show both a constellation of behaviors and parallel brain changes that are characteristic of rats that voluntarily self-administer addictive drugs.
    A Princeton University scientist presented new evidence demonstrating that sugar can be an addictive substance, wielding its power over the brains of lab animals in a manner similar to many drugs of abuse.

  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Just to point out, you're taking different people's responses and putting them together like they came from the same person. It makes much less sense that way, and your argument loses some of its validity.
  • Anyone can see you're an intelligent person by the way you write. You're aware of this addiction you have and as cliched as it sounds, that really is the first step. I strongly recommend you get some help, whether it is seeing a doctor, psychologist, or even attending a meeting in your area like the previous poster suggested. The feelings of guilt and shame associated with addiction are tremendous and they make it hard to think straight, which is why some people have what is called a "moment of clarity." However you can choose at any time to take steps towards a brighter future. I think you've probably tried stopping cold turkey before and it didn't work. That doesn't mean anything about you, it just means that idea didn't work. Accept that you'll eat sugar today, tomorrow, and the next day. But over time, if you take positive steps you can reduce it until it was just a dim memory in your past. Take care :)

    Thank you so much, and your very insightful. I'm a student and still live at home with my family so they have an idea of how reckless my sugar consumption has become. Although we've worked together to change what we keep in our cabinets, to stop buying sugar completely wouldn't be fair to the other three people in the house. Yes I have tried to stop on my own a million times, and yes my parents actually wanted me to speak to someone about it a couple years ago but I totally dismissed it because I thought that would be unnecessary and ridiculous. Now it doesn't seem as ridiculous, but I want to try and defeat this on my own first. So, i'm going to definitely start with your suggestion of meeting with a doctor :)

    Regardless of some of the opinions given on this subject, sugar addiction is real and has been proven as such and it should be treated like any other addiction. Seek the help of someone that understand addiction and is able to treat it. Good luck.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    I am also addicted to sugar, which happens to be my crack. :laugh:

    I've found that I just don't it on a regular basis. I'll have an ice cream sandwich or something else occasionally but I totally can't trust myself with candy. :noway:
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232

    Addicted to Sugar = Lack of Will-Power and dedication.